DJ Demon J
SolidSnakex said:Yes he was "technically" a nice guy. His main problem is that he couldn't stand not being the center of her attention. If you notice all through Season 4 she was all over him once they started dating. But then during Season 5 her attention was then put on more important matters, her own family. So instead of simply understand this, he gets pissed and thinks she's trying to ignore him which wasn't the case. So what does he do? He goes and cheats on her with a vampire to see why she "let" Dracula bite her and why Dracula and Angel had so much power over her. The guy in the grand scheme of things was completely clueless and 100% self centered.
I think you're misunderstanding. Buffy ignored Riley emotionally long before the problems with her mother and Dawn. As he indicated to Xander in "Replacement," he loved Buffy and she didn't love him. She was detached; again, she's drawn to the bad boys (Angel and Spike). This realization makes Riley one of the more interesting figures of the series, IMHO. The writers even poked fun at most peoples' perception of Riley (dumb white hat cowboy hero) in the Season 4 finale (in Willow's dream sequence) but then showed that there was more of a dark side to him (in Buffy's dream sequence).
SolidSnakex said:"Although Buffy is The Slayer, she had the chance for perfection with Riley. But she chooses Angel (and later Spike) because she is drawn to the drama."
I don't include Spike in this.But I think the reason she chooses Angel isn't so much for the drama but because he can actually understand where she's coming from. He had to do certain things to get his life back. It wasn't his choice to do those things it's something he has to do, much like she has to be the slayer whether she likes it or not. Riley can't understand that. The majority of her life was just being the slayer and everything else was basically shoved to the side and that's something Riley never would've been able to accept imo.
Again, Riley's return in Season 6 (with his new wife) was meant to show Buffy that it's possible to have love and a personal life in their line of work.