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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Oh yeah! See, I'm tired.

We shall be playing at Camden Rocks on Friday 15th Feb. Second on the bill I think, so probably onstage for about 8ish. Would be lovely to see some of me ol muckas in UKGAF if you fancy it. I see Musha has already responded to the FB post, thanks muchly :)

here is the FB page promoting it: http://www.facebook.com/events/321494464630964/

I will always supports friends' bands if they play London and I don't have a prior engagement. As a special treat I'll even bring the boyfriend along. If he likes you, you're set, because he doesn't like much at all.

Jedeye Sniv

I will always supports friends' bands if they play London and I don't have a prior engagement. As a special treat I'll even bring the boyfriend along. If he likes you, you're set, because he doesn't like much at all.

That's cos you're a Good Person. Looking forward to meeting the bloke too. The more the merrier!

I'll help some people out on Bandcamp when I have more than £9.52 to my name. Four days to go.

It's free :) We've only had one sale so far (which was amazeballs), I'm not expecting anyone to pay. I know I don't!


That's cos you're a Good Person. Looking forward to meeting the bloke too. The more the merrier!

It's free :) We've only had one sale so far (which was amazeballs), I'm not expecting anyone to pay. I know I don't!

I know it's a crime to say this about post-rock, but I really think you guys would kick all kinds of butt with somebody doing vocals. Either that or a cello.


Sigur Rós have vocals :p

Also, you should come to next meetup for longer - you missed all the hazy drunken bits
Yes, but it's much easier to damage the sound with vocals than it is to enhance it. No offence to any vocalists out there, and perhaps it's the sound mix, but I think that generally the vocals are the thing that put me off of many local bands.

I've experienced the hazy drunken bits at other meet ups, I just had another engagement that evening :(

Jedeye Sniv

I know it's a crime to say this about post-rock, but I really think you guys would kick all kinds of butt with somebody doing vocals. Either that or a cello.

Our new song has got some words in it, we're trying to get a few in there. The trouble is 1) none of us can really sing and 2) we don't want another member. So sometimes we use the samples to mix it up, othertimes we might do some yelling. New song has the most singing in it yet though.


Our new song has got some words in it, we're trying to get a few in there. The trouble is 1) none of us can really sing and 2) we don't want another member. So sometimes we use the samples to mix it up, othertimes we might do some yelling. New song has the most singing in it yet though.

I ventured into the post-rock category on Bandcamp to find something new. Had a few failures so am recovering with Teenage Manta Ray. Maybe I take back what I said about vocals. Ugh there's some shit out there

Jedeye Sniv

I ventured into the post-rock category on Bandcamp to find something new. Had a few failures so am recovering with Teenage Manta Ray. Maybe I take back what I said about vocals. Ugh there's some shit out there

Lol yep! All the crappy bands I can think of are due to lacklustre vocals. Anyone can play guitar (say radiohead) but singing is an actual skill. I'll have to post some of the bands I found last month, found some real diamonds in the rough.

Jedeye Sniv

Anyone else watching Celeb Big Brother? I usually hate these kinds of shows by BB is the one I make an exception for.

So far we've got a midget, a man who looks like Jordan and what seems to be the reanimated corpse of someone's nan.

I love it.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Been experimenting with making earcuffs for the last few days, and finally got them to work.


Wore one all day to try it out, never having worn any ear decorations ever in my life before. So comfortable I forgot to take it off, so wandered back home through the dark streets with a butterfly on my ear.


Anyone else watching Celeb Big Brother? I usually hate these kinds of shows by BB is the one I make an exception for.

So far we've got a midget, a man who looks like Jordan and what seems to be the reanimated corpse of someone's nan.

I love it.

Is Pamela Anderson in it?

Jedeye Sniv

CHEEZMO™;46023447 said:
Hmm. According to my mother, the Internet has brainwashed me into thinking I'm gay.

Does she know about the cartoon animals too though? Cause I'd be like "Son, suck every dick you can find but for chrissakes stop drawing pecs on dogs"


Obsidian fan
Does she know about the cartoon animals too though?

Yes. She found out by learning that I spent a lot of time on a website called NeoGAF, then found out what my username was. Since then she's taken every opportunity to call me pathetic and a "disgrace to humankind" between making jokes at my expense to the rest of the family.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Imagine her face if he were on 4chan or something.
CHEEZMO™;46023785 said:
Yes. She found out by learning that I spent a lot of time on a website called NeoGAF, then found out what my username was. Since then she's taken every opportunity to call me pathetic and a "disgrace to humankind" between making jokes at my expense to the rest of the family.
Cheez you gotta get out of there. Sorry to hear it, though.

EDIT: I just read between the lines with stuff posted before, hopefully I'm wrong and things aren't that bad. You're my favorite britgaffer, Cheez. (sry kentpaul)

Jedeye Sniv

CHEEZMO™;46023785 said:
Yes. She found out by learning that I spent a lot of time on a website called NeoGAF, then found out what my username was. Since then she's taken every opportunity to call me pathetic and a "disgrace to humankind" between making jokes at my expense to the rest of the family.

I feel you are pulling my leg young man! Disgrace to humankind is a bit much. It's really only a notch down the sexual weirdness pole from people that watch incest hentai. Odd, but not criminal. We love you for it, BritGAF wouldn't be the same without every colour of our freaky rainbow.

EDIT: actually, are you being serious? Because if so that's incredibly fucked up. We may take the piss but we care man :)


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Does she know about the cartoon animals too though? Cause I'd be like "Son, suck every dick you can find but for chrissakes stop drawing pecs on dogs"

This post made me laugh out loud in the pub. Unless Cheez's reply was serious, in which case I'm sorry man!

EDIT: Echoing sniv's edit. Also, gig up north! You bloody LAH-DE-DAH LONDON TYPES.

Juicy Bob

For all the 'Shottingham' and 'Assassination City' jokes, it's not bad at all 'round here. There was an issue with gangs and gun crime in the mid-90's, up to about 2005 but since then we've nailed it and nowadays it seems like we're all peaceful and happy.

God knows how they thought this place was the most dangerous place in England a few years back, it really isn't.
I can confirm this. After just over a year of living there, I was only stabbed twice.

CHEEZMO™;46023785 said:
Yes. She found out by learning that I spent a lot of time on a website called NeoGAF, then found out what my username was. Since then she's taken every opportunity to call me pathetic and a "disgrace to humankind" between making jokes at my expense to the rest of the family.
That's awful. Totally out of order. You have every right to be yourself, whatever that is. And besides, you're a top bloke. You're a much loved member of BritGAF and of GAF in general because you're intelligent and genuine and funny and cool. Your mum should be incredibly proud of you, she has no reason to say things like that about you.


Obsidian fan
Cheez you got to move out of there. Seriously, see if you can even get a shitty council flat on housing or something.

Well she's always threatening to put me down for one and kick me out so I guess if I wait around long enough she'll save me the hassle and do it for me.


Sorry Cheez, sounds like your situation sucks.

My mother always wished i was gay.

Edit: I realise that is probably more fucked up.


CHEEZMO you and I have discussed this before.

Trawl for jobs. Any job. Even if it's being a janitor. Kentpaul is proof janitors can live happy and have mad stacks.

Move the fuck out. Use council benefits to help you make rent if need be - that's what they're there for. Promise yourself to never tax dodge in the future so you can repay that debt to society.

If you have friends in other cities, look for jobs there. Get the job? Ask your friends if you can sleep on their couch for a couple of weeks until your first pay cheque and you can find a place. Offer to cook and clean in return, and promise to buy lots of beer as a thank you once you have money.

The longer you leave this, the harder it'll be, both finding a job and finding the strength of conviction to bail the fuck out.

Stop playing ecksbawks. Stop going on GAF (other than BritGAF for advice). Stop eating Burger King and instead save up your jobseekers allowance (you are on it, right? If not, why not?) to help the process.

You can do it. It just takes effort and willpower.


Wow, what a shitty situation, dude - I'm sorry :(

What county are you living in? There's gotta be a Tesco or something you can find a job at so you can get the fuck outta there?


I can confirm this. After just over a year of living there, I was only stabbed twice.

Man, you are one lucky bastard. That must've been terrifying.

and Cheezmo, gtfo of there man. You'll get all the advice you need from here.

I know it's a crime to say this about post-rock, but I really think you guys would kick all kinds of butt with somebody doing vocals. Either that or a cello.

I dunno about the vocals. It was unusual hearing the EP for the first time and thinking "When's the vocals gonna kick in?" but I got used to it. Instrumental bands have this allure to them that's pretty cool. Makes them stand out from the rest. Plus, I love the subtle social commentaries in the samples that are used. Would've definitely went to the Camden gig if I was local.


CHEEZMO™;46023785 said:
Yes. She found out by learning that I spent a lot of time on a website called NeoGAF, then found out what my username was. Since then she's taken every opportunity to call me pathetic and a "disgrace to humankind" between making jokes at my expense to the rest of the family.
Jesus Christ.

Mrs CHEEZMO, your son is a well-loved member of a large community as he's an all-round good egg with a quick wit and a charming personality. You should change tact before you drive an irreversible wedge between yourselves as you'd be the one to come off worse.


Obsidian fan
@Suairyu No friends and no car so I'm confined to the local area. No skills or proper qualifications so menial jobs are all that's open to me as it is. Currently applying for an unpaid work experience thing at the council office, which if I get it and complete it, may lead to a (underpaid) apprenticeship that might lead to proper employment.

I have money in reserve, it's just that I have no income (yes I do get JSA but that's only 50 quid a week and my parents take 30 of that). All I need is steady employment and I can finally get out of here.

@Mike Almost all of what I put in for is retail stuff, especially since that's pretty much all I have experience in barring a stint packing catalogue orders. Most of the time I don't even hear back. I once applied at Lidl for stacking shelves, and in the interview(!!) the guy mentioned that he got over 100 applications for that one position.

@Dave Too late for that, I'm afraid.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Fuck, then my apology above truly stands. On here you seem like such a nice guy, I dont get it. This shit happens to the wrong people.


CHEEZMO™;46027551 said:
@Suairyu No friends and no car so I'm confined to the local area. No skills or proper qualifications so menial jobs are all that's open to me as it is. Currently applying for an unpaid work experience thing at the council office, which if I get it and complete it, may lead to a (underpaid) apprenticeship that might lead to proper employment.

I have money in reserve, it's just that I have no income (yes I do get JSA but that's only 50 quid a week and my parents take 30 of that). All I need is steady employment and I can finally get out of here.

@Mike Almost all of what I put in for is retail stuff, especially since that's pretty much all I have experience in barring a stint packing catalogue orders. Most of the time I don't even hear back. I once applied at Lidl for stacking shelves, and in the interview(!!) the guy mentioned that he got over 100 applications for that one position.

@Dave Too late for that, I'm afraid.

Is it worth looking for a job a little further away and maybe finding a flatshare or something?
That fucking sucks about 100 applicants :/


CHEEZMO™;46027551 said:
@Mike Almost all of what I put in for is retail stuff, especially since that's pretty much all I have experience in barring a stint packing catalogue orders. Most of the time I don't even hear back. I once applied at Lidl for stacking shelves, and in the interview(!!) the guy mentioned that he got over 100 applications for that one position.
Funny thing, I had zero experience in media, logging, research, release forms, archive hunting, studio running or anything else when I applied for work in TV.

I used to be like you, getting hung up on experience.

You've applied for work experience at the council - good. Apply for work experience everywhere else. Media companies. Law offices. Carework. If it isn't retail, offer yourself for free. You never know where that shit will lead.

Start doing charity work. Volunteer. Get out there and active. Looks great on the CV and prepares you for working life.

There should not be a work day that goes by where you're not calling someone or offering yourself to someplace.

And yes, shelf stacking will always have 100s of applicants, as the people who apply are also in the "I can't do anything but shelfstack" rut. Break out of it.

Fuck it - see what jobs are going in your local bank. You don't need any qualifications for that, just a smart head. I almost went in that direction myself once upon a time.


Volunteer at the scouts. Hand on my heart I've gotten three interviews just because the manager/whatever used to be a scout/is a scoutmaster. Good way to pick up people skills and also become First Aid/Food Hygiene certified. Also you'll be helping kids shape their lives and shit.


Obsidian fan
Volunteer at the scouts. Hand on my heart I've gotten three interviews just because the manager/whatever used to be a scout/is a scoutmaster. Good way to pick up people skills and also become First Aid/Food Hygiene certified. Also you'll be helping kids shape their lives and shit.

Hmm. The opportunity to turn children towards Marxism is tempting...


CHEEZMO™;46030087 said:
Hmm. The opportunity to turn children towards Marxism is tempting...

Ok, it sounds cool now, but when you've got a bunch of 14 year olds who don't really understand what they're talking about pestering you? You'll regret it. Grooming kids never turns out well.


he'd probably walk you thought it

'this is the vagina, first you make sure it is moist and ripe, then you use the crown of the penus to penetrate into some flowery goodness'.

he's very hands on like that.
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