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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Maturity, bitches.
Might see it here in Sweden to try out this cinema near my grandparents that I've always been curious about. Hopefully my basic reading comprehension will get me by.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I'm cooking up a bit pot of chili to last me through the week. I made a batch of chicken fried rice earlier too!
Also watching the last couple of Bob's Burgers, then probably heading to bed to chill to some tunes that send me to sleep.


I'm cooking up a bit pot of chili to last me through the week. I made a batch of chicken fried rice earlier too!
Also watching the last couple of Bob's Burgers, then probably heading to bed to chill to some tunes that send me to sleep.

How do you make fried rice? Every time I've tried it's come out shit in various ways.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
You need:
Boiled/steamed rice, left to cool a bit
a beaten egg
1 chopped onion
a mugful of peas
a couple of fistfuls of cooked chicken
Vegetable oil for frying
Sesame oil (not essential, but gives it a little nuttiness)
Dark soy sauce
Oyster sauce
Salt, sugar, MSG (they call it 'seasoning' at the Chinese supermarket, but it looks like crystal meth)
I'm very slack with measurements as I usually eyeball it.

Heat up a glug of oil in a large wok/sautee/frying pan, when it's hot, toss in the beaten egg and scramble them, push them to the side of the pan, add a bit more oil if needs be and toss in the onion, peas and chicken. When they're heated through and caramelising a bit, dump in your cooked rice on top.
To this, drizzle about a couple of tablespoons of dark soy, one of oyster, and a teaspoon each of salt, sugar and MSG. Turn off the heat and fold everything together so it mixes well without mushing up the rice.
Serve with chinese curry sauce (I use Maysan brand.)


You need:
Boiled/steamed rice, left to cool a bit
a beaten egg
1 chopped onion
a mugful of peas
a couple of fistfuls of cooked chicken
Vegetable oil for frying
Sesame oil (not essential, but gives it a little nuttiness)
Dark soy sauce
Oyster sauce
Salt, sugar, MSG (they call it 'seasoning' at the Chinese supermarket, but it looks like crystal meth)
I'm very slack with measurements as I usually eyeball it.

Heat up a glug of oil in a large wok/sautee/frying pan, when it's hot, toss in the beaten egg and scramble them, push them to the side of the pan, add a bit more oil if needs be and toss in the onion, peas and chicken. When they're heated through and caramelising a bit, dump in your cooked rice on top.
To this, drizzle about a couple of tablespoons of dark soy, one of oyster, and a teaspoon each of salt, sugar and MSG. Turn off the heat and fold everything together so it mixes well without mushing up the rice.
Serve with chinese curry sauce (I use Maysan brand.)

Thanks, will try this next week!
Will have to go without MSG, though - mum gets shitty headaches if she goes near it & I generally try to avoid it too.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
It's not essential, like the sesame oil, it gives it a savoury flavour. As long as you get the sugar and salt right (you may need more or less, keep tasting it.) With dark soy you don't need as much as light soy, and it gives it a deeper flavour. I was afraid of oyster sauce until I smelled it cooking and instantly recognised it from takeaways! Tonight I used frozen mixed veg instead of peas and it came out lovely.



It's not essential, like the sesame oil, it gives it a savoury flavour. As long as you get the sugar and salt right (you may need more or less, keep tasting it.) With dark soy you don't need as much as light soy, and it gives it a deeper flavour. I was afraid of oyster sauce until I smelled it cooking and instantly recognised it from takeaways! Tonight I used frozen mixed veg instead of peas and it came out lovely.

Yeah, I've been trying to cook fried rice and failing for ages. Really hope I can get it right, because it'd go great with some other chinese dishes I make.


Tashbrooke settle down you're the new kid you can't go declaring a rave when you feel like it you have to earn that privilege
Far Cry 3's story missions are so naff! Why oh why is the skill tree linked to them, if it wasn't I'd happily play the whole game without them. :(


I like the cut of his jib.

Well it won't specifically be a Gaf camp, just me and my mates, but you're still more than welcome.

cheers :) If Cindres is going then at least we can all have a wee meetup and say hello. Still, I'm waiting for the full band list to be released so I can sit down and say "Right, I'm going to see them and them and them"

Jedeye Sniv

Far Cry 3's story missions are so naff! Why oh why is the skill tree linked to them, if it wasn't I'd happily play the whole game without them. :(

I felt the opposite funnily enough. After a dozen or so hours the open world really bored me, I could see through all the tricks and was a bit nonplussed. But the story missions saved the game for me, they got pretty complex and fun towards the end and give you a chance to use all your badass skills in some more inventive ways than just doing the little outposts.

I've been sucked back into Skyrim and I'm loving it. Clearing out my misc quest list has been satisfying (if a little game breaking) and I'm finding entire quest chains I'd ignored earlier. It's crack. Beardy crack.


The HMV in Edinburgh is actually pretty good. I'll probably miss it, since like GAME before it I'd expect the Princes Street shop to close in favour of the (far smaller and inferior, but also far cheaper rent presumably) St James Centre on the other end of the street. I wonder what tourist trap would make use of the Princes Street store?

I actually loved the layout of the Virgin Megastore when it was open. The red and black with that wooden finish and those stairs. They had the DVDs at the front, Games waaay at the back next to their Virgin Mobile booth and the music section downstairs all on it's own. Won't ever forget the time when Wiis were like gold dust and I walked in to see a small queue building up at the back. I asked a staff member what was going on and they said "we got a call about 5 mins ago that we're getting a batch of Wiis in" and I managed to get the second last wii console they got in. Sigh, many evenings (and student loan £) were spent after hard days of lectures/practicals at the HMV and Virgin Megastores in Edinburgh. Only place worth checking out on Princes Street now is the big Waterstones.
Ok guys, how about Saturday 2nd March for the next London Gaf meetup? Of course non-London Gaf are as ever more than welcome to join us.

Suggestions for where to go and what to do will be gladly accepted.
I felt the opposite funnily enough. After a dozen or so hours the open world really bored me, I could see through all the tricks and was a bit nonplussed. But the story missions saved the game for me, they got pretty complex and fun towards the end and give you a chance to use all your badass skills in some more inventive ways than just doing the little outposts.

I've been sucked back into Skyrim and I'm loving it. Clearing out my misc quest list has been satisfying (if a little game breaking) and I'm finding entire quest chains I'd ignored earlier. It's crack. Beardy crack.

I took advantage of Game's ridiculous offer in November and traded in my old Xbox 120gb for a 250gb one with Halo 4, Skyrim and Forza for £100.

Started playing Skyrim and wasn't feeling it too much as it felt more like a job than a game. After coming back from Iceland with it's tales of trolls, elves and beautiful scenery I got back into it and have been enjoying it a lot more, especially since I stopped picking every fucking flower I come across.

Took a sickie from work for most of last week and am over 70 hours played now.

Far Cry 3 was entertaining enough although it did drag somewhat towards the end.
I felt the opposite funnily enough. After a dozen or so hours the open world really bored me, I could see through all the tricks and was a bit nonplussed. But the story missions saved the game for me, they got pretty complex and fun towards the end and give you a chance to use all your badass skills in some more inventive ways than just doing the little outposts.

Well, that's promising at least. I'm finding the dissonance between the freeform nature of the sidequests and outposts, and the story with all its QTEs and awful characters LEAVING THE MISSION AREA and generally holding your hand way too much... It's jarring and unpleasant.

At least Vaas is great, but I know about how they fucked up there too.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
God damn I haven't showered since Sunday. I need to stop living like this during exam periods.

Jedeye Sniv

I took advantage of Game's ridiculous offer in November and traded in my old Xbox 120gb for a 250gb one with Halo 4, Skyrim and Forza for £100.

Started playing Skyrim and wasn't feeling it too much as it felt more like a job than a game. After coming back from Iceland with it's tales of trolls, elves and beautiful scenery I got back into it and have been enjoying it a lot more, especially since I stopped picking every fucking flower I come across.

Took a sickie from work for most of last week and am over 70 hours played now.

Far Cry 3 was entertaining enough although it did drag somewhat towards the end.

Yeah, Skyrim certainly can feel like work. I must have spent 10 hours just pinging around the map, finding markers, speaking a few lines and then pinging off again. It breaks it terribly. Which is why it's impressive that the world is still so immersive. Even though the controls are floaty and weird, and the people are blank eyed starers. It's still fun to jump into a random cave to see what's in there. Sometimes it's rubbish, sometimes it's AMAZING (like the Dwarf city I found by accident) but there's always something there to find. I'm going to finish off some quests and then try to find the few remaining Dragon Priest masks, they're so badass.

Plus I have a bitchin Ebony Flame sword that fucks people up no end. Aww yeah.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Morning GAF...brain...hurts... :(
Tashbrooke, I'm sure we're being insulted here, but I have no idea how.
Well.. if you're awesome you have nothing to fear...
Far Cry 3's story missions are so naff! Why oh why is the skill tree linked to them, if it wasn't I'd happily play the whole game without them. :(
Dont spoil! Waiting for my pc before i play it, mate bought me a copy as an incentive to hurry up with it :p I have played it on his and although its a vast improvement over 2 I'm not sure if it will match 1 or predator for me..

Ok guys, how about Saturday 2nd March for the next London Gaf meetup? Of course non-London Gaf are as ever more than welcome to join us.

Suggestions for where to go and what to do will be gladly accepted.
Fuck yeah!

Yeah, Skyrim certainly can feel like work. I must have spent 10 hours just pinging around the map, finding markers, speaking a few lines and then pinging off again. It breaks it terribly. Which is why it's impressive that the world is still so immersive. Even though the controls are floaty and weird, and the people are blank eyed starers. It's still fun to jump into a random cave to see what's in there. Sometimes it's rubbish, sometimes it's AMAZING (like the Dwarf city I found by accident) but there's always something there to find. I'm going to finish off some quests and then try to find the few remaining Dragon Priest masks, they're so badass.

Plus I have a bitchin Ebony Flame sword that fucks people up no end. Aww yeah.


Fairly cool summary, played the DLCs? i got halfway through the vampire one and forgot about it...maybe ill finish that when i get my xbox n shit down here...


Sometimes it's rubbish, sometimes it's AMAZING (like the Dwarf city I found by accident) but there's always something there to find.

Same happened to me and daymn, those where the best three hours (I always sneak through caves and try to kill enemies silently which is why it takes me so long). But then again, having so much stuff in such a small world kind of kills it for me. They should have made the world bigger.

Jedeye Sniv


Fairly cool summary, played the DLCs? i got halfway through the vampire one and forgot about it...maybe ill finish that when i get my xbox n shit down here...

Not yet. I was thinking about it which is why I popped the game back in originally. But now I'm finding all this stuff to do, I really don't need to spend another £30 for more stuff. Finish what's on your plate and all that. Actually Beth might have shot themselves in the foot a little, since the content in the game is almost endless if you're happy to go spelunking for fun.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Not yet. I was thinking about it which is why I popped the game back in originally. But now I'm finding all this stuff to do, I really don't need to spend another £30 for more stuff. Finish what's on your plate and all that. Actually Beth might have shot themselves in the foot a little, since the content in the game is almost endless if you're happy to go spelunking for fun.

woh woh woh DLCs be cool mang...although i have not found the dwarf city!
FC3 is a good podcast-listening game, FWIW. I imagine Skyrim would be too! I just like games I can run around in killing time whilst listening to the latest Idle Thumbs or whatever.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
FC3 is a good podcast-listening game, FWIW. I imagine Skyrim would be too! I just like games I can run around in killing time whilst listening to the latest Idle Thumbs or whatever.

i usually have netflix on in the background... playing games and marathoning tv shows halves the time it takes...although i pause either when i have to pay attention to one... some games you just cant do it with though.. Things like Alan Wake

Jedeye Sniv

woh woh woh DLCs be cool mang...although i have not found the dwarf city!

See? That's probably 5 hours of content right there! I'm sure the DLC is good, but it's also expensive and hard to justify when the main game is so massive. I am tempted by the new one though just for the new landmass.

And yeah, absolutely perfect podcast game. That's how I managed to play nearly 8 hours on Sunday :p


Ok guys, how about Saturday 2nd March for the next London Gaf meetup? Of course non-London Gaf are as ever more than welcome to join us.

Suggestions for where to go and what to do will be gladly accepted.

Replied in the other thread as well, the 2nd is good for me, going to Tallinn for a week from the 6th so i will have a few days recovery time before i fly.
i usually have netflix on in the background... playing games and marathoning tv shows halves the time it takes...although i pause either when i have to pay attention to one... some games you just cant do it with though.. Things like Alan Wake

Yeah, it needs to be an open-world, or just anything you can form your own play structure with. I've played well over 70 hours on Just Cause 2 just from podcast catch-up, but I've used it as background noise to Pokemon and Animal Crossing too.
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