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British PM Theresa May Brexit Speech 17th January 2017 at 11:45AM GMT

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Interesting that Juncker said of the plan re the UK "starting to be realistic".

Well yes, given that they've actually stated their plan to become a low-regulation tax haven rather than pretending to deny it while slashing public spending and holding up EU regulations on combating tax avoidance.


aka andydumi
Huh? Pretty clear from the speech that she wants a Canada style trade agreement. You can think that's the wrong approach (I do) but it's not an unreasonable thing to try to negotiate with the EU.

Can you shed some light on the Canada approach? And how it would be different from EU? I am not very informed on this but it sounded like an interesting approach on NPR this morning.


Benefits will have to go both ways, there will need to be concessions on both sides, some of that is alluded to in todays statement of course.

I can see the EU project significantly shrinking or radically changing - I think it has to, it's been imposed on people across a whole continent, a vanity project which took no account of their opinions and places no value whatsoever on their individual cultures and circumstances. If it doesn't change, more will leave.

Whenever I see things like this written (about how the EU is dying/weak/etc), I always get the impression that its more wishful thinking from Leave voters (as they are always the ones saying it the loudest), without any real justification as to why

Sorry if its kind of off topic, but can any Gaffers from the non-leaving-EU countries give their take on how much appetite there is for the break up of the EU outside the UK, because I always get the impression that there isn't...


Whenever I see things like this written (about how the EU is dying/weak/etc), I always get the impression that its more wishful thinking from Leave voters (as they are always the ones saying it the loudest), without any real justification as to why

Sorry if its kind of off topic, but can any Gaffers from the non-leaving-EU countries give their take on how much appetite there is for the break up of the EU outside the UK, because I always get the impression that there isn't...

There isn't and I am from the UK.


Sorry if its kind of off topic, but can any Gaffers from the non-leaving-EU countries give their take on how much appetite there is for the break up of the EU outside the UK, because I always get the impression that there isn't...

EU favorability is rising (some even at record highs) in all EU countries since Brexit.


This EU is dying talk is mostly from Americans or people from the UK when i read it.

Sure it's not perfect but the EU ain't gonna be dead anytime soon


Whenever I see things like this written (about how the EU is dying/weak/etc), I always get the impression that its more wishful thinking from Leave voters (as they are always the ones saying it the loudest), without any real justification as to why

Oh it absolutely is. There's been a good line of "Euro-diaster porn" running in the right wing press since the vote. It's a conviction of the brexit people that the EU project is doomed to fail. They like writing stories about how an election in Albania will cause the downfall of Europe.


and that is the problem, too many people get a say, and Poland seem the most keen to fuck us, even though we have half their country here and support them, which is ironic
"I'm not saying it's immigration... but it's immigration."


My city Hull voted majority leave due to migration, if you know anything about Hull you will know that up until 2004-05 we was one of the most non multicultural places going, we had not experienced what it was like so naturally it has not gone down well with the locals, hence the leave vote.

I will be honest and say that the level of migration is a concern to me, and I believe a visa system should be in place to deal with it, but with that being said I still voted remain as I could not bring myself to vote leave purely based on migration levels which would have lowered in numbers eventually.


For one reason or another, all the Brexiters on this forum claiming it is not about racism tend to get banned for statements that they didn't think were racist.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
My city Hull voted majority leave due to migration, if you know anything about Hull you will know that up until 2004-05 we was one of the most non multicultural places going, we had not experienced what it was like so naturally it has not gone down well with the locals, hence the leave vote.

I will be honest and say that the level of migration is a concern to me, and I believe a visa system should be in place to deal with it, but with that being said I still voted remain as I could not bring myself to vote leave purely based on migration levels which would have lowered in numbers eventually.
It is never going to be easy to see unfamiliar people show up in your home town. Especially when they speak a different language, but you have to work together to benefit from each other's presence. If the schools are being overcrowded, the government should be held accountable. If the jobs are disappearing because of cheaper labour coming in, it can be used as a reason to increase the base pay so that people like yourself can compete (and a result also get more money than you previously earned). Honestly, inmigration only exposes a government's flaws. Work hard to make the government accountable. Because if people take it out on the immigrants those problems still exist and they get worse, until the poor start blaming fellow countrymen, and then start blaming the disabled or the worse off until they have no one to blame but themselves.


For one reason or another, all the Brexiters on this forum claiming it is not about racism tend to get banned for statements that they didn't think were racist.

Well, it's quite easy to tell when someone is having a genuine and honest conversation about immigration and tackling it in a humane and productive way, and when someone just says "50% of Poland is keen to fuck us over". You don't go full Nigel Farage. Rhetoric like that is totally dishonest, even if you have personal anecdotal evidence from where you live. You can still talk about where you live without such crappy comments. Probably not nice to be Polish and on GAF seeing such messages.

More often than not immigration issues in the UK revolve around mistakes the government is making, not that of the people coming in. It's proven time and time again the overwhelming amount of immigrants coming into the UK from places like Poland integrate well and just want to be part of the UK. They share society, bring a bit of their own society, and there is a net gain. edit: Heck, check this http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukn...ards-among-English-pupils-study-suggests.html

When it comes to jobs as well, we have much more pressing issues with zero hour contracts and an uncaring welfare state before we start pointing fingers at people working and paying taxes. Not to mention a huge issue with our government building social and affordable house care.

edit2: Estimates put Poles around 1m in the UK. Out of a population of 64.1m. Hardly 50% of Poland, eh?

It is never going to be easy to see unfamiliar people show up in your home town. Especially when they speak a different language, but you have to work together to benefit from each other's presence. If the schools are being overcrowded, the government should be held accountable. If the jobs are disappearing because of cheaper labour coming in, it can be used as a reason to increase the base pay so that people like yourself can compete (and a result also get more money than you previously earned). Honestly, inmigration only exposes a government's flaws. Work hard to make the government accountable. Because if people take it out on the immigrants those problems still exist and they get worse, until the poor start blaming fellow countrymen, and then start blaming the disabled or the worse off until they have no one to blame but themselves.

And housing. If the government wasn't so concerned with offloading land to private contractors/current houses to private landlords, then maybe we would get more council houses built/added to the governments arsenal...


While there is part of me that wants anyone who voted leave to suffer horribly, I know it would impact those who made the rational choice just as badly.

May's stance over this is party before country and completely unacceptable. Labour are a disgrace to a man.

I know the best case now is some sort of reprieve for London, I can take it or leave it when it comes to that, probably end up in Europe or NYC, but as a top rate tax payer I am expecting tax cuts for myself now and some other hilarious incentives to enable financials to stay in London.

Genuine race to the bottom for everyone else. It's so sad that this is self inflicted nonsense founded on a bedrock of racism.

In any case I hope the EU remains steadfast and do not make this at all easy. Unchecked Nationalism is vile.


He's crazy.
The PM just said she does not want to be in the single market any more.
Its like he realised half-way through his celebration night, that they have no cards to play.

Dan Hannan noted NHS critic argued that a leave vote would lead to more money for the
NHS. Idiots who fell for it.


There isn't and I am from the UK.

This EU is dying talk is mostly from Americans or people from the UK when i read it.

Sure it's not perfect but the EU ain't gonna be dead anytime soon

Oh it absolutely is. There's been a good line of "Euro-diaster porn" running in the right wing press since the vote. It's a conviction of the brexit people that the EU project is doomed to fail. They like writing stories about how an election in Albania will cause the downfall of Europe.

Thanks for replies everyone, thats pretty much what I was thinking too
You guys realize no deal is fairly likely, yes?

Lots of countries trying to get a piece of whatever business ends up leaving Britain, others trying to make sure their business with Britain isn't too impacted, politicians trying to make sure their own version of UKIP don't score points, and some countries genuinely pissed...

Loads of contrary interests, and if some deal actually arrives it will still need to be sold as a good thing to the British people.


Obsession for Thatcher is ridiculous. She's no Iron Lady. She just ran away and basically said if they get a bad deal then it was all planned.


Goddamn, y'all must really hate us EU peeps huh, gonna make us all pay

You should see it. It's like a whole country's worth of family members got taken from a whole country's worth of Liam Neesons. We're mad as fuck...

...well only about 25-30% of us but that's beside the point.


It is better to think of most of England outside of the major metro areas as equivalent to West Virginia.

You should see it. It's like a whole country's worth of family members got taken from a whole country's worth of Liam Neesons. We're mad as fuck...

...well only about 25-30% of us but that's beside the point.

Since I might be going there for grad school next year (in London, thank god) this whole train wreck has been something else. I sure hope they don't hate the Belgians up north! Hell I have no idea how tuition will work or even my immigration paperwork once we hit 2019

At least I won't be stealing taxpayer money in 2019 if they force me to pay international rates, lol?

And by this point the EU is all like:


I mean, I know this is the Daily Fail, but this is deluded to a degree that I just cannot, for the love of god, even begin to comprehend what goes on in the addled brains of these people.

Also, it cannot be repeated enough how crazy and deeply worrying it is that in less than a year both the UK and the US have somehow gone full retard. What is this world coming to?!?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
"[...] May said she was confident the EU would agree to free trade because it was the 'economically rational' thing to do."

It seems kind of hilarious to run with this as your main argument when you're talking about the outcome of one of the biggest examples of economic rationalism being trumped by feel-good irrationalism in modern history.

There's no fast-track to a WTO deal - we crash out to WTO rules if no deal is made with the EU.

This will be an enjoyable hill to watch the modern Conservative Party torch their reputation for economic competence on, at least.

Well if their total economic incompetence so far hasn't been enough to dent that reputation yet, I don't see why more of it would do so.
Labour is 100% fucked.

To expand on that slightly...

- May just said that the agreement will go through the house. The Tory's majority is thin and the SNP and Lib Dems will oppose but Labour has a LOT of "Leave" constituencies. Even if they fully whip, it still requires some Tories to abstain or rebel, which *could* happen but...
- Even if it does fail to pass, it's considered a VoNC like losing a budget, May goes to the polls and absolutely stonks Corbyn to achieve an ~100 seat majority. It then passes with ease. So, eitherway, it's passing.
- Furthermore, Labour are in the unenviable position where they a) need to come up with their own position now and b) this plan will almost certainly involve a soft Brexit. This alienates the huge rafts of leave voters that would traditionally vote Labour, as well as Remain voters who see soft Brexit as throwing in the towel. They'll simultaneously suffer drains to the Lib Dems/Greens and UKIP from the same policy position!
- They have at least 2 years of this haemorrhaging of support to go before any general election is likely to take place.
- In one felled swoop the Tories have cut off a big part of UKIP's remaining allure by promising the end of free movement and a pretty unambiguously hard Brexit. Why still vote for a party who will never gain government? As such, less seats have the right vote split, whilst the left will be going several ways based on the voters' Leave or Remain stance.

For anyone aghast at hard Brexit but who still supports Corbyn, this is partially what happens when a government's main opposition comes from their own back benches.


Labour is 100% fucked.

To expand on that slightly...

- May just said that the agreement will go through the house. The Tory's majority is thin and the SNP and Lib Dems will oppose but Labour has a LOT of "Leave" constituencies. Even if they fully whip, it still requires some Tories to abstain or rebel, which *could* happen but...
- Even if it does fail to pass, it's considered a VoNC like losing a budget, May goes to the polls and absolutely stonks Corbyn to achieve an ~100 seat majority. It then passes with ease. So, eitherway, it's passing.
- Furthermore, Labour are in the unenviable position where they a) need to come up with their own position now and b) this plan will almost certainly involve a soft Brexit. This alienates the huge rafts of leave voters that would traditionally vote Labour, as well as Remain voters who see soft Brexit as throwing in the towel. They'll simultaneously suffer drains to the Lib Dems/Greens and UKIP from the same policy position!
- They have at least 2 years of this haemorrhaging of support to go before any general election is likely to take place.
- In one felled swoop the Tories have cut off a big part of UKIP's remaining allure by promising the end of free movement and a pretty unambiguously hard Brexit. Why still vote for a party who will never gain government? As such, less seats have the right vote split, whilst the left will be going several ways based on the voters' Leave or Remain stance.

For anyone aghast at hard Brexit but who still supports Corbyn, this is partially what happens when a government's main opposition comes from their own back benches.

You have to hand it to them. It's a deviously good plan. Momentum are still too high to realise what's going on though.


Rupert Murdoch there calling all the shots like some kind of media Putin. Why this man is not brought forward for his deliberate manipulation of British politics with his toilet rag newspapers I will never know.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Rupert Murdoch there calling all the shots like some kind of media Putin. Why this man is not brought forward for his deliberate manipulation of British politics with his toilet rag newspapers I will never know.

Murdoch doesn't own the Daily Mail; although the idea that that the nation's print media is actually largely controlled by a cabal of dickheads isn't a much more rosy thought.
Far more people get their news from the TV news channels than newspapers. Newspapers have never been less decisive then they are now, and I think some people use Mail/Sun/Murdoch as a convenient target of blame because it's a handy excuse for losing.


Labour is 100% fucked.

To expand on that slightly...

- May just said that the agreement will go through the house. The Tory's majority is thin and the SNP and Lib Dems will oppose but Labour has a LOT of "Leave" constituencies. Even if they fully whip, it still requires some Tories to abstain or rebel, which *could* happen but...
- Even if it does fail to pass, it's considered a VoNC like losing a budget, May goes to the polls and absolutely stonks Corbyn to achieve an ~100 seat majority. It then passes with ease. So, eitherway, it's passing.
- Furthermore, Labour are in the unenviable position where they a) need to come up with their own position now and b) this plan will almost certainly involve a soft Brexit. This alienates the huge rafts of leave voters that would traditionally vote Labour, as well as Remain voters who see soft Brexit as throwing in the towel. They'll simultaneously suffer drains to the Lib Dems/Greens and UKIP from the same policy position!
- They have at least 2 years of this haemorrhaging of support to go before any general election is likely to take place.
- In one felled swoop the Tories have cut off a big part of UKIP's remaining allure by promising the end of free movement and a pretty unambiguously hard Brexit. Why still vote for a party who will never gain government? As such, less seats have the right vote split, whilst the left will be going several ways based on the voters' Leave or Remain stance.

For anyone aghast at hard Brexit but who still supports Corbyn, this is partially what happens when a government's main opposition comes from their own back benches.

Labour are indeed in a dire situation. Really sucks.


Murdoch doesn't own the Daily Mail; although the idea that that the nation's print media is actually largely controlled by a cabal of dickheads isn't a much more rosy thought.

Well I'll be. I got it confused with the Times. Meh, I still stand by my statement.
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