Brexit |OT| UK Referendum on EU Membership - 23 June 2016

Did you vote for the side that is going to win?

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Both sides are as bad as each other. Leave just quote the same bullshit number over and over. While remain say something hyperbole then move on to say something hyperbole again.


Probably discussed before, but what do you guys think the chance is of Scotland immediately seceding from the UK after a Leave vote by the English?
Part of the problem remain has is that no one actually believes them. Every time some one on the remain side talks doom and gloom most just roll their eyes. This is all down to Cameron, not six months ago David Cameron was happily broadcasting that he would actively campaign to leave the EU if he didn't get his precious deal.

So whenever someone talks about huge economic damage/increased tax/massive austerity/Nuclear war if we leave the EU most think "hang on a minute Cammy boy was all for leaving 6 months ago".

At the end of the day I still am not convinced leave will win. It is one thing to tell a pollster you are voting to leave, it is quite another to actually vote to leave. I do think it is going to be close though which is a GOOD thing. A close result may actually have some impact on the fuckwits at brussels and they might just actually start looking at where the EU is going wrong ........ we can but hope.
Probably discussed before, but what do you guys think the chance is of Scotland immediately seceding from the UK after a Leave vote by the English?

It won't happen immediately, but if we leave I expect it will harden the case for independence. One of the major sticking points during the indy ref debate was Scotland staying in the EU, that will be removed if we leave and likely lead in the end to a much higher yes vote, it's the main reason I have switched from pro union to pro independence.


Probably discussed before, but what do you guys think the chance is of Scotland immediately seceding from the UK after a Leave vote by the English?

I think that will take a lot longer than any side would be comfortable with. First Sturgeon would have to hold a referendum, and it would only make sense to do so once the conditions of the Brexit have themselves been understood.


Probably discussed before, but what do you guys think the chance is of Scotland immediately seceding from the UK after a Leave vote by the English?

Scotland can't legally secede, and I dont think that is an option the SNP would consider. Bearing in mind that any referendum has to have the agreement of Westminster before it becomes legal, and that Westminster has made it absolutely clear that a referendum won't happen anytime soon again, I think we'd looking at a number of options:

1) if we vote to leave, and the voting shows that Scotland was in favour of staying, the SNp make rejoicing Europe a core piece of their policy platform and stand on that
2) presuming that a new general election is called fairly soon, they will win another massive mandate based on that
3) Westminster will say no to a further referendum after the election
4) the SNp can then either play the long game, complain very loudly and continue to push for a further referendum at every stage. They would likely continue to win massive majorities at every election, and unless labour reclaimed Scotland it's likely that we'd see a referendum sometime in the next 10 years where Scotland votes to leave
5) they could alternative hold an immediate referendum using the Scottish civil service levers they have, although that would be iffy to say the least, and use that to push for independence directly.

I don't see any circumstances where a Brexit vote results in an independent Scotland anytime soon - it just legally wouldn't happen unless Westminster agrees to it, and that's absolutely never happening. Seceding isn't on the table at all - an outright Declaration of Independence would be catastrophic for Scotland, and it's incredibly unlikely the EU would recognise Scottland as an independent country anyway.


Probably discussed before, but what do you guys think the chance is of Scotland immediately seceding from the UK after a Leave vote by the English?

Immediately i would say nil, oil is low and the government will be busy working out stuff following the vote. Remember there is a windows to get stuff done in before the UK is official "out" i think it was 2 years ? So No new vote for Scotland before that is over with.

Also bear in mind this vote is a vote taken by the entire country as Great Britain not England Scotland Wales and NI


The Birthday Skeleton
The news media for years have been pushing down our throats how awful EU membership is to grab headlines and to sell newspapers and now folks have taken the message to heart and are wanting to leave and now the media is going ape.

Well tough shit. You only brought this on yourselves you hypocritical barstards.

I wouldn't put it all on media. Most politicians all over Europe were happy to blame everything on EU for so many years and not take responsibility for their failures.
Probably discussed before, but what do you guys think the chance is of Scotland immediately seceding from the UK after a Leave vote by the English?

Yeah that aint happening any time soon as others have said. There has been plenty of talk about what will Scotland do if England votes to leave the EU but I think the more interesting question is "How pissed off are the English going to be if Scotland keeps the UK in the EU".

Right now it is looking like it is going to be a very very close contest. At this point it is looking like Wales and England might just by a small margin vote to leave the EU. However if the Scotland vote swings it in remains favour that is not going to do down well with the rest of the UK.


Immediately i would say nil, oil is low and the government will be busy working out stuff following the vote. Remember there is a windows to get stuff done in before the UK is official "out" i think it was 2 years ? So No new vote for Scotland before that is over with.

Also bear in mind this vote is a vote taken by the entire country as Great Britain not England Scotland Wales and NI

If I get dragged out of Europe by little Englanders you can be certain I'll be pissed.

A sentiment that will be shared all over Scotland.
Both sides are as bad as each other. Leave just quote the same bullshit number over and over. While remain say something hyperbole then move on to say something hyperbole again.
Leave are actually lying about how things are now whereas remain are playing up the potential negative consequences, which could very well be true but we can't actually say for sure. I don't think those two things are "as bad as each other".
If I get dragged out of Europe by little Englanders you can be certain I'll be pissed.

A sentiment that will be shared all over Scotland.

I was under the impression most of Scotland was already pissed off about "little Englanders" so no change there then.

What if Gibraltar keeps the UK in the EU?

Pfft a rock, we will quarry it to hell for it's delicious erm rockness. I don't know much about Gibraltar (other than it is a rock and it appeared in a James Bond film) but isn't it like only 30,000 people and a dog there ? That isn't really going to have much of an effect either way. Besides the Gibraltarians hate the Spanish so I imagine they are a shoe in to vote leave.


Leave are actually lying about how things are now whereas remain are playing up the potential negative consequences, which could very well be true but we can't actually say for sure. I don't think those two things are "as bad as each other".

They absolutely aren't as bad as each other, I definitely agree there. I posted earlier, but unless someone has found otherwise I cannot think of anything in our electoral process going back to 1992 (my first election where I paid attention) on the scale of the 350m figure. Its been rebuked constantly in a way that nothing else I can think of has been, and yet it continues to be used by Leave and the press all the time.
I was under the impression most of Scotland was already pissed off about "little Englanders" so no change there then.

Pfft a rock, we will quarry it to hell for it's delicious erm rockness. I don't know much about Gibraltar (other than it is a rock and it appeared in a James Bond film) but isn't it like only 30,000 people and a dog there ? That isn't really going to have much of an effect either way. Besides the Gibraltarians hate the Spanish so I imagine they are a shoe in to vote leave.

Actually no Gibraltar is a very pro EU area and are terrified at what will happen if they lose EU single market access. There were some good articles on TV about it last week.
Pfft a rock, we will quarry it to hell for it's delicious erm rockness. I don't know much about Gibraltar (other than it is a rock and it appeared in a James Bond film) but isn't it like only 30,000 people and a dog there ? That isn't really going to have much of an effect either way. Besides the Gibraltarians hate the Spanish so I imagine they are a shoe in to vote leave.

No, quite the opposite. I can only find one poll, but it's pretty clear: 88% Remain, only 8% Leave.

So yeah, only 30,000 people there but if 99% of them turn up to vote (like they do in their other referendums on e.g. remaining part of the UK)...and the voting is as lopsided as that poll...and it's as close as it looks like it's going to be....then they could...could...just make the difference!

I'm only half joking here.

Funky Papa

I was under the impression most of Scotland was already pissed off about "little Englanders" so no change there then.

Pfft a rock, we will quarry it to hell for it's delicious erm rockness. I don't know much about Gibraltar (other than it is a rock and it appeared in a James Bond film) but isn't it like only 30,000 people and a dog there ? That isn't really going to have much of an effect either way. Besides the Gibraltarians hate the Spanish so I imagine they are a shoe in to vote leave.

Gibraltar Fears Isolation, Economic Ruin If Britain Leaves EU

“It is part of the European treaty system that they’re not actively allowed to pursue a claim to Gibraltar, whilst Britain is a member of the European Union. So in a way, the European Union is protecting Gibraltar,” Pinkerton said.

Spain has in the past tightened border controls at times of heightened tension, causing huge traffic delays. Madrid has accused Gibraltarians of cross-border tobacco and liquor smuggling, and that could be used as a pretext for closing the frontier, effectively cutting off Gibraltar’s 30,000 residents.

“Like any sovereign state not bound by treaties, Spain would be absolutely entitled to close those borders to a territory that is no longer part of the European Union,” Pinkerton added.

Gibraltar’s economy grew by more than 10 percent last year, fueled by its attractiveness as a low tax environment with access to the EU Single Market. Gibraltar’s chief minister, Fabian Picardo, fears the consequences of a vote to leave.

“How do you change your economic model to go from being able to sell to 520 million people to sell only to 32,000 people?

Gibraltar’s Spanish neighboring towns fear Brexit: ‘it would be a disaster’

“If the UK leaves, the EU will not be able to guarantee employment, health and pension rights and this would impact British investments in Spain and those made by Spanish companies in Gibraltar.”
Gibraltar is utterly terrified. So far it's been enjoying all the benefits of being a de facto tax haven within the EU. If Brexit happens, they are irredeemably fucked, politically, economically and strategically.

Countless British expats living in Spain are also scared shitless.

Edit: Don't read the comments.


Leave are actually lying about how things are now whereas remain are playing up the potential negative consequences, which could very well be true but we can't actually say for sure. I don't think those two things are "as bad as each other".

In your opinion they aren't, in my opinion they are. I am still voting remain, but not because of anything the remain camp have said.


Pfft a rock, we will quarry it to hell for it's delicious erm rockness. I don't know much about Gibraltar (other than it is a rock and it appeared in a James Bond film) but isn't it like only 30,000 people and a dog there ? That isn't really going to have much of an effect either way. Besides the Gibraltarians hate the Spanish so I imagine they are a shoe in to vote leave.

People that live in Gibralta have to travel into Spain for a lot of shopping trips. They'd be fucked without free movement.

Why won't 30,000 people have an effect on a vote that is so close? If not, you may as well stay home. Your vote clearly isn't going to make a difference.


Probably did expect that, now the fishermen look like thugs and disrupted what they were trying to get accross. Misson succesful most likely.

Or millionaire acting like a millionaire as poor fishermen struggle. I get he wants to protest etc, but it looks kind of out of touch with how the fishermen feel. I don't agree with their actions, but can see why they got pissed off.


Like him or not bob geldof is as entitled as nigel to go up the thames on a boat, and madchad what to do you mean he should go home exactly


Like him or not bob geldof is as entitled as nigel to go up the thames on a boat, and madchad what to do you mean he should go home exactly

Well on the side you have a guy rolling in millions and on the other you have fishermen, people who quite frankly have had the short end of the stick for years compared to everyone else.

You cant get more out of touch than that thus his presence only pisses them off does nothing to get the IN campaign message across at all. All hes doing is attacking Nigel Farrage while he is at it.


Another farcical moment in an embarrassing campaign. I've always found general elections depressing, the AV and Scottish independence referenda were even worse but this has to be the most idiotic campaign I can remember. I can't think of a single politician whom I haven't lost respect.



One of the fishing boats was involved in a massive fisheries fraud worth millions, very appropriate.

One of the fishing boats was involved in a massive fisheries fraud worth millions, very appropriate.

Doesn't surprise me at all, everything connected to Farage seems dodgy, can't understand why folk like him, seems to me like a dodgy used car salesman then again maybe that's what people are attracted to the dodgy aspect, personally I wouldn't trust any of the leading lights on either side, but Farage is a whole new level of sleaziness.
Doesn't surprise me and when it happens I expect the move towards independence will gather momentum, especially with Boris Johnson expected to be in charge along with Gove, those two combined would be the death knell of pro union support in Scotland.


Somebody used a boat before? When your hire a boat is it a thing that you check everything it has been used for in its history?

Actually it's not very clear reading it again, they talk about the skippers ripping off millions and at the end mention something about a large company owning it previously.

Fuck knows, I thought they were saying the same crew were involved, I'm not sure now.

Still it's poetic that it is involved in another scam.


Well on the side you have a guy rolling in millions and on the other you have fishermen, people who quite frankly have had the short end of the stick for years compared to everyone else.

You cant get more out of touch than that thus his presence only pisses them off does nothing to get the IN campaign message across at all. All hes doing is attacking Nigel Farrage while he is at it.

A lot of fishermen would like to ignore scientific opinion and overfish seas resulting in a complete end of their industry


Bob Geldof does not realise he has inadvertently help the leave campaign today, by pulling his stunt it has pushed Osbournes threats of the front page of news
Gib isn't really a tax haven. In "finance" terms it's very open (far more so than most British Overseas Territories, with who's bad brush they get unfairly tarnished with) and whilst their income tax rates are much lower (and certain business tax rates - ie Gambling, which is why so many Gambling company head quarters are there) they're far from non-existent. It's not like Dubai or somewhere.

Anyway, as said, they are definitely voting remain. Those old enough to remember the Pre-EU days will remember that they had to get everything shipped in via the port. Even the airport was a tricky one because the rock plays havok with the air flow and coming in from over the sea (which you have to do if you're avoiding Spanish air space, which they also had to do) is dangerous. Possible, certainly, but dangerous. The population of Gib expands by about 60% every single day through a combination of Spanish and British ex-pats who live in Spain coming in for work. So it would be terrible for Gib to have those people cut off (and the Spanish are routinely accused of breaking EU rules by their actions on the border already, though it's cooled down since its 'flashpoint' in 2014) but it would be pretty terrible for La Linea and the rest of Cadiz/Malaga, where Gib is actually one of the few booming areas around (and a supplier of some really high-quality jobs, as well as plenty of low-skill touristy ones). It's a lose-lose for everyone if the border shut again, though I don't doubt it would shut, on Spain's side at least.


LONDON (Reuters) - JP Morgan said on Wednesday that the lead across a range of opinion polls for campaigners seeking to get Britain out of the European Union has widened after the bank removed a hoax poll from its analysis.

"Leave" now had a 1.4 percentage-point lead over "Remain", analysts said in a research note.

so neck and neck then, and with margin of error it is fucking close


Bob Geldof does not realise he has inadvertently help the leave campaign today, by pulling his stunt it has pushed Osbournes threats of the front page of news

That wasn't going very well anyway was it?
Seemed a little blackmaily to me.



it was reported that the SNP would want to see at least a 60% in favour for independence for at least 5 years before they would call one, as they know a second defeat would be the death knell of independance
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