I'm about ready to go on a murderous rampage thanks to the Challenge mode in this game.
'Be More Objective' 2 star Challenge. 20+ plays and I can't get beyond the fucking hack box.
I have already walked my way through the 2 star challenges to the 'Tower Defence' and 'Escort' mission and even have my third star for the 'Parkour' challenge.
But the 'Be More Objective' Challenge seems to be either broken, untested properly or something else entirely.
Remember, this is only the 2 star challenge.
As soon as the round starts I sprint to the bomb location. Any slower and you get shot as you are planting the bomb. This part isn't the problem.
Then, change to the engineer and try and make my way to the broken generator. I can usually power my way through and repair it over time (Thanks to the fact the enemy can't 'un-do' any of the work you have completed to that point).
It's the fucking hacking that is doing my head in.
The big issue is the AI of the friendly bots. In all my experience with this challenge, they do not push forward enough. They do in dribs and drabs, but not as a cohesive squad. Also, they don't appear to do any were near the same level of weapon damage that the enemy AI seems to be capable of. Very seldom do I see a friendly bot take out an enemy bot in 1 vs 1, yet vice versa my team are getting wiped out. I only need to reveal a small percentage of my body and my health drops to almost zero (no exaggeration here), the enemy seemingly more interested in me rather than the rest of my squad. It also 'seems' as if the enemy's weapons have a higher rate of fire and suffer from very minimal recoil as I can go from 100% health to incapacitated in less than a second, whereas I can unload an entire clip into an enemy AI and their health gradually goes down - none of the instant deaths I seem to be experiencing.
I usually try to clear out the area as best as possible, helping my guys move up so they can cover me. But the other problem is that the enemies respawn time seems to be non-existent and by the time I turn my back and plant the hack box I'm getting shot in the back. By the time our teams medic decides to revive me, the team is already over run and any ground I gained for us has been lost thanks to the incapable friendly AI.
Then there is an issue where if I do anage to get the hack box on (very fucking seldom), as soon as I walk away from it, my character puts his bloody PDA away? meaning I have to go back and hold the hack button to bring my PDA back up! Does this happen to anyone else? And, by this point the bastard enemy AI has re-spawned and shot me in the fucking back. For the record, I am walking away, I am not trying to run, jump or anything that requires a button press (and it isn't an issue localised to the challenge as it happens to me during MP games too).
Even more frustrating, the few times where I have managed to get the hack box on and I'm hacking away, my team doesn't protect the box. The enemy engineer runs up and starts spraying it with his magical can of deodorant. Leaving me with very little choice but to try and engage the engineer myself to try and salvage what progress I had made, but by this point my team is dead and I'm insta-killed the moment I reveal myself (see above).
Currently, I am level 18 and I have read that the challenge scales with the level of your character. So, I created a new lvl 1 character to see if it made any difference, and there is none that I can see - other than the enemy no longer builds turrets. I am still insta-killed, grouped with incapable friendly AI etc...
I have watched a couple of youtube videos of guys showing how to complete the 2 and 3 star 'Be more objective' challenges. In one video, a guy managed to quickly dispatch the enemy AI who were protecting the hack area and his team moved up and actually put up a formidable defence. It's like I am playing a completely different build of the game to these guys on youtube as my game never plays out like that...
I had expected this level of difficulty from the 3 star version of this challenge, not the 2 star version. Especially when the other challenges '2 star editions' are relatively simple in comparison. You do have to wonder if this particular challenge was properly tested. The worst fact is, it is no longer fun anymore. Where is the fun in playing a game of attrition against what I have described? You are basically hoping for that 'moment' when the enemy AI makes a slight mistake and allows you to fluke your way to a win.
Is anyone else having similar problems against this challenge?
(playing this on the 360 btw)
tl:dr 'Be More objective challenge is fucking frustrating and friendly AI is fucking useless.