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BREAKING: Nintendo NDS conference at 2:30pm (Japan time)


Nintendo's finally playing the game right. Back in the day, Yamauchi would have come on and said that the PSP is for lonely perverts who play alone in the dark, and that Nintendo will be launching a year from now because the PSP is not a concern.

Now we have Nintendo playing dope ass spoiler tactics with the PSP announcement (and they planned to do this the whole time, don't believe otherwise) I'm sure that Nintendo has had all the info they needed prepared for weeks, and were just waiting for the right time to announce it. Hell, I'll bet right now Nintendo knows how much exactly the PSP will launch for and a general idea of what games it will launch with. Perfect time to spring their own announcement :)

Well played.


force push the doodoo rock
Its very likely nintendo knows how much the psp is. Im sure microsoft knows about the pstwo also. This is alot more agressive than ive ever seen nintendo. We will see soon wether or not they are doing the right thing.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Lost Weekend said:
Nintendo's finally playing the game right. Back in the day, Yamauchi would have come on and said that the PSP is for lonely perverts who play alone in the dark, and that Nintendo will be launching a year from now because the PSP is not a concern.

Now we have Nintendo playing dope ass spoiler tactics with the PSP announcement (and they planned to do this the whole time, don't believe otherwise) I'm sure that Nintendo has had all the info they needed prepared for weeks, and were just waiting for the right time to announce it. Hell, I'll bet right now Nintendo knows how much exactly the PSP will launch for and a general idea of what games it will launch with. Perfect time to spring their own announcement :)

Well played.
Yes, but in current GAF parlance, this perceived as Sony forcing Nintendo's hand.

Just passing time till the conference :)


I have this mental image of marconelly and jarrod backstage, preparing their notes and practicing their opening remarks while their publicists make sure that their ties are straight and the hair is ok.



The cable guy is coming to install cable in my new place...um...any chance G4techTV will do anything on this tomorrow? Probably not.


And even i am moderately surprised
if there IS a big price discrepancy in Nintendos favour, this has to be the way for them to go.

If sony get in first and show their superior machine, i think the price difference and different style of games might get a little lost vs. a sheer tech owning from the PSP.

If Nintendo show lots of good stuff FIRST, with a price that may be >= 3 times smaller than the PSP, then that will be a bit of a slap for sony.

If sony don't announce the price after nintendos conference, then i think they might have hit the panic button.
This is the best news i've heard all year, its a great day, I'm going to be fellowing all of this from school this morning.

great day and its feels good. Nintendo has finally got Sony pissing their pants, wondering WTF did that come from? :D


Dyne said:
Good day for the market? Perhaps.
In the past i remeber the ds was and the capcom 5 were announced on this day and before that this was always just the day that interesting news was announced.


BuddyChrist83 said:
I think there's one for NOA's conference later this morning, but not for NOJ's.

afaik, the closest thing to a webcast you're going to get is my (or somebody else's) groggy ass posting live updates while on the phone. :)


arter_2 said:
ah the good ole days e3 tactics
The new Zelda unveiling gave me goosebumps. Everyone in the chat room going crazy, the crowd at E3 yelling... it was like a game-winning play at a huge football game. One of the coolest video game related moments I can remember.
norinrad21 said:
This is the best news i've heard all year, its a great day, I'm going to be fellowing all of this from school this morning.

great day and its feels good. Nintendo has finally got Sony pissing their pants, wondering WTF did that come from? :D

Fantastic day...just got back from seeing Eisley and Snow Partol at the Metro in Chicago and then home to this!!!


Call me silly, but I predict Nintendo will announce a big Square game at the announcement as well. Perhaps the port of CT? Or even better -- a port of FFVII?

They have to have some sort of software momentum if they are to make this announcement worthy to steal the glitter of the Sony conference. A price and street date will be great and will show us where DS stands on the marketplace... But I am personally looking forward to any big software announcements. :)


they'll have a bunch of well-written english press releases for NOA's annoucements. NOJ's, well, this is going to be mighty interesting.
I wonder how the news will hit? Will we get some mangled text message from one of our Japan-based members? Or will some slick press releases emerge? Who knows.


force push the doodoo rock
Zeenbor said:
Call me silly, but I predict Nintendo will announce a big Square game at the announcement as well. Perhaps the port of CT? Or even better -- a port of FFVII?

They have to have some sort of software momentum if they are to make this announcement worthy to steal the glitter of the Sony conference. A price and street date will be great and will show us where DS stands on the marketplace... But I am personally looking forward to any big software announcements. :)

i thikn this is asking for too much.


The new Zelda unveiling gave me goosebumps. Everyone in the chat room going crazy, the crowd at E3 yelling... it was like a game-winning play at a huge football game. One of the coolest video game related moments I can remember.

I was there in the front row. That seriously was one of the awesomest (if not THE awesomest) gaming moments of my life. Amazing new surprise Zelda followed by Miyamoto? Pure bliss.


DCharlie said:
If sony don't announce the price after nintendos conference, then i think they might have hit the panic button.

Nothing a consumer should be worried about, infact if you think about it, if they do a price restructuring after the DS confrence well in theory the price should have been dropped from their original launch price to something to compete with the DS :D Can't wait to see how this turns out I'm personally buying both PSP/DS just buying my PSP first.


neptunes said:
remembers DC++ Fondly :D

it was madness, 20 lines of..

yeah theat was great thier was a shout from me at that announcement man i got all that for free shows u u dont need gamespot complete.


And even i am moderately surprised
one things for certain - if Sony price the JPN PSP at under 29800 , then they have balls of steal.

And if they do that, i wish them every bit of success.

Actually, as i'll be buying one regardless, i hope it goes well anyways! More games for me!!
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