Incontinentia Buttocks
Although I'm not sure how much help that'll be.
I'm sure you'll be of some help. had my gf look over Selfish pizza's profile and standard message he spams out.
Although I'm not sure how much help that'll be.
I'm sure you'll be of some help. had my gf look over Selfish pizza's profile and standard message he spams out.
I really want to see his standard message - I try to send a personal one each time but that gets a bit annoying when so many don't get responded to.
Its also quite a small pool of girls available without messaging girls from London which is a shame
This is fucking awesome
I love Mila Kunis
I love her too.
I watched that last night... Would so do this if happened here
This is fucking awesome
I love Mila Kunis
I listened to that last night on the Mills podcast. Oh god it was painfully cringeworthy and I was burying my head, but so incredibly funny as well. Amazing.
I think when you watch it without the commentary from ol' millsy and see the body language it's only the first 20 seconds that are actually painful
Well you can't have her. She's mine.
I'd love to have your balls, the thought of doing something like speed dating completely terrifies me
10 minutes into that speed dating video and I've paused it because it looks like things are getting really awkward. Does it get worse?
It has a kinda happy ending bro10 minutes into that speed dating video and I've paused it because it looks like things are getting really awkward. Does it get worse?
I'm starting to worry about meeting you.
But seriously, it's not about having balls - meeting girls is far less terrifying when you realize that yes, they're girls, but in a way... they're people too (I MEAN THIS JOKINGLY, WHITE KNIGHT GAF)
Especially in a speed-dating scenario, they're going to be just as nervous are the guys, if not more so.
I didn't think it was really all that awkward... the meeting his parents bit is a little cringey but he seems like a fairly rounded, likeable guy and he gets on well with both of the girls.
Daww, nice story.
10 minutes into that speed dating video and I've paused it because it looks like things are getting really awkward. Does it get worse?
Thought you were talking about that Geek Love speed dating thing at Comic-con. Oh man, hilarious, but definitely cringeworthy a lot of the times.
This is fucking awesome
I love Mila Kunis
Or 5 or 10 nights either, for some.Well these things don't happen over night.
Lad Bombs sounds fucking brutal.
OK I watched the rest and OMG the parents are super embarrassing. What were they thinking with the party food. Even I know paper party plates would be an instant turnoff.
But after that it was fine. In my opinion he seemed more comfortable with the Dr Who lass, but could be because she seemed more comfortable. The first lass may potentially be the better match but was just a bit too nervous on the first date. Well these things don't happen over night.
Is there something about reality tv that makes people act and talk is such a way. Like no matter the subject matter or who is on it, they always talk and act in the same way.
I guess the editing doesn't help.
For some reason I'd actually feel out of place at a geek convention.
OK I watched the rest and OMG the parents are super embarrassing. What were they thinking with the party food. Even I know paper party plates would be an instant turnoff.
But after that it was fine. In my opinion he seemed more comfortable with the Dr Who lass, but could be because she seemed more comfortable. The first lass may potentially be the better match but was just a bit too nervous on the first date. Well these things don't happen over night.
Yeah, it is that - the guy from GAF's one.
For some reason I'd actually feel out of place at a geek convention.
I reckon I would too, bro
I'm a bit of an inbetweener
What was worse, the joke or the girl not getting it straight away?But that polar bear joke
The bit about wanting to be in shape beforehand echoes my concerns from ages back, heh. Got worried I'll be the only stocky fella there. Still, finally getting around to it will be good.
What was worse, the joke or the girl not getting it straight away?
Ahh you cant ask that!What was worse, the joke or the girl not getting it straight away?
I'm one of the smallest guys muscle wise in the free weights area at my gym, and it doesn't phase me. You realise after going a few times that even the guy squatting 180kg like it ain't no thing doesn't really care what you are doing, nor anyone else for that matter- their focus is solely on their lifts and gains. Everyone there knows you must begin somewhere. You might encounter a few funny people, but I'd be amazed if they made any comments.
Your interaction with other people will amount to asking about how many sets people have left, or if you can alternate using a bench or weight with them.
If people offer you advice, especially dudebro types in the video, just take it with a pinch of salt and research what they said online before using it.
You say this but as a judgey mcjudgerson whenever I'm in the gym my inner monologue is all "look at that fat fuck who does that guy think he is with his hair gel and biceps omg that girl is so hot i wonder if i can get behind her while shes on the crosstrainer oh shit whats that smell was it that fat fuck from earlier whats up with those trousers did he come from the 80s this music is shit she's hot for an old bird"
I thought I was mad....Halo Later?You say this but as a judgey mcjudgerson whenever I'm in the gym my inner monologue is all "look at that fat fuck who does that guy think he is with his hair gel and biceps omg that girl is so hot i wonder if i can get behind her while shes on the crosstrainer oh shit whats that smell was it that fat fuck from earlier whats up with those trousers did he come from the 80s this music is shit she's hot for an old bird"
Take a pic or videoIt's sunny as fuck out today. Some guy is outside my building playing Creep on a guitar and has amassed quite the crowd of people.
Also, I joined the gym. I have an induction session tomorrow at 1:30. I am scared.
I thought I was mad....Halo Later?
Take a pic or video
Also....dont be scaredThey're going to be nice and shit, just make sure you dont chicken out and make sure you dont chicken out on the weights, they be daunting if you've never done them
I got so freaked out I ended up sticking to cardio...which i hated...and then i only went like 3 more times... Then my mum went up and cancelled my membership for me
I thought I was mad....Halo Later?
Take a pic or video
Also....dont be scaredThey're going to be nice and shit, just make sure you dont chicken out and make sure you dont chicken out on the weights, they be daunting if you've never done them
I got so freaked out I ended up sticking to cardio...which i hated...and then i only went like 3 more times... Then my mum went up and cancelled my membership for me
Fucking inductions are generally useless. Here's how to use 20 different machines in 30 minutes. Here's how to use the treadmill, and the bike, and the rowing machine.
Now lets look at the free weights area.......literally just look. Done. Bye.
You say this but as a judgey mcjudgerson whenever I'm in the gym my inner monologue is all "look at that fat fuck who does that guy think he is with his hair gel and biceps omg that girl is so hot i wonder if i can get behind her while shes on the crosstrainer oh shit whats that smell was it that fat fuck from earlier whats up with those trousers did he come from the 80s this music is shit she's hot for an old bird"
I'm sticking to cardio for a while. I want to get confident in that environment before I go onto weights.
Fucking inductions are generally useless. Here's how to use 20 different machines in 30 minutes. Here's how to use the treadmill, and the bike, and the rowing machine.
Now lets look at the free weights area.......literally just look. Done. Bye.
Well, I need to do it. My friend booked one for today and she's there now.
She's getting the lay of the land so I don't make an arse of myself tomorrow or something.
You may think that for a split second or so but you don't say it out loud and then get on with what you're doing.
Then you'll be building up the weights into an even bigger 'thing'. Get on them from your first visit.
Episode 10 of Season 2 Greys anatomy
God dang it this show is crack
I feel like the gym is overkill for what most people starting off could benefit from just by running outside for free and doing stuff like push-ups and sit-ups within their own home. Once you hit your stride and your cardio endurance hits a plateau from that, then I would start looking at what a gym could offer.
I'm no fitness expert, that just seems like the most logical progression to me. It mostly just depends on what your end goal is.
I feel like the gym is overkill for what most people starting off could benefit from just by running outside for free and doing stuff like push-ups and sit-ups within their own home. Once you hit your stride and your cardio endurance hits a plateau from that, then I would start looking at what a gym could offer.
I'm no fitness expert, that just seems like the most logical progression to me. It mostly just depends on what your end goal is.
That's what I'm going to try when I'm done with uni. I've noticed an improvement just from pushups. What cardio stuff do you do in a gym?
When I went to the gym I used the cross trainer, rowing machine and bikes a lot
I feel like the gym is overkill for what most people starting off could benefit from just by running outside for free and doing stuff like push-ups and sit-ups within their own home. Once you hit your stride and your cardio endurance hits a plateau from that, then I would start looking at what a gym could offer.
I'm no fitness expert, that just seems like the most logical progression to me. It mostly just depends on what your end goal is.
That sounds like gym equipment for girls and posh boys