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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


I don't agree with everything in it, but she raises some good points about how earlier episodes introduced some thorny and painful issues, and the finale sanded them all off. Oh and the complete lack of subtlety about the ricin.

Not a terrible review at all.

It's the fucking 'i'm going to believe its all a dream in walt's head as he freezes to death in a car' or some bullshit. And this comes after Moira Walley-Beckett says the Ozy phone call was letting Skyler off and she still refused to give into that interpretation and would believe her own. There's believe interpretations when its ambiguous. Not when in the next episode Walt actually says what it is.

She's just an odd, odd writer in her content and grasp of things.


They have a tape of Jesse confessing to murder, the phone isn't an issue. He's still fucked.

It's really not clear whether or not they have the video.

We also don't actually know if he confessed to murdering Gale in the video, I don't think. But it's probably safe to assume he did.
It's really not clear whether or not they have the video.

We also don't actually know if he confessed to murdering Gale in the video, I don't think. But it's probably safe to assume he did.

Hank calls him a murderer in the scene that follows that confession. It could be in reference to his association with Heisenberg, but it's not clear.





It's really not clear whether or not they have the video.

We also don't actually know if he confessed to murdering Gale in the video, I don't think. But it's probably safe to assume he did.

Technically yes the tape has Jesse confessing to Gale's murder. They laugh about it (the neo-Nazis do) during Granite State.


How do we know the Nazi's didn't destroy that tape at some point? Wouldn't it make sense? Given that it implicates them and their activities? Why the hell would they keep it. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about speculating about life after the show. The purpose of that scene was to show Jesse got away, and had a new thirst of life. What does it really do, to speculate about what happens to Jesse next outside of that?

Unless you guys feel that this was something left unresolved. That they should have shown the tape being destroyed?


The DEA really should only have two pieces of information about Jesse. Marie would have told them about his helping Hank, and Huell would have told them about seeing a photo of his dead corpse--which fits neatly within the narrative of Walt killing Hank & Gomie.
How do we know the Nazi's didn't destroy that tape at some point? Wouldn't it make sense? Given that it implicates them and their activities? Why the hell would they keep it. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about speculating about life after the show. The purpose of that scene was to show Jesse got away, and had a new thirst of life. What does it really do, to speculate about what happens to Jesse next outside of that?

It's silly to think that Jesse can just ride off into the sunset and live a new life. There are too many ties to all the illegal shit he did still lingering around.


I wonder what the 'Walt is a good guy!!!111' people thought when he confessed he did it for selfish reasons?



What happens when they find Hank's body with pictures and references to Jessie Pinkman in his phone?

Not to mention his fingerprints all over the meth lab on the neo nazi compound.
While it's a fitting ending for him, he's got a lot of heat about to drop down on him. I think my favourite scene was actually Walt's talk with Skylar. Knowing he had come to terms with his power grab and its fallout was played just right.

I don't know how I feel. Kind of, everyone got what they deserved, except Walt Jr and Holly really, who get fucked over terribly by every adult in breathing distance.

It was good, and certainly fitting ending to a show about addiction and its many forms.


Technically yes the tape has Jesse confessing to Gale's murder. They laugh about it (the neo-Nazis do) during Granite State.

Are you sure? I only remember them laughing about him crying a lot in general. For which I can think of a lot of things he'd have talked about for which he'd have cried.

Wasn't there something about how they were going to release the whole video at some point in the future?


I wonder what the 'Walt is a good guy!!!111' people thought when he confessed he did it for selfish reasons?


He knew Skylar would accept no other answer, so he just admitted it (though not true) to help her move on. It was really the ultimate sacrifice he had to make for her, denying his love for his family in order to give them a chance at a future without him.


It's silly to think that Jesse can just ride off into the sunset and live a new life. There are too many ties to all the illegal shit he did still lingering around.

Not really. Outside of that tape, they had no evidence on him. Hence why Hank with the lengths he did, to get evidence on him and Walt. With that tape gone, you really think they have enough to nail him?

If so. What.


Are you sure? I only remember them laughing about him crying a lot in general. For which I can think of a lot of things he'd have talked about for which he'd have cried.

Wasn't there something about how they were going to release the whole video at some point in the future?

Yep he talks about what he can hear through Gale's door, how Gale was looking at him before he shot, etc. I just rewatched it yesterday is the only reason I can tell you yes. Hopefully the Nazis got rid of that incriminating shit!
It's really not clear whether or not they have the video.

We also don't actually know if he confessed to murdering Gale in the video, I don't think. But it's probably safe to assume he did.

As someone already said, it showed him confessing. I think we can assume the people who kept a slave weren't destroying the tape to make sure everything was covered.


It's the fucking 'i'm going to believe its all a dream in walt's head as he freezes to death in a car' or some bullshit. And this comes after Moira Walley-Beckett says the Ozy phone call was letting Skyler off and she still refused to give into that interpretation and would believe her own. There's believe interpretations when its ambiguous. Not when in the next episode Walt actually says what it is.

She's just an odd, odd writer in her content and grasp of things.

She's saying that the "dream" ending would be the only way the finale would work for her, since it felt so unreal and antiseptic. And I think that's a valid criticism.
It's the fucking 'i'm going to believe its all a dream in walt's head as he freezes to death in a car' or some bullshit. And this comes after Moira Walley-Beckett says the Ozy phone call was letting Skyler off and she still refused to give into that interpretation and would believe her own. There's believe interpretations when its ambiguous. Not when in the next episode Walt actually says what it is.

She's just an odd, odd writer in her content and grasp of things.
Yeah, I was gonna say, isn't that the crazy "you're-watching-this-show-wrong" lady that keeps insisting that the actual writer of the episode was wrong? :p

Edit: just read some of the review. Oh boy, this reviewer is.... special, LOL.
There's a photo of Jesse "dead" on Hank's phone. If Huell gets into contact with the police again, which he might since he's afraid of getting killed by Walt, he thinks Jesse is dead. Jesse is not dead. When Jesse tries to resume his life, he will get picked up the cops to figure this all out.

There's also whatever else might be on Hank's phone, the confession tape which may or may not exist, blood and/or fingerprints at the nazi meth lab, and I'm not sure if anyone else knows his connection to Brock and his mom.


She's saying that the "dream" ending would be the only way the finale would work for her, since it felt so unreal and antiseptic. And I think that's a valid criticism.

What about it felt like a dream? You guys act like Walt became superman and did impossible feats. This is the same show that used a Magnet on the side of a police station, robbed a train, and blew up a nursery home. I actually think Walt doing the things he did, were actually rather tame and believable compared to his past efforts (tricking Grethen and Eliot with laser pointers, setting up a mechanism that moves something left to right).

The only thing that MIGHT be argued, is that Walt was able to accomplish everything. But I still think in context of what he actually accomplished, I believed how he did it, and didn't think it was unbelievable. Walt dying at the end and feeling on top of the world, isn't that far fetched when he's doing the things he loves. Which was kind of the point of his arc in the end.


There's a photo of Jesse "dead" on Hank's phone. If Huell gets into contact with the police again, which he might since he's afraid of getting killed by Walt, he thinks Jesse is dead. Jesse is not dead. When Jesse tries to resume his life, he will get picked up the cops to figure this all out.

There's also whatever else might be on Hank's phone, the confession tape which may or may not exist, blood and/or fingerprints at the nazi meth lab, and I'm not sure if anyone else knows his connection to Brock and his mom.

Can't we just assume that the Nazis took the phones with them and destroyed them?
Wasn't really directed at you my friend :) I understood what you were getting at, that it's depressing that people are watching dogshit instead of something great like this. Your post reminded me of a few others (here, and elsewhere) that were effectively like "10 million ain't shit, who cares" which is what's silly. No disrespect meant :)

I gotcha. No offense taken.
The DEA really should only have two pieces of information about Jesse. Marie would have told them about his helping Hank, and Huell would have told them about seeing a photo of his dead corpse--which fits neatly within the narrative of Walt killing Hank & Gomie.

Oh shit. That makes the idea he actually does just escape and establish a new identity all the more plausible. Especially if he winds up in Alaska.


There's a photo of Jesse "dead" on Hank's phone. If Huell gets into contact with the police again, which he might since he's afraid of getting killed by Walt, he thinks Jesse is dead. Jesse is not dead. When Jesse tries to resume his life, he will get picked up the cops to figure this all out.

There's also whatever else might be on Hank's phone, the confession tape which may or may not exist, blood and/or fingerprints at the nazi meth lab, and I'm not sure if anyone else knows his connection to Brock and his mom.

Do you really think that the Nazi's didn't collect all their belongings? I always assumed they took the phones off them and destroyed them. They didn't show this. So it's fair to say - you can't assume that. If it's not in the story, it's not apart of the story. Okay. I'll buy that.

But it also wasn't in the show what happened to the phone, or the other evidence. And we are all just making assumptions what MIGTH have happened after the show is over.


As a character, do you think Walt would give a shit how he looked to everyone else? Do you think he cared about his legacy?

He liked it. He told Skyler he enjoyed it and that he did it for himself. Walt won. He lost everything in the process, but he won. He did what he set out to do. To provide for his family after he died. He did what he set out to do.
The whole point of "being in the empire business" is a legacy. Sure, he enjoyed himself but he even said it wasn't about the family.


So Marie obvious told the DEA about Jesse which makes him a wanted man, right?

She told them about Jesse, and they couldn't find him - they assumed he ran or was dead. Focus shifted to Walt and the manhunt, they forgot all about him. Jesse then shows back up on the radar, they bring him for questioning (despite the fact that they closed the case with Walt being dead, and them having the two bodies of their missing DEA agents).

With no evidence, they let him go. Yeah.

You also don't get beaten and forced into subservience in a nazi meth lab without leaving behind DNA evidence.

At the end of the day, it's up to the viewer to determine how they believe things played out after the show ended. If you want to believe Jesse is in jail, and fucked for the rest of his life, that's cool.


What about it felt like a dream? You guys act like Walt became superman and did impossible feats. This is the same show that used a Magnet on the side of a police station, robbed a train, and blew up a nursery home. I actually think Walt doing the things he did, were actually rather tame and believable compared to his past efforts (tricking Grethen and Eliot with laser pointers, setting up a mechanism that moves something left to right).

The only thing that MIGHT be argued, is that Walt was able to accomplish everything. But I still think in context of what he actually accomplished, I believed how he did it, and didn't think it was unbelievable. Walt dying at the end and feeling on top of the world, isn't that far fetched when he's doing the things he loves. Which was kind of the point of his arc in the end.

How about Jack deciding to drag Jesse out of the cage for no other reason than to delay Walt's execution? Or the fact that Walt appeared when and where he wanted to without being seen by anyone?

I don't think it felt like a dream but I get where she's coming from on the unreal front.


He knew Skylar would accept no other answer, so he just admitted it (though not true) to help her move on. It was really the ultimate sacrifice he had to make for her, denying his love for his family in order to give them a chance at a future without him.


How about Jack deciding to drag Jesse out of the cage for no other reason than to delay Walt's execution? Or the fact that Walt appeared when and where he wanted to without being seen by anyone?

I don't think it felt like a dream but I get where she's coming from on the unreal front.

I actually made that criticism myself. BUT they already established in the show that Jack has that kind of personality. Walt knew it, and played to it. This "criticism" is no different then a lot of the writing in the show, where things happen because of luck, or things happening at the right place or the right time.

I don't see how that makes it dream like. Was it silly Jack - a nazi, cared about his honor enough to delay killing Walt? Sure. But that's the pulpy aspect of the show.

7he Talon

This is what Aaron Paul said about what he think's Jesse did.
Paul has a few ideas, though, about what happened to Jesse. "In my mind, he gets the hell out of Dodge," he says. "He's like, 'Oh my god.' I think he probably goes and says bye to Brock, if he can, or at least just sees him from a distance and then he leaves. Maybe Alaska, maybe New Zealand. Becomes a bush pilot. It's all part of the story."

And this is what Vince Gilligan said.
On what happens to Jesse now
“We always felt like the viewers desired Jesse to get away. And it’s up to the individual viewer to decide what happens next for Jesse. Some people might think, ‘Well, he probably got two miles down the road before the cops nailed him.’ But I prefer to believe that he got away, and he’s got a long road to recovery ahead, in a sense of being held prisoner in a dungeon for the last six months and being beaten to within an inch of his life and watching Andrea be shot. All these terrible things he’s witnessed are going to scar him as well, but the romantic in me wants to believe that he gets away with it and moves to Alaska and has a peaceful life communing with nature.”

I like to believe that Jesse got away and is living a new life somewhere far away from all this.


Cheers to Cornballer for the PM earlier. Watched it with some friends and then again with my mum. I found it extremely emotional, not just due to content, but knowing it's the end. I've had such a blast watching it all with friends and family over the years and I'm really going to miss it. I think Ozymandias is still my favorite of the season, but this was still a very worthy finale in my books.


In the alternate ending Walt is able to make 100% pure meth which when inhaled gives him super human speed to take out the neo nazis.
At the end of the day, it's up to the viewer to determine how they believe things played out after the show ended. If you want to believe Jesse is in jail, and fucked for the rest of his life, that's cool.

The alternative seems a little too clean for my liking.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I wonder what the legacy of Breaking Bad will be now that it's over. I get this sense that, a lot of people really liked it. But there is almost this "muted" feeling about it too. Like yeah it was great, but it wasn't the perfect ending it could have been. Almost as if people feel the ending kind of capped the show off in a way that sums up the point of the show in a way that lessens its greatness. Of course, I'm just going off what I think people are saying. Who knows if what I'm reading and hearing is actually representative of a larger feeling.

It's just kind of funny to me. Because I remember when LOST ended, it was pretty clear a ton of people hated the ending. That for a lot of people, the last season and ending ruined the entire show, and also ruined its legacy (although some would argue it was bad before the ending). And here we have this Breaking Bad finale. And most agree that it was at the very least, a good episode. A good ending.

Yet, I get a similar feeling that some believe the shows legacy was knocked back a little because of the ending. Again, could be overreacting to what I'm hearing. But I'm just interested in how critics and people in general view this show later down the line. I remember critics saying around Season 4, Breaking Bad had surpassed the Wire and the Sopranos. Interesting to see those same critics kind of being meh about what the ending ultimately said about the show.
I agree with this.

"Muted" describes the feeling precisely.

It's a feeling of satisfaction. It was a good ending. That was all. It wasn't an ending that is rising a strong reaction out of anyone. People are either unsatisfied or satisfied, it seems. There's no one that is like 'HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' or talking about the ending as some type of groundbreaking piece of work like how the finale of Season 4 was received.

I don't know if it's a bad thing in the context of the episode, a safe ending works in Breaking Bad's favor, I think. But I don't think it works in the context of Breaking Bad's long lasting legacy.
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