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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
The insider podcast. It's all in the first 15 minutes where they just toss out a few ideas that they didn't go with. I would repeat it but I think Vince makes it sound as dark/disgusting as possible.

Link? I know there is all those media links but I have no clue which one it is.


I was going to give the finale a 10/10, but they didn't resolve the Trent plot point, or how he was able to make fresh guacamole at your table.


bonus alternate ending only available on the bluray.

looks like you're going to have to wait it out with the rest of us.
I watched an earlier episode with hank in it

Man I love hank and I miss his presence

I wished he would just turn Walt in asap so things would be brighter
I didn't think it was necessarily a given that Jesse was happy as he fled. Emotional, definitely, but not specifically happy.

He was pretty to be able to escape and be free. He really brought all that on himself. He could of taken that money and started in a new life with Andrea and Brock. Matter fact, a lot of things that went down could be blamed on multiple people.
I want to make a website called "www.whathappenedtohuell.com", and just have a repeating video of him sitting in the room, with current time and day shown (and a darkness at night).


Have they announced if there is going to be extra bonus features on the box set coming out in November as opposed to just the season 5 Bluray?

I already own seasons 1-3 on Bluray and don't really wanna purchase the full box set unless there are some crazy awesome exclusives.
I pre-ordered the hell out of the Blu Ray collection this morning. It's being shipped to my office.

I'm totally going to roll it around :p



Forever my favorite chef ;_;7
I think the more likely scenario is that it wasn't a ricochet, but the bullet's course was slightly deflected when coming through the wall. It exits gun, hits wall, changes trajectory slightly and hits him in the side. It's unlikely that every bullet coming through a wall like that would continue to travel in a perfectly straight trajectory.

It doesn't need to bounce off the back wall, off the other wall and then into Walt.
I realized the m60 didn't have full clearance therefore had to shoot thru the side of the trunk. the bullet probably deflected there. I am unable to check now but I wonder if in the aftermath shot of the side of the bullet-ridden clubhouse shows a single bullet hole about a foot or so off the ground. that would be quite impressive from a directorial stand point

It must really suck trying to enjoy movies and television if you get bothered with stuff like this.
it was a pain to watch ironman 3........


It was definitely a 'neat' ending and I can see why some people dislike that.

There was nothing surprising to me but I still greatly enjoyed it. Totally called the ricin thing.

I got everything I wanted from the ending so I can't complain.


It was definitely a 'neat' ending and I can see why some people dislike that.

There was nothing surprising to me but I still greatly enjoyed it. Totally called the ricin thing.

I got everything I wanted from the ending so I can't complain.

I understand the "neat" complaints- but I actually find it wasn't really that "neat"- it wrapped up the physical plot points, in that the show went from A, to B, to C- BUT I still think there was a lot of emotional issues that weren't covered in this ep. I dunno.


Just watched it. Amazing show, great (if mostly predictable) finale. My only regret is that there wasn't more Walt-Jesse dialogue. Walt admitting to Skylar what we've all known since the start, that he was selfish and did it for himself, might have been the most cathartic scene in the whole show.

Neo Child

i only really cared about what happened to jesse

seeing him screamy smile like that at the end was so nice

i mean i know alot of shit has happened over the course of the 5 seasons and he really deserves to be happy even if he has to make the best of what he had. overall a pretty happy end episode which i didnt see coming really especially after ozymandias.


I almost wish Walt got arrested during that cold open and the rest of the episode was a trial that Walt may or may not have lived through. That would have been a ballsy way to end the series.


Well the emotional stuff was dealt with in the previous episodes imo. This episodes was just about rounding it off like the end of a nice cigar.


I love that Walt died after enjoying one last stroll through his adopted home, a meth lab. Died doing what he loved and all that, haha.


cranston was killer in this episode

felt like he'd really found some new depth to the character

also walt's rejoinder to elliot about needing a bigger knife was pure ehrmantraut


The more reviews I read, the more flawed I'm realizing this episode was.

I mean, I enjoyed every moment of it. I don't see how people can complain about the pulpy moments (like the machine gun mechanism) - when truthfully, it was actually one of the more believable things Walt has done (are you guys really saying, it would be hard to make a mechanism that makes something go left to right, and holds a trigger down?).

But where I can see where people are coming from, is on two things:

I. The tone of the finale. It was very celebratory.

II. Walt was able to achieve everything with precision and accuracy.

So I get those complaints. I think they are valid. But honestly, I'm still fine with the tone, because ultimately Walt accepted he's a terrible person, and realizes that breaking bad made him feel alive, and was the actual reason he did it in the first place. And I see nothing wrong with a villain or bad guy getting away with it, or relishing in his badness. I think it's very weird that in fiction we feel that bad guys must always suffer the consequences (I understand why we want this, but I don't think it has to happen. Because it's not true. Bad people all the time enjoy what they do, and relish in it). I would only have this issue if the show tried to portray Walt as a hero, or made him sympathetic in the end.

And I don't think they did that at all. Walt ruined his family. Walt pretty much lost everything. And he still wouldn't accept responsibility for why he did what he did (up to Granite State). But then in the finale he finally did. And so for me, that was the pivotal moment. That was to me, the thematic moment that needed to happen. Because in reality, Walt ends up being rather pathetic. He goes down as being infamous as a drug kingpin. He dies in a methlab - something he felt more alive about, and cared more about then his own family, and his other achievements in life. His family will be forever ruined.

So I don't think Walt really won, or had any redemption. But in Walt's mind, he went out feeing good. And I'm totally okay with that - because he ends up slipping into depravity, and knows this is the person he was, and what he enjoyed the most in life.

As far as the precision of him taking care of everything, I can't really argue against that. I think it's more than fair for someone to say they didn't like it, because it felt too neat. But I would personally say, this goes back to the pulpy nature of the show. And it's an element that has been in every season. I disagree that the show isn't "art" - or on the same level as the other greats, because it was both pulpy and a human drama. I don't think art, needs to always be based in realism.

What made me love Breaking Bad so much is that at its core, it did have a lot of those human drama elements, and these deep themes. But it was told through the lense of a folk antihero, a pulpy story. And that is actually why I find Breaking Bad to be the best show I've seen. Because it not only has those deeper moments/themes that the other greats have, but it was also highly entertaining. There are a lot of shows I won't mention. But they have the best writing, acting and directing. But the aren't entertaining, and they lack (IMO soul). Breaking Bad had all of this. And that to me, is why it was so wonderful.


I liked the finale but strangely it felt unnecessary. Sure it needed to tie up some loose plot ends but it didn't say anything new, break any new ground. The scene with Skyler was the absolute highlight but everything else felt disposable. And the action climax was pretty hokey and contrived.
Jesse wasn't laughing so much as in shock. He's on the verge of tears when they finish that scene. Going through stages of grief, if you will.
I understand the "neat" complaints- but I actually find it wasn't really that "neat"- it wrapped up the physical plot points, in that the show went from A, to B, to C- BUT I still think there was a lot of emotional issues that weren't covered in this ep. I dunno.

Whose emotions are we still wondering about?


Whose emotions are we still wondering about?

More Walt x Jesse, more Skylar, more Walt vs. Demons/Karmic Justice. I don't know, I just didn't need another caper/bang-bang finale vs. some Nazis.

It wasn't bad, just clearly an addendum to Ozy.
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