I wonder if he fucked Ted.
BertramCooper said:I wonder if he fucked Ted.
gilligan: the bladder attack is a valid interpretation, but not the only interpretation!beelzebozo said:that may be, but i'll personally wait for next week's podcast to confirm this.
Copernicus said:You're mind must have been elsewhere (I think we all know where....) but they pointed out they're obviously not brothers in the scene. (white meat/dark meat joke)
I think most people would agree with this, all the "Gus is DEFINITELY gay" or "Gus is DEFINITELY not gay" posts are still stupidiammeiam said:The subtext existed, it probably means nothing, may well have been unintentional during writing, but it isn't a crazy assumption (had the partner been female, I have a feeling everyone would be assuming boning was taking place and calling the platonic interpretation crazy.)
Veena Sud.big ander said:Who is going to write the Gus/Ted/Sky erotic fanfic?
big ander said:Who is going to write the Gus/Ted/Sky erotic fanfic?
This would be the greatest. All build up and zero climax.BertramCooper said:Veena Sud.
BertramCooper said:Veena Sud.
Speevy said:If you're a gay guy who's open enough to sit with your lover at a drug dealing meeting but tough enough to slit someone's throat with a box cutter, yeah that's a pretty fresh character.
Ugh. It's been said a dozen times, but:Lo_Fi said:Am I watching the same show as you guys? I didn't see any homosexual subtext there. Gus and his business partner were defending each other so passionately because they didn't want to get killed, not because they loved each other.
Gus and Mike are always talking on the phone together. They must be gay.
Seriously. I'm pretty sure you guys just spoiled something pretty significant in the wire. So thanks for that.are there wire spoilers in this thread because i'm about to get PISSED*
*not really, i just assumed it because i saw a mean-looking black dude and iw ant to eventually watch the show
i like itbud said:maybe walt let jane die so he could have jesse all for himself, eventually. homosexually.
Quiet you! Its obviously crazy talk and we pretend that everyone is gay! Probably one of them gay agendas no doubt!Exclamation-One said:OKAY.
Giancarlo Esposito, the actor who plays Gus, played the character as if his 'hermano' was his lover. That is all.
Even Vince Gilligan, who is normally tight-lipped and wishy-washy about character motivations in the show, said it was not an invalid interpretation. Take that as you will.
cacophony said:holy shit you guys are still talking about this?
who fucking cares? it's not like it changes anything
overcast said:Seriously. I'm pretty sure you guys just spoiled something pretty significant in the wire. So thanks for that.
Show me the quote from Giancarlo Esposito.Exclamation-One said:OKAY.
Giancarlo Esposito, the actor who plays Gus, played the character as if his 'hermano' was his lover. That is all.
Even Vince Gilligan, who is normally tight-lipped and wishy-washy about character motivations in the show, said it was not an invalid interpretation. Take that as you will.
You find out Omar's gay like in the 2nd episode, maybe even the first I don't remember. It's not significant (in terms of some kind of big cliff hanger epic conclusion in your face reveal kind of thing).overcast said:Seriously. I'm pretty sure you guys just spoiled something pretty significant in the wire. So thanks for that.
It will matter once he bangs Ted.cacophony said:holy shit you guys are still talking about this?
who fucking cares? it's not like it changes anything
Worst shirt everSpeedingUptoStop said:That shirt throws Jesse's whole sexuality into question as well.
He could be asexual because he'll never get laid in that thing.
Cornballer said:A couple nice image/gif sequences from this week's episode that people put up over on tumblr: