Zeliard said:That was indeed Gus.
Edit: OR WAS IT?
Gus definitely ordered the call. A soldier probably made the call.
I am also leaning on the new guy calling Walt. It could be Mike though, after the interaction in the bar he says you better learn how to tail better or something of that nature.
I don't understand though. Why would Walt need to know how to tail? He had dinner at the man's house.
I don't think it would be Gus for the simple reason he is the boss, or at least that is how he is portrayed. Why would a boss make the call. It makes much more sense that a couple of soldiers are protecting Gus. The soldier sees Walt, calls Gus's new second in command and the second in command calls Walt.
Gus has more to worry about than just Walt. He also has the cartel to worry about. So it stands to reason that Gus would have some protection around his home. Right?