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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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I didn't stay up last night cos I'm a wuss who needs my sleep. Go to Gaming Side - is there a sticky with screens and specs? No, there's a million posts of idiots pondering imponderables. This is what I hate most about the gaming internets, armchair experts spouting crap. They're worse than football fans talking about transfers.

As of now I have no idea what the PS4 is. I saw a gif of a shiny city, looked alright.
8 gigs of GDDR5 ram (ie. better than most people's PC. That includes pc gaming enthusiasts)
x86 CPU, 8 cores
Modified ("improved") PC GPU

Share button on controller - ability to instantly live-stream games, or save gameplay videos, or have friends jump in and take over controlling. All handled on the OS level.
Gakai streaming backwards compatibility at "some point in the future" (ie. forget about play timing-important games)
Controller has PS Move-like abilities built into it, but isn't a replacement for Move
Controller has touchscreen and new triggers

New inFamous game (yay!)
New Killzone game (looked like a pretty Call of Duty set in the future)
New kiddy platformer by the guy who worked on Crash Bandicoot, Spyro and other quality kiddy platformers (possible yay!)

Watch Dogs is a launch title (and it's going to WiiU too)
Destiny (Bungie's new game) will have PS4 exclusive content
Diablo III coming to PS4 and PS3 (good news for anyone who has an awful PC/Mac, otherwise yawn)
John Blow's The Witness is coming to PS4 (was the first genuinely super-exciting game of the conference)

Media Molicule showed off their new content-creation tools to be used in whatever their next game is (didn't show any of said game). They used the Move controller to sculpt in 3D space and then play a Rock-Band like game. It looks good.

Square Enix came on stage to show you an old tech demo and to announce they will be announcing a new Final Fantasy at E3 (seriously)

It does Netflix (megaton)

I think that about covers everything...

In conclusion: well done to Sony for actually showing games. PS4 has my interest more than the WiiU right now. Not quite at a stage I would buy one if it were available yet.

In proper conclusion: it'll soon be time to upgrade your PC, as we're finally about to emerge from the five year PC consumer tech stagnation.


I think some people were expecting too much from an initial unveiling, there's plenty of time for games yet
They handled the spec talk really well

Jedeye Sniv

8 gigs of GDDR5 ram (ie. better than most people's PC. That includes pc gaming enthusiasts)
x86 CPU, 8 cores
Modified ("improved") PC GPU

Share button on controller - ability to instantly live-stream games, or save gameplay videos, or have friends jump in and take over controlling. All handled on the OS level.
Gakai streaming backwards compatibility at "some point in the future" (ie. forget about play timing-important games)
Controller has PS Move-like abilities built into it, but isn't a replacement for Move
Controller has touchscreen and new triggers

New inFamous game (yay!)
New Killzone game (looked like a pretty Call of Duty set in the future)
New kiddy platformer by the guy who worked on Crash Bandicoot, Spyro and other quality kiddy platformers (possible yay!)

Watch Dogs is a launch title (and it's going to WiiU too)
Destiny (Bungie's new game) will have PS4 exclusive content
Diablo III coming to PS4 and PS3 (good news for anyone who has an awful PC/Mac, otherwise yawn)
John Blow's The Witness is coming to PS4 (was the first genuinely super-exciting game of the conference)

Media Molicule showed off their new content-creation tools to be used in whatever their next game is (didn't show any of said game). They used the Move controller to sculpt in 3D space and then play a Rock-Band like game. It looks good.

Square Enix came on stage to show you an old tech demo and to announce they will be announcing a new Final Fantasy at E3 (seriously)

It does Netflix (megaton)

I think that about covers everything...

In conclusion: well done to Sony for actually showing games. PS4 has my interest more than the WiiU right now. Not quite at a stage I would buy one if it were available yet.

In proper conclusion: it'll soon be time to upgrade your PC, as we're finally about to emerge from the five year PC consumer tech stagnation.

Awesome, ta. Why this info isn't stickied over in Gaming I'll never know. I'm fairly lukewarm on this tbh, not too surprising since I don't have a PS3. The only thing that interests me is the Jon Blow game, and that'll probably be crossplatform. Same as Destiny and Watch Dogs (although my sixth sense for open world games tells me Watch Dogs could be poopy).

I guess as with most gens the real power won't start to be shown until a few years into it anyway and launch games are never much to get hype about. Time to wait and see what Microsoft say before I start readying funds.


The only thing I remember from the conference is when that Square Enix came onto the stage and said "Final Fantasy...E3!" and then walked off. Funniest tease ever.


Unconfirmed Member
The Media Molecule thing looked adorable. I had a huge smile on my face the entire time. Not sure how well it well work in a game though.

Jedeye Sniv

Jedeye, Blow's new game will be on iOS too. :)

Oh sweet, saves me a few hunnerd quid then :)

Is it OK that I want Johnathan Blow to spoon me and softly talk to me about game design?

Did you ever hear him on a 1up E3 podcast years back? I think Shawn Elliott interviewed him and it was brilliant. The guy thinks so deeply about games that 90% of people think he's an idiot, I love him for this.


Did you ever hear him on a 1up E3 podcast years back? I think Shawn Elliott interviewed him and it was brilliant. The guy thinks so deeply about games that 90% of people think he's an idiot, I love him for this.

He also thinks everyone who plays his games are idiots though


He also thinks everyone who plays his games are idiots though

Do you disagree? Most people ARE idiots...
I certainly am most of the time

Yes he's a bit precious about his games and he has a weird outlook on life but I think it gives him a great creative perspective and I enjoy exploring that.

Plus he's so Zen. Bit of a man crush going on here.


Oh sweet, saves me a few hunnerd quid then :)

Did you ever hear him on a 1up E3 podcast years back? I think Shawn Elliott interviewed him and it was brilliant. The guy thinks so deeply about games that 90% of people think he's an idiot, I love him for this.

I didn't hear that, but I might look it up.
Did you watch Indie Game: The Movie? He's pretty cool on that too. I hope he does some talking at e3 this year.


Maturity, bitches.
Is it OK that I want Johnathan Blow to spoon me and softly talk to me about game design?
He may cry if you misunderstand him.

The Media Molecule thing looked adorable. I had a huge smile on my face the entire time. Not sure how well it well work in a game though.


I went back and watched that Mm Move demo properly and yeah, that looked cool. I'm in.

nobody expects it from Nintendo nowadays either

oooohh buuuurrrrnnn

True but even the worst New Super Mario Bros. is better than either LBP.

edit: well okay that's not fair, I haven't played LBP2. Even though PSN+ means I own it, I'd rather not waste the HDD space on it.


Maturity, bitches.
Well I enjoyed it because it was actually gameplay (and I like Wii Music) rather than a CGI movie. But since it has no clear objective and requires Move I can see Media Molecule having an upward struggle getting people interested in it.


Well I enjoyed it because it was actually gameplay (and I like Wii Music) rather than a CGI movie. But since it has no clear objective and requires Move I can see Media Molecule having an upward struggle getting people interested in it.

...Wii Play and Sports & Resort I can understand.
True but even the worst New Super Mario Bros. is better than either LBP.

Yeah don't worry, I definitely do expect a lot of quality from Nintendo.

I actually like LBP, the bit that bummed me out was the creation tools being a bit... eh, they should find ways to ease you into that stuff better. The tools are easy to use but the process of coming up with something to make could be better handled. As a platformer? I don't mind how floaty it is. I find it fun.


Yeah don't worry, I definitely do expect a lot of quality from Nintendo.

I actually like LBP, the bit that bummed me out was the creation tools being a bit... eh, they should find ways to ease you into that stuff better. The tools are easy to use but the process of coming up with something to make could be better handled. As a platformer? I don't mind how floaty it is. I find it fun.

Well mechanically I dislike it, it's too floaty and everything feels pretty cumbersome, nor do I care much for having to search for good levels since MM preloaded ones are pretty awful. I'm not really creative enough to have a use for the tools. I do like that LBP exists, it's charming as fuck and has awesome music, but it's something I'd rather just watch youtube clips of crazy stuff other people made.

Mr. Sam

Woke up at two o'clock with really bad chest pains. Must have had something to do with the PlayStation meeting. I know it's pretty much the least important thing, but I want to see what the console itself looks like.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I was reading up on court cases in the US and it cropped up there so I assumed that there was something similar in the UK.

No, I don't think there is. Over here you plead guilty or not guilty and that is it. The verdict is also either guilty or not guilty (or "not proven" in Scotland).

Jedeye Sniv

He also thinks everyone who plays his games are idiots though

I saw that Soulja Boy video, he's right to be saddened by it, most people are fucking morons. I liked how he was upset by people liking it for the wrong reasons too, it was a very human artistic reaction.


Maturity, bitches.
I kind of found it funny.

Just imagining the scene of Soulja Boy and his cronies enjoying the latest game from Blow going "Aawww yeah boy, check out these lines n shit I'm drawing. Holy Smokes da panels are moving this be bare crazy" while the camera slowly zooms out to show Blow looking through the window in the cold and damp while a tear slowly trickles down his face.

Jedeye Sniv

I guess it's kinda funny but it made me feel uncomfortable as to what I was laughing at tbh.

Mostly that scene in Indie Game just sad and annoying to realise that lots of people are genuinely that dumb and unable to see things past a surface level. I guess it's all sales and that's cool for Blow, but it must suck to pour your soul into something and have it dismissed in a popular video as just "corny guy with the little shorts can go backwards and forwards lololol"

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Currently cooking pasta and reading this book

By god it's awesome...Went out and bought some running shoes and popped into waterstones and found the sequel even though im only halfway through it


My god the gameplay for Killzone, I like it!

3 left me a bit disappointed but maybe this can redeem

Why is McD's such good hangover food?

I have no idea, but damn it is good, i think its the fizzy drinks that really do it..


Yeah don't worry, I definitely do expect a lot of quality from Nintendo.

I actually like LBP, the bit that bummed me out was the creation tools being a bit... eh, they should find ways to ease you into that stuff better. The tools are easy to use but the process of coming up with something to make could be better handled. As a platformer? I don't mind how floaty it is. I find it fun.

yeah same issues but that new ps4 sculpting could be used for creating levels full 3D levels at that
yeah same issues but that new ps4 sculpting could be used for creating levels full 3D levels at that

Creating unique objects was indeed a bit fucking fiddly in LBP, sculpting should fix those issues. I feel bad for talking shit about that demo now, must just be because I don't have a Move :lol


Creating unique objects was indeed a bit fucking fiddly in LBP, sculpting should fix those issues. I feel bad for talking shit about that demo now, must just be because I don't have a Move :lol

What I wonder about that sculpting is can it be used for game development so when people are doing character design they just render the model straight to PS4 instead of doing on PC first with dev kit.

I don't have Move but can see the potential of that demo I think the demo just confused people if they explained everything during that music part was created just with move it would make more sense.

I love the hi res shots of the DualShock 4, I can almost lick it.

The site says a headset will be included in the box, which is nice. I wonder if the Eyetoy Kinect Edition will be too?


not happy with those hanging triggers again but it looks fixed by having them closer


Maturity, bitches.
Double Cheeseburger with a Chicken Sandwich?

Hopefully the prongs are more comfortable. I found they dug into my palms with the DS2.

I see they moved the Start button. Could be a useful change.
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