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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


I haven't read the whole thread but here a few of my thoughts:

Loved it. But I wish that Walt lived to get arrested. We have seen many many times where the criminal dies in the end but few (that I can think off the top of my head) where the criminal mastermind is arrested. It still would have provided closure, as Walt would not be free, and he would have died soon anyway, because of the cancer and all.

I also believe that Ozymandius was the true finale and the past two episodes were the epilogue. But I was wondering: What if they decided to end the series with Ozymandius and made a 2 1/2 hour movie that was the last two episodes? Do you think that it could have worked?
But he did get arrested by Hank.


Not sure why people were expecting to be omg surprised in the finale. It was really the denouement of the whole series. Everything came together and was wrapped up in the nicest damn present a viewer could ask for.

The Lydia thing I was thinking about; even if she somehow makes it to the hospital and they manage to miraculously save her; she's got a lot of explaining to do. Like what happened with Jesse when he claimed Brock was poisoned with ricin. The people at the hospital took that very seriously and called government agents to question him.

So how would Lydia explain away she knows she got poisoned with ricin; and where did it come from? If she somehow survives she would be completely fucked over by being associated with Heisenberg. Maybe it also gets back to her company and they realize where the missing chemicals have been going.

So one way or another, Lydia is either dead, or she exposes herself and ends up in jail. Maybe Walter telling her about the ricin was him giving her a chance to come clean herself (maybe before she dies) and own up to what she's done.


i cried twice in the last 10 minutes.

One of happiness; when Walt jumps on Jesse and kills everyone.

And then of sadness when Walt dies and the show ends.


I haven't read the whole thread but here a few of my thoughts:

Loved it. But I wish that Walt lived to get arrested. We have seen many many times where the criminal dies in the end but few (that I can think off the top of my head) where the criminal mastermind is arrested. It still would have provided closure, as Walt would not be free, and he would have died soon anyway, because of the cancer and all.

I also believe that Ozymandius was the true finale and the past two episodes were the epilogue. But I was wondering: What if they decided to end the series with Ozymandius and made a 2 1/2 hour movie that was the last two episodes? Do you think that it could have worked?

I kind of agree. Imagining an alternate ending where Jesse not killing Walt, leads to Walt going into that chemistry lab and sitting to wait, defeated, until the cops came, and then eventually dying in a jail cell would be kind of cool.

I still think it's weird though that Vince Gilligan always said there'd be no redemption for Walt but there was.
lol, ok, that's a hell of a qualifier though. The "hand he was dealt" involved already losing basically everything.

Did he die as a complete failure with nothing to show for it? No. There was obviously some victory to his end, but he lost a ton along the way.
The hand he was dealt was Nazis unexpectadly showing up and killing Hank. That was something that threw cold water on everything and the series took a very, very dark and grim turn.


I kind of agree. Imagining an alternate ending where Jesse not killing Walt, leads to Walt going into that chemistry lab and sitting to wait, defeated, until the cops came, and then eventually dying in a jail cell would be kind of cool.

I still think it's weird though that Vince Gilligan always said there'd be no redemption for Walt but there was.

Eh what. What redemption did Walt really have?

I mean, I agree the ending felt like Walt won, and was celebratory. But I don't think he got redemption.


I thought the ending was ok but I almost predicted exactly how this episode would go down several episodes ago. They did have a few surprises in there.

Going to miss the series. Loved every minute of it.

... and that is exactly why I thought the ending was brilliant. They weren't out to be shocking or do some artsy BS -- it simply wrapped up all the loose ends and gave the fans what they wanted.
I kind of agree. Imagining an alternate ending where Jesse not killing Walt, leads to Walt going into that chemistry lab and sitting to wait, defeated, until the cops came, and then eventually dying in a jail cell would be kind of cool.

I still think it's weird though that Vince Gilligan always said there'd be no redemption for Walt but there was.

He didn't really redeem himself though.

He was a dying man who went a kamikaze strike against everybody he hated. The fact that (most of) those people were racist gang members wasn't really relevant.

It makes sense MGS2 open ended ending. MGS4 goes out of its way to tie up all loose ends.

Making any comparison to MGS4's ending is kind of insulting. Gus didn't come back to life to explain to Walt for a half hour straight about how everybody from Bogdan to that guy with the BMW were all part of a giant Methluminati before dying from Walt's ricin disease.
its amazing how a few episodes ago i wanted jesse to be shot in the face

but now i want to hug him and hold him and tell him everything is going to be okay


Saw this on twitter

"Why the Breaking Bad ending was perfect for everyone"

Great summary. Basically how I feel. Only thing I'd add is... BADGER AND SKINNY PETE!

I loved the finale. I got my Scarface ending, and that shot mid sentence to Uncle Jack was so fucking satisfying.

They really shouldn't have played that Need for Speed trailer. It was all I was thinking of when Jesse sped away at the end of the episode :lol

All in all, I'm sad it's over, but I can't be that sad with such a great final episode. This kind of thing is not very common with television.

Oh yeah, I kind of realise that. They did a good job of marrying the two in this episode. Walt went around stroking his kid's head and showing compassion to Jesse while shooting people in the face and having 'snipers' on Evilore and Gretchen.

yo i'm done
I don't think it was perfect for some fans. If you really thought Walt was an evil person that should face a downfall, this certainly wasn't for them. Yeah, Jesse got some peace. Yeah Walt ended up dead (and in the larger sense, in a pathetic way).

But Walt still mentally went out on top, feeling he did something great - and believing he took care of business. He was at peace before he died. This was a show where it seemed like they were really going to commit to the main character actually facing the consequences in the harshest way possible (which is what the ending of Granite State was) - but this ending was actually kind of a celebratory for Heisenberg. SO I could see where some fans would find the ending a cop out, where the writers decided to pull back on the reins, and give people a "happy ending" - in its sick kind of way.

For the record, I don't feel that way. But I can understand why some fans would. Especially when that ending was more in line with the tone of the last 7 episodes this season.

Well said.

But for me, it's really not a morality issue as much as it's an issue of predictability and repetitiveness.


I read a post a the day after the dexter finale saying that they expect Breaking Bad's to be the complete opposite...

Turns out it was was 100% right and I wasn't surprised.


Yeah, none of us expected that lantern to be in the Schwartz' house.

Serious? It was actually my first thought. I was avoiding making predictions, so I obviously can't prove it, but it seemed likely enough to me.

So that was pretty great overall. Though I'd have liked to have seen Walt fail a bit more in this finale, my faith was not misplaced in the writers that they'd make whatever ending they came up with fit, whether it was the one I wanted or not. I agree with the sentiment that Ozymandius was effectively the climax and these last two episodes were denouement, and I really like that we got that. TV shows so rarely bother with falling action, even when they know their end is coming.


So what was the significance of Walt leaving the watch on the pay phone? That was the watch Jesse got for him, right? I assumed it was symbolic of him finally leaving Walter White behind, and fully embracing Heisenberg.

Or it could just be that it was itching his wrist. LOL! PEACE.


Well said.

But for me, it's really not a morality issue as much as it's an issue of predictability and repetitiveness.

I was actually the opposite in that regards. I thought a predicable ending would be a very dark ending, that felt much darker in tone. And more harsher towards Walt. Just going off the tone of the last 7 episodes, I just expected a different finale that was a continuation of where it was going.

I was kind of taken back by this ending. I mean, I'm not saying the plot itself was unpredictable. I just didn't expect it to feel the way it did, and take the point of view it did.
Fucking hell, that was incredible. I just finished watching, I still need to take it all in. From start to finish, Breaking Bad has been the show I've been waiting on for a long time. I'm so pleased and relieved it maintained its level of quality throughout. I have a lot of respect for writers who aren't afraid to kill their characters, or put them through hell with no traditional happy ending. Even after so much hype and expectation the finale still managed to exceed it imo.
I just feel empty now that it's over. Worst tv feeling :( I still have a lot of shows I'm watching but I know they won't beat breaking bad. I probably won't feel this bad again until mad men is over.
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