Thanks, I was watching the show. Completely missing the point. Walt had an out that would have saved himself and his family from all the shit he's piled onto them and the lies he's told them, and he didn't take it until there was nothing left to do. This has been a running theme throughout the show. Every time Walt is given an olive branch from the sane and rational world, he shoves it aside and kills someone instead.
Tio getting revenge on Gus rubbed me the wrong way. Unlike Gus, I held zero sympathy for his situation considering how shit of a human being he was before becoming wheel chair bound.
You could probably argue it's meant to rub you the wrong way, or not really make you feel anything. He was just used by Walt. And why did you spoiler this?
On the most recent Insider Podcast, I think Gilligan inadvertently revealed that Huel did in fact lift the cigarette pack. While explaining the confrontation between Jesse and Walt in episode 12, he recounts Jesse's accusation to Walt, saying, "You had Saul help, and you had Huel get it off me". Those of you that remember the scene will recall that there was no mention of Huel.
On the most recent Insider Podcast, I think Gilligan inadvertently revealed that Huel did in fact lift the cigarette pack. While explaining the confrontation between Jesse and Walt in episode 12, he recounts Jesse's accusation to Walt, saying, "You had Saul help, and you had Huel get it off me". Those of you that remember the scene will recall that there was no mention of Huel.
In a couple of the reviews of the finale, the writers say that Gilligan definitively told them that Huel did take the cigarette from Jesse, so I don't think it was inadvertent.
I predict Walt will spend a good 3 eps in the next season just clearing-up loose ends. With another set of eps rebuilding the empire. He will become an ass in the process. Ultimately the tape of Walt confessing from season one will be the shocking end of it all, but I think he will go down not incriminating Jesse/Skyler.
I predict Walt will spend a good 3 eps in the next season just clearing-up loose ends. With another set of eps rebuilding the empire. He will become an ass in the process. Ultimately the tape of Walt confessing from season one will be the shocking end of it all, but I think he will go down not incriminating Jesse/Skyler.
Was Jesse's mistaken assumption that Gus had poisoned Brock the only reason why Jesse wanted Gus dead? Despite their arguments and differences, Jesse wouldn't let Gus kill Walt. But Gus was planning to kill Walt, so I don't see why Jesse is acting like Gus was completely innocent in these affairs and didn't deserve to die.
It was either Gus or Walt, and Jesse would still pick Walt even if he didn't believe that Gus had poisoned a child.
Was Jesse's mistaken assumption that Gus had poisoned Brock the only reason why Jesse wanted Gus dead? Despite their arguments and differences, Jesse wouldn't let Gus kill Walt. But Gus was planning to kill Walt, so I don't see why Jesse is acting like Gus was completely innocent in these affairs and didn't deserve to die.
It was either Gus or Walt, and Jesse would still pick Walt even if he didn't believe that Gus had poisoned a child.
I get that, but despite Jesse's "tough-guy, get-the-fuck-outta-here" attitude, he still cares for Walt. Walt was in mortal danger from Gus, who wanted him dead. So they do what they have to do and kill Gus. I just don't understand why Jesse was so upset. Yes, Jesse, I realize you felt important under Gus and that he made you feel worthwhile. But you still won't let Walt be murdered. So what if Gus didn't poison Brock? He was still planning on killing Walt and his entire family. It's not like the man was an innocent bystander.
That spoiler is retarded man, i expected to be able to highlight it cause we are on the Breaking Bad thread so i did and now ive been spoiled on literally the ending of a series i havent seen yet.
fuckin brilliant, thank you very much.
What are you trying to do with putting a spoiler and not telling where its from? how could anyone possibly know what that spoiler is about? what makes one able to highlight it when no one knows what the fuck youre talking about? jesus christ man.
Opened a man's throat with a box cutter. Threatened a man's entire family with every intention of making good on that threat. Tried to have two of his employees killed. Plus probably at least a few dozen other murders that he's either carried out himself or ordered over the years.
Comparing Walt and Gus as murderers is ridiculous. They aren't even close to the same league. It's like comparing reilo and Kobe Bryant as basketball players.
That spoiler is retarded man, i expected to be able to highlight it cause we are on the Breaking Bad thread so i did and now ive been spoiled on literally the ending of a series i havent seen yet.
fuckin brilliant, thank you very much.
What are you trying to do with putting a spoiler and not telling where its from? how could anyone possibly know what that spoiler is about? what makes one able to highlight it when no one knows what the fuck youre talking about? jesus christ man.
I got up to Season 6 of The Shield (there are 7 in total), and I've been meaning to finish it one of these weekends. If those spoilers are true, I won't be pissed.
But seriously, if you guys haven't watched The Shield and are looking for a good series to tide you over, I highly recommend it.
That said, comparing Walt to Vic Mackey is a stretch. That's all I'll say for now. But you only need to watch The Shield's very first episode to understand why.
I got up to Season 6 of The Shield (there are 7 in total), and I've been meaning to finish it one of these weekends. If those spoilers are true, I won't be pissed.
But seriously, if you guys haven't watched The Shield and are looking for a good series to tide you over, I highly recommend it.
That said, comparing Walt to Vic Mackey is a stretch. That's all I'll say for now. But you only need to watch The Shield's very first episode to understand why.
I'm starting on The Wire soon. But I wanted to watch the Sheild after I was done with that. Thank god I've managed to avoid all spoilers for the Wire so far.
It's true... ish. Without giving too much away, I'd say he's somewhat right, but he didn't really encapsulate what actually transpired all that well
Either way, watch the show all the way through regardless. Even knowing the general fate of a single character will in no way diminish the enjoyment of the series as a whole. It still holds my top spot in favorite shows of all time, even if it stands to be dethrones by Breaking Bad if it manages a strong finish.
But yeah, even without anybody highlighting the spoiler, people AFTER them have commented on what show it's on, so someone following the thread can put 2 and 2 together to figure out exactly what the spoiler entailed.
Honestly, after this thread, I really think GAF needs some specific forum-wide spoiler-tag rules. Stuff like:
1) No spoiler tags without the proper context. There should be some indication as to what the spoiler tag is actually about. Like, in this case, don't put a spoiler for another show entirely in this thread without letting people know it's not about this show.
2) No spoiler tagging things that aren't actually spoilers. Speculation and stuff that already aired needs no spoiler tagging. I know I've gotten so used to so many people randomly tagging just random crap they're talking about from episodes that have long since aired that I've gotten into the habit of just reflexively highlighting the tags. This has lead to me accidentally highlighting actual spoilers in a few threads.
3) Generally, read your spoiler-tagged sentence from the perspective from someone whom you're trying to keep unspoiled. If THE-Pink-Dagger had just said "Hey, it should be like [Show Name Here], where
the spoilery stuff happens
" (no actual spoilers in that block, by the way), then he would have given the proper context to the spoiler so people wanting to remain unspoiled on the show in question would have had the option to highlight the entire spoiler text or not.
GAF does have proper etiquette regarding spoilers. From the FAQ:
Mark spoilers appropriately
When posting spoilers about anything, always mark it properly. Using a spoiler tag alone is often not the best way because no one will know what you have hidden behind the tag without reading it first. Using proper marking can make it very helpful for others to know if they want to highlight the spoiler tag or not. Mixing spoiler tags with regular text in a single sentence is also often a bad idea when dealing with a story spoiler, especially if it makes it obvious.
The following is an example of what is good and bad spoiler usage:
Correct spoiler marking strategies.
This is a spoiler for the 4th boss fight in Zelda
I can't believe the part when the boss breaks out a deck of cards and starts playing poker with himself!
Incorret spoiler marking strategies.
I can't believe
Unfortunately, the mods seem to let people get away with things like this all the time. I know I've had movies, games, and TV shows spoiled in completely unrelated threads. Proper use of the spoiler tags would really help and is something I wish was actively enforced.
That spoiler is retarded man, i expected to be able to highlight it cause we are on the Breaking Bad thread so i did and now ive been spoiled on literally the ending of a series i havent seen yet.
fuckin brilliant, thank you very much.
What are you trying to do with putting a spoiler and not telling where its from? how could anyone possibly know what that spoiler is about? what makes one able to highlight it when no one knows what the fuck youre talking about? jesus christ man.
That's the tip of the iceberg as far as surprises go for that show. In fact, it's not much of a surprise at all if you watch enough of it to get to know the character in question. It's certainly not disincentive enough not to watch the series.
Was Jesse's mistaken assumption that Gus had poisoned Brock the only reason why Jesse wanted Gus dead? Despite their arguments and differences, Jesse wouldn't let Gus kill Walt. But Gus was planning to kill Walt, so I don't see why Jesse is acting like Gus was completely innocent in these affairs and didn't deserve to die.
It was either Gus or Walt, and Jesse would still pick Walt even if he didn't believe that Gus had poisoned a child.
Jesse had leverage over Gus. He was his only cook. He was already protecting Walt. No need to go and kill someone, jeez.
Nor is Jesse Murderous Batman. He doesn't usually go around killing "bad people." He's not exactly a good person himself. Neither is Walt. Jesse usually doesn't care, unless kids are involved.
That's the tip of the iceberg as far as surprises go for that show. In fact, it's not much of a surprise at all if you watch enough of it to get to know the character in question. It's certainly not disincentive enough not to watch the series.
Loathe as I am to disagree with someone who seems to only post in this thread to insult Breaking Bad, shadyspace is absolutely right
The show gets absolutely incredible in its final few seasons, and what happens to this particular character is far from the most interesting part. Even knowing it, the situation this character finds himself in is so much more complex than a one sentence summary can possibly demonstrate, so watch the damn show and stop moaning. It's unfortunate, but don't deprive yourself of an awesome show because of it.
Thanks for that. Also, I just saw this for the first time. It's a few months old, but it's still cool. It's animated intro for the show in the vein of Saul Bass.
What I would like would be the actual score by Dave Porter, I cant seem to find it, even on download, I just found 3, 4 tracks by him from Season 1, this is so frustrating, the score is so good. If someone has any idea where to find the score, it would be great.
Loathe as I am to disagree with someone who seems to only post in this thread to insult Breaking Bad, shadyspace is absolutely right
The show gets absolutely incredible in its final few seasons, and what happens to this particular character is far from the most interesting part. Even knowing it, the situation this character finds himself in is so much more complex than a one sentence summary can possibly demonstrate, so watch the damn show and stop moaning. It's unfortunate, but don't deprive yourself of an awesome show because of it.
I'll say this as far as the primary difference between Breaking Bad's and The Shield's protagonists is concerned. Marking this as a courtesy but it's pure analysis and only reveals an obvious character trait:
Walter White is smarter than everyone around him. Vic Mackey is stronger than everyone around him.
Also, I cannot believe that Junior still hasn't edited his post :lol