No seriously thoughDid you mean: vision scientific?
We should all meet for BRITGAF PIZZA EXPRESS at Eurogamer.
if you guys have sex with each other at eurogamer are you allowed to post pictures of each other and write derogatory comments about each other "oh wow jedeye was a kinky twat".
I contemplated coming to Eurogamer for about a minute just now but it is 2 weeks after I start work so it's a no go. Will just sit in this thread and judge you all from afar.
My start date is Friday the 13th of September as well, not sure what's up with that
We should all meet for BRITGAF PIZZA EXPRESS at Eurogamer.
Never been to a Wagamamas before. I hear it's good.
Tash said so.
I also hear it's pricey as shit.
it's good shit, bitches love it.
if you guys have sex with each other at eurogamer are you allowed to post pictures of each other and write derogatory: "oh wow jedeye was a kinky twat".
I am proud of the label 'kinky twat'. And for the record, I know how Zombie Fred talks and coming from him kinky bitch would be a compliment of the highest order.
I doubt I'll be going to Eurogamer though. I like games but not enough to spend the money on the expo instead of spending it on games themselves.
Also I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to make the London meet - I just found out my nan's funeral is on the friday and so I'll be traveling to hull and back around the same time, I doubt I'll be up for it energy and emotion-wise. Shame, I was really looking forward to it too! Bloody old people dying on me...
if we go wagamamas during eurogamer does that mean we all need to get bitches or will it just be tash with one
OK so on the way to Eurogamer (or if you forget, just on the way to Wagamamas will do) we just have to loudly talk about how we're going to Wagamamas and the bitches will come.
Inside their K-ON! lunchbox with limited edition hentai thermos?Real men take sandwiches to Eurogamer.
tash don't go in to the funny pic thread. gore is being posted again. smh.
edit: it's gone
If you so wish. I'm certainly not going to hold it against you,Inside their K-ON! lunchbox with limited edition hentai thermos?
So he thinks 17/18+ girls are pedo territory?My mate calls it a pedo anime and tells me I'm weird for liking it. I whistle the ops to piss him off.
It's great.
If you so wish. I'm certainly not going to hold it against you,
So he thinks 17/18+ girls are pedo territory?
If you so wish. I'm certainly not going to hold it against you,
So he thinks 17/18+ girls are pedo territory?
that's what we call 'jailbait', no?
Most people are.BGBW are you familiar with Christian Weston Chandler?
I'm just fucking around. I like anime. I tried to get into K-ON! but it just didn't hold my interest. I got teased a lot when one of my friends found my hentai stash on my PSP back in sixth form, lol.Most people are.
Thoroughly enjoying Metal Gear Rising.
Hard wasn't even that hard.
Normal mode of course as I don't plan on breaking my controller in a fit of rage any time soon. I've only just started the game around 9pm so I'll see how it goes. If its too easy then I'll bump it up.
I think I'm going to wait until it's £20, I just can't justify £35 on a game I don't even know if I'll enjoy