With just a handful of episodes left of the highly acclaimed AMC drama series Breaking Bad, premiering this summer, the Academy of Television hosted an evening to celebrate the show while giving a glimpse into what fans can expect as the story about everyones favorite meth dealer continues. Collider was there to cover and attend the event, and weve compiled the highlights of what was said during the Q&A.
During the discussion, actor Bryan Cranston talked about how he didnt quite grasp the extent of the darkness of his characters journey when he signed on, how much hes enjoyed the ride, that he got the Br Ba elemental chart tattooed on the inside of the ring finger of his right hand to commemorate the end of the series, which scene has resonated the most for him, how much the show has changed his life and career, and just how satisfying the finale will be for fans. Show creator Vince Gilligan talked about how they decided 62 episodes was enough to tell their story, the temptation of wanting to do another season, how the show ended up on AMC, that the show was originally set in the Inland Empire, their strive for authenticity, how they do the time lapse shots, that he never looks online to see what people are saying, and whether the spin-off featuring Saul (Bob Odenkirk) might actually happen. Check out what they had to say after the jump.