Genuine question, what were the symptoms, and what tests are done to demonstrate it?
People kept talking in my lectures and it was paralyzing me with anger so I went to my doctor after already having done anger therapy, Cbt, been on SSRIs for depression and I lost my fucking rag.
A Dramatic Reading said:
"what do you want?"
"there aren't any drugs for anger, you know that Mr King"
Well I'm at a loss, I've ran out of things I can do. I've tried so hard and I'm going nowhere. Sign me up for more counselling then
"I have another idea"
He then asked me a bunch of questions, relationship with family, behavior in school, if I had any other problems... then he told me I might have this thing but he'd need to send me to an expert so he applied for funding to get me tested by a proper shrink in Southampton.
Meanwhile I get directed to my Universities Assisted learning place. They hook me up with an audio recorder and note book so when I get distracted by cunts I can simply jot down the time I got distracted and revisit it at a later time. They also tell me about methylphenidate (ritalin), what it does and that it is speed on the NHS. They also tell me that there is one person in Portsmouth and it's surrounding area authorized to diagnose me and prescribe me so it's pretty unlikely I'll be put on them.
Took several months on the waiting list but eventually I'm sitting up in Scum in front of this bloke and he asks me a whole bunch of questions about my entire life. I'd filled several forms, one for when I was a child, one for adulthood and then another one for stuff that were unrelated to symptoms like am I current or former crackhead.
He also wanted school reports and to talk to my parents which I said was out the question. My parents had enough grief when my sister ended up being sectioned, they didn't need to be told their son is also fucked and pick their brains on it.
It took several hours and he was super thorough, because I didn't want to let my parents know straight away he told me he couldn't give me a diagnosis, so he prescribed me ritalin and let me try it out and see what it would do to me.
When I started taking them I found an improvement with my concentration but more importantly I've been the most emotionally stable in years. SSRIs took my emotions away, these things
seem to regulate them. All of my friends say that I've become so levelheaded and it's really calmed me for the good. I haven't lost my spark and still find myself being sociable as hell and boy it should not be taken with alcohol.
Symptoms for ADHD in adults are:
sense of underachievement.
doesn't deal well with frustration.
easily flustered and stressed out.
irritability or mood swings.
trouble staying motivated.
hypersensitivity to criticism.
short, often explosive, temper.
low self-esteem and sense of insecurity.
To a degree I suffered from most of these, although we never did go through symptoms to this degree a website decided to.
Symptoms for children:
Doesnt pay attention to details
Makes careless mistakes
Has trouble staying focused; is easily distracted
Appears not to listen when spoken to
Has difficulty remembering things and following instructions
Has trouble staying organized, planning ahead, and finishing projects
Gets bored with a task before its completed
Frequently loses or misplaces homework, books, toys, or other items
He asked me about every single one of these, of which most I also found myself almost always agreeing to.
The guy straight up asked me... why? Why has nobody asked this question before and well I straight up don't know, mum always used to blame hormones and the school used to pity me and equate it to the Vicars son acting out to shake off the bullshit I used to get at school.
I think it's a hilarious oversight in hindsight, I told my best friend and she was like makes so much sense.
TL;DR Got diagnosed with ADHD tendencies and put on ritalin, after a few weeks when discussed my reactionto it he then diagnosed me fully and I feel over the moon that it wasn't totally my fault for how poorly my school years went, and now my life is being made so much easier.
Sorry for the life story old man, if I didn't answer your question properly let me know, I can be a little theatrical when trying to describe my life and I'm a terrible writer.