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Brink |OT| _/^\_

PetriP-TNT said:
More questions: Can you shoot from the hips accurately? If not, how much does iron sighting improve your accuracy? I really liked in KZ3 that you were nearly as accurate from the hip as you were from iron sight
They've said that some people on the team never use iron sights. There's pros and cons to both and you can tweak your character/gun to suit your playstyle. QW had iron sights too but if you used them in close quarters you'd be punished for it, and at long range you could still hit people from the hip (though iron sights would be more accurate). It'll be hip-shooting-friendly I'm sure!


AwesomeSauce said:
I read somewhere that there are a group of people in the dev team that don't even aim with the iron sights. So i'm guessing firing from the hip in this game is pretty accurate.

Other than aiming at range, the iron-sight stuff seems to be used for tagging mines and other things. I am sure it will be down to people's play-style if they use the iron-sights or not but glad to hear there won't be a huge difference.


zlatko said:
If I remember right there are 8 character creation spaces. Each character has its own faction, size, and class level set up to it. If I'm right each class you level will start to unlock its own abilities, and then there are abilities that all classes share.

So if you were playing your light medic, but then wanted to swap to heavy soldier, you could go do that at a command post, and any abilities that you had set up on that heavy soldier character lay out will be there for you to use.

So yes you have to level Engineer to get Engineer stuff, and Soldier for Soldier stuff, etc, BUT once you have these things unlocked you can make multiple characters that are this class.

Say on some maps/missions you really like Light Engineer, but as it progresses you need to be a Heavy Engineer. You'd just swap to that heavy layout at the command post and it would go to that character's set up you had made before the game.

I'm not 100% if this is how it works, but it should be considering what I've seen and what Splash Damage has mentioned in interviews and videos.

Right, that makes sense. Still don't grasp it fully though, so maybe another Get Smart video would contribute here (hint hint).


Dina said:
Right, that makes sense. Still don't grasp it fully though, so maybe another Get Smart video would contribute here (hint hint).

It seems in the new Get Smart video they put out yesterday for classes, when you watch him actually swap class, he retains the weapons he is currently using and it doesn't seem his character model changes. The abilities is the thing like you mention that is up in the air, but it would seem pointless to swap to a class if it's just the basic level 0/1 version of it.

Maybe, and this is just spit balling, but maybe there's an option in the menus before you go to games where you can customize just that----the abilities you have if you swap on the fly. This would mean when you swap on the fly the game wouldn't have to make a new model, remember all your gun specs on the other classes, etc.
Is having smart mapped to the sprint key optional I wonder. If not I can imagine some potentially frustrating situations where a player might sprint up to something with no intention of vaulting, sliding or whatever the case might be only to have said action thrust upon them due to the automatic nature of system.

I know they've said you can do manual slides and jumps and what not for more advanced use with the jump and crouch keys, so I'm hoping that also means you can disable it's automatic use with the sprint key.


SenorDingDong said:
Is having smart mapped to the sprint key optional I wonder. If not I can imagine some potentially frustrating situations where a player might sprint up to something with no intention of vaulting, sliding or whatever the case might be only to have said action thrust upon them due to the automatic nature of system.

I know they've said you can do manual slides and jumps and what not for more advanced use with the jump and crouch keys, so I'm hoping that also means you can disable it's automatic use with the sprint key.

I think in this day and age, only a noobie developer would be stupid enough to not give players different control schemes at the very least. You should be able to find something that suits you.


zlatko said:
It seems in the new Get Smart video they put out yesterday for classes, when you watch him actually swap class, he retains the weapons he is currently using and it doesn't seem his character model changes. The abilities is the thing like you mention that is up in the air, but it would seem pointless to swap to a class if it's just the basic level 0/1 version of it.

Maybe, and this is just spit balling, but maybe there's an option in the menus before you go to games where you can customize just that----the abilities you have if you swap on the fly. This would mean when you swap on the fly the game wouldn't have to make a new model, remember all your gun specs on the other classes, etc.

It's weird though. If the abilities are locked to your current character and you want to fulfill multiple roles with that character, you need to spread your 20 ability points over abilities suited to 4 classes. Having 4 characters for each class, each decked out with abilities suited to that class, would be better. But then swapping a class mid-game leaves you with a class you have zero good abilities with. I know there are universal abilities, but you probably won't spend 20 points in those.

And then you might want a light medic on top of your heavy medic. Now you need another character. Or maybe you want an two engineer characters with different abilities. That's another character. On the SD forums I hear that xp doesn't transfer over to other characters once you have one character level to 20. Bummer :(


Tokubetsu said:
Basically, unless you focus, you're going to be playing this for awhile if you want to be Mr. Does Everything.

Sounds about right. I will be spending most of my early time playing and levelling a Medic. Hopefully we get enough GAF players that pick the other classes. :D


I am so happy we have an active OT for this with a bit of hype. Please be good, please be good. Any SD devs on GAF btw.?
All of the classes look like a blast IMO. Im learning towards being an operative or engineer at first. Or soldier or medic, ya know, whatever Team GAF needs! : D


I'm going Operative for sure. Light body version. I'm hoping to run around with a bolt action/sniper scope rifle, kill someone, disguise myself as them, and then be able to snipe people with 2-3 shots quick so I can take advantage of various spots on the map so the other team thinks I'm just one of them until it's too late.


desu said:
Some german people were allowed to play the game already. Will try to see if there are any interesting information in it. You can find it here: http://www.gamingpalace.de/index.php/brink/news/1271-communityevent-review.html (maybe google translate hels already).

Yeah I'll post some of there here for you guys translated nicely:

Heyho, a few ESL players, Admins, Fly and myself had the chance to play Brink in Frankfurt at the Bethesda HQ.
We could gather a lot of new impressions and use the chance to ask the devs tons of questions (badman was there as well).

We could play "only" the finished XBOX360 Version but this opportunity was used to ask Steve tons of PC Version questions.
Let me summarize the most important aspects:

The game feels really finished and polished. After playing the game we can be sure that this wasnt a beta version. Besides a few hotfixes there wont be any major updates after the release. No significant bugs, clipping mistakes or else.

The maps reminded me a lot of Enemy Territory (a few times I had the thought "wow, goldrush? oasis? awesome!). The maps seem very well thought through and structed with love to the detail. There was a lot of change after the latest MP FPS and bad maps.
By the way Steve told me that they hired the guy from de_dust2 and to be honest, you can really feel it! The maps are 100% designed for multiplayer.

The class balance are awesome as well! Our favourite was the heavy medic, the fat guy with the minigun. I think that every class has its counter but we were too unpractised to really play our characters to the max. a heavy grouped with a medic is really a tough challenge! The possible counter would have been: Light class, stun nade, slide in. The heavy and medic would have been dead. If you are pro enough!
However: We are all PC gamers and most of us never touched a 360 Gamepad. What brings me to my next point: The nades seem relatively harmless. It seems that they really have to be on point to do some serious damage which was confirmed by Steve later on. You werent really motived to "Ingi-Nade"(? never played ET no idea what that means) like in ET.
Engineers turrets are relatively harmless compared to Quake Wars. They are a neat buff but have to be placed very good and are only effective if the enemy runs on the same level. The turrets DO have an AOE field but they turn relatively slow compared to the running speed of the enemy. It takes some time to destroy a turret but with a combo of nades + weapon its killed relatively quickly. It really depends on the perfect placement!

In my opinion there was no rendom recoil. The gun I used as heavy remained in a steady spray pattern. The secondary, light weapon is really useful but not necessary. The ones who thought the pistols in Quake Wars were too weak can be relieved!

Concerning competitive gameplay:
Steve didnt had any infos on SDK and promod. However he said that they would love to see if Brink was played as it is. You can lock all every Perk or set a certain level for all the players on the server. What perks on what level can be used in the leagues will be determined by US!
Hitsounds? No. However you can see the health bar of the enemy as soon as you hit them (same with turrets). Nothing important for me.
In my opinion weapons were well balanced.

A few things that Steve told me:
We made fun about the current server browsers in other games. Steve promised me that the PC Version will have a proper server browser. The guy who wrote the server browser for Quake Wars, made it in Brink as well!
There are no cash shop items or cash shops planned. DLCs arent planned shortly after the release.

Summarized: Brink will be a really amazing game, however I am slightly sceptical about the community.. The PR is trying hard but compared to HomeFront it isnt getting enough attention.
Brink wont attract fanboys that wont be playing this game for a few weeks and then drop it for another game. The maps are amazing but need a lot of practise and tactical gameplay. Playing solo like in CoD and CS will be immediatly punished by Brink. Of course there will be a amazing frag situations but the buffing and teamplay is like in ET the core aspect of the game.
All we can do right now is wait and if the game will be accepted by the community. My prediction for the release is: A rather small but highly active community. If the game will be as expected after this day, a lot more competitive teams will join.
E-Sports potential is 100% there but Brink needs to be promoted and pushed! I am sure that ESL will support this game with tons of cups, leagues and prize money.
With Brink you might receive one of the last indipendent creative shooter.


zlatko said:
By the way Steve told me that they hired the guy from de_dust2 and to be honest, you can really feel it! The maps are 100% designed for multiplayer.
One of my most favourite maps and the designer works on Brink, YES!


desu said:
Did you just translate that after I posted it xD? That seemed a little too fast :D.

I went over to the Splash forums like 30-40 minutes ago and stumbled on that and read it. Then I saw you posted a google translate of some German impressions and I figured this must be the same stuff and if not at least there's some stuff for people to read to get them hyped/jump ship to buying day one.



zlatko said:
I went over to the Splash forums like 30-40 minutes ago and stumbled on that and read it. Then I saw you posted a google translate of some German impressions and I figured this must be the same stuff and if not at least there's some stuff for people to read to get them hyped/jump ship to buying day one.


Too bad, otherwise I would have bowed down to your amazing typing and translation speed :D.

But yeah, I am even more hyped now!


zlatko said:
I went over to the Splash forums like 30-40 minutes ago and stumbled on that and read it. Then I saw you posted a google translate of some German impressions and I figured this must be the same stuff and if not at least there's some stuff for people to read to get them hyped/jump ship to buying day one.

It's not the same stuff, but thanks anyway :)


Apologies if it's been posted: Bringing Brink to Life: A Q&A (IGN)

Brink is finally, to coin a pun, on the brink of release. It's been a long road for Splash Damage, the development studio behind the game. For Olivier Leonardi, art director, the final few months have proven the trickiest. In this insightful interview, Leonardi discusses the process of creating the game's engine and art direction, the changes and hurdles he faced and the future of game graphics.


Firebrand said:

I was going to post this earlier, but it was such a boring read to me and didn't really contain the information most are seeking about the game right now.

If anyone is into reading about game art design stuff then it might be interesting, but don't expect much in the way of game details/impressions from it.
Everything in that article sounds good. Cant wait!

Already had Thursday and Friday off next week (wasnt even for Brink, just mental health days), but now we are this close, took Wednesday off as well, and Ill get off work Tuesday at 2 pm. (That IS for Brink! lol) BRINK WEEK!


Xater said:
Ok I broke don and pre-ordered it. Man PSN better be up again by then...

Seriously PSN better freaking be up when this game drops. I already convinced a buddy of mine to pick it up too otherwise i would be going solo on PC or joining the Steam group of gaffers.
So where's the cheapest place to pick this up for PC? I know Amazon gets you around $4 off, but I wasn't sure if anyone on GAF knew some better deals.


Xater said:
Ok I broke don and pre-ordered it. Man PSN better be up again by then...

One of us, one of us....

If PSN isn't back up can you cancel in time? It's a tough call PS3 only peeps are in with upcoming games until the shit is fixed.
zlatko said:
This video is a bit old, but in case some of you need fap material:


The SMG's and Assault Rifles retaining respectable accuracy while being fired from the hip around the 20 second mark warms my ET heart. With that said I've become less hostile to the prospect of using ironsights in recent months as I've been enjoying Bad Company 2 quite a bit, so it's no longer a deal breaker issue it once was to me.
Brink has been on the front page of GAF for days? Like I said before, I smell a Borderlands type of rise, little hype to surprise success.


zlatko said:
One of us, one of us....

If PSN isn't back up can you cancel in time? It's a tough call PS3 only peeps are in with upcoming games until the shit is fixed.

It's Amazon so I should have time until thursday. I really hope they can keep their plan for online gaming to work again this week though. There is other stuff I'd like to play as well...
Anerythristic said:
Brink has been on the front page of GAF for days? Like I said before, I smell a Borderlands type of rise, little hype to surprise success.

Haha - I'm also surprised to see that a Brink thread finally has legs to get past page 5. Maybe it's actually building up some interest!

@Xater, Amazon has release date shipping for this one yeah?


Genesis Knight said:
Haha - I'm also surprised to see that a Brink thread finally has legs to get past page 5. Maybe it's actually building up some interest!

@Xater, Amazon has release date shipping for this one yeah?

Yes it does. Free release day shipping. :)

The hype for the game is steadily increasing across Gaf, and once reviews/people have it hit, then I suspect this thread will go 300MPH.

Like others have said with a Borderlands type of game happening here, it does seem like that's where it is headed.


Genesis Knight said:
Haha - I'm also surprised to see that a Brink thread finally has legs to get past page 5. Maybe it's actually building up some interest!

@Xater, Amazon has release date shipping for this one yeah?

Oh no idea, I am using the German Amazon with Prime. If zlatko says it has you are probably good to go.
Xater said:
Oh no idea, I am using the German Amazon with Prime. If zlatko says it has you are probably good to go.

Actually I was recommending it for you because I thought you were saying the package wouldn't arrive until the 12th with standard shipping. Now I see that you're in Europe though so I guess you have a different release date and that's why you said Thursday.


rasberryjam said:
So where's the cheapest place to pick this up for PC? I know Amazon gets you around $4 off, but I wasn't sure if anyone on GAF knew some better deals.
Direct2Drive has coupon 'savingsmay' which 10% off anything. Comes to $43 after tax.


zlatko said:
I was going to post this earlier, but it was such a boring read to me and didn't really contain the information most are seeking about the game right now.

If anyone is into reading about game art design stuff then it might be interesting, but don't expect much in the way of game details/impressions from it.

in before "duh it's an IGN article?"


.la1n said:
in before "duh it's an IGN article?"

The article considering the context is actually good. The answers from the lead art design guy, and the questions asked of him are definitely interesting if you were to interview that person.

Nothing to do with IGN and their fail record over the years. :p


Wessiej said:
But again, it takes way to long to do objectives. In 1 mission I need to open a safe...it took me 1,5 minutes. You cant do anything in between and your teammates will probably be stupid so you will die. and die. and die.
Did you do it by yourself? Cause it doesn't surprise me that it would take long if that's the case. You can do these things with multiple people at the same time. It would otherwise be way too easy.
Anyone here knows if i can buy from Direct2Drives US store from anywhere? I live in Sweden but the prices on the EU store is laughable.
Sweet, come May 10th Brink gets its version of EnemyTerritory.tv:


There'll be a launch event all day from the wee hours of the morning, streaming the PC version of the game and talking about it with long time community members, along with some giveaways and such.
Should I go PC or 360 for this one? Probably built for 360 I'm guessing? If the only difference is AA and framerate, I may just go for 360 because I like the online capabilities of live better.
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