Season 1 had several "Fuck"s, since they didn't know what channel they were going to be on (hence the topless woman in the pilot). Off the top of my head there's "Fuck you and your eyebrows" and "Grow some fucking balls" (Walt to Jesse in "Crazy Handful of Nothin'".
Beyond that, they're allowed a single verbal Fuck per season, which will be blanked out when it airs.
For reference, they're Walt's "Fuck You" to Gretchen in S2, the infamous IFT in S3, Jesse's "Get the fuck out and never come back" in S4, and Mike's "Shut the fuck up and let me die in peace" in S5.
There was also a bonus written Fuck in Mike's little note to the DEA.
Ah, I didn't start watching the show until around season 4, so I didn't realise hardly any of that aired uncensored. That's ridiculous.
You can say they save their fucks for iconic lines in the series. But I seriously don't understand why it's such a problem to say fuck on TV. As long as it serves a purpose in delivering lines it's only a positive thing if you ask me.
It's hilarious really. AMC have The Walking Dead showing zombies' heads being stomped on, shut in car trunks, and well pretty much any gruesome thing that can happen to a head happening. Yet they can't say 'fuck' or show nudity.
I'm pretty sure Fuck is censored on my blu rays for the later seasons too. They're intact for the first season, but I think after that they're all blanked out. Which is weird because you get the extra adult content anyway (nudity in the pilot, etc)
I honestly thought I had some type of alternate version of the blu rays or something because I can't understand why they would do that.
Damn, I hope this isn't true as I'm gonna be picking up the blurays of each season in a couple of months. I remember hearing that the season 4 bluray first shipped without subtitles for any of the Mexico scenes, but I'm not sure if that was true or not.