I think we can all concede that that wasn't the greatest episode Breaking Bad has ever done (I would probably put it below anything season 3 offered up) but, as so many people have noted, the weaker Breaking Bad episodes are still very good television. I think some of the defensiveness in this thread is the result of dissent being expressed in exaggerated terms ("worst hour of television in a long while", etc.)
With that out of the way, I should say that I liked the episode overall, in particular the brief return of Heisenberg. Aaron Paul really is an incredible actor, and the final shot of him crying was heartbreaking. I read a comment on AVClub that interpreted the events of the episode slightly differently: this person reckoned that Jesse has accepted that he might not be long for this earth, and has decided to enjoy what little time he has left. Thoughts? I don't wholly buy it, as I think Jesse believes Gus has to keep them alive out of necessity, but there's probably an element of truth to it.
And now for the big thing that's worrying me: Marie and the therapist. They better not go there, as it's pretty clear from everything that's happened so far that Hank and Marie really love each other, and Hank's anger is as much about his inability to look after Marie as it is his weakened state in general. The chat with the therapist, I'm hoping, was just to highlight how desperate Marie is to have the happier, more determined Hank on a permanent basis, as opposed to just for the hour every week with the therapist.