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Buffy's Friends are Jerks.

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Giles is a badass throughout all of The Gift.

"We are not talking about this..."


I love the stuff between him and Buffy in that ep.


I said it halfway through Firefly's run - I preferred it to Buffy and Angel right off the bat. As it is now, with not even half a season done, I much prefer Firefly to Buffy. Only Angel's insanely good seasons 4&5 (which both rocked so much in very different ways) keep it in more or less a tie with Firefly.

In hindsight, S7 of Buffy made me like S6 less, which drags the whole thing down in my mind a bit. I almost never watch any old Buffy's anymore, but I watch a eps or two of Firefly probably every month. As soon as Angel S4&5 come out on DVD I'll probably rank Angel higher again.
Kabuki Waq said:
SSX: I think you are forgetting about that lesbo latino slayer in training. Damn she was so annoying. (season 7)

Also Dawn was pretty dull and annoying too.

She was atleast cute though. Riley served no purpose other than to get on my nerves. But as a whole the entire group of "SiT's" were annoying. But it's made up by that long faced one just because of Hamburglars rants on her.

The only character that could take Riley's spot is that doogus Parker from the beginning of Season 4. Faith would've been nice there to just stake him, or Buffy just slipping up and going psycho.


calder said:
I said it halfway through Firefly's run - I preferred it to Buffy and Angel right off the bat. As it is now, with not even half a season done, I much prefer Firefly to Buffy. Only Angel's insanely good seasons 4&5 (which both rocked so much in very different ways) keep it in more or less a tie with Firefly.

In hindsight, S7 of Buffy made me like S6 less, which drags the whole thing down in my mind a bit. I almost never watch any old Buffy's anymore, but I watch a eps or two of Firefly probably every month. As soon as Angel S4&5 come out on DVD I'll probably rank Angel higher again.
i'll kill you too. don't think you're safe just because you're in canadia


Riley is very important to the story. He is needed to be inbetween the Angel and Spike relationships.

I don't see why everyone hates him so much. I think he's very likeable. He is a really nice guy and a good boyfriend for Buffy. I like seeing them together.
Things that killed Buffy for me:

Willow turns Lesbo, but picks a gross girl.
Those three guys in a van are apparently a problem, blows my mind.
I couldnt stand Buffy's little sister.


As long as you don't kill me with fatal doses of Buffy Season 7 viewings... or the duology of despair in Season 6 which contained 2 of the worst eps of the show ever (Wrecked and Gone). Only the nearly forgotten "I Robot, You Jane" from s1 was worse.
Anyanka said:
Riley is very important to the story. He is needed to be inbetween the Angel and Spike relationships.

I don't see why everyone hates him so much. I think he's very likeable. He is a really nice guy and a good boyfriend for Buffy. I like seeing them together.

He cheated on her with a vamp chick. Not cool. Such things deserve a beating which he didn't recieve. He couldn't understand her wanting to take care of Dawn and her mom so he deserves the hate.

"Only the nearly forgotten "I Robot, You Jane" from s1 was worse."

MMMM...Bear Bad! :)


you know everyone hates i robot, you jane, but i thought it was kind of cute in a bizarro universe kind of way. you know my stance on s4-s7 (BARF)

still, buffy s1-3 vs cowboys in space -> buffy every time.

also gilmore girls kicks firefly's ass. i just had to say it FUEL TO THE FIRE
Firefly had alot of promise i cant believe fox cancelled it just when the main arc was gonna come into play. The best parts of buffy season 7 were when captain reynolds made an apearance.

Angel characters are still better to me cause they had more episodes to grow.


Buffy was using him though. He was putting way more into the relationship than Buffy was.

He was wrong to do the gross vamp thing, but other than that he was a lot more positive ofa boyfriend than Spike or Angel.
I cant stand gilmore girls cause it seems the show banks on their too planned to be real conversations.

I Robot, You Jane is one of those 'play rise of nations for an hour' episodes.
fart said:
you know everyone hates i robot, you jane, but i thought it was kind of cute in a bizarro universe kind of way. you know my stance on s4-s7 (BARF)

still, buffy s1-3 vs cowboys in space -> buffy every time.

also gilmore girls kicks firefly's ass. i just had to say it FUEL TO THE FIRE

"also gilmore girls kicks firefly's ass. i just had to say it FUEL TO THE FIRE"

OMG lets talk really fast to make the audiance feel smarter and not notice our typical Dawsan's creek story lines!


i'm sorry if you have to believe your fiction is real. i'm ok with it being fiction.

serious question: what's a dawson's creek storyline? give examples
Anyanka said:
Buffy was using him though. He was putting way more into the relationship than Buffy was.

He was wrong to do the gross vamp thing, but other than that he was a lot more positive ofa boyfriend than Spike or Angel.

Buffy didn't use him really. She just had to give attention to stuff that was more important than him and that was her mom and Dawn. He simply couldn't understand that and as a cry out for attention he goes at cheats on him with a vampire chick. His excuse for doing it was even lamer.

Spike never was really her boyfriend, he just took advantage of her when she was in a vulnerable state of mind. :)
fart said:
i'm sorry if you have to believe your fiction is real. i'm ok with it being fiction.

serious question: what's a dawson's creek storyline? give examples

"i wonder which guy the big forehead chick will choose? will it be troublemaker guy or nice guy?'

"big head girl in college?"

"Big head girl loses virginity"

"big head girl finds gay friend"

"big head girl, goes to her moms wedding "

"big head girl meets original BF they hit it off and decide to get married"

End of Series.
I so annoyed I missed the final Buffy. But I blame the writers really.

Over here they were showing it late night on Fridays. So even though I was usually very tired I forced myself to stay awake to watch. And what did they give me? A run of the most boring episodes ever imaginable. I completely lost count because they all melded into this big Buffy, the Scoobies and the Slayerettes sitting around talking about the First snore-fest. I'm sorry, but there's buildup and there's filling up time to make enough episodes to fulfill the contract (which is what I suspect that was about, I refuse to believe that they were totally willing in subjecting people to that, not based on previous series).

So it gets to the last one, and I'm knackered 'cause it's also on late. More sitting around talking, I think I can't take anymore of this and go to sleep. It was only later that I found out it was the last one.


Kabuki Waq said:
"i wonder which guy the big forehead chick will choose? will it be troublemaker guy or nice guy?'

"big head girl in college?"

"Big head girl loses virginity"

"big head girl finds gay friend"

"big head girl, goes to her moms wedding "

"big head girl meets original BF they hit it off and decide to get married"

End of Series.
ok you got me there then. that's pretty fucking eerie.
Kabuki Waq said:
"i wonder which guy the big forehead chick will choose? will it be troublemaker guy or nice guy?'

"big head girl in college?"

"Big head girl loses virginity"

"big head girl finds gay friend"

"big head girl, goes to her moms wedding "

"big head girl meets original BF they hit it off and decide to get married"

End of Series.

That "big head girl" isn't Katie Holmes is it? She's so cute man.


The problem started before Joyce was sick. That was just the end of it. Buffy was never into him as much as he was into her.

I love the scene at the end of the Replacement where he admits to Xander that she doesn't love him.

Spike is "in her heart" or whatever. Close enough.
SolidSnakex said:
That "big head girl" isn't Katie Holmes is it? She's so cute man.

It couldn't be because some of that doesn't fit. Her mom was dead, right from the very beginning and she chose Pacey who was not her original boyfriend.

Yes I watched Dawson's Creek on and off.
the blone one was too fat im surprised they kep her on the show. i prefered her best friend who died in the creek or something.
Die Squirrel Die said:
So it gets to the last one, and I'm knackered 'cause it's also on late. More sitting around talking, I think I can't take anymore of this and go to sleep. It was only later that I found out it was the last one.

You should see it, Joss did as good of a job as he could with wrapping up the show. The best scene in the ep is probably one of the most simple. If you've watched the show from the start you'll notice it right when you see it.
Yep there's nothing on the WB that I can see myself watching anymore. And i'm honestly completely shocked that they replaced Angel with a Jeff Foxworthy and Drew Carey show. Talk about not making sense.
SolidSnakex said:
You should see it, Joss did as good of a job as he could with wrapping up the show. The best scene in the ep is probably one of the most simple. If you've watched the show from the start you'll notice it right when you see it.

I'll get all the DVD seasons eventually so I'll watch it there. But honestly for so much of season 7 it felt like they were twiddling there thumbs, which is why I think they stretched stuff out to fulfill some contractual obligation, because they've done buildups to finales before without evey having let it drag out the way season 7 did.

And I never liked Smallville in the first place.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
fart said:
well, at least i gave up on smallville ever getting better and/or coming out

I actually liked Smallville up until the middle of Season 2. Then I tried to see if it had gotten better when Season 3 started...no such luck. Perry was the last episode I saw in S3 and I haven't looked back since.
Die Squirrel Die said:
I'll get all the DVD seasons eventually so I'll watch it there. But honestly for so much of season 7 it felt like they were twiddling there thumbs, which is why I think they stretched stuff out to fulfill some contractual obligation, because they've done buildups to finales before without evey having let it drag out the way season 7 did.

Season 7 from the start potentially had the chance to be the best season in the Buffy series. As i've said several times, if you go back and start watching the first few eps you can see it potentially being something really special. They seemed to be building up for something big and it never really deliver which is upsetting. Both Season 6 and Season 7 ended up having really good standalone episodes though. Once More With Feeling for example. And what's probably the most controversial Buffy ep ever (among fans), Normal Again, both of which are 2 of the best eps in the entire series.


there were some good standalones in s4-7 but the arcs were universally terrible.

it's kind of sad that it took me until halfway through last season to get rid of smallville, and i still don't know why i finished watching 24. i have no idea what i'm going to watch next year.


I think the uncertainty during the filming of S7 really fucked it up. I totally agree that they had some good ideas about where to go with the arc, but then with the show maybe/maybe not going on, with SMG maybe/maybe not leaving, etc it just lost steam and then it felt like they were just throwing stuff up at the last minute trying to figure out how to finish it all. The first half dozen eps of S7 were really good and I was pumped about it all - the first eps was one of the best "season openers" of them all IMO.

Add a few actors looking like they were mailing in the last few eps and Joss being busy elsewhere and the whole thing was weirdly unfocused to me. I just felt like the last dozen eps had a LOT of repetition, both in themes and angles and that long-term arc elements ended up having very little payoff. Uber-vamp? Yawn.


Damn it, now I gotta post all my favorite moments in all episodes of Buffy in picture form. Google search here we come. I think that's the absolute strength of any Whedon shows, while they may create stupid arcs and episodes occasionally. The individual moments they create are so strong. So here are my favorites.

Buffy 2x17 - Passion - Angel snapping Jenny's neck and the monologues

Buffy 2x22 - Becoming Part II - Buffy killing Angel just has he gets his soul

Buffy 3x07 - Amends - The First's talks with Angel, and then the Angel/Buffy moment

Buffy 5x22 - The Gift - Buffy sacrificing herself.

Buffy 6x07 - Once More, With Feeling - Every single moment.

Buffy 7x02 - Beneath You - Church scene
Reading your post calder makes me want to do some more bashing on Marti, but we've done enough of that. :p

There's just so much that should've been done in Season 7, and also so much that just shouldn't have been done. The Turok-han thing was very cool....the first time. It shouldn't have ended up being the main enemy. Secondly, the teasing with the First wasn't very nice. :p You build up something like that and you make people expect a big payoff. Too many SiT's. The first couple should've been it. But once they got an entire housefull of SiT's, that was way over the line. One thing the series had always done well was introducing and building a character up, you never really cared about most of those SiT's (if any of them) even though they tried to make you care for a few of them. They simply tried to introduce way too many characters while ignoring the one that the majority of fans wanted to know about, the First. They introduced it as being the Big Bad of the season and it was basically there for nothing other than talk.

So much potential that season had though. Basically ruined by them trying to do way too much. They should've kept it in line with every other season, start it off with a simple story arch and build from there instead of just throwing so many different arcs that you'll never be able to complete all of them.


...but since I've been really into Angel lately. I'll do the same thing for Angel, but add even more :)

Angel 1x01 - City of... - Intro to the show. Great moment.

Angel 1x08 - I Will Remember You - Angel becomes human.

Angel 1x18 - Five by Five - Wes gets tortured (which leads him to becoming badass) and the whole Faith/Angel scene right after.

Angel 1x19 - Sanctuary - "Not in my city."

Angel 2x10 - Reunion -
Cordy: "You have to change the way you've been doing things. - Don't you see where this is taking you?"
Wesley: "Listen to her! Right now the three of us are all that's standing between you and real darkness."
Gunn: "Best believe that, man."
Angel quietly after a beat: "I do. - You're all fired."

Angel 3x16 - Sleep Tight - Wes gets his throat slit.

Angel 3x17 - Forgiving - Check next post

I still have season 4 and 5 to go. So I'm going to take a quick break :)


I hate how they build up the First. They hype "How can you fight something without a body?", "how are we going to take this thing on?", "how can we beat something that has always been and always will be?". Over and over. Ep after ep.

And the blow off? They dont. The answer to "how can you stop The First?" is that you just beat it's minions and it....goes away.


If the intention from the beginning was just to have them beat the ubies and the FE to bail they shouldn't have built up fighting FE as this huge deal. I hate how they don't even explain why it goes away or what's stopping it from coming back. Why can't it just send some Bringers to attack the scoobie bus right after Chosen? As far as we know it's fine and well, just minus some cronies. There is no explination for how it made ubies so it could just create more.


On a side note, here's one of the greatest Angel scenes ever!

ANGEL (cont'd)
I just... I want you to know I
understand why you did it. I know
about the prophecies and I know how
hard it must have been for you to...
do what you did.
Wesley stares silently up at Angel.

ANGEL (cont'd)
You thought I was going to turn evil
and kill my son. I didn't turn into
Angelus. It's important to me that
you know that. This isn't Angelus
talking to you, it's me, Angel. You
know that, right?
A beat. Wes seems to.

ANGEL (cont'd)
Angel picks up a pillow.

ANGEL (cont'd)
That's good.
Angel moves in close, almost lovingly. PUSH IN ON WES. It looks like Angel is going to prop the pillow behind Wes to make him more comfortable. That's not what he's doing. He instead covers Wes' face with the pillow. Smothering him.

Hold the horrible tableau as Wes starts to (futilely) struggle.


Gunn and Fred waiting for Angel. Gunn takes Fred's hand, squeezes it. Both feeling a little hopeful for the first time in a long time. Waiting patiently as (they assume) Angel forgives Wesley. And all the time we're just lingering here. Tick tock.

Finally, lots of commotion. TWO OR THREE NURSES (two of them male) rush down the hall. Pass Gunn and Fred. Tear into Wesley's room. A DOCTOR follows close behind. Gunn and Fred exchange a quick look, burst in to find,


Pressing all of his weight onto the pillow. Wesley's fighting for air.

Monitors are going haywire. Pulse spiking. Oxygen dropping.

Gunn and the two big male nurses try to pull Angel off Wes.

FRED (cont'd)
Fred is screaming, crying and ad libbing.


Determined to finish the job. Gunn and male nurses finally manage to pry him loose. And drag him away kicking and flailing:

You took my son. YOU TOOK MY SON!
Male nurse goes flying. Angel is back on Wes in a flash. A NEW ORDERLY comes tearing in; again they get Angel dragging towards the door.

ANGEL (cont'd)
I'll never forgive you, never... I'LL
Gunn and the Orderlies drag Angel out of the room. Fred is screaming and crying. We HEAR terrible commotion outside and Angel screaming:

ANGEL (cont'd)
You're a dead man. YOU HEAR ME!! DEAD!
And we HEAR MORE PEOPLE and someone getting thrown against a wall HARD and we RAMP TO SLO-MO and all the sound drops out except for the music and maybe the desperate gasps of Wesley.


Alone. A broken man. Trying to breathe.


Kabuki Waq said:
well atleast the Horse face Alien SiT died.

I didn't mind her, she was just gawky and weird. At least she didn't do much.

If they had killed Kennedy at the end I would not only have forgiven them I might well acclaim s7 to be the finest TV of all time. God I hated her character... and you just KNEW she was going to make it after all that "OMG ME is anti-gay!" bullshit when Tara died.


Angel 4x10 - Awakening to Angel 4x16 - Orpheus - All the Angelus scenes rock! Plus some good Faith/Wes scenes. All memorable.

Angel 4x21 - Peace Out - Conner killing Jasmine.

Angel 4x22 - Home - Angel giving Conner a real family as he looks on.

Angel 5x07 - Lineage - Wes shooting his father

Angel 5x08 - Destiny - Spike vs Angel

Angel 5x14 - Smile Time - Angel Puppet vs Spike

Angel 5x15 - A Hole in the World - Wes shooting a lawyer, Fred dieing in Wes' arms.

Angel 5x21 - Not Fade Away - Wes dieing in "Fred's" arms and the end.
Wes badder than Giles because he locked up Kate? Pffft. She was hardly innocent and deserved every bit of it. Giles had the balls to kill an innocent! Take that ya bitches!
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