They should be doing a separate Kickstarter that shit is well dodgy.
Why is there a grandma with a giant mole in the background?
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was Lady Piermont from the first game - the aristocrat you meet playing the piano in the Hotel Ubu.
Massive improvement.New update, with a new updated look of the character model for George:
My gut's saying that she's an antagonist of some sort, which I don't think Lady Piermont really was (although it's been a while! Must replay the games sometime). If we take that as the 'cover art', she'd have to be a significant character of at least some description.
At this point, I actually believe a Beneath a Steel Sky 2 would sell better than Broken Sword, considering how tainted the series have become with the last two games being so lackluster. I'm a huge adventure game fan, yet I never even played BS4 for more than 30 minutes. I did finish BS3, but I would probably not have had the genre not been so dried up at that point.
Still, I gave them 25, despite hating the graphics and design in the new game. Why can't they just make it all 2D? Why use horribly ugly 3D characters?
Not having high hopes for the game, but I want it to be good and I want to see a Beneath a Steel Sky 2. I'd love to see Lure of the Temtpress 2 as well, but that's highly unrealistic.
It's definitely Lady Piermont (especially going by the portrait in the Director's Cut).
How she goes from being an affable, flirtatious aunt figure to a place on the boxart is our first mystery.
So do you think it will make the 800.000 goal? That would be best for this game, I suppose.
BASS2 will come no matter what.Really don't like this. I want BSS2. It should be a separate kickstarter
If it continues at this speed, it will barely make the USD 650.000 goal.
Hand-drawn characters.If the 1 MIL$ goal was something Broken Sword related, what would you want it to be?
Hi guys!
We have received a number of questions about our rewards. Although most of them are still being finalised, we are keen to show you our plans for them. So without further ado, lets have a look at the rewards we have in mind!
The History of Broken Sword is a hardcover coffee-table book with a high quality wrap-around jacket and featuring gorgeous art. This amazing book will be filled with never heard before details, full-colour artwork and an in-depth exploration of the Broken Sword universe. From Broken Sword - Shadow of the Templars to Broken Sword - the Serpents Curse, this book will describe the making of Broken Sword games in fascinating detail. Truly a unique collectors item!
We will be giving a signed version of this book to all backers who have pledged $250 and above.
After many years of writing Broken Sword games, we are delighted to be able to finally release our Broken Sword Design Document. This unique book showcases our archive of game design documents and related material, such as storyboards, concepts, and dialogue scripts. With take-outs, notes, and other never released before snippets of Broken Sword designs, this is a ideal companion to the History of Broken Sword.
We will be giving a signed version of this book to all backers who have pledged $250 and above.
If you thought our plans for those rewards were amazing, you haven't seen what unique flair Nico's "La Liberté" Reporter's Notebook brings to your collection! This beautiful "La Liberté"-branded item is signed by Nico and filled with vital clues and quirky contents - includes vital items such an incriminating café receipt (you will understand when you play the Serpent's Curse). To top it off, each book will be numbered and contains a hand-written secret from the game, completely exclusive and unique to that one copy. This one-of-a-kind treasure is an irreplaceable addition to any collection.
We will be giving a signed version of this book to all backers who have pledged $500 and above.
Code Jam
Wondering what on earth a Code Jam really is? This fantastic event is an opportunity to join the Broken Sword - the Serpent's Curse developers once a month in an entertaining, informative, and interactive lifestream. Watch a live video and chat with us and each other in a chatroom. Interact with various team members, ask questions, and get inside snoops on what game development is really like at Revolution.
This reward is available for pledge level $250 and above.
The Box
Many of you have asked us what kind of box you will be getting. We are delighted to say that it will be high quality, old school, wonderful packaging! Inside you will find the game DVD, comics, poster, and soundtrack CD. We can also confirm that the box will be available in English, German and French - we will send you your choice of language. Furthermore, this box will only be available to our Kickstarter backers - so get your hands on one before your chance has gone!
This reward is available for pledge level $100 and above.
If you have any other questions then please let us know.
$652,830 Pledged
4 days left! I'd wish it would make the 800.000 goal.
I really hope this hits $800k, with enough linking on social networks, it MIGHT be possible.
Appropriate, given the genre!Those conversations between employees were painfully scripted.
We're close to reach the 800 000$ before the end of the kickstarter camp so don't forget to give it a boost, so we'll have a second backer in the game.
I hope we still get the last 48k dollars.
come on guys, we need some gaffers on this gem to reach the last stretch goal we can, before the end of the kickstarter campaign in only few hours
Did my part. My 20th KS.
Hope Beneath... is still a go after this even not reaching 1m.