I absolutely loved the final episode, I loved the look on Hector's face before he started ringing his bell, and the look on Gus's face when he screamed before he got blown up.
I like to imagine what he must have been thinking at that moment before the boom if it was real. I thought the bit where he walked out with half his face blown off, how hector managed to get the bomb. I wonder if he thought it was Walter or Jesse or if it was someone left from the Cartel, although there was no Cartel left... Either way it was brilliantly done.
I thought the few seconds where Gus walked out of the room alive was one of the most bullshit and far-fetched things I've ever seen on TV. Especially how he adjusted his Tie, but I guess they wanted viewers to shit themselves that he survived. I re-watched that part about 10 times, it was so awesomely gorey, the way the eye stem twitches in his skull as he looks around, fucken awesome. At first sight I thought he was some kind of Terminator or some shit and I was about to lose my shit and hate the show, but then he fell over. So so awesome.
I think Walt tells Skyler too much, he's a bit too forthcoming about how much she's willing to take I think. Walt has been pissing me off for a while now, he's such a fucken cunt, and after seeing that he was the one that poisoned Brock, I just stared at the screen in disbelief. Personally, I reckon the Director and producers told whoever the actor is who plays Walt that his character didn't poison Brock for the performance that he gave Jessie the night that he came to kill him, although I want to watch it again from there to check Walts behavior for any clues of him doing it other than the plant in his backyard. When the fuck would he have gotten the time to do it, and how could he have done it, it seems like a bit of a plot hole to me, and when could he have taken the Ricen from Jessie? I just dunno...
This is where I think the series will go from here.
1. There was a massive chemical fire at the laundry in which the DEA will discover the massive meth lab and tie Gus Fring to it, this will unravel his entire enterprise. The fact that he was blown up by the last surviving member of the Mexican Drug Cartel will re-enforce matters in the DEA's mind, however, they will also know that Hector must have had an accomplice because he couldn't have gotten the bomb otherwise. Hank will be seen as "king shit" because he's the only one that really saw it and no one listened to him, he's also going to be the one harping on about the fact that the "big boss" is still out there or someone anyway.
2. Gus was protected from being killed by the Cartel somehow due to some connection to Chile, something so dreadful and big in Chile was protecting him that even the Cartel was afraid to kill him, they had the opportunity but didn't do it, why? Now that he's dead, some sort of king killer revenge bullshit will be coming looking for whoever helped Hector from Chile, that will be Walts new "fear".
3. Jessie is going to find out and see that Walt has the berries that poisoned Brock in his back yard at some point I think... This isn't a definite, but just a maybe. I think that Walt and Jessie will perhaps move to take over Gus's empire, but they won't be able to use his infrastructure because the DEA is going to close down Pollo's. Walt is definitely going to keep cooking though, he's addicted to his "bad arseness" now and he loves the rush and he feels invincible, perhaps his cancer will come back (or already has and he hasn't told anyone, he's been coughing more again lately like at the start) and because most of the money is gone he's going to have to start up again, the fact that "the blue" is out there again is going to be the thing that convinces Hank that the "big boss" is still out there.
4. Then there is Mike who is going to come back to find this entire shit storm who will be either hunting Walt or is at least out of a job, I don't know what I think will happen with Mike, but I think there's got to be something juicy there...
5. Walt just strolled into the lab and killed those dudes forcing Jessie to work. He then dropped the gun on the floor, now if I remember correctly he bought that gun from a black market dude so it's untracable, however what are the chances that a print or some evidence of Walt or Jessie survives the inferno at the Laundry? What about all the video footage of them cooking that has to be on Gus's laptop at Pollo's? Or were the cameras just live? There are so many potential angles for them to get caught out, was there a security camera at the old folks home that shows Walt visiting Hector? What about a highway camera or road camera that shows him driving in there? There is potentially all of these things... I think it's almost clear that Hank has to find out about Walt sooner or later, but will he still arrest him? Will Walt be able to weasel his way out of it somehow?
For people saying its all just too up in the air, well yeah - it certainly is, but there are so many places for the series to go, I really hope they're not planning in canceling it!!