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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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How many books do you have?

Lots. All my kids books, apart from the ones stored in my sister's boxes which I will get my hands on one day. I have a very deep large shelf above my wardrobes which is crammed full. 4 long shelves on my bedroom wall. 1 2mtre high bookshelf in the spare room. Both bedside cabinets full. And all my graphic novels on the bookshelf in the living room.

Oh and I was wrong, I did give some books away once. I gave all my Point Horror books to my best friend because she was always borrowing them so much I thought she must like them more than me and so deserved them more.


You.... throw out...... books????? Sacrilege!!!!!
Donate to charity stores.

Other than reference books and a very selective handful of "I'll definitely re-read these with regularity" fiction, there's no point to keeping books at all. It's just needless clutter that you'll feel better for getting rid of.
Donate to charity stores.

Other than reference books and a very selective handful of "I'll definitely re-read these with regularity" fiction, there's no point to keeping books at all. It's just needless clutter that you'll feel better for getting rid of.

Uh, no. I love that I have all the books I loved as a kid, and that I'll be able to pass them on to my kids. To me, books aren't just bits of paper with words on. They are memories, feelings, and worth more than all the other things I own.

Except maybe my stuffed toy collection.

Jedeye Sniv

Books are just books. It's the literature in them that holds meaning to me.

Yeah me too. I know I'm never going to read them again, too many other books in the world to get too, so little time. I have some bookshelves but since going digital I'm kinda over keeping paper around the house. Read a book, delete it. If it's paper, give it away. I'll keep comics still, but I'm getting less precious about those too.

The important thing is that we read!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
You.... throw out...... books????? Sacrilege!!!!!

You can accumulate rather a lot (as in too much) over a lifetime! Or course, they all go to good homes/charity shops. But over time I have got rid of:

- about three metres of 19th & 20th century poetry
- a full set of Agatha Christie
- Blue Peter and Tomorrow's World annuals going back to the first one
- Shelves and shelves of philosophy
- Miscellaneous Latin and Greek stuff (Seutonius/Caesar/Homer/Cicero etc)
- All my Russian authors
- A heap of out-of-date Chemistry texts
- about two shelves of computing
- three full encyclopaedias (including two copies of Cassell's Book of Knowledge - I still remember the alphabetical spine titles - A-BOA, BOA-CON, COO-FLO etc)
- about twenty annual copies of Pears Cyclopedia
- A whole heap of rubbish late-20th century fiction
- one shelf of political biographies
- all my Physics stuff including Feynman's lectures
- About twelve various DIY books
- All but one book on propogating garden plants
- pretty well all fiction except Dick Francis and Lee Child
- the entire Time/Life science series

and then culled all the rest by about three-quarters by just throwing away the bad ones and keeping the good ones!

Managed to get a 2005 Britannica for £25 and that's gradually becoming my go-to reference and allowing me to lose a bunch more of the non-fiction.

Still got a hell of a lot left though. Loads of history and palaentology, law, accounting, business, crime, psychology, sociology and economics mostly. Also art, education and music.


Yeah me too. I know I'm never going to read them again, too many other books in the world to get too, so little time. I have some bookshelves but since going digital I'm kinda over keeping paper around the house. Read a book, delete it. If it's paper, give it away. I'll keep comics still, but I'm getting less precious about those too.

The important thing is that we read!

I'm the same way, except that I still love having comics, artbooks and for some bizarre reason, game guides.


Last book I donated was Asterix at the Olympic Games to my school's library back in Primary 4. I rarely ever buy a book that I didn't enjoy so that's why I keep my books. To look back at the cover with a huge grin and say "yup! I enjoyed that!" Interestingly, I still got all my goosebumps books kicking around in my parent's attic...taking up space...collecting dust.


I buy lots of books from eBay, and as I started reading Ubik yesterday I saw it was overdue from Leicester City Library. Thieves!

Jedeye Sniv

The Dandy was weird though. English comic, main feature is about a cowboy. OK. Even as a kid I didn't know who these comics were for. I always felt too old for them, even as a single-figure aged child. And ironically I could never get into 2000AD, always felt too old.

And then i found Batman and all was well.
Bananaman will fuck you up, son

I like how HRD made the Album of the Year thread to shit on people's choices, I bet he's fun at parties


Maturity, bitches.
Yeah, where is our Bananaman movie? Stop scraping the American comic book hero barrel and put some real heroes on the big screen.

Jedeye Sniv

Bananaman will fuck you up, son

I like how HRD made the Album of the Year thread to shit on people's choices, I bet he's fun at parties

To be fair there's a lot of people's choices in there I'd like to shit on too. Sometimes it's juts so hard not to. Music is one of the last things that social tribes can go to war about.


Always saw The Dandy as a poor man's Beano when I was a kid. Later discovered that The Dandy came first and I felt foolish. Remember when they came with free sweets? It was either a drumstick or the chewy Refreshers. Not sure if today's comics come with sweets but I recently discovered that kids cereals don't come with a free toy anymore :( end of an era.

Never got into the superhero comics until I was in uni.

Jedeye Sniv

Yeah, where is our Bananaman movie? Stop scraping the American comic book hero barrel and put some real heroes on the big screen.

I was at a gathering and aside from us crusty 30 year olds (give or take a year) there was also a 21 year old girl. She had NO IDEA about bananaman, we were dumbfounded. And she's meant to be smart too.


Maturity, bitches.
I was at a gathering and aside from us crusty 30 year olds (give or take a year) there was also a 21 year old girl. She had NO IDEA about bananaman, we were dumbfounded. And she's meant to be smart too.

She suffers from Bornintheninetiesitis.
I was born in the Nineties and I have a decent knowledge of Bananaman.

To be fair there's a lot of people's choices in there I'd like to shit on too. Sometimes it's juts so hard not to. Music is one of the last things that social tribes can go to war about.

Yes, you're allowed to shit on people's choices, because you didn't create the ruddy thread! :p


For a while, Coco-Pops came with these monster clips. They were the bomb. My sister and I got through them at a rate of one box per week, so we'd alternate who got the pin with each box. Worked out a pin each every fortnight.

Then one week my sister got a mother-loving COCO THE MONKEY pin and rubbed that into my face rotten. I think I even cried slightly. She just wouldn't shut up. "I'm so happy that I got Coco! Look, mummy, look! I got Coco!" and so on.

But then I saw a commercial for Coco-Pops about the clips, and that there was a secret clip not listed on the back of the box - the mighty CHOCOSAURUS. So excited I was. Perhaps I could get the Chocosaurus? The next week, I tore open the box, hoping, praying.

I was not disappointed.

"CHOCOSAURUUUS!" I howled, my eyes wide with delight, the chocolate-covered cereal forgotten like my hunger. And my sister, suddenly aware of how her precious Coco clip now occupied a lowly status, burst into tears.

"I'm so happy that I got Chocosaurus! Look, mummy, look! I got Chocosaurus!"

No breakfast has ever tasted sweeter.

And it is no breakfast a child today can ever know.

Sleep sweet, Britain's childhoods; you died long ago.
For a while, Coco-Pops came with these monster clips. They were the bomb. My sister and I got through them at a rate of one box per week, so we'd alternate who got the pin with each box. Worked out a pin each every fortnight.

Then one week my sister got a mother-loving COCO THE MONKEY pin and rubbed that into my face rotten. I think I even cried slightly. She just wouldn't shut up. "I'm so happy that I got Coco! Look, mummy, look! I got Coco!" and so on.

But then I saw a commercial for Coco-Pops about the clips, and that there was a secret clip not listed on the back of the box - the mighty CHOCOSAURUS. So excited I was. Perhaps I could get the Chocosaurus? The next week, I tore open the box, hoping, praying.

I was not disappointed.

"CHOCOSAURUUUS!" I howled, my eyes wide with delight, the chocolate-covered cereal forgotten like my hunger. And my sister, suddenly aware of how her precious Coco clip now occupied a lowly status, burst into tears.

"I'm so happy that I got Chocosaurus! Look, mummy, look! I got Chocosaurus!"

No breakfast has ever tasted sweeter.

And it is no breakfast a child today can ever know.

Sleep sweet, Britain's childhoods; you died long ago.

This happened last month didn't it


bitch I'm taking calls.
Man that sounds great just reading about it. I would have been so smug. I loved getting 1-up over my sister with things like that.


Was someone holding a gun to your head when you wrote that? Or is my sarcasm meter in need of adjustment?

I am posting from work...

But seriously, it was a 2 hour meeting filled with statistics and business jargon. 10 minutes of Jeffrey Katzenberg talking about Dreamworks and the Lion King was a sigh of relief to me. I wasn't aware that he was involved in a lot of great Disney flicks and he seemed cheerful on stage.

Jedeye Sniv

It's snowing out and nobody is posting about it? wtf britgaf? So cold out there the witch's tit actually fell off. Very pretty here at school though, I think it was designed for a light dusting. brrrr! hot chocolate and onelinedrawing, warming myself up.


It's snowing out and nobody is posting about it? wtf britgaf? So cold out there the witch's tit actually fell off. Very pretty here at school though, I think it was designed for a light dusting. brrrr! hot chocolate and onelinedrawing, warming myself up.

I don't know what about this made me literally laugh out loud.

My sister said it was snowing round her parts. Nothing but bitter cold round here (City side of London).



will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Regarding the weather out here, it's been pissing down for the last week, two weeks... I've actually forgotten how long it's been since it wasn't raining. I expect to walk out of my flat and see some old guy rounding up two of each animal.

The temperature is apparently 15-17c but feels a lot colder. I guess I'm just overly-climatised to Taiwan's summer. The fact that Taiwanese buildings are 100% geared-up for cooling doesn't help. Hell, office buildings don't even turn off their ACs during the winter over here.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Snow is fun for like the first day. Then the snow freezes up makes driving a risky state of affairs.


Whats the deal with horses standing still ? Every time i see these depressing mammals in a field they are standing fucking still. Just standing there.

Its a sad sight for sure.


Snow is fun for like the first day. Then the snow freezes up makes driving a risky state of affairs.


Whats the deal with horses standing still ? Every time i see these depressing mammals in a field they are standing fucking still. Just standing there.

Its a sad sight for sure.

They're grazing. Are you super jealous that you're not as chill as a horse? Sounds like you need a horse friend.

You can be penpals with my horse if you want? He doesn't have thumbs but I'll read your letters to him (as long as they're not abusive) and will let you know if he eats them.


Maturity, bitches.
How many buses drove past me today? About sixty million. Bloody tube travellers are wimps. A tiny bit of wet and they all huddle on to the first bus that comes no matter the destination.
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