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Breaking Bad - The (Beautiful) Finale - Season 5 Part 2 - Sunday on AMC - OT3


I kind of wish Walt had said "I'm sorry" to Jesse, but he didn't need to say the words. The way he looked at Jesse said it for him.
Well said.

But for me, it's really not a morality issue as much as it's an issue of predictability and repetitiveness.

The final scene of Jesse and Walt exchanging the look reminded me of



same feeling that I had with LOST, which didn't have the best ending of course, but same empty feeling because no show other show had me that hooked.

What should be my next show GAF?

I here that Board Walk Empire and Justified are very good


So what was the significance of Walt leaving the watch on the pay phone? That was the watch Jesse got for him, right? I assumed it was symbolic of him finally leaving Walter White behind, and fully embracing Heisenberg.

Or it could just be that it was itching his wrist. LOL! PEACE.
Vince explained it on Talking Bad. Part of the reason was continuity. In 501 he didn't have the watch on, so he had to ditch it somehow. Jesse had given it to him a year before on his 51st birthday, so he was giving it away on his 52nd. Or something. Basically, continuity.

Also, the not killing Jesse thing being inspired by The Searchers? Fuck yeah, Vince Gilligan gets it.
Why is this bad?

It's not inherently bad. I just appreciate it when a show subverts my expectations, provided it's done in a way that's plausible by the shows own standards.

It's a perfectly adequate finale. But it's not one that strikes me as being exceptional or ambitious. And in that respect, it's a mild letdown, yeah.


As soon as I saw those red dots I knew it was Skinny Pete and Badger. I fucking knew we'd see them one last time.

They were definitely a great addition to the episode. The whole season felt like it was missing something. That made me realize; fucking HUMOR.
same feeling that I had with LOST, which didn't have the best ending of course, but same empty feeling because no show other show had me that hooked.

What should be my next show GAF?

I here that Board Walk Empire and Justified are very good
those are both pretty damn different shows. I personally like boardwalk more but warning...it does start of slowwww. I didn't start really liking it till after season 1 tbh.


Junior Member
Ha. I turned on the IPAD and the Neogaf Breaking Bad thread was at the top at 16 pages. I refresh it to see it is at 43 pages. I guess I will spend the next few hours catching up.

Just to give my initial impressions, it was close to perfect. They could have gone straight up dark or given us a twist ending, but In the end it was a happy ending. I like happy endings. It is so rare to see them when it comes to this genre.
Does anyone else find it funny how the "boss" characters always last slightly longer than their mooks, as if they had more HP or something?

Don Eladio survived the poison longer than his larger, younger men and had to be strangled.
Gus got to walk out and fix his tie while poor Tyrus didn't stand a chance.
Declan was still crawling after the shootout and had to be shot by Jack.
Jack was still talking after the robo-shootout and had to be shot by Walt.

I know it's for dramatic effect and all, but I still found it amusing.


I love Bowman's reviews

The theme of “Felina” seems to be this: People and machines are usually predictable. Lydia meets her business partners like she always did, tears open the only stevia packet on the table like she always does. Gretchen and Elliot betrayed on television how much they fear losing their reputation and their elegant lives, and that means that they can be manipulated. Walt has always used this predictability—this scientific certainty about action and reaction—to get what he wants. But it’s taken him until now to realize the corollary: If you can change your pattern, those predictable people and machines will miss you. Walt changes; he’s the only one who does. After their purpose is fulfilled, the machines stay in motion. The massage chair keeps rolling even though its occupant is dead. The M60 keeps sweeping even though it’s out of ammunition. But Walt’s purpose is fulfilled, and he just stops.

Walt did transform and change in this final episode, and it wasn't him turning to Heisenberg. It was him embracing Heisenberg, and brutally finishing off whoever has crossed him over. He went to Lydia with an old trick ("I can cook for you guys, just let me do it, please sorry for me.") but subverted everyone's expectations. Once again people understimated Walter White, even after all he's done.
Not sure why people were expecting to be omg surprised in the finale. It was really the denouement of the whole series. Everything came together and was wrapped up in the nicest damn present a viewer could ask for.

The Lydia thing I was thinking about; even if she somehow makes it to the hospital and they manage to miraculously save her; she's got a lot of explaining to do. Like what happened with Jesse when he claimed Brock was poisoned with ricin. The people at the hospital took that very seriously and called government agents to question him.

So how would Lydia explain away she knows she got poisoned with ricin; and where did it come from? If she somehow survives she would be completely fucked over by being associated with Heisenberg. Maybe it also gets back to her company and they realize where the missing chemicals have been going.

So one way or another, Lydia is either dead, or she exposes herself and ends up in jail. Maybe Walter telling her about the ricin was him giving her a chance to come clean herself (maybe before she dies) and own up to what she's done.

Walt told her so that she would know it was him who granted her a painful death. She's had the ricin for more than half the day, she's completely fucked, she can do nothing but fucking die.


same feeling that I had with LOST, which didn't have the best ending of course, but same empty feeling because no show other show had me that hooked.

What should be my next show GAF?

I here that Board Walk Empire and Justified are very good
Orange is the New Black is great. Only one season yet tho.
same feeling that I had with LOST, which didn't have the best ending of course, but same empty feeling because no show other show had me that hooked.

What should be my next show GAF?

I here that Board Walk Empire and Justified are very good

Friday Night Lights--and no, it's not all football. Just watch it.

So, would anyone say this reached #1 on their Top 10 Breaking Bad episodes?

Ozymandias always #1.

The Real Abed

Walt didn't need to build a sentry gun. He should have crammed Badger and Skinny Pete in the trunk and as soon as he gives the signal, they pop open the trunk and start shooting.
But then they'd be bad people. They're just nice guys who take drugs. Not bad people who kill people. I'd hate for them to have to be taken out for being bad people, even if they did kill bad people. Don't drag them into it. Especially if somehow they got found.


I loved the ending. They respected the characters, did what had to be done.

I'll miss this series so much. It'll be a while until something of this caliber appears again.


those are both pretty damn different shows. I personally like boardwalk more but warning...it does start of slowwww. I didn't start really liking it till after season 1 tbh.

well Breaking Bad did also start off slow, in its first two seasons before it took off


So what was the significance of Walt leaving the watch on the pay phone? That was the watch Jesse got for him, right? I assumed it was symbolic of him finally leaving Walter White behind, and fully embracing Heisenberg.

Or it could just be that it was itching his wrist. LOL! PEACE.

I've always felt, and still do, that any analysis which is premised on the idea that there's an actual duality to Walt/Heisenberg is kind of flawed, so I didn't see it as that. I really just took it as fanservice, like the people holding lasers to the Schwartz' being Badger and Pete. Unnecessary, but representative of an important part of the story.

If I was to take it as seriously symbolic in some way I'd see it as representative of Walt's abandonment of Jesse in the first place, but it's kind of an awkward spot in the story for it.

(note: all of this is aside from the continuity aspect mentioned above)


First one to talk gets to stay on the aircraft!
My only complaint is that Ozymandias should've ended with a montage of news reports on Walt's identity as Heisenberg. I at least wanted to see some of that.


same feeling that I had with LOST, which didn't have the best ending of course, but same empty feeling because no show other show had me that hooked.

What should be my next show GAF?

I here that Board Walk Empire and Justified are very good

I had that same feeling of Lost. However, I love Breaking Bad way more but the reason Breaking Bad isn't giving me that feeling is because BB gave me closure. Lost really didn't for me so that empty feeling occurred.


I kind of wish Walt had said "I'm sorry" to Jesse, but he didn't need to say the words. The way he looked at Jesse said it for him.

That and his sorry, was giving Jesse the chance of killing him. I still think that scene was about Walt giving Jesse that opportunity, because he was going to die anyways. I'm not sure Walt was TRULY sorry - to be clear. So before people jump on me, and explain how Walt never really truly sorry, I'm not saying that. I don't think Walt was every truly sorry (in the sense that, he regret what he did. Clearly that isn't the case given his acceptance of why he did what he did).

But I definitely think Walt was sorry that things played out t he way they did between him and Jesse. And I think Jesse felt the same way (I interpreted his final look at Walt, as one with both love and hate).


Beat EviLore at pool.
My only complaint is that Ozymandias should've ended with a montage of news reports on Walt's identity as Heisenberg. I at least wanted to see some of that.

Yeah I was hoping to see glimpses of ti at points at least. I am happy for what we have gotten though.


He place it there before she got there.
Unless I missed it

I rewound quickly to check the scene again during a commercial, but I didn't find anything.

He did it before she got there baby

It was there from the start. As was Walt. We don't see him do it.

That's what I figured.

I guess he knew what table she always sits at and took all but one of the packets, then put the ricin in that last one?

Fucking plot hole!!!!!
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