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Breaking Bad - Season 4 - Sundays on AMC

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hateradio said:
You can also use my script which adds a quick reply box and the spoiler button.


You are awesome at the internet. Thanks!


Subconscious Brolonging
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Except the shot the living hell out of the truck...

To send a message to Gus...

At least that's what I interpreted it as. They were going to fuck up the truck and possibly take the meth that was inside for themselves, letting Gus know the cartel was back in town.


brianjones said:
it was a silly scene, despite being quite beautifully shot.

if they knew someone was in there why wouldnt they just throw a grenade or something. too obvious

Pretty sure this is the truck that leaves the laundromat on it's way to the Pollo's distribution center. So each bucket in there has like two pounds of meth in it. You're talking about 35 Large per pound multiplied by like....100 buckets, and I swear to god I checked the math like three times yo, that's like $7 million just in that truck.
Mikey Jr. said:
I didn't understand the point of this. Why was he in there? And why were there guys shooting at him?

I think thats a pretty vital scene besides its showcasing the badass that is Mike.

1) It brought the Cartel back into the picture that they are still very much a threat.

2) The reason he was in the truck is questionable, but I guess we can assume Gus knew that truck was going to be hit by the Cartel and he sent Mike.

3) Isn't this the first time we see Mike actually hurt? Throughout the show he has been a badass and we see him finally hurt after all his crazy jobs. This couldn't have come at a better time after Walt confronted him about Gus.

Granger Danger said:
Skyler Fucked Ted is the new They Took Our Jerbs.

:lol I just found out that episode was called "I.F.T"

Pic somewhat related? "I.Would.F.C"


I was really wondering what happened after that scene. Mike is stranded in the middle of the desert with a dead driver, two dead cartel hitmen, and a truck leaking huge amounts of (probably toxic) meth production chemicals from containers with the logo of Gus's company on them. That's a pretty serious clean-up job.
Copernicus said:
Pretty sure this is the truck that leaves the laundromat on it's way to the Pollo's distribution center. So each bucket in there has like two pounds of meth in it. You're talking about 35 Large per pound multiplied by like....100 buckets, and I swear to god I checked the math like three times yo, that's like $7 million just in that truck.

their muscle is one guy sitting in the back then?

i mean also that he comes out mostly unscathed and the two guys walk in and get popped is kind of cliche


brianjones said:
their muscle is one guy sitting in the back then?

i mean also that he comes out mostly unscathed and the two guys walk in and get popped is kind of cliche

Well, they sorta are in new territory since he flipped on the cartel. Transition period?

I didn't really like how they shot the truck up either. Straight horizontal line down the middle, heh.


Copernicus said:
Well, they sorta are in new territory since he flipped on the cartel. Transition period?

Bingo, Gus is probably looking around for more muscle and until then Mike will be spread thin.


There we go. Wasn't enjoying this season much, aside from the first episode, but everything from the arrival to Hank's house onward was pretty good. The opening discussion between Walt and Skylar was almost unbearable though. Stretched out beyond good reason.


Fail out bailed
Man, that episode was awesome. Just got around to seeing it!
I'm n the minority, because I haven't been pretending that nothing has been happinging this season, but it was neat to start to see some external conflict too. Really pumped to see where they are going
I'm gonna jump in with others and assume Mike is taking Jessie
to train him, rather than kill him
BenjaminBirdie said:
How does that work exactly? Everything she's ever been shown doing on the show is a reaction to Walt's behavior. If you think those actions are (yuck) "bitch"-like, than do you feel like they are an unjustified reaction to Walt's behavior?

I don't think it's unjustified, but certain things about the way she acts are unfavorable. I can see why people call her a bitch..

Skylar's very punishing with the way she communicates when it won't accomplish anything productive. she takes every opportunity to cut walt down when arguing. she always sounds like she's acting on emotions impulsively, with no self control.

when arguing, i'm of the belief that you should be strong and direct, but still amicable with someone. you can be assertive without being an asshole or a bitch.

it's really very subtle things like the tone of her the voice, and her inflection that bother most viewers. it really resonates with audiences because everyone has had to deal with that type of person IRL.

lol @ 'yuck.' do you feel as disgusted whenever a guy gets called an 'asshole?' i feel like that's more vulgar than getting called a dog.

big ander

Caught up on the topic and the show. Fantastic episode again this week. Favorite scenes were Jesse becoming enraged at Walt and Jesse's flippant response to Mike. Jesse's arc so far has been the absolute best element of the season and I hope it boils over further in a great way next week.
So, Mike and Jesse:
I don't know if Mike will be training him exactly. I can't see Jesse being a new enforcer like Mike. But I could see him teaching Jesse some self-control somehow.

LordCanti said:
Yeah really. You'd think they'd have set up cots in the lab, and just made them work for free by now (at gunpoint, obviously). No one ever plays the "cook the shit, or we kill your family" angle on this show either.
If Gus tried to force Walt to work for free or used Walt's family to get him to cook, the business relationship would be over and one would eventually lose. Neither of those men is the type to simply accept a situation, especially if that situation is the endangerment of their family. You think Walt would just roll over? No, he'd try to save them and probably get them all killed, meaning Gus loses a cook and billions of dollars. Being as business-like as possible earns everyone the most money.
JasonMCG said:
That was a damn good episode! Wonder what will happen next week...maybe Mike will change sides? Obviously not, but we don't know how the conversion with Gus went...and what's with all the purple?!
Second week in a row, but the purple's always been there it's marie's thing
Cornballer said:
Breaking Bad does an excellent job juxtaposing comedy with tragedy or anger. Two good examples this week with the Gale video (hilarious, but sad) and the Walt / Skyler conversation (Walt's "Yay!" in the same conversation as his awful fake apology).

Perfect :lol
woodchuck said:
I wonder what Mike told his granddaughter about his ear
Haha I was thinking about this too. Power tools accident?


First decent ep of the season. The Skylar-Walt scene at the start is probably the best yet - Skylar laying down the law again, not leaving anything to chance. She may have been too strict about it, but it did the job.

Walter flipping through the notebook with Hank next to him was also a good scene. I do wonder if Gus is going to find out about its existence.

The Jesse stuff were again mostly meh. He did a buzz-cut! How else would we have known he's in crisis? I don't think his life are in danger for next ep, he was always expendable and Gus had no reason to keep him around. Maybe they are sending him to another rehab.

What was the deal with Mike's scene? I wouldn't rule out the idea that they are increasingly showing Mike's disgruntlement to ready him teaming-up with Walter deeper into the season.


Oh man, that scene between Walt and Skylar at the beginning was hilarious. I was dying.

Mike is obviously not going to kill Jesse though. My guess is that he is taking him to rehab. ugh.
LM4sure said:
Oh man, that scene between Walt and Skylar at the beginning was hilarious. I was dying.

Mike is obviously not going to kill Jesse though. My guess is that he is taking him to rehab. ugh.

uh I doubt it. Seems to me like he's gonna drop him off in another town and tell him to stay out of their way.


mike leaving behind jesse's cell phone tells me that he's not going to kill him... yet? maybe he's just going to drop him off at his parents house or put his two only friends in the same condition as the thief, who knows but they haven't played out the ticking time bomb angle enough to put a bullet through him yet nor will i ever even bet a dime that he's going to become mike's accomplice. seriously, where the fuck are people getting that idea from? how much easier can it get in juxtaposing the two characters in the last episode, with mike more worried about his ear than a truck loaded riddled with bullet holes and methamphetamine probably because he has to lie to his granddaughter on how it happened and then there was the talk between jesse and hank, a true professional. plus the conversation between mike and gus was suggestive enough on how they view the two of them and how frequently the two meet to even discuss such matters. they have a fucking mexican cartel to worry about.


I think Mike is starting to sympathize with Jesse. Seeing Jesse's reaction after finding the guy who stole his money, and seeing how cold Jesse has become, he's desensitized to anything that causes emotion. He needs chaos to make him forget what he's done.

I think Mike was straight w/ Gus about Jesse being a problem, because he is becoming a problem as far as the security of the business is concerned. My guess is Gus sent Mike to kill Jesse, but since Mike is starting to sympathize w/ Jesse, he's taking him into hiding.
Seeing all this Jesse is reminding me of how amazingly they shot his reactions to Walter interrogating him about the shooting. Incredible.

Who directed this episode? It was a stand out.


bud said:
does anyone remember where they were going?

edit: was that when walt picked jesse up from rehab?

No, that's when he was taking Jesse back to his car in Full Measure after Victor picked him up.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Seeing all this Jesse is reminding me of how amazingly they shot his reactions to Walter interrogating him about the shooting. Incredible.

Who directed this episode? It was a stand out.

Yeah, that scene was brilliant and further proof of how low Walt is. Jesse looks like he's about to completely breakdown and Walt couldn't care less. Between that, how he treated Skyler during their rehearsal scene, and the fact that he couldn't even keep himself from running roughshod over Hank's explanation of his minerals, I'm not sure how any viewer could possibly think that Walt isn't a complete piece of shit.

All the other nominees are lucky Cranston isn't eligible for the Emmys this year, because he'd be getting a deserved fourpeat.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Much better episode then last weeks. Walt was phenomenal this episode, and Jesse's Dialogue with Mike at his house was fantastic. Can't wait to see where they take Jesse next week.
My prediction: Mike is (and kinda always was) considering Walt's offer to kill Gus; he sees that Gus is getting more unpredictable and less careful (Gus pissing off the cartel now cost Mike an ear tip). But he recognizes that Jesse is much "harder" than Walt pretends to be.

Gus probably still sees Jesse as an irresponsible little twerp, and doesn't view him as an intimidating figure, and Mike will use that to set up a meeting between the two and have Jesse kill Gus. The only thing is I'm not sure why Mike doesn't do it himself. Maybe he needs two bodies so he can take care of Tyrus(?) simultaneously.

Anyway, I'm starting to lose a bit of the tension, as far as the plot goes. I'm not fearful for anyone's safety. The most captivating thing is the relationshipps in the show. Walt's "two sorrys" line was devastating. He's such a piece of shit.


I was never really annoyed by Skylar before, but this time I felt they overdid her. She was more annoying then actually contributing a meaningfull aspect of the story. The episode as a whole was pretty enjoyable, the opening scene with Mike has to be the most badass thing I have ever seen (Ok, hyperbole but was still awesome). The way Jesse was acting, for a while now, has really taken a toll on him. Mike telling Gus about Jesse has me worried, are they really kidnapping him? Maby keeping him as leverage, so Walter does his job or doesn't kill Gus? So many questions and thats a damn good thing. Cannot wait for next weeks episode.

Sotha Sil

TheOddOne said:
I was never really annoyed by Skylar before, but this time I felt they overdid her. She was more annoying then actually contributing a meaningfull aspect of the story. The episode as a whole was pretty enjoyable, the opening scene with Mike has to be the most badass thing I have ever seen (Ok, hyperbole but was still awesome). The way Jesse was acting, for a while now, has really taken a toll on him. Mike telling Gus about Jesse has me worried, are they really kidnapping him? Maby keeping him as leverage, so Walter does his job or doesn't kill Gus? So many questions and thats a damn good thing. Cannot wait for next weeks episode.

I have no real issue with the character, but the actress kind of gets of my nerve. Her wide-eyed acting is distracting, not to mention her new face (surgery? weight? I don't what went wrong between seasons, but it's awful).


Sotha Sil said:
I have no real issue with the character, but the actress kind of gets of my nerve. Her wide-eyed acting is distracting, not to mentioned her new face (surgery? weight? I don't what went wrong between seasons, but it's awful).
I never really mind her acting before, but time -- next to adding nothing to the story -- I found her acting also annoying. So yeah, I agree.
clearly it's weight. I had no problems with skyler prior to this season but she really is getting a bit annoying now.

Oh and seconded on Walt's 'sorry...syke' move being very dickish of him.
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