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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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What killed it for me was when there's a group of guys surrounding your ass only one of them comes at you at a time..



Maturity, bitches.
Back at work for three days until I go on holiday again.

Since I left my alarm clock on during the holidays I had gotten used to sleeping through it. Took me about 45 minutes to register it this morning.


During the holidays, I was sleeping at 2am and getting up at 11/12pm nearly everyday so my whole sleeping pattern is messed up. Couldn't get to sleep until 3am and I had to get up at 6.30am. uugh.

Jedeye Sniv

He's playing on 360, not PS3 :p

Skyrim is pretty great, but for some reason I didn't stick with it for anywhere near the time I played Morrowind (which is better) and Oblivion (which is much worse).

I've got a serious hankering for an Elite-a-like to play with my joystick, but for some reason Freespace 2 and Freelancer won't work with my stick and I can't install X-Wing Alliance on my 64bit PC, so I've installed HAWX and Apache Air Assault to tide me over for a little while. Now I'm desperate for Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous to come out.

Skyrim is a weird game. When it first came out I, like everyone else, was amazed by how it looked, but months later I can't really see the difference between this engine and the Oblivion and Fallout engines. It's a bit bumpier maybe, but it still has that really artificial feeling movement and combat. It reminds me of a shaved scrotum, it's missing the knobbly bits.

Still, it's incredibly addictive to just pick a direction, walk it and then explore anything that comes your way. It's stunning how almost every cave and ruin and castle has its own story, some of them are really involved and twisty too. And I still have their Thieves and Assassin's guilds to finish up, plus a million misc quests as well. After finishing up Baldur's Gate I really need something beardy to jump into, this'll do nicely.

I miss space games as well. A modern Elite could be the greatest thing ever. For me, the holy grail of space gaming will be actual size planets. I want to go from deep space to atmospheric insertion, find an LZ, land that shit, get out of my ship and explore.

never gonna happen :(

Jedeye Sniv

During the holidays, I was sleeping at 2am and getting up at 11/12pm nearly everyday so my whole sleeping pattern is messed up. Couldn't get to sleep until 3am and I had to get up at 6.30am. uugh.

Yeah me too! That's pretty much my natural rhythm. Got at work at 8am this morning, feel like I've been hit with a truck. Contemplating sleeping but need to work. Mondays are a struggle against my natural impulses.


Skyrim is a weird game. When it first came out I, like everyone else, was amazed by how it looked, but months later I can't really see the difference between this engine and the Oblivion and Fallout engines. It's a bit bumpier maybe, but it still has that really artificial feeling movement and combat. It reminds me of a shaved scrotum, it's missing the knobbly bits.

Still, it's incredibly addictive to just pick a direction, walk it and then explore anything that comes your way. It's stunning how almost every cave and ruin and castle has its own story, some of them are really involved and twisty too. And I still have their Thieves and Assassin's guilds to finish up, plus a million misc quests as well. After finishing up Baldur's Gate I really need something beardy to jump into, this'll do nicely.

I miss space games as well. A modern Elite could be the greatest thing ever. For me, the holy grail of space gaming will be actual size planets. I want to go from deep space to atmospheric insertion, find an LZ, land that shit, get out of my ship and explore.

never gonna happen :(

That's what I've been dreaming of for years. There have been a few games that promised it, but nothing I've ever played came through on that promise.

Jedeye Sniv

Jedeye Sniv and the mystery of the Cake!

So I work in a building largely by myself but sometimes with a couple of other people. The office was closed for two weeks over christmas, but before we broke up I was the only person here for a couple of weeks. I come into the office today, unlocking it, turning all the lights and stuff back on. While making a cuppa, I notice that there is a seemingly pristine twinpack of Mr Kipling lemon slices in the bin.


1) who has been in my office and 2) why are they throwing away perfectly good cake?

I have rescued said cake and added it to my munch drawer (with my kitkats).

These are the things I think about all day.


During the holidays, I was sleeping at 2am and getting up at 11/12pm nearly everyday so my whole sleeping pattern is messed up. Couldn't get to sleep until 3am and I had to get up at 6.30am. uugh.

Yeah same, it's not good. Got a month of exams now, need to get in the zone.


Jedeye Sniv and the mystery of the Cake!

So I work in a building largely by myself but sometimes with a couple of other people. The office was closed for two weeks over christmas, but before we broke up I was the only person here for a couple of weeks. I come into the office today, unlocking it, turning all the lights and stuff back on. While making a cuppa, I notice that there is a seemingly pristine twinpack of Mr Kipling lemon slices in the bin.


1) who has been in my office and 2) why are they throwing away perfectly good cake?

I have rescued said cake and added it to my munch drawer (with my kitkats).

These are the things I think about all day.

I came back into the warehouse to find I'd left an almost finished Costa hot chocolate on the desk. It's now been chewed around the top.

I prefer your wasteful cake fairy to my beverage-mouse


The only mod I need is the one that removes that fucking compass thingy that tells me where eevrything is before I have actually seen it. It's too late for Skyrim but I'm not playing the next Elder Scrolls without that mod.

Jedeye Sniv

I might pick up Skyrim when I'm done with Hitman. Seems everyone pretty much has mostly good to say about it.

It goes:

First 20 hours - omg omg omg yes. What's over this hill? What's in this cave? Firey death? Fair nuff.

Next 20 hours - oooh, you can craft armour and make potions and do enchanting!

After about 50 hours - Oh, there's a main quest? Better do that...

After 70 hours - dragon armour fuck yeah!

Stop playing game for six months

Pick up game, see save file reads 90 hours. Re-addicted. Rinse. Repeat.


I still need to get through Resident Evil 6 before starting Batman Arkham City GOTY. Gawd, does RE6 feel like a fucking chore. Tarantino Marathon starting this weekend too: True Romance this weekend followed by seeing Reservoir Dogs in the cineworld that following Tuesday, Pulp Fiction on Wednesday, Jackie Brown on Thursday, 4-hour Kill Bill fan-edit on Friday, Grindhouse on Saturday afternoon, Inglorious Basterds on Saturday evening and then pop over to the cineworld to see Django Unchained on Sunday afternoon.

EDIT: might squeeze in Natural Born Killers and even Sin City if I can find the time.


I might pick up Skyrim when I'm done with Hitman. Seems everyone pretty much has mostly good to say about it.
Do it, it's definitely a worthy spend of 100 hours or so.
It goes:

First 20 hours - omg omg omg yes. What's over this hill? What's in this cave? Firey death? Fair nuff.

Next 20 hours - oooh, you can craft armour and make potions and do enchanting!

After about 50 hours - Oh, there's a main quest? Better do that...

After 70 hours - dragon armour fuck yeah!

Stop playing game for six months

Pick up game, see save file reads 90 hours. Re-addicted. Rinse. Repeat.
I had my addiction in one continuous dose, but I'll have to go back to try the DLC eventually.
I still need to get through Resident Evil 6 before starting Batman Arkham City GOTY. Gawd, does RE6 feel like a fucking chore. Tarantino Marathon starting this weekend too: True Romance this weekend followed by seeing Reservoir Dogs in the cineworld that following Tuesday, Pulp Fiction on Wednesday, Jackie Brown on Thursday, 4-hour Kill Bill fan-edit on Friday, Grindhouse on Saturday afternoon, Inglorious Basterds on Saturday evening and then pop over to the cineworld to see Django Unchained on Sunday afternoon.
Arkham City is SO GOOD. Consider it a bright light at the end of your disappointing tunnel.

Monday blues gaf, so many hours remaining...


Low-wage London people: I need to move out as soon as physically possible and short-term the only place I can guarantee employment is London. How does low-wage living there work?


Maturity, bitches.
Low-wage London people: I need to move out as soon as physically possible and short-term the only place I can guarantee employment is London. How does low-wage living there work?

You stay with your parents HA HA HA. I suppose you could flat share.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
I have no desire to play Res 6 after the demo, which is a shocker for me. Got Arkham City for Chrumbo so I'll dive into that once I've 100%ed Space Channel 5.


You stay with your parents HA HA HA. I suppose you could flat share.
I don't mind having flatmates. But it's still London, right? Pricey. What areas do I go? Are there low-income discounts to things like transport? Is there any council financial support? That sort of thing.

I would hate flatsharing with a random so much. Anyone here done it and not ended up hating the person/people you lived with?
University halls. Both times I ended up with messy people that lost me my deposit. Others were much luckier. It's all down to luck.


I would hate flatsharing with a random so much. Anyone here done it and not ended up hating the person/people you lived with?
One year in uni I had 2 reasonable people, a ridiculous horrible racist/inconsiderate/generally awful girl and a ghost dude whom I saw twice all year long (once because he needed to use my printer)

Another year I met some of the coolest people who I'm still friends with. Entirely luck of the draw.
Lots of my friends house share in North London, there are definitely plenty of affordable places for low income earners. And yeah it's totally luck of the draw with housemates, I've had both good and bad experiences.


Am very much hoping for a wage increase this month so I can afford to move out over Easter.

Any tips on securing a raise? Am going to ask for a meeting to discuss it this month.
Am very much hoping for a wage increase this month so I can afford to move out over Easter.

Any tips on securing a raise? Am going to ask for a meeting to discuss it this month.

Firstly, make sure you deserve one. Make a note of how you go above and beyond in your duties, and all the extra work you put in.

If you're just doing what you're supposed to in your role, and just working your hours, you probably don't have much hope in asking for a raise. If you do more and can prove it, you're on pretty good ground and they'll only refuse if the company is not doing well as a whole.


Firstly, make sure you deserve one. Make a note of how you go above and beyond in your duties, and all the extra work you put in.

If you're just doing what you're supposed to in your role, and just working your hours, you probably don't have much hope in asking for a raise. If you do more and can prove it, you're on pretty good ground and they'll only refuse if the company is not doing well as a whole.

I joined as a warehouse/IT engineering assistant on 15k
I'm now warehouse manager (with 1 person below me)/IT engineer (I do the bulk of our small- and mid- level IT stuff with accreditations from Dell, Safenet/Cryptocard and Microsoft, and I've only gone up to 16.5k.

I think I should be due a meaty bonus, it's just being convincing about how much. Won't help that it's a family company lol.


You should look around for other jobs, if just to get an idea of how much others get paid. Is it a family company to the extent you won't leave?


f0rk beat me to it but yeah, find another job and get accepted. Don't quit your current job but take the approval letter to your boss. If you are a valuable person in the company (which looks like you are) then they'll work something out for you. Either way, it's a win win.
f0rk beat me to it but yeah, find another job and get accepted. Don't quit your current job but take the approval letter to your boss. If you are a valuable person in the company (which looks like you are) then they'll work something out for you. Either way, it's a win win.

For the record I hate people who do this, it really screws the company you're going for the job with around. We've had a few people moving on recently, and we've needed to get staff in pretty quick to replace them and cover the work load.

We've had 2 people who have accepted roles, only to then later turn down the job when their current company offers them more to stay. It's wasted our time, and meant people like me are now doing more than my fair share of work while we start the whole process of interviewing all over again.

You're basically blackmailing your company into paying you more so you stay with them. My question is always if they're willing to pay you that salary, why aren't they already? If you want a pay rise you should just ask for it. If they say no, but then offer you more to stop you leaving, do you really want to work for a company like that?

Sorry, rant over, it's just a pet peeve of mine that's caused me issues lately.


For the record I hate people who do this, it really screws the company you're going for the job with around. We've had a few people moving on recently, and we've needed to get staff in pretty quick to replace them and cover the work load.

We've had 2 people who have accepted roles, only to then later turn down the job when their current company offers them more to stay. It's wasted our time, and meant people like me are now doing more than my fair share of work while we start the whole process of interviewing all over again.

You're basically blackmailing your company into paying you more so you stay with them. My question is always if they're willing to pay you that salary, why aren't they already? If you want a pay rise you should just ask for it. If they say no, but then offer you more to stop you leaving, do you really want to work for a company like that?

Sorry, rant over, it's just a pet peeve of mine that's caused me issues lately.

It's one of those weird things and I never would do it either. You are looking for a new job for a reason so you should accept it even if your current company counter offers.

Having quit twice and being counter offered both times it is hard to turn down. You basically get to get more money and continue doing something your good at and comfortable with. However, I bet everyone that does turn down a new position wind up leaving in a few months to a year anyways.

I think by blackmailing your head also goes on the chopping block.


Yeah, it's a small company & I'd be unpopular in these parts if I did that.
We've also had issues with people using us to leverage jobs at their current employers - it might work, but I'd feel shitty doing it.

Just going to have to be upfront and straight forward :)....:/
I agree on principle with Musha, it's a shitty thing to do, but it's also a very effective way of securing a pay rise. Sometimes you need to look after your own interests first, I guess.


hmm, my tip would certainly not go down well in a small company. Might explain why I hear that it frequently happens in big corps.


hmm, my tip would certainly not go down well in a small company. Might explain why I hear that it frequently happens in big corps.

Also the 'go getter' types who do this usually go for big companies where there's a ladder to climb within the company before they move across to another one. Those kinds of people often seem to be turned off by the idea of a small company where there isn't much room for growth within the company without having to grow the company with you.


Suede are back! With new material and everything! More than a decade since 2002's A New Morning – a record so tired-sounding Brett Anderson broke up the band – Suede have announced a brand new album, Bloodsports. While the first single, It Starts and Ends with You, will be released in February, the band have given away a new song as a free download.

"Barriers isn't the first single but we are proud of it enough just to chuck it out there and thought that its pulsing, romantic swell somehow summed up the feel of the album quite nicely," Anderson said. He's right – all the post-1994 Suede attributes are there: big sweeping guitars, lyrics about "lipstick traces", echo-laden vocals that sound slightly muddled amid all the lashings of Epic. Unfortunately there's nothing as glaringly daft as Savoir Faire's opening line "She live in a house, she stupid as a mouse", but you can't have it all.

Listen or download link


bitch I'm taking calls.
When it comes down to it in the business world, you should look out for yourself above all else. Because you can bet your ass that were the roles reversed, any business or company would not think twice about firing you or cutting your position if it comes to affect their bottom line. Business will continue with or without you and regardless of setbacks. When possible it's nice to be professional about things but you should be looking out for #1 at the end of the day. So yes, it may be inconvenient to the business but I have no sympathy for the feelings of a business over that of a person.


bitch I'm taking calls.
But corporations are people too; they're Musha.
As a little American law and politics comment, I think our supreme court is fucking stupid in that they ruled that corporations and businesses should be considered as people, because they most certainly are not.

But yes Musha is a person that is affected by that behavior, but if that's the only way to get a raise with a company you want to stay in the foreseeable future I would still go for it. Workload might be increased in the interim but if her employers are sharp they will adapt accordingly to level things out. It's not the ideal way to achieve your means but I don't begrudge you doing it if that's the choice you have.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Suede had their time and it was brilliant while it lasted until they ran out of ideas. Here Come The Tears was great but Brett's solo albums were/are pure dirge. I'm not hopeful, but it's nice to see old friends.
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