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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Well, just got up from a recovery nap. had my laser eye surgery this morning and it was one of the most fascinating things I have ever taken part in. Fast, painless and pretty straight forward. Worst part about it was 20 minutes after the procedure when the anaesthetic eye drops wore off and my eyes felt like I was chopping onions all day. Stinging manly tears! Decided to apply my medication and go for a nap. I'm a lot better now. Currently looking around my room in absolute amazement like an overexcited fly.

Also, Edinburgh was gorgeous as usual but they really fucked up Princes Street with all that construction work for the trams.
Congrats on the new eyesight shorty! Glad everything went swimmingly.

Just bought my first Xmas present for Qasiel. 1 down, 11 more to go :/

Edit: that is, 11 more people to buy for, not 11 more presents for Qasiel.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
It's when you watch the halo 4 replays in theatre mode you notice how awesome the animations really are.

Halo once again raises the bar.


It's when you watch the halo 4 replays in theatre mode you notice how awesome the animations really are.

Halo once again raises the bar.
Halo: CE and Halo 3 were both incredible. If they hadn't released O.D.S.T and Reach, I'd probably be playing Halo 4 right now.

I blame the 'Saw' effect. If you release entries in a franchise faster than I can be arsed to consume 'em, I'll ignore your franchise.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
One of those time where maybe I wish I hadn't posted something. But the discussion here is a load more rational than elsewhere on GAF ...

To somebody like myself, there's no disputing evolution - it's obvious scientific fact.

Scientific fact maybe, but I don't think it as obvious as all that. Not as in being obviously obvious.

I guess we all put our faith in something don't we? I choose science with the scores of the greatest minds on our planet put to work trying to figure out how we got here over faith in religion.

I won't pretend I totally understand evolution, but the idea of gradual generational iteration makes a lot of sense logically. Far more so than 'because God did it' which I don't think is any kind of answer. It feels like religion is a crutch for people that don't want to think about the world and how it got like this. I think the billions of years of the universe ending up with us is a lot more awe inspiring than even the concept of a God.

IMO refuting ideas like evolution and science's understanding of the world in favour of an unquestioning religious framework is, to me, either willfully wallowing in cognitive dissonance or just being a bit dim.

I agree that of course these things don't usually have much impact on our lives as we lead them, but I do think that there is a massive difference between the very religious and the seculars/atheists in how we see and experience the world.

Basically, if you don't believe in evolution, I have some very interesting time share opportunities you may be interested in...

Really what I was saying is there's a great wide gulf between those who actively disbelieve in evolution (for usually religious reasons), those who passively disbelieve in evolution because they recognise they don't understand it, those who don't care because it really isn't relevant to them, those who espouse evolution because they do understand it and those who promote evolution because somebody else said so.

There's a big chunk in the middle of this lot that has no need to "believe" one way or the other and people on both extremes that do not understand what they are talking about.

Can you really blame people for finding it hard to shake a set of beliefs they've had instilled in them since birth?

I'd give anything I have or anything that I am for the ability to believe that there's something for me to experience once I'm at the end of this life. Not having a belief in anythnig beyond is literally the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced and it's something I (and everyone who shares my scientific view of the universe and our place in it) has to live with every day. We're going to die and that will be an end to every experience we have. We're approaching personal oblivion at varying rates with no chance of redemption or recovery.

Now imagine for a second that you believe in reincarnation, the afterlife or any alternative to a total end of your life. Losing that belief means subscribing to the most terrifying and defining part of the human condition. Once you start questioning the base stuff like evolution, it's very easy for the walls to come crumbling down and pretty soon you believe in nothing. I think subconciously a lot of people know that, so they don't let themselves really question their beliefs and I absolutely don't blame them one bit.

Been there. Done that. And yes it was terrifying. Having been brought up in the belief that I was eternal it is something of a blow to face up to ones own mortality. Slightly less so when I realised there was a fighting chance that might have been an eternity of torment I was missing out on. It wasn't so much my personal prospects that were terrifying but the big old wrench to the world-view. It's a really really difficult thing to take on board.

Kinda, yeah. Most of us in this country have some religion in our lives (school, parents, greandparents etc). Without much promting, I managed to decypher it as not-truth before I turned ten. This is what I mean, it takes willful cognitive dissonance to see the world, understand logic and cause and effect and the continuity of the world and then to say "no, God did it". You have to consciously pick and choose what parts of science to believe in.

- cut out the metaphysical waffle -

Actually no. It doesn't. There isn't in the main any dissonance because in the main there's nothing in our day-to-day experience that is probative one way or the other.

Like I said in Ronito's confession thread, I can relate to this. The idea of there being nothingness for eternity after death used to freak me out when I was younger, but then I realised that I'd already been 'dead' or, rather, didn't exist for trillions of years before I was conceived. You've already spent virtually all of Time 'dead' once already and that wasn't so bad, was it?

Like Musha says, it's best to not really think about it and concentrate on life and being alive and enjoying the gift you've been given by the universe and just go and make the most of it.

That's a good way of looking at it.

I'm replying to both of your posts, but only quoted the shorter one.

Yes, things are far less black and white than I'm making them out to be and obviously my post was skewed far more at my personal view than that of all non-theists. My concerns about 'the end' probably come from having no belief in anything like a conciousness that exists outside of, or beyond, the body and mind.

I believe that my conciousness is the result of chemical reactions in my brain and that once I die, it'll die with me. No pool of conciousness, no afterlife and nothing left for me to experience. That's what terrifies me - it's all meaningless unless I give it some kind of meaning, but then what meaning does even THAT have because once I'm dead, why does any meaning that I apply to anything matter? I'm gone.

Especially this concept of 'to love and be loved'. I find it very difficult to place absolute value on it since I've come to the conclusion that my existence is finite, so it has limited, constantly depreciating value. The value of my life is nothing once it's gone, so why would my opinions, my fears, my love or anything else I think or feel retain any kind of value?

If I die leaving people I love and who love me alive - they'll be sad for a time, maybe even for the rest of their lives if I'm incredibly loveable. But they'll die too as will any memory of me. Give it an incredibly short amount of time in the grand scheme of things and everything I've worked towards in my life is wiped from the blackboard of the universe.

So depsite all these things mattering a great deal to me, I often feel like I'm on the outside looking in and judging the petty existance which I know has no real meaning beyond my blinkered, limited experiences.

That's what I find so terrifying. I'm not going to experience the future and affect it directly, but the chance of anything I do in my life being of any value beyond it is absolutely minimal too - so I find that I place no value on anything.

I wasn't trying to say that all people who believe in nothing else will find it terrifying, like I do, but just that it's something they have to live with. There are people like me who struggle with it and there are people like you who welcome it, but we're all living with what we perceive to be information that this one life is all we're getting.

Yes, The Invention of Lying definitely deals with the exact thing I'm talking about - very underrated movie, too.

Yeah, see, this is the stance that I can sometimes shift to when I'm either hugely drunk or hugely stoned but other than those rare occassions I'm not so calmed by that line of thinking.

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm aware that my issues are all a product of ego and probably serve to highlight some unfortunate histrionic personality issues I've got.

Been there, done that, understand that. It is an understanding that many, predominantly youthful, atheists, fail to appreciate.

Very interesting opinions here! You're entirely right in the bolded - your life really does have no meaning on the grand scale of time unless you're contributing big ideas or works of culture. After all, surely a big part of the allure of art is that it's something of you that exists long after you're gone. But I think that looking at the world and time on that kind of scale is paralysing. Move away from the macro and look to the micro, since that's all you can really affect. Your relationships, what people mean to you and you to other people are really some of the only things we can have an impact on. And yes, it certainly is emphemeral, but isn't everything when you look at it through the correct scale?

Actually you're wrong in that. Your life has meaning in many more ways than that. One of the flaws of modern western individualistic culture is that it assumes that anyone should be able to make it from anywhere to anywhere else within a single lifetime. That ignores the contribution that each of us makes to our children, to our friends, our students and so on.

Maybe nobody remembers Einstein's primary school teacher. But whoever that was probably had a greater influence on the future of Physics than perhaps four or five other people? The grandfather of Joe Kennedy surely had a huge influence on the rest of his family. We pass stuff on, we pass it around, we bequeath it, we inherit it. What you do, even now, has an influence. And that doesn't die when you do.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Halo: CE and Halo 3 were both incredible. If they hadn't released O.D.S.T and Reach, I'd probably be playing Halo 4 right now.

I blame the 'Saw' effect. If you release entries in a franchise faster than I can be arsed to consume 'em, I'll ignore your franchise.

I just can't go anyway further in this level because I'm so blown away by how good everything looks.. Holy fuck shit. Can't believe this is a console game.

Buy this game dave. Do it for your inner soul. This game is the reason you were born. This is your calling.

My god I really don't want this level to end. I'm flying along the side of this awesome mountain on my warhog living life to the extreme.

Goty #yolo

Game of forever.


I just can't go anyway further in this level because I'm so blown away by how good everything looks.. Holy fuck shit. Can't believe this is a console game.

Buy this game dave. Do it for your inner soul. This game is the reason you were born. This is your calling.

My god I really don't want this level to end. I'm flying along the side of this awesome mountain on my warhog living life to the extreme.

Goty #yolo

Game of forever.


How many MD's and Doretos did you consume before typing this post?
I walked past a building on Bloomsbury Square in London today which had a load of Cod Blops 2 paraphernalia outside, with Cod blops 2 branded queue gate things and a bunch of upright door decorations. No idea what was going on in there.

Jedeye Sniv

I just can't go anyway further in this level because I'm so blown away by how good everything looks.. Holy fuck shit. Can't believe this is a console game.

Buy this game dave. Do it for your inner soul. This game is the reason you were born. This is your calling.

My god I really don't want this level to end. I'm flying along the side of this awesome mountain on my warhog living life to the extreme.

Goty #yolo

Game of forever.

Finished Halo 4 today, it was fuckawesome. Wait till you get to the last level, you will jizz all over yourself it's so good.

EWedding wasnt too bad either, mead is yummy

EDIT: phisheep i will try to reply to you tomorrow when i am less plastered. mead is yummy


Why is it when you need new stories to show you are up to date in current affairs the biggest news is about who is and isn't a paedophile?

Jedeye Sniv

CHEEZMO™;44175395 said:
Finished Halo a couple of hours ago.

Amazing game.

yes! dude! how good was that
bit? Luke Skywalker up the wazoo. Also, fancy cortana a little bit now, that's kinda weird.

Jedeye Sniv

CHEEZMO™;44176095 said:
Yeah that bit was awesome. Also Halo 3 Cortana > Halo 4 Cortana.

no. new cortana has a very appealing softness to her features. There were moments I was looking at her face so much I didn't even notice BOOBS.

Jedeye Sniv

I cant be arsed reading what's been posted. We put on clubland and started dancing in the garden. Everyone is knackered. Almost killed my mate.

Party at my place. Everyone's invited

that party looks a bit rapey. some boundaries are getting cross tonight!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
'morning folks

Relatively peaceful day here so far after the manic panic that was yesterday. Might even have a bit of time for Gaffing in the middle of accounts and misc paperwork!

But not when the Wales game is on ...
'morning folks

Relatively peaceful day here so far after the manic panic that was yesterday. Might even have a bit of time for Gaffing in the middle of accounts and misc paperwork!

But not when the Wales game is on ...

Wales game? What Wales game? Really should try to pay more attention to sport.


I'm going to see Scotland get their arses handed to them by New Zealand tomorrow. It'll be entertaining, but I'm not getting my hopes up haha.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Wales lost 12-26 against Argentina. Missed the last 10 mins owing to having customers, but it looked like Argentine had much the best of the game and Wales were significantly lacking spark. Worrisome.


This line fucking killed me man. Glad everything went well for you!

Congrats on the new eyesight shorty! Glad everything went swimmingly.

Thanks guys :) Went out to get a new coat today and I can read signs and posters without squinting. I'm still pointing my finger upwards at my nose thinking my glasses is there.
That Ireland/South Africa game was good. Sucks to hear that Wales lost though. As long as Scotland doesn't lose to NZ by over 50 points tomorrow then I'll be happy. Murrayfield was so depressing after that game last year.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
now I'm like rank 24 on halo I'm being put into another kettle of fish type matches.. Now for the true halo experience.


Nothing like a random cunt creeping up behind me and kicking the living shit out of me.

FTL ftw /FTW


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Won another £20 on the footy today, not loads but it means I'm getting crunk tonight.
Wales lost 12-26 against Argentina. Missed the last 10 mins owing to having customers, but it looked like Argentine had much the best of the game and Wales were significantly lacking spark. Worrisome.

Not surprising with Howler in charge. Our attack has been woeful whilst he's been there, and god knows how he got the top job (albeit temporarily). We need to get shot of him, in both roles, rapidly.


Just in from the Muay Thai. Some actual Thai dudes were fighting, apparently they're famous? I dunno.

Tommorow: Edinburgh bound for the Scotland game. But now I must sleep.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Theory was, this being a Sunday, that I'd spend most of my time in the back room of the shop getting paperwork clear. Customers have other ideas though - selling at the rate of about £1 a minute at the moment. Bugger the paperwork!
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