Identifies as young
"Defending" ? um ok. It's something that was communicated to people, is a BT thing. Pointing out the posts turning this into a game pass issue issue isn't 'defending', but ok.
Yeah.....suggesting that people actually did know about this, essentially saying those in the article are lying, is a form of defense for this. I don't know how else to read this post of yours clearly mocking people affected by the problem.
I stated it as a nothing burger because BT have clearly been sending out refunds, customers have been receiving emails that have been charged for it and it'll show up on their monthly bill.
Ok, lets not read our emails then. Or check our bills, because that would be the responsible thing to do.
Nah....responsible thing to do is not charge folks for a service they didn't ask for. I'll agree that folks better damn well check their email and bill when dealing with this company. They can't be trusted.