DeathCubeK said:I'd hate to be reading this forum half way through the series if you did.
Yeah....that's a valid point.
Grinchy said:lol herp derp
I knew someone would do this.....
DeathCubeK said:I'd hate to be reading this forum half way through the series if you did.
Grinchy said:lol herp derp
JoJoShabadoo said:Still, it's a poor argument. Even in the small chance that something like that happens, WHY INCLUDE IT IN THE SHOW? What the fuck was Vince thinking?
Al-ibn Kermit said:What the hell is wrong with you people, moaning that Gus didn't die realistically. BB is a great show that's masterfully written, let the goddamn writers have some fun. Nobody watches the show for the science, right?
JoJoShabadoo said:Still, it's a poor argument. Even in the small chance that something like that happens, WHY INCLUDE IT IN THE SHOW? What the fuck was Vince thinking?
I can't believe that the explosion was that powerful to blow the door off its hinges a good ten or twelve feet away, but not powerful enough to at least dismember Gus and kill him instantly. Shock is believable sure, but I don't see how he'd have the cognitive ability to get up and walk away since his head obviously took the main force of the explosion. I don't see how that would not instantly cause catastrophic brain damage that would at least render him unable to move and coordinate, if not knock him unconscious immediately.Copernicus said:The bomb was under tio. Tio was the barrier.
You clearly see Gus react and start moving away from tio. That explains the two face look.
10 seconds of life and his obvious look of daze, that's called shock.
Feel free to go look through some gore videos if you want to see the kind of crazy shit people can live through.
No I meant that his body being in tact and having the ability to walk away was impossible, not the fact that he was killed by an explosion.Battersea Power Station said:Weren't you just saying Gus' death was impossible? Now you're saying it's not just possible, but it should've been even swifter.
Are you kidding me? Let them have some fun? What are they, grade schoolers? This is these peoples' jobs. Fuck fun. Do your goddamn job correctly.Al-ibn Kermit said:What the hell is wrong with you people, moaning that Gus didn't die realistically. BB is a great show that's masterfully written, let the goddamn writers have some fun. Nobody watches the show for the science, right?
KHarvey16 said:Are you kidding me? Now not only do the scenarios in a fictional television show have to be realistic, they have to be probable as well? How probable is ANY OF THIS SHOW? If Vince Gilligan sat down and wrote a probable season of Breaking Bad, it would be Walter White dying of cancer as a depressed chemistry teacher. Talk about entertainment!
q_q said:I can't believe that the explosion was that powerful to blow the door off its hinges a good ten or twelve feet away, but not powerful enough to at least dismember Gus and kill him instantly. Shock is believable sure, but I don't see how he'd have the cognitive ability to get up and walk away since his head obviously took the main force of the explosion. I don't see how that would not instantly cause catastrophic brain damage that would at least render him unable to move and coordinate, if not knock him unconscious immediately.
KHarvey16 said:Simple question: why do you deem yourself capable of determining what is and what is not realistic or possible in this situation? Do you feel common sense applies to explosions? What assumptions have you made, and why do you feel they are justified?
If we want to discuss realism, I'll have that discussion with you, but no one wants me to have that discussion with you. (because it's a tv show, dammit.)
Even if it was just the stilted walk and then him dropping to the ground, it would have been maybe a tad much but I still would have been fine with it. Having him adjust his tie (OMGZ WHAT A BADASS) was so fucking self-indulgent and irresponsible.JoJoShabadoo said:It's one thing to have a decapitated head on an exploding turtle. It's another to have a main character have his final moments be adjusting his tie with half his face missing. It was shit, even Lost had more class than that. They could have come up with 100 different scenarios more iconic and memorable than that without going to the extreme.
Why does everyone keep talking like this was some conscious action on Gus' part?JoJoShabadoo said:It's one thing to have a decapitated head on an exploding turtle. It's another to have a main character have his final moments be adjusting his tie with half his face missing. It was shit, even Lost had more class than that. They could have come up with 100 different scenarios more iconic and memorable than that without going to the extreme.
shadyspace said:irresponsible.
q_q said:I can't believe that the explosion was that powerful to blow the door off its hinges a good ten or twelve feet away, but not powerful enough to at least dismember Gus and kill him instantly. Shock is believable sure, but I don't see how he'd have the cognitive ability to get up and walk away since his head obviously took the main force of the explosion. I don't see how that would not instantly cause catastrophic brain damage that would at least render him unable to move and coordinate, if not knock him unconscious immediately.
mamacint said:Why does everyone keep talking like this was some conscious action on Gus' part?
markot said:You morons seem to completely ignore that dark humour is part of the series since the first episode >.<
Stop being such drama queens.
JoJoShabadoo said:We're talking like this was a conscious action on the writer's part.
Why are we not allowed to talk about it? Can't we admit that it fits in with the show's themes but still have a problem with how it was coordinated and carried out? Why do we have to love every aspect of the show or none at all?markot said:You morons seem to completely ignore that dark humour is part of the series since the first episode >.<
Stop being such drama queens.
Bet you guys were annoyed by the bomb bit in Dr Strangelove too. 'OMG DONT ACT LIKE THAT ON A NUKE HOW INDULGENT!'
We've already seen he's needlessly obsessive about things like his clothing (taking off his coat and gently folding it when he's in the cartel's bathroom). It's not wild to hear someone in a state of shock say/do things completely unimportant to the mortal wound they just suffered.JoJoShabadoo said:We're talking like this was a conscious action on the writer's part.
FACE OFF bro.JoJoShabadoo said:Walt taking a gun out of a bag and taking the bag downstairs to murder Krazy 8 instead of the gun is black humor. John Travolta shooting Marvin in the face in accident is black humor. Fargo is black humor. Gus walking out of a room with half his face missing and adjusting his tie is fancition level shit.
shadyspace said:Are you kidding me? Let them have some fun? What are they, grade schoolers? This is these peoples' jobs. Fuck fun. Do your goddamn job correctly.
FrenchMovieTheme said:holy fuck there are a lot of whiny douchers in this thread lolol
Akia said:Anyone want to comment on Gus' lawyer playing a role in Season 5?
shadyspace said:Are you kidding me? Let them have some fun? What are they, grade schoolers? This is these peoples' jobs. Fuck fun. Do your goddamn job correctly.
q_q said:I would disagree. The plane crash was convoluted and unrealistic to a degree, but it was at least physically possible. Gus's death was literally impossible. It's by far the worst thing the series has seen. A close second is the Twins' attempt to kill Hank.
Ikuu said:I was about to reply then I saw who posted this, lol.
The only thing that makes me mad is how they allowed that to leak weeks before airing.Puddles said:The people complaining about Two-Face Gus are the reason we can't have nice things.
Don't know about the other posters here, but for me, I get that and I dig it. I was just pointing out originally that I felt it was way less believable than the plane crash. Not saying it ruins the show or that it shouldn't have been there. I loved the finale and I loved the progression toward Gus's death and the way it was orchestrated, even though I felt the walking away part was a bit too much. BB has always required a bit of suspension of disbelief, and sometimes I feel like it's a bit too much, but I can respect the show for what it is.markot said:To me its like the plane crash, I dont get 'why' people have a problem with things like that, and the whole 'realism' aspect.
And lets be honest, its more real than CSI, but its still a drama that takes liberties, if you cant suspend your belief sometimes, then you shouldnt really be watching this, or any, show. Hate to see how you guys react to LOTR >.>
They are all story elements, they pull a punch, they try to be over the top sometimes, they try to be subtle, they try to play on our emotions.
Imo, they wanted to give Gus a fitting farewell, for such an integral character, his final scene was him in control, as he died. It was over the top, but it was meant to be, it was a ! to the characters final line. A bang instead of a whimper.
I'll agree, I don't get why people hate it. The plance crash was one of the only things I heard about the story before I started watching and I was waiting to see what it was and why it was so bad and then....ok. It had no impact on the story moving forward, her dad was just an ATC and fucked up while depressed. It was way more believable than the movie Pushing Tinmarkot said:To me its like the plane crash, I dont get 'why' people have a problem with things like that, and the whole 'realism' aspect.
And lets be honest, its more real than CSI, but its still a drama that takes liberties, if you cant suspend your belief sometimes, then you shouldnt really be watching this, or any, show. Hate to see how you guys react to LOTR >.>
They are all story elements, they pull a punch, they try to be over the top sometimes, they try to be subtle, they try to play on our emotions.
Imo, they wanted to give Gus a fitting farewell, for such an integral character, his final scene was him in control, as he died. It was over the top, but it was meant to be, it was a ! to the characters final line. A bang instead of a whimper.
*imagines Gus*DeathCubeK said:I suppose the writers assumed we, the audience were mature enough to deal with some tongue in cheek humour. Huh guess they were wrong
It happens all* the time!maharg said:I have no issue with the plane crash or Gus' exit, but I find the collision more implausible on a practical level. The human body is shockingly resilient, and shock a powerful thing. But two airplanes in clear skies with pilots who aren't crazy/dead/sick crashing into each other because of poor advice from a flight controller? That's pretty damn unlikely.
Different works of fiction ask of their audience different levels of suspension of disbelief. No one would be questioning Gus's death if it took place in a Robert Rodriguez film. You haphazardly invoking Lord of the Rings of all things reveal you aren't capable of understanding that.markot said:To me its like the plane crash, I dont get 'why' people have a problem with things like that, and the whole 'realism' aspect.
And lets be honest, its more real than CSI, but its still a drama that takes liberties, if you cant suspend your belief sometimes, then you shouldnt really be watching this, or any, show. Hate to see how you guys react to LOTR >.>
They are all story elements, they pull a punch, they try to be over the top sometimes, they try to be subtle, they try to play on our emotions.
Imo, they wanted to give Gus a fitting farewell, for such an integral character, his final scene was him in control, as he died. It was over the top, but it was meant to be, it was a ! to the characters final line. A bang instead of a whimper.
markot said:It happens all* the time!
*Well it does happen, a few times, most recent and biggest I can think of is the Russian school kids plane crash in Spain.
From my knowledge of those terrible plane crash shows, pilots are given a warning that they are getting too close, and then they both pull up for instance, and bam. Ground control is meant to a: Make sure they never get too close, but also make sure if they do, they go in opposite directions and fly at different levels.
markot said:It happens all* the time!
*Well it does happen, a few times, most recent and biggest I can think of is the Russian school kids plane crash in Spain.
From my knowledge of those terrible plane crash shows, pilots are given a warning that they are getting too close, and then they both pull up for instance, and bam. Ground control is meant to a: Make sure they never get too close, but also make sure if they do, they go in opposite directions and fly at different levels.
Easy, security footage at the retirement home. The cops are going to want to see who brought the old man the explosives. Gus might have been careful with his footage but they had no control over the retirement home's recording.SpeedingUptoStop said:I just gotta wonder how they'd do that. God himself could've have made a cleaner getaway for Walt. All the deaths are on Tio, maybe even the cartel in retaliation. Same goes for the super lab and the bodies inside. The only way somebody would come after Walt is if they actually knew he was the one making the meth and they wanted more. Trouble is, Gus revealed tht Jesse was the mastermind. Then he killed everyone that knew, too. So yea, Gilligan's got a bit of a doozy ahead of him if he wants to write that into the final 16 episodes.
PersonaX said: