Flim Flam said:I dont know if this has ever been posted before, but I was checking out This article about Bevery Hills Cop actors and saw this, and it blew my mind.
His nose grew.
Also, I can't believe Skyler fucked Ted.
Flim Flam said:I dont know if this has ever been posted before, but I was checking out This article about Bevery Hills Cop actors and saw this, and it blew my mind.
I agreel, sort of. Especially when looking at the new preview posted above. Hope things change up real soonBloodsent said:There really doesn't seem to have been much movement in the past few episodes, and thus, it comes across as false tension, at least to me. Maybe that is what is causing the lack of character in Walt.
dead souls said:Indeed. Anyone who thinks Cranston is turning in a one note performance must be watching a different show than me.
Ted was just lying there while Skyler resolutely mounted him.maharg said:Given the Skyler hate, I'm surprised the meme isn't "Ted fucked Skyler".
BigAT said:
Dios mío.'Sons of Anarchy' showrunner claims AMC fired Frank Darabont because 'Mad Men' 'gutted' AMC
AMCs year got off to an awkward start, beginning with very public contract negotiations with Mad Men. Then came the unexpected departure of showrunner Frank Darabont from The Walking Dead, and the revelation that the network was apparently playing hardball with Breaking Bad over a shortened final season. Toss in the audience-frustrating season finale of The Killing, and the network looks like a genuine three-ring circus, albeit a circus defined by moral ambiguity. Last night, Sons of Anarchy showrunner Kurt Sutter drove his metaphorical motorcycle into this metaphorical circus and metaphorically shot the elephant so he could cook it on his metaphorical spit. Metaphors!
Sutter took to Twitter in a series of messages that directly attacked AMC and Mad Men showrunner Matthew Weiner for their role in Darabonts departure. He began: why darabont got fired weiner. he held AMC hostage, broke their bank, budgets were slashed, s rolled down hill onto [Breaking Bad showrunner Vince] Gilligan and Frank. Then the claws really came out: no one else wants to fing say it, but the greed of Mad Men is killing the other two best shows on tv breaking bad and walking dead.
Sutter concludes, rather starkly: Darabont reacted strongly to slashed budgets. he made mistakes, he was fired. no creative in town will trust AMC to back up their artists i dont know MW, got no beef with him. just hate that Darabont is being demonized. no one has the balls to tell the truth. MM gutted AMC.
Representatives for AMC and Matthew Weiner did not immediately respond to calls for comment. Sutter, for his part, has continued to clarify his allegations on Twitter, noting most recently, This is not me vs. Matt. the issue is that amc should not have compromised their other shows to appease his $$ demands. it was bad business.
best show on tv
walking dead
LordPhoque said:Also, is Mad Men also the reason for SoA's third season being crap ?
Yeah, TWD is not very good.LordPhoque said:
Cornballer said:Sutter being Sutter...
Not gonna lie, only reason I watch the show is for Daleface.Battersea Power Station said:I'll continue defending TWD in every thread. I don't understand the hate. To me, the drama from season 1 was realistic and potent. The reactions of the family when Rick came to the camp for the first time; the look on Shane's face; the shower scene in the bunker: it's all really well-acted. And I love the writing, as well: Shane's frog legs bit and his fake white-girl-from-the-city accent was a great touch. And Dale. Come on: Dale! Daryl is also hilarious. Screw you, guys. It really is one of the best shows on TV. Breaking Bad, Louie, and The Walking Dead are pretty much all I'm excited about right now. Also, I'll watch Curb and Futurama for the stupid fun of it.
Hmmm good read, semi-spoiler-ish thing I found really interesting:Cornballer said:I'm not sure if this was linked last week:
- NY Magazine: Breaking Bads Jonathan Banks on Bryan Cranstons Work Ethic, Playing the Villain, and Not Getting Mistaken for a Bank Teller
AMC only has two great shows; Mad Men and Breaking Bad.Granger Danger said:Dios mío.
Cornballer said:Sutter being Sutter...
Scullibundo said:Holy shit this season is like the worst parts of last season concentrated and injected into every goddamn episode.
I fucking hate Walt. Why is the show making me absolutely despise characters I used to like. Did some writers from Entourage jump on board this show last season?
Last season it felt like this as well. As if they were fucking around until the last three episodes.
I mean I even hate Hank, these days. HANK.
Saul is the only character I don't mind being on screen now.
Oh, and I have loved Cranston ever since the early Malcolm days. It is incredibly sad to watch him turn what started as an interesting performance into a one-note caricature on this show. Those of you saying he's producing dramatic gold need to share the blue meth around.
maximum360 said:Jesse has been annoying in the past but this season has been the worst. Honestly, the last 3 episodes have been more of a chore to watch. I'm hoping things pick up.
TouchMyBox said:Jessie either acts in a really hilarious manner, or he acts like a bitch. I'd like to see something more out of his character than just two extremes.
I couldn't disagree more. His character is actually pretty nuanced.TouchMyBox said:Jessie either acts in a really hilarious manner, or he acts like a bitch. I'd like to see something more out of his character than just two extremes.
err I'm of the opinion that Jesse is one of the deeper characters on television.TouchMyBox said:Jessie either acts in a really hilarious manner, or he acts like a bitch. I'd like to see something more out of his character than just two extremes.
big ander said:I obsessively twitch a little when people spell his name "Jessie".
That was the more common spelling before the 80s.big ander said:I obsessively twitch a little when people spell his name "Jessie".
I hurt on the inside myself. What's worse is people spelling Kiefer Sutherland's first name as Keifer.big ander said:I obsessively twitch a little when people spell his name "Jessie".
It gets awkward when the actual name of a celebrity is a misspelling, like with Shia LaBeouf. You cringe when it's spelled correctly, you cringe when it's not! There's no winning either way.ConradCervantes said:I hurt on the inside myself. What's worse is people spelling Kiefer Sutherland's first name as Keifer.
Jesse goes missing; Skyler has an unlikely reunion; Hank shares some bad news.
Cornballer said:New episode tonight:
lulzCopernicus said:Unlikely? Then it must not be with ted.
oatmeal said:His nose grew.
Also, I can't believe Skyler fucked Ted.
op_ivy said:Jesse is the greatest character in the show.
Drazgul said:I still like Walter better, but yeah Jesse is a wonderful character as well. And to think originally they were going to kill him off in S1.
Copernicus said:And then, when he's out there slinging crystal and bashing tuco in the face with a rock, I guess that's acting like a bitch.
He was but not anymore. I liked him in the first seasons when he was still wearing big ass hip hop clothes and used to talk "street" YO!.op_ivy said:Jesse is the greatest character in the show.
Yup. And at the beginning it would have seemed that it would be vice versa. So awesome.op_ivy said:its been wonderful watching how they have both dealt with whats become of them. walt revels in it while jesse cant even cope with what he has become.
op_ivy said:Jesse is the greatest character in the show.
Drazgul said:I still like Walter better, but yeah Jesse is a wonderful character as well. And to think originally they were going to kill him off in S1.
AgentChris said:AMC only has two great shows; Mad Men and Breaking Bad.
Affirmative. The Jesse Pinkman Death Watch has started.POWERSPHERE said:get ready to say bye bye, because they've been writing him out for weeks.