Darth Pinche
Honeymoon sex. Then Breaking Bad premier.
No. Honeymoon sex DURING the Breaking Bad premier.
Honeymoon sex. Then Breaking Bad premier.
Great to have date, though it's so late.
In the release on their Blog, AMC posted a pic from episode 5.09. Not spoilerly at all, but whatever.
Fuck you for posting that pic, only because I can't stop staring at it wondering what the scene entails.
They've got The Killing and Hell on Wheels.
You must be on 50ppp![]()
Great to have date, though it's so late.
In the release on their Blog, AMC posted a pic from episode 5.09. Not spoilerly at all, but whatever.
is there like a inception level of posting going on? I was surprised to it wasn't mentioned lol.
So, nothing?
The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Try this: https://vidproxy.com/
For me at least the video started showing instantly just like it normally would; sure beats having to manually try crappy free proxies that never work properly.
I never got the hate for those commercials lol. Maybe it's because I instantly tune out when ads begin.
Great to have date, though it's so late.
In the release on their Blog, AMC posted a pic from episode 5.09. Not spoilerly at all, but whatever.
Breaking Bads Wendy, if played by a character from The Simpsons. Spot.On.
I don't think there's anything major in the video, but perhaps someone else has scrutinized it a little more closely than I have.Thanks, I'm already reading there's spoilers in the video, true or false? :s
That's a good call, I could see him playing that role.So since there's nothing else to talk about atm, who would be some of your ideas for alternative casting? Randomly occurred to me today that Gary Oldman would have made a pretty good Walter.
- Conan O'Brien Interviews the Breaking Bad Cast and Creator (youtube)
EDIT: Hmmm, youtube listed it as a 1hr 8min video, but looks like it might only be 15 min long. Not sure what the issue is.
EDIT2: Looks like they fixed it - should be a full length video now.
You can try this link over at amctv.com, but I suspect that it's also region locked.
Breaking Bad in LA would have been really changed the dynamic. It would've felt more like The Shield.
For reeeealz???Breaking Bad Season 5b will air on Netflix in the UK sometime in August, with all eight episodes being released in one go.
And was struck by this line:
For reeeealz???
- Bill Burr InterviewI ask Johnson about the upcoming final season, and what he and the rest of the creative staff hoped to achieve in these closing episodes. Creator Vince Gilligan, Johnson says, wanted more than anything just to know when it was going to end so that he could write to that ending and not just have it peter out. I think he was aware of several shows that had long outlived their relevance and treaded water for a while, and so he just wanted to know, you know, how much life we do have and then write to it. And without revealing anything, I think hes found a really brilliant way of finishing all of the characters, all of the stories, and all of the arcs. You can see how Breaking Bad has built from season to season, and in fact its sort of become a different show than the show it started.
Are we going to get to see you at the end of Breaking Bad at all? Are you going to be back for those last few episodes?
I hope so. I don't know. I've been hearing all kinds of rumors. Somebody said to me they ran into somebody from the show and they asked them what happens in the end, and they just shook their head. I'm predicting that it's going to be the best ending, I really don't think its going to be disappointing like some endings can be. They just hit it out of the park every time at some point you gotta be like these guys know what the hell they're doing. I got to be honest with you like, I'm as big a fan of that show as anybody else, I've been invested in that show from the pilot, and to get into that show was literally like being shocked into my television. One of the most surreal and any few times I've gotten to do the show, I don't know, it'd be like getting to go backstage at your favorite rock show -- I've equated it to if you're a fan of star wars all the sudden youre like a storm trooper you got to go stand next to Darth Vader. I can't believe I'm here, that's really the feeling I get when I go there just always that I can't believe I'm here, and it definitely lives up to the hype. Everyone on the show is really nice, and really just performing at this unbelievable high level you kinda get caught up it.
That's what I'm thinking. It makes zero sense otherwise.They're probably talking about the first part of S5
I was reading this article:
And was struck by this line:
For reeeealz???
Fuck no. Why would Sony/AMC ever allow that?
They're probably talking about the first part of S5
Nah, the first half of Season 5 is already on UK Netflix.
Ahh... the plot thickens!
That would be the most asinine move ever. Not only would people pirate it to watch it early but you run the risk of people spoiling it for others.
I, for one, would set aside 8 hours and watch them back to back, with 15 minute breaks in between each episode. It would be GLORIOUS.![]()