House prices likely will go down in the short term after getting out, but it;s such a dumb argument anyway. People who are currently renting would want that to happen.
I'm looking to buy this summer, so personally I would be delighted if house prices suddenly tanked. They're pretty ridiculous right now anyway. You're looking at ~£250k for a decent three-bedroom house in the south-west. I can't even imagine how bad it is in London.
i saw that george osborne said that leaving the EU would cause houseprices to go down. obviously an attempt to scare home counties tories into voting to stay, but it was actually the most concrete reason i've seen yet to vote leave.
I'm looking to buy this summer, so personally I would be delighted if house prices suddenly tanked. They're pretty ridiculous right now anyway. You're looking at ~£250k for a decent three-bedroom house in the south-west. I can't even imagine how bad it is in London.
From a purely selfish point of view I'm in pretty much the same boat, we part own our London flat as we couldn't afford to own outright and want to sell up and move out of London in a couple of years, I don't think prices will fall that much in London (our area in Bow as pretty much doubled in price in 5 years, I'm not even joking) and hopefully the area we want to move into will be a little cheaper if old George is right.
i saw that george osborne said that leaving the EU would cause houseprices to go down. obviously an attempt to scare home counties tories into voting to stay, but it was actually the most concrete reason i've seen yet to vote leave.
If house prices were to crash I'd be tempted to vote leave purely for selfish reasons of being able to own a house next week!
i don't think house prices is a (completely) selfish reason; house prices are still artificially inflated and the market is a disaster. lower house prices are better for everyone who isn't using home ownership as a way to inflate their wealth.
Only doubled?From a purely selfish point of view I'm in pretty much the same boat, we part own our London flat as we couldn't afford to own outright and want to sell up and move out of London in a couple of years, I don't think prices will fall that much in London (our area in Bow as pretty much doubled in price in 5 years, I'm not even joking) and hopefully the area we want to move into will be a little cheaper if old George is right.
I'm looking to buy this summer, so personally I would be delighted if house prices suddenly tanked. They're pretty ridiculous right now anyway. You're looking at ~£250k for a decent three-bedroom house in the south-west. I can't even imagine how bad it is in London.
I'm lookiing at £250k+ for a one/two (small box 2nd room) bed flat in Brighton...fuck the south east
I had heard that Brighton had become a commuter city for London. Maybe that's driving up prices? In any case, that's harsh. It's getting to the point where you could win big on a scratchcard and still not be able to buy a house in some places.
Brighton is in the unfortunate situation of being a commuter town and being by the sea so prices are even more inflated. I live ~35mins from London Euston by train and my 2 bed flat cost £167k last year. Still, I only really afforded the deposit through death of a parent. Otherwise, every time I managed to save another £1k, house prices would go up by even more.I'm lookiing at £250k+ for a one/two (small box 2nd room) bed flat in Brighton...fuck the south east
The housing situation in London is ridiculous, and rather depressing at that.
Me and the wife managed to get ourselves out of debt and currently have £15k saved towards a deposit and yet after some cursory research into house buying it has left us feeling just as far away from getting one as we have always been.
We also looked Into the whole part buy, part rent scheme but that's seems like a con considering your rent goes up and if you want to expand your owned percentage younger to have the place really evaluated meaning the price goes up again.
I already spend just over an hour each way going to and from inner London for work and going out any further is going to be a hard pill to swallow since my daily commute will probably total at least 3-4 hours which gives me and the wife even less time together than we already have.
Something needs to change because the only people who benefit are the rich and serial landlords.
i don't think house prices is a (completely) selfish reason; house prices are still artificially inflated and the market is a disaster. lower house prices are better for everyone who isn't using home ownership as a way to inflate their wealth.
Have you considered moving out of London?The housing situation in London is ridiculous, and rather depressing at that.
Me and the wife managed to get ourselves out of debt and currently have £15k saved towards a deposit and yet after some cursory research into house buying it has left us feeling just as far away from getting one as we have always been.
We also looked Into the whole part buy, part rent scheme but that's seems like a con considering your rent goes up and if you want to expand your owned percentage younger to have the place really evaluated meaning the price goes up again.
I already spend just over an hour each way going to and from inner London for work and going out any further is going to be a hard pill to swallow since my daily commute will probably total at least 3-4 hours which gives me and the wife even less time together than we already have.
Something needs to change because the only people who benefit are the rich and serial landlords.
Well at the moment we are already living in a place for £700 a month which is at least £200 less then the surrounding houses, basically because the house needs a lot of work done but our rubbish landlord takes forever to do anything and it causes problems so we kind of both leave each other alone even though they are desperate to put our rent up im sure.Adapt. Rent something way below your means while you save. Don't even think about buying in London, just keep saving/investing and buy something way outside of London when you retire.
In NYC, many people end up buying in places like Florida. Hardly anyone can afford to buy a house in NYC.
Well we already live in the last 1/4 of London and as i said before travel to work (Strand) takes me over 2 hours a day total so going any further just means i would only be with my wife for a few hours total and since its bad enough as it is any more travel time is just going to be very depressing for both of us.. I already start work early and get out early to try and mitigate this so there ist much more i can do. We are also going to probably be trying for a child next year as we have been putting it off for years because of money and then wanting to buy a house before we do but at 31 we cant really leave it any longer.Have you considered moving out of London?
Well we already live in the last 1/4 of London and as i said before travel to work (Strand) takes me over 2 hours a day total so going any further just means i would only be with my wife for a few hours total and since its bad enough as it is any more travel time is just going to be very depressing for both of us.
Haha to be honest doubling is a bit of a guess! We are around the corner from Mile End, my old stomping ground. The half moon weatherspoons has chucked me out at closing more times than I care to remember, will miss living here when we eventually move but we desperately need more space.Only doubled?Yeah it's crazy my ex house mate owns her place in Mile End and that is at 3x the price from 5 years ago now.
Haha to be honest doubling is a bit of a guess! We are around the corner from Mile End, my old stomping ground. The half moon weatherspoons has chucked me out at closing more times than I care to remember, will miss living here when we eventually move but we desperately need more space.
Really, look outside of London.
Thing is, if we leave the EU and house prices crash, thats not gonna be a market where the banks are giving out cheap mortgages to first time buyers. The prices might go down but unless you have a very healthy deposit, I suspect we would all still struggle to buy. And if you have a healthy deposit now then you could probably get one, even if it's at the top of the market.
The European Union is a "force for social injustice" which backs "the haves rather than the have-nots", Iain Duncan Smith has said.
Ho-lee shiiiiiiit, the hypocrisy. Does this guy know what party he's a member of? And that he's spent that last few years dismantling the support infrastructure for the have-nots?
Yeah, this is not the first time people have been forced to wonder if IDS owns a mirror.
He cried on television. CRIED.Don't you need a soul to be able to see your reflection in a mirror?
He cried on television. CRIED.
DaTweetz said:"ITV have effectively become part of the In campaign, we will take them to court and we will win," says a Vote Leave source. Who is unhappy.
Today in Vote Leave:
ITV have decided to do a debate between Cameron and Farage. This is because Cameron refueses to debate a Tory (meanwhile I just say I'll never date a Tory, hahahaha PUN). So Vote Leave are all 'well why are you giving in to him, we're the campaign officially, we should choose who we put up for debate'. But ignoring the fact that Vote Leave don't own the opinion and the debates aren't strictly part of the package being designated gets.
ANYWAY, Vote Leave decided to get all toys and prams:
Though to be honest I think debates are mainly just for show, they don't convince people, just intrench people.
Ugh, more Vote Leave infighting. Get it together guys!
Regardless, I think Dave v Nigel would at the very least be more entertaining than Dave v Gove. I imagine that's what ITV are primarily concerned with.
For pure entertainment, Dave V Boris would have been the very best though.
Saying all this thought the amount of building around my area has been crazy, new developments seem to have sprung up everywhere. No idea of the numbers but it's certainly feels like there has been a lot of building around east London, doesn't seem to be affecting the prices yet however.
Farage is basically Cameron's dream opponent. Cameron could rant on about thermonuclear war occurring in Europe if we leave and he'd still seem reasonable compared to Farage.
Ugh, more Vote Leave infighting. Get it together guys!
Regardless, I think Dave v Nigel would at the very least be more entertaining than Dave v Gove. I imagine that's what ITV are primarily concerned with.
Considering Leave.EU posted the Trump video of him comparing immigrants to snakes on their site I can imagine it.
No you see they posted that but they say they don't endorse the videos they post
I have no idea how didn't get the designation. Fucking fruitcakes.
Farage is basically Cameron's dream opponent. Cameron could rant on about thermonuclear war occurring in Europe if we leave and he'd still seem reasonable compared to Farage.
The only reason that this referendum exists is because of the electoral threat from Farage.