Drewsky said:
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scar tissue said:
Skyler is an ungrateful bitch.
Skyler is "an ungrateful bitch" because her husband literally endangered the lives of her entire family, became a horrific murderer/drug manufacturer, lied about every aspect of their lives for months now, is a completely emotionally disconnected asshole, MISSED THE BIRTH OF THEIR SON, got Hank nearly killed, and multiple times risked leaving the family not only penniless but also dead with the knowledge that Walt is a dirty meth cook.
Yeah, man, she's just...like...such a
bitch and stuff. It makes perfect logical sense that a person who is involved in a marriage with what has always been a very safe, sensible individual who has always lived the suburban lifestyle free of crime would be all sympathetic and understanding to Walt risking the families life and wellbeing to sell meth. I'm really disappointed in the writers.