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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Maturity, bitches.
How much did you have to drink? Though in all seriousness drunkenness is no excuse for disorderly behaviour online. I had quite a few glasses of wine today but I'm still keeping the cheekiness levels in check.

EDIT: This is addressed to Suairyu.


No, son; you got told.


You got neither. I'm just play acting. Play along. Role play. Psisheep can be your Ben Kenobi and Chinner will be the gatekeeper and I'll secretly turn out to be your long lost brother and then you'll kill me, tears in your eyes, before Meadows appears to you in a vision to thank you for saving the kingdom of Manchester.

edit: BGBW will be the nasally guy at the party that goes "But fellaaaaaaaaaas, that's dangerous!"


Maturity, bitches.
BGBW, that is not correct semicolon use.

I just use it because it looks smart and usually no one comments on it. Thanks for ruining it. Not my fault they removed proper grammar lessons from schools and forced us out on to the streets to fend for ourselves.


Wait a minute, IamMikeside; you were the colon?

I just use it because it looks smart and usually no one comments on it. Thanks for ruining it. Not my fault they removed proper grammar lessons from schools and forced us out on to the streets to fend for ourselves.
Yet you managed to beg enough money by using your Moe good looks to buy a computer and teach yourself "Photoshop" and do something with your life. You didn't need a government education handout.

Also see above for correct semicolon usage.


Maturity, bitches.
Not to sound too Kentpaulish but EMA was the bee's knees.

And I was using a Windows 98 PC until 2006 with good old Paint Shop Pro.

But I did get £200 for my moe looks by appearing on the cover for About a Boy. BGBW facts.


Maturity, bitches.
European Music Awards?
Education Maintenance Allowance?
Give us some hints!

Well I thought the talk of government handouts and me being slightly cheeky to kentpaul (he knows it's all in good fun) would give the hint to the second one.

If you must know it helped with my travel since I had to take a train to school and Ken didn't offer free transport to anyone using overground trains despite them being one of the most expensive.


EMA was such bollocks.

ANECDOTE WARNING: 9/10 people I knew or knew of who received it didn't need it.

ANOTHER ANECDOTE WARNING: A family friend had her daughter coming home and screaming at her, "Why do you have to be so well off? Now I can't get EMA money. I wish we were poor!" no joke

ALSO what was with the stupid amounts of bonus money for "good attendance"?


EMA was meant to pay for books, travel, lunch money, uniform, whatever. It often didn't go towards that. Had EMA been instead paid to the school, who then bought the books for the students, or the required travel passes, whatever, it would have been a much better system.

Instead of just paying for a good lot of people's PS2s and beer. Trusting 17 year olds with actual cash is a silly idea.
I didn't get EMA, but I get a pretty fucking good loan and grant at uni, so all's well, eh

£10 a week for the first year. The Christmas bonuses made it.
Naff all in year 13. Bastards.

Happy New Year Britgaf. Hope you cunts have a great year!

(anyone else sick of people summarising 2012 on Facebook? Fuck off you circle wanking tossers....)


If was intended to encourage people not to bunk lessons. This also meant if a teacher was off I had to go to the office to mark myself in.
No, I got the intention. I meant more who thought it was good idea that achieved the purpose of "helping those financially unable to afford schoolbooks and travel"? It was basically a birthday present wad of cash. It made no sense.
No, I got the intention. I meant more who thought it was good idea that achieved the purpose of "helping those financially unable to afford schoolbooks and travel"? It was basically a birthday present wad of cash. It made no sense.

That intention of EMA always made me laugh.

It is non compulsory education- if you feel the need to bunk lessons for shits and giggles, then why are you at Sixth Form?

Though to be fair, our tiny class sizes made it pretty obvious if you weren't present, and our free periods were just that- we could leave as we wished.


That intention of EMA always made me laugh.

It is non compulsory education- if you feel the need to bunk lessons for shits and giggles, then why are you at Sixth Form?

Though to be fair, our tiny class sizes made it pretty obvious if you weren't present, and our free periods were just that- we could leave as we wished.

to be fair I skipped a lot of classes in 6th form...
that's probably why I had to do college afterwards


Lack motivation/not seeing the importance of it I'm guessing?

First year I turned up to every lesson and worked hard - was on track for straight Bs.
Second year, I got really into this girl who messed me around all year. I had absolutely no focus and spent pretty much all my time wrapped up in my own teenage drama. Blergh.
First year I turned up to every lesson and worked hard - was on track for straight Bs.
Second year, I got really into this girl who messed me around all year. I had absolutely no focus and spent pretty much all my time wrapped up in my own teenage drama. Blergh.

Bitches be cray.

To be honest I nearly fluffed year 12 as my 6th form was so laid back at times. Good prep for uni though.


Bitches be cray.

To be honest I nearly fluffed year 12 as my 6th form was so laid back at times. Good prep for uni though.

Our 6th form was really laid back in year 12, but the head of 6th form changed when I went into year 13 & it got a lot more military. Another reason for my downfall :(

I'm pretty glad it went as it did, to be honest - If I hadn't fucked up, I'd've (Can I really do that? Fuck it. I'm going to. It's done.) never gone to college and done Music Tech, which I enjoyed immensely. Great people & a great course to boot.
Bored of 2013 already.

Still, snowboarding holiday to Andorra all booked up now, in 2 1/2 weeks yay!

Oh yeah, and Happy New Year BritGaf. Can't remember if I've said that already.


So, I have a new car!
Suz had a wee accident in the car we shared (she used it daily for travelling to work) last month. She got a Micra to keep her going so I figured I'd spend a few months without & then maybe look at getting a new car once we've moved out and settled down a bit in the flat (which I really hope we can start looking for in the next few months)

I went over to the grandparents' house for dinner last night & there was an unfamiliar car on the driveway - was rather shocked to find out it was mine!

Astra 1.6l '03-'04 model in dark blue.
Whoop whoop :) Am pretty blown away by it - I can't drive it yet because it needs a couple of things doing to it (new cam belt, new tyres, a quick service & a few touch ups on the paint chips) but I'm looking forward to taking it for a spin :D


I awoke from a dream where I murdered some dude, chopped him into bits, put him in a bin liner with bleach and other stuff then attempted to hide it.

Except the Sheriff's Office detectives were at my house and were keeping an eye on the situation while they waited for a warrant to search my bedroom, so I couldn't sneak out into the woods to hide the bin liner. Also I think I was 12.

But anyway, it turned out it was a revenge killing. The guy I killed ran a Games Workshop and I'd gone over to the Space Marine stuff and the guy thought I was stealing, so he beat me up. After getting out of hospital, I went back and killed him. But as a Sheriff's detective was speaking to me, this story came out and I claimed the second time (the murder) was also self defense and that as I was young and scared I tried to hide the body.

So if you guys want some tips on how to kill someone and get away with it just come speak to me a'ight?


Maturity, bitches.
Good thing I booked the few remaining days of this week off (well it's basically just tomorrow since that's when the office opens and I already have Fridays off). Then I go back to work on Monday only to go on another holiday on the 10th (cousin's wedding). Hopefully there are no IT disasters while I'm off.


Maturity, bitches.

This was in response to some images of Zelda producer Aonuma going rather grey at a young age.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Oh man I forgot about EMA. £30 a week plus the bonuses. Was fucking sweet.

My tag was a result of drunkenly making this thread. Admittedly I think it was a tag fish, but it worked... kinda.
I got EMA. I spaffed it all up the wall, but then I also had a job at the same time, so there was little chance I was gonna struggle for books and stuff anyway.

That said, I don't think the point of it was necessarily to buy travelcards and books and whatnot. I think the idea, really, was that the kids that stayed at school could, at least to a degree, "keep up" with their friends who were earning minimum wage in their first jobs - not a great wage to be sure, but a million miles away from the paperounds that most were used to. The idea was to keep people at school for those 2 years when the peer pressure and allures of leaving were large due to such a huge disparity in money between those in school (who had little) and those working in HMV (who had comparatively lots).

That said, I opposed its existence as I don't think it was effective at all.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The part not shown is when Valve closes the account afterwards and he loses all his games, his account name and friends with zero course for recompense. At the most you win a small skirmish but you'll never win the war. The guy in this image is a fool anyway as demanding a refund because you didn't like the game is the dumbest thing ever.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
What's the story behind everyone's tag?

(No "member" jokes plz)

A tag is the way of right of way for any awesome gaffer. Mines was due to having to work for 13 weeks without pay (Working for benefits ftl)

Moving into my new FLAT in 12 days, 2013 is going to be fucking amazing guys. Can't wait to cook naked at midnight.

How long does it take for virgin media to install phones,internet,Tv ect after you phone up and ask for it ? The thought of going a few weeks without the internet is killing my vibe (Phone browsing will make the pain more bearable but at heart I'm a desktop pc internet browser. I will also have to live with a 21inch HD 1080p TV for a few weeks until i can afford a bigger one.

I can't fucking wait. Kitting the Spare bedroom into a home gym/PC gaming hub.


So I'm with 3 Mobile currently.

At home (Ash Vale) I rarely get 3G signal anymore (used to be fine) but pretty much always have 2G.

In Crowthorne, where I work and spend most of my social time, I pretty much have no signal at all - incredibly rarely I'll get 2G and I think I've noticed myself with 3G signal once in the past 6 months. Before then, I used to get 2G reliably with 3G about 30% of the time.

Is there anything I can do about this? Any way of nullifying the contract or something? I'm pretty sick of it and just want to be able to use my goddamn phone :(


How long does it take for virgin media to install phones,internet,Tv ect after you phone up and ask for it ? The thought of going a few weeks without the internet is killing my vibe (Phone browsing will make the pain more bearable but at heart I'm a desktop pc internet browser. I will also have to live with a 21inch HD 1080p TV for a few weeks until i can afford a bigger one.

I'd say 2 weeks. Maybe 1 if you are lucky. I just did it in August and it was about 2 weeks.
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