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BritGAF |OT6| Dark Souls? More like Arse Holes


formerly Oynox Slider
Hi Hipster!

The first time I played OoT proper was on the GameCube (I sometimes borrowed my friend's N64 and game but never really got further than the fire temple before I gave it back) after I beat Wind Waker so I went in with really high expectations, since I had been bombarded with all the praise it had received over the year, which it was never going to deliver on. I even gave up part way through the Spirit Temple and forced myself to beat it. I think I tried rushing through it so I never really took anything in and hit the point where I was wanted to see the ending. So I was pretty down on it for years. Finally with the 3DS re-release I decided to give it another go with a more open mind and enjoyed it a lot more. But like I said, I find the other 3D title superior in various regards (though I'd have to give Skyward Sword another go to firmly establish an opinion of it).

Skyward Sword was both magical and terrible for me. Some bits were beautiful and transcendent and then it would remind you every single time that you only had three hearts left and needed more health. I got bored on the final boss.

hello new person. enjoy the chips, they're free but try not to indule the sploatee in too much dark souls talk. she is easily over excited.

Dark Souls! time has done nothing to dull your lustre!


CLV are putting me through training courses and shit now, I'm in there like swimwear. Give me a contract already!

Met the new manager of Mint Lounge last night (Tunji decided against Chrissy), he's camp as Christmas.

Tom, one of the five remaining bar staff walked out on Saturday night because Chrissy said he had to wait 5 minutes for the bar to die down to go for a piss. He then stormed off the bar, got his coat from the staff room, collected his tips and left. Without even taking a piss, the irony!

Daniella and Elliot are off on Friday, so me and Chrissy are the only bar staff in the whole club. Yay.

Thanks for your time.
Ask her what her favourite Pokémon is. It'll tell you everything you need to know.
She wouldn't even know where to start, she hates all that nerdy stuff and thinks my internet friends are "weirdos".
Ah. I felt even CoD had too long a break between spawns!
Eh? Don't you basically press X to skip the Killcam and respawn in CoD? You can literally be playing again straight after dying with the press of a button.
Been playing BF4, the Hardline Beta since it became available and Spelunky.

I thought I'd got tired of BF4 but then I discovered that they had rebalanced Rush mode and there are several Hardcore Rush servers with a good map playlist so I'm in and out of those. It's just a much tenser mode rather than 64 people mostly just fucking around. There's a greater sense of teamwork as well, players in your squad will frequently use the voice command thing to request objectives, health or ammo.

Hardline is quite good but different. I'm not sure it's a buy though. Can't fully enjoy it though because the internet is being a right cunt in our house at the moment. Do routers degrade over time? Our connection was fine a month back but it's getting steadily worse.

Spelunky is great but frustrating as hell. Found not one but two secret levels this week. Game is full of hidden depth.


I bought Red Steel 1 for 98p the other day because it's a curiosity that I've always wanted to indulge into. I've made a huge mistake..


Is it really that bad? It looked good, and for 98p, I'd probably give it a go.

The pointing controls are janky, especially when you aim to corners as opposed to the best pointing done on the Wii. The menu is layout looks horrible but also the way you select each option or menu is he worst implementation possible. The UI/Cutsenens/subtitles reek of laziness with odd fontsize and choice. The cutscenes and story are throwaway and unskippable. Some graphical glitches and odd physics on dead bodies. The swordplay is serviceable but the tutorials are slow, and terrible. The sound looping is terrible and cuts once it finishes to start again. Enemies have terrible AI in which you could waltz through corridors without fear of death as well as very close spawn points in closed areas. The use of nunchuck motion to open doors is bewildering and so is zooming with the wii remote.


- Destructible environments add some variability and choice in combat


The pointing controls are janky, especially when you aim to corners as opposed to the best pointing done on the Wii. The menu is layout looks horrible but also the way you select each option or menu is he worst implementation possible. The UI/Cutsenens/subtitles reek of laziness with odd fontsize and choice. The cutscenes and story are throwaway and unskippable. Some graphical glitches and odd physics on dead bodies. The swordplay is serviceable but the tutorials are slow, and terrible. The sound looping is terrible and cuts once it finishes to start again. Enemies have terrible AI in which you could waltz through corridors without fear of death as well as very close spawn points in closed areas. The use of nunchuck motion to open doors is bewildering and so is zooming with the wii remote.


- Destructible environments add some variability and choice in combat

You're missing the best positive - being able to turn your gun on its side to let everyone know you're a sick OG.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I know that feel bro, not sure I'm the best person to ask though! I'm in a quandary with the lady at the minute too, she can be absolutely adorable but then out of nowhere be a complete and utter cunt. I told her we were done the night before my birthday after she went into mega cunt mode, then decided to forgive her after apoligies and stuff. Now we're "having some space", not sure if I want to persevere though.

I was talking to Maz about it last night, she basically stated the obvious that you've just got to weigh up the pros and cons and decide if it's worth your time and effort.

The little lady's con pile is really stacking up lately...

Edit: sorry, some more actually relevant advice, I'd say she's probably taking up a lot of your time and energy, even if you don't realise it. If you need to free up some mind space I'd say the GF is the first thing to go. Sorry bro.
Yeah brah my quandary was in essence the same.. I'd weighed them up and was scared to act as her mega cunt mode was amplified by her pms.
It's funny though as I've said we're on a break and she's gone out drinking with not a fuck to give.. I managed to sit in my room, have an 8 pack, cry and then fall asleep. Never should have looked at her twitter.

I've put a dent in some friendships recently and I really feel alone rn


bitch I'm taking calls.
She probably does care you just aren't seeing it. People cope with these things privately and in different ways. Try to get out a bit and reconnect with mates and make new ones. Keep your head up.
Had a big fight with my brother. Sadly he's going back to France on Monday to help my Dad and, well, he has nowhere else to go. He's been with me for a couple of months now not including the week of Christmas. I love him to bits but we're different people despite being very similar in ways.

We both said some nasty things after an atmosphere that had probably grown all week but became unavoidable in the last few days. Nasty but honest. We both had issues with each others company and those issues really came from a good place: concern about the paths we're taking. Nasty but perhaps dishonest...it's difficult to say whether you say something during an argument because you know it's hurtful or because it's true. No smoke without fire.

What's important is that we've settled it like gentlemen. Hugged it out, talked about life, walked half an hour and back to the nearest Wetherspoons, talked more, took some bottles home, smoked a joint, drank bottles, ate MM's (crispy) and watched Lost in Translation.

Sometimes with a personal relationship it grows stronger when you fix it after a break. Me and my brother could have had these kind of life discussions without fighting but in a way I'm almost glad it happened, despite almost ruining our relationship days before he flies away for six months. A quarrel can bring things to the surface you might not touch otherwise, and addressing them directly is like a hard reset, or like loading a save from a good position, but without losing your progress...

I let him know a few things he long suspected as well; I haven't really had a real relationship since my teens and it just feels like a big hole in my life. It hurts because I feel like I have so much to give... but I just can't find a recipient. I'm not sure what I've done wrong besides having far less confidence in romance than I do in banter... but it's this sort of hole that makes a 24 year old feel like he's barely lived. I want to have more under my belt by the time I'm thirty, to have more practical knowledge than I do now, to be able to provide. I think this is partly to do with my Dad, who's a great literary influence having worked for various newspapers and been a correspondent during the Vietnam war...but he can't change a lightbulb, you know?. My brother feels the same; he talks about his friends on the Isle of Harris as almost surrogate fathers who taught him how to sail, how to tie a good knot and so on, then trusted him to do it while they were out at sea.

I don't know.

I live in a small but convenient town and all my long friends are spreading out and disappearing, following jobs and the reality is that, having met many of you, I have more friends here than anywhere else. Yet I'm still cagey about revealing this to friends and family. My brother knows. Recently I let my best friend know. One of the times I posted in the last week (or was it before?) about getting high and watching The Two Towers... I let my best friend know the same night. I'd built up this wall of shame and embarrassment about it... there's a kind of stigma attached to having more close friends on the internet than you do in real life. The stigma still makes me red faced and reluctant to talk about something as ridiculous as my interest in gaming to my parents. I don't know why. I should have more faith in my own convictions. The strongest message I'd ever tell my kids if I was to have any (I want to but later in life after I've learned a few things) would be: life is too short to hold onto all the embarrassment... when you figure out who you are live that life the way you picture it, never apologise for who you are, what you do or what you like.

I'll miss my brother when he goes. I'm not just misty eyed about him leaving, the last few days I've had a lot of aspirational fantasies float before my eyes. When tickled by an idea, I can really disappear inside my mind and just think of something lovely. If I was ever to win the lottery for example, the very next thing I'd do after looking after my family, giving my mother somewhere nice to live, the same for myself and my brother and father, would be to get myself some suits/shirts/skiis and take you all on a holiday.

This is not the post of somebody who has experienced a tragedy, just a guy tickling his cloud as he figures out who he is and what he wants.

I feel like I've shared too much but I don't want to delete.

I guess now you know that:

Persona makes me happy happy
Gin and Tonic makes me bitter
Bryan Ferry makes me reflective and sad.

For reference;

Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music - More Than This


Sorry, this was an an uncharacteristically sad post. I'll keep doing my acerbic comedy thing but sometimes you just have to release.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Dapper I've never met you but I get the impression you're a good guy. You have a great talent for putting words together that I am fairly jealous of. And I can relate to a lot of what you're saying in your post especially about Internet friendships, embarrassment, and relationship strengthening after hard times. Romance isn't all it's cracked up to be, it brings a lot of trouble of its own and sometimes stunts growth just as much if not more than simply remaining focused on yourself and your friends. But I know you'll want to experience it for yourself.

I don't really have any real advice except to say I hear what you're saying and appreciate you sharing. And making friends and growing and developing as a person is worthy too. Which makes me think that when you do meet someone special you'll be just the way you were meant to be. Charming, acerbic, and quintessentially Dapper.


Split up with Sam last night, for reals this time. It's not fair on her and the kids to keep this going. I fancy her and she can be lovely, but recently she's just been a nobhead. Plus, I feel like her agony aunt most of the time, all I get when I speak to her lately is her life, her problems, then she wonders why I "never open up to her", it was all getting too serious.

She hates me now, thanks I'm a heartless prick. I'm gutted about that more than anything else!

Amusing addendum:

She asked me to post her key back. Obviously I said "Putting your key in an envelope with the address of the door it will unlock is a really bad idea!"


I just put it in the bin. I'll miss her blonde moments, bless her.

Bloody hell daps, feels reading that post. Chin up bro, you'll sort yourself out. You too Tash!
what an emotional turn for britgaf. i hope everyone feels better soon and you shouldn't applogise or feel embarrassed about what you wrote dapper, if you consider us friends then we'll always listen.


New England top purchased, the six Nations shall aid my healing

I'm at work all weekend, not much time to mope! I dunno, I feel surprisingly upbeat about the whole thing right now, it's been shit for a while now so I guess it's more relief than anything.

The way she acted on my birthday was the final straw, fuck that noise.
watched Lost in Translation.

Ooh, I just watched that this week! I liked Bill Murray's character, but I couldn't figure out if we were meant to be sympathetic to the girl. Maybe it's because I've always wanted to visit Japan but I was mainly just thinking "You're in friggin' Tokyo, stop moping about your hotel!".

As for the rest of your post, I dunno man. You seem like a pretty cool guy (from that one time I met you anyway), so I'm sure it'll all work out in the end.

Edit: practical advice - listen to this Bryan Ferry song instead.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving

I'm at work all weekend, not much time to mope! I dunno, I feel surprisingly upbeat about the whole thing right now, it's been shit for a while now so I guess it's more relief than anything.

The way she acted on my birthday was the final straw, fuck that noise.

Sorry to hear about your bird mush.

I'd only been with this girl 4/5 months so I guess I should man the fuck up but holy shitttt, I guess that's my first proper relationship really.. When it was good it was great, hopefully I will learn from the mistakes I made..
Just found out that one of the great American alternative rock bands The Replacements are playing their first UK show in 24 years at London's Roundhouse in June. Managed to snag a ticket from the Roundhouse's website which is cheaper than shitickmaster.


formerly Oynox Slider
Had a big fight with my brother. Sadly he's going back to France on Monday to help my Dad and, well, he has nowhere else to go. He's been with me for a couple of months now not including the week of Christmas. I love him to bits but we're different people despite being very similar in ways.

We both said some nasty things after an atmosphere that had probably grown all week but became unavoidable in the last few days. Nasty but honest. We both had issues with each others company and those issues really came from a good place: concern about the paths we're taking. Nasty but perhaps dishonest...it's difficult to say whether you say something during an argument because you know it's hurtful or because it's true. No smoke without fire.

What's important is that we've settled it like gentlemen. Hugged it out, talked about life, walked half an hour and back to the nearest Wetherspoons, talked more, took some bottles home, smoked a joint, drank bottles, ate MM's (crispy) and watched Lost in Translation.

Sometimes with a personal relationship it grows stronger when you fix it after a break. Me and my brother could have had these kind of life discussions without fighting but in a way I'm almost glad it happened, despite almost ruining our relationship days before he flies away for six months. A quarrel can bring things to the surface you might not touch otherwise, and addressing them directly is like a hard reset, or like loading a save from a good position, but without losing your progress...

I let him know a few things he long suspected as well; I haven't really had a real relationship since my teens and it just feels like a big hole in my life. It hurts because I feel like I have so much to give... but I just can't find a recipient. I'm not sure what I've done wrong besides having far less confidence in romance than I do in banter... but it's this sort of hole that makes a 24 year old feel like he's barely lived. I want to have more under my belt by the time I'm thirty, to have more practical knowledge than I do now, to be able to provide. I think this is partly to do with my Dad, who's a great literary influence having worked for various newspapers and been a correspondent during the Vietnam war...but he can't change a lightbulb, you know?. My brother feels the same; he talks about his friends on the Isle of Harris as almost surrogate fathers who taught him how to sail, how to tie a good knot and so on, then trusted him to do it while they were out at sea.

I don't know.

I live in a small but convenient town and all my long friends are spreading out and disappearing, following jobs and the reality is that, having met many of you, I have more friends here than anywhere else. Yet I'm still cagey about revealing this to friends and family. My brother knows. Recently I let my best friend know. One of the times I posted in the last week (or was it before?) about getting high and watching The Two Towers... I let my best friend know the same night. I'd built up this wall of shame and embarrassment about it... there's a kind of stigma attached to having more close friends on the internet than you do in real life. The stigma still makes me red faced and reluctant to talk about something as ridiculous as my interest in gaming to my parents. I don't know why. I should have more faith in my own convictions. The strongest message I'd ever tell my kids if I was to have any (I want to but later in life after I've learned a few things) would be: life is too short to hold onto all the embarrassment... when you figure out who you are live that life the way you picture it, never apologise for who you are, what you do or what you like.

I'll miss my brother when he goes. I'm not just misty eyed about him leaving, the last few days I've had a lot of aspirational fantasies float before my eyes. When tickled by an idea, I can really disappear inside my mind and just think of something lovely. If I was ever to win the lottery for example, the very next thing I'd do after looking after my family, giving my mother somewhere nice to live, the same for myself and my brother and father, would be to get myself some suits/shirts/skiis and take you all on a holiday.

This is not the post of somebody who has experienced a tragedy, just a guy tickling his cloud as he figures out who he is and what he wants.

I feel like I've shared too much but I don't want to delete.

I guess now you know that:

Persona makes me happy happy
Gin and Tonic makes me bitter
Bryan Ferry makes me reflective and sad.

For reference;

Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music - More Than This


Sorry, this was an an uncharacteristically sad post. I'll keep doing my acerbic comedy thing but sometimes you just have to release.

It sounded like you needed to get that out of your system.

I don't really think I can say anything productive - you seem to be very aware of the nuances of how you feel and how you see things. I guess I would say that I'm not convinced that anybody really knows who they are or where they are going. My feeling is that personality is as much a formulation of habit as it is anything else. We all just toddle along trying to figure out what we are doing and success is as much down to luck as it is any particular ability. I would say to try and be kind to yourself - life is just a series of accidents and it's best to approach it as openly as possible, because so much of it is out of your control anyway. That was a very stoic paragraph.

About your relationship history, have you thought about online dating? I know it's easy to mock, but it's a pretty harmless and fun way to get out there. There's plenty of people out there (trust me, I know) who quite like the idea of relationships but who haven't the foggiest idea about how to go about getting one or any of that complex, icky people stuff and I'd wager that 75% of people on match.com feel the same way.

I don't know what to say about your friends, but I think I probably have more contact with "you guyz" than I do with any of my old school / uni friends. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I think that time gets in the way of so many friendships and there's not much you can do about it. Again, a vey stoic paragraph.

Sorry if this is all a bit scattershot. I've spent the last five hours playing videogames without a break. But one thing I will say is that a theme in some of your post is that you're measuring yourself up against some ideal standard (whether it's in relationships, friendships or even hobbies). You've got to let that shit go. I can't stress enough how that whole concept of a "correct way to be" or a norm or consensus which everyone should generally stick to but is allowed to deviate from when the moon is waxing (or whatever, you get my point) is utter, utter bollocks.

I struggle with it - I mean I'm what - 34 this year? I spent so much of my life doing what was considered the "optimal path" - got the academics, became a corporate-type lawyer at a big firm, bought the right handbag, spent far too much on the right designers and all for what? It's nonsense. I even treated some old friends like crap so I could hang with the "cool kids" and suck up to Z listers. I did what everybody else perceived to be the "best thing" and now I spend most of my days wishing I was a florist, a game designer, a writer, an artist, even working in GAME! But instead I know a great deal about 30 or 40 sections of tax legislation and work with people who I have absolutely no connection with whatsoever. And what makes me happy? Staying at home, talking to rodents, poring over art theory, playing video games and skulking around an internet forum. Please don't measure yourself up against any kind of "standard" - it's pointless and a waste of time. You get there, look around and go "huh? I still feel the same as I did before.

Be kind to yourself, be open, don't worry about what other people might say and measure yourself against how you feel inside, not what some G-man (see what I did there?) might be telling you is proper.

Sorry again, big ramble but I hope it helps. I know we don't do this kind of thing out here in the Wild West but here's a virtual hug anyway.

Split up with Sam last night, for reals this time. It's not fair on her and the kids to keep this going. I fancy her and she can be lovely, but recently she's just been a nobhead. Plus, I feel like her agony aunt most of the time, all I get when I speak to her lately is her life, her problems, then she wonders why I "never open up to her", it was all getting too serious.

She hates me now, thanks I'm a heartless prick. I'm gutted about that more than anything else!

Amusing addendum:

She asked me to post her key back. Obviously I said "Putting your key in an envelope with the address of the door it will unlock is a really bad idea!"


I just put it in the bin. I'll miss her blonde moments, bless her.

How are you getting on? I remember speaking to you when we went to the Fruit Exchange that time and you were saying then that you weren't entirely convinced by the relationship. You certainly seem quite upbeat about it!


Erm, just to counteract all of that, I've been playing Metroid Prime and the Last of Us again. It's like eating the finest food and then moving on to very tasty food. Last of Us is really much better on Survivor mode and I've started to get the hang of the MP. It's great fun. And Metroid Prime (contented sigh) it's just wonderful. The Wiimote controls do feel good, but it's the feel of the controls more than anything which makes the game so much fun to play - even just double jumping feels satisfying. I'm looking forward to playing through the whole trilogy.

I've gotten a bit bored of HL2. It's a bit long! So I've decided to start playing Xcom instead. And hurrah, it's great. I had the day off work today, you see, and said to myself I am only going to play the finest games (in posh voice). And so that is what I have done. I'm keeping a running tally in my head of my favourite games so I can feel like I have a particular "taste" and I think I'd let Metroid Prime and the Last of Us into the Dark Souls house. Which also has in it Lumines, Fez & Rez and I don't know, Civilization or something. Just so it includes something I haven't played in the last couple of years. Because that's important.
Cheers for the post sploat. I think you're right about a few things, I certainly need to be kinder to myself in general. Not tried online dating but in the end it might be right way to get myself out there.


In other news, went to see Kingsman the other day. That film absolutely mental, I loved it. Great cast (I loved Samuel L Jackson's lisp), fantastic action sequences. I think in an odd sort of a way the film might have seriously been misrepresented in trailers. I'm sure a lot of kids saw them and afterwards really wanted to see the film, unaware it is incredibly violent (in a cartoonish way but still shocking at times) and chock full of bad language.

Would definitely see it again.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I'm stoked to see Kingsman as well. It looks great.

And it can't hurt to draft up an OKCupid account, dapper. It's relatively easy and I've had relative success with it: one 3 year relationship, several girls were a couple of months of casual dating, also a couple of one night stands and friends with benefits situations. As someone who works full time and takes classes at night it is a helpful supplement since at times it can make it hard to meet people more organically.


I'm OK sploatee, thanks for asking. It's actually kind of nice not to feel this constant cognitive dissonance about loving her but not wanting to be with her. I'm just gutted that she seems to really hate me now, I mean, without divulging details she probably has every right to! I'm going to message her on FB (already deleted her number) next week and try to build some bridges. I want to stay friends man, I care about her, she's a wonderful person and I just want to make sure she's OK.

I'll talk to you in person about it sometime.
I'm stoked to see Kingsman as well. It looks great.

And it can't hurt to draft up an OKCupid account, dapper. It's relatively easy and I've had relative success with it: one 3 year relationship, several girls were a couple of months of casual dating, also a couple of one night stands and friends with benefits situations. As someone who works full time and takes classes at night it is a helpful supplement since at times it can make it hard to meet people more organically.

It's great man, go see it.

Might just have to do that then. I think I rely too much on the chance that I'll meet someone new by chance when I could be actively seeking out the sexy times.

Son Of D

Daps, not sure if you saw my comment on whatsapp so I'll copy and paste it here:

I can relate to the online friends part. Before university you guys were really the only people I spoke to outside of my family last year. And in 2012 and 2013 I barely spoke to anyone except for the few online friends I had at the time. They were able to help me through the worst years of my life. Online friends are still very important, even if you never actually meet for a while. They can be there for you as well.

As for the part about relationships, I know you can get into one in the future. You're a good looking, fun to be with and really likeable person. The time will come soon enough, just be sure to present yourself properly, which I feel that you can do.

Anyway, Sploats made some good points as well so I won't repeat anything.

One last thing is that if you ever have negative thoughts that are amplified by anxiety try to challenge them. Easier said than done but it's helped my anxiety a lot over the past couple of weeks.

I hope the best for you Daps. You're a good person.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
In other news, went to see Kingsman the other day. That film absolutely mental, I loved it. Great cast (I loved Samuel L Jackson's lisp), fantastic action sequences. I think in an odd sort of a way the film might have seriously been misrepresented in trailers. I'm sure a lot of kids saw them and afterwards really wanted to see the film, unaware it is incredibly violent (in a cartoonish way but still shocking at times) and chock full of bad language.

Would definitely see it again.

Yeah it is fantastic. Incredibly well done action and a lot of style. The church and bunker scenes... holy fuck
Thanks, I really appreciate it D.

You're good people too.

You're all good people. Though truth be told some invitations will get lost in the post if I ever win the lottery and take you all on the BritGAF Caribbean Cruise.


formerly Oynox Slider
Good Question Time this week. I recommend it! At least fifteen minutes of the audience barracking George Galloway. Very thought-provoking.


formerly Oynox Slider
I'm OK sploatee, thanks for asking. It's actually kind of nice not to feel this constant cognitive dissonance about loving her but not wanting to be with her. I'm just gutted that she seems to really hate me now, I mean, without divulging details she probably has every right to! I'm going to message her on FB (already deleted her number) next week and try to build some bridges. I want to stay friends man, I care about her, she's a wonderful person and I just want to make sure she's OK.

I'll talk to you in person about it sometime.

No probs. The sploats are always here if you need to blart.

Here's looking at you, kid :


Vibes to everyone that needs them. Except that guy.

8bit! Deus Ex Machina is out on iOS.
Good Question Time this week. I recommend it! At least fifteen minutes of the audience barracking George Galloway. Very thought-provoking.

I find Question Time never worth it. I find it pure 'throw shoe at the screen' telly for ignorance and shouting opinion rather than actual reasoned debate.

In other news we just saw Phil Oakey walking round town and the GF got very excited. She is now playing Human League videos on the TV.
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