Great response image.ConvenientBox said:I love how walt was sitting that chair while they discussed the fake story.
ezekial45 said:What was the name of that song Gale was singing?
It's Peter Schilling's "Major Tom (Coming Home)"ezekial45 said:What was the name of that song Gale was singing?
Would've taken some serious balls to do it, and yeah, I'd applaud them for the sheer audacity if they tried something like that.Eric WK said:Man, as much as I didn't want it to happen, I was kind of hoping they'd have killed off Jesse at the end of this episode. That would have been the shit of TV legend.
Eric WK said:Man, as much as I didn't want it to happen, I was kind of hoping they'd have killed off Jesse at the end of this episode. That would have been the shit of TV legend.
I'm really, really hoping these notes aren't canon...AMC said:How close is Hank to discovering what Gale was up to in the superlab? Does he have any evidence leading him to a suspect? How do you make Vegan S'mores? Find out for yourself by delving into this interactive case file devoted to Gale's murder. Browse through Gale's private "Lab Notes" journal, read the police reports about his death, see photos of the crime scene and watch a full-length video of Gale's karaoke adventure in Thailand. Start your own DEA investigation now, then check back in the coming weeks as Hank adds more evidence to the online files.
smokeymicpot said:I think Mike will some how make Jesse turn on Walt.
FantasticMrFoxdie said:Holy Hell, That episode was good. Best one of the season, thus far. The suspense is killing me...
I'm starting to think Jesse is going to turn into Mike
Copernicus said:He did mimic his tone/attenuation when they were conversing in the stairway, foreshadowing maybe?
ConvenientBox said:I love how walt was sitting that chair while they discussed the fake story.
That would make sense since Mike is old and probably doesn't want to do it anymore. Jesse needs to first get off of Walts side. Once that happens a shit storm will happen. It will create a awesome last season Walt vs Jesse.FantasticMrFoxdie said:Holy Hell, That episode was good. Best one of the season, thus far. The suspense is killing me...
I'm starting to think Jesse is going to turn into Mike
I just see Tay Zonday.wenis said:did anyone else think that
looked like
(slappy the dummy)
tonight? that was creepy
Buckethead said:Much better still hate every second Skylar is on screen.
ezekial45 said:Great episode! I really loved the scene with Walt and Hank discussing Gale's lab notes.
Anyway, here's me speculating about Jesse.Mike is taking him out in the middle of nowhere to kill that guy who stole from Jesse, and he's probably gonna have him do it. I get the impression that Mike is gonna take him under his wing and try to groom him into becoming an enforcer like him.
CiSTM said:Great episode. I'm not in the Skyler hate train but I think her change is bit too much, it's not believeable. How long 'till the cops connect?fingerprints to victor and victor to laundry facility
Exclamation-One said:I'm really, really hoping these notes aren't canon...
"Either move the Laundry Facility 14' north or switch the filters & the finishing tank..."
Maybe this just means laundry for the workers in the lab?
Also, on the adjacent page, there are some Chinese characters if anyone can translate.
Edit: That's exactly what it is. The diagram even shows it.
Cornballer said:- Sneak peek video at next week's episode (AMC, please spoiler tag discussion)
heh, it did feel that way a bit.kame-sennin said:Was Skyler scolding gaf in this episode?
Yeah, his scenes have certainly been testing my patience a little, no matter how great Aaron Paul's acting his. His scenes have easily been the least compelling this season thus far and i'm finding his continued presence and survival is kind of straining the shows credibility. I'm still interested to see where they take his character, but a part of me thinks it would be a better and more gutsy move for him to be killed off (lol not gonna happen). Hopefully the writers have something awesome planned for him.Lafiel said:i was kinda finding his arc to be a bit of a bore tbh.
Moofers said:Great episode. My only gripe was that the Skyler and Walt rehearsal scene was a minute or two too long. Other than that, great stuff. Loved the scene with Hank and Walt looking over Gale's file, and really found it disturbing to see how far Jessie has fallen. Seriously, anyone saying this is just more of the same for him is crazy. He's further down the rabbit hole than ever before. The way he just didn't give a shit about that junkie bound and gagged in his living room was pretty chilling. He's definitely not the same dude anymore.
Can't wait for next week.
I'm sure something like that is definitely in the cards.Moofers said:Also, anyone else get the vibe that the scene with Walt and Saul was foreshadowing? The "disappearing act" they talked about....I could see that being used near the end of the season, maybe sooner. Maybe Walt arranges for Jessie to go into hiding and start a new life?
So everything she's done in the past doesn't matter anymore because Walt said something in an unsympathetic way to her?BenjaminBirdie said:Anyone who thinks Skyler is a "bitch" after Walt's "Two Sorrys" I'm just going to say has problems with women. That was the emotionally ugliest thing that piece of shit Walter White has ever done. What fucking scum.