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Buffy's Friends are Jerks.

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First two eps of Season 3 piss me off cause theyre jerks. She totally needed to unleash some pain before the zombies showed.

In the future I may wanna get 4 and 5 but the initiative and those 3 guys in a van were some of the worst arcs ever.

Giles rocks in season 2 and 3 cause he's got flaming baseball bats but wes still reigns supreme as ass kicker watcher guy.
They needed a smackdown but they never got it and she had to feel like shit for another episode on top of all the crap carried over from season 2. A-Holes.


I agree... though she went all vampire-slut on Season 6, which sorta gave the finger to the scoobs.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It's Buffy who pisses me off there.

"You guys aren't forced to do this! I am! I have no choice!"

They should have said, "That's right bitch, we're fighting because we choose to. We don't have your strength, the chances of us dying in battle are far greater than for you, yet we stayed. The way you're talking, if you had a choice you'd just leave. And you're talking like you're better than us?"


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
What Willow, Dawn, and Anya see in Xander was beyond my understanding.
yeah but they didnt have to fight, which is my problem with it. Sure, they're brave, but its like they're crying hey look at us we fought when you weren't here give us props and cookies!

Then they didnt tell her they were doing the re-install soul thing a second time which was gay.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Yeah, I hear that girls really hate that funny, cute, gallant, will do anything for his friends thing.


Mama Smurf said:
It's Buffy who pisses me off there.

"You guys aren't forced to do this! I am! I have no choice!"

They should have said, "That's right bitch, we're fighting because we choose to. We don't have your strength, the chances of us dying in battle are far greater than for you, yet we stayed. The way you're talking, if you had a choice you'd just leave. And you're talking like you're better than us?"
I think they said something similar to that in the last few episodes of buffy(season 7).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
MrAngryFace said:
yeah but they didnt have to fight, which is my problem with it. Sure, they're brave, but its like they're crying hey look at us we fought when you weren't here give us props and cookies!

Then they didnt tell her they were doing the re-install soul thing a second time which was gay.

Hey, that's just Xander's fault.

The point is they fight when they don't have to. They could walk away, but they don't. buffy can't walk away, but would. That's so much worst than her friends!


In every argument or conflict between any characters and Buffy in either B or A, I almost always agree with whoever is arguing with Buffy. She's damn near never right!

Riley was waaaay too good for her.
Xander needs to get his nuts kicked for that shit. His jealousy crap is dumb.

If they arent fated to fight, and choose to, screaming for props is sorta dumb. I dunno, I think its stupid how their wacky vamp antics and crap like that are able to lessen the sacrifices made by buffy in season 2.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Mama Smurf said:
Yeah, I hear that girls really hate that funny, cute, gallant, will do anything for his friends thing.

I never see him that way, Xander cracks wise so much that I dont want to like him. Same reaction I had to Doyle in Angel...until the end of the first season. Like the first and second season Xander didn't bother me, but I think I just got fed up with him.

I didn't like Chandler either, kill me. :p

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
They're not yelling for props, they're yelling for, "Shut the hell up Buffy, don't you know it's HARDER for us?"

Boyfriend killing aside.

Oh and I think Xander was trying to help her when he said didn't tell Buffy. He thought it'd give her false hope and make it harder to kill him. Though it's never confirmed either way.
It wasn't just her boyfriend. It was her lover, her soul mate.

A vampire and a vampire slayer falling in love? It was destined to be but at the same time it wasn't allowed to happen.
bleh, its just hard to sympathize for them since they seem to have 'more' all the time. Every once in a while they'll all burst out with their problems which makes it seem more like an unfounded trantrum to me. Its not till later seasons they tend to visibly lose more.

Wesley is the ultimate when it comes to the Joss universe.


how is it in any way dumb to expect respect for CHOOSING to fight a battle as oppossed to being their only because people tell you to and you have super strength and lame tae kwon do?
its lame because the show never really shows them losing as much or being as affected by fate as Buffy is till later seasons. I cannot sympathize with guys who's biggest problem is meeting cordie for make out in the closet.


i enjoy buffy. and firefly. firefly sure is a great show. the movie has me excited. i just watched one of my favorite firefly episodes, heart of gold. it has whores. and guns. in the same scenes.

best show evar.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
They almost die every other night man. Vampires are pretty easy for Buffy, the normal ones I mean (not the good ones like Spike, Angel etc., she doesn't face them as much), so she needs to face things like killing Angel for it to be bad, but for the others just those vampires are hard enough.
I was watching Beer Bad the other night and Buffy takes out like 3 or 4 vamps within a few seconds of each other. Most of the time they stretch it out and have Buffy get her butt kicked a little, even on the "redshirt" vamps. Course, that scene I was a dream sequence.


if you subscribe to the theory that what he did at the end of season 2 was a jackass move, xander ended up redeeming himself big time near the end of the series.

best whedonverse character ever!

Oh, and the only time buffy REALLY deserved a verbal beatdown was in Sanctuary in Angel Season 1. One of the best episodes. Ha.


Drunky McMurder
Buffy got all bitchy and ran away.

The rest of them stayed and got their asses kicked while doing her job.

They had a right to be angry!
They never really got their butts kicked from the episodes I saw. Just thrown around a little. Buffy fights never have the weight of Angel's.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Ethan Rayne was the worst Buffy character ever created. He was in some good episodes, like Band Candy, but they weren't good because of him.

You just reminded me of him with Giles naughtiness.


Ethan is too cool! I love the scene in A New Man where he has the evil speech in the shadows and gets caught. "Oh bugger Id thought you'd gone!". Also "I need to learn to do the damage and get out of town. It's the stay and gloat that gets me every time" from the same ep.


watching buffy s1-3 always depresses me because i know the only way to go from there is through s4-7 :(


MrAngryFace said:
The guy who played Ethan Rayne was Kain from LoK right?

No, but he was on an episode of Angel (5th Season). He played Pavayne, the crazy ghost guy who lived in the basement of Wolfram and Hart.
They had no right to be pissed at Buffy and that's just how it is. Fact is none of them even knew what she was going threw. Her mom through her and she had to end up killing the guy she loved. Was it right for her to just run out without any real warning? No. But it wasn't right for them to jump on her like they did. Especially considering all the stuff she'd already done to save them.

Xander especially had no right stepping up the way he did after he intentionally didn't tell Buffy about what Willow told him before he left.

Mama Smurf said:
Ethan Rayne was the worst Buffy character ever created.


"That's my title, sir."

He was a complete POS.


Flaming bat was nice, but you guys are missing Giles' most badassedness:


GILES: Can you move?


BEN: Need... a minute. She could have killed me.


GILES: No she couldn't. Never. And sooner or later, Glory will re-emerge and make Buffy pay for that mercy, and the world with her. Buffy even knows that, and still she couldn't take a human life. She's a hero, you see. She's not like us.


BEN: Us?


The way he put his glasses on to do it made it even cooler.

Still, Wes wins

SolidSnakex said:

"That's my title, sir."

He was a complete POS.

SSX: I think you are forgetting about that lesbo latino slayer in training. Damn she was so annoying. (season 7)

Also Dawn was pretty dull and annoying too.
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