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Bujingai: The Forsaken City - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"For what it is, Bujingai is a perfectly fine piece of work that should please just about any fan of slick, stylized action games. It definitely isn't flawless, but there is substance underneath all of its flashy visuals. Although the game isn't especially long, it's worth playing through a second time on the hard level (though it's not to be played again for its weak list of unlockables, which just consist of a scant few pieces of concept art and a couple of lackluster interviews). If you were a big fan of games like Devil May Cry or Otogi, Bujingai is most certainly worth checking out."


belgurdo said:
Glowing review=7.4? Okay, what the fuck, Gamespot...

I think they're actually trying to score games based on their own reviewing schema, rather than the warped 'GAF rating scale', where anything under an 8 is considered poor. :p

Picked the game up the other day, and played through the first three levels so far. Not incredibly challenging so far, but definitely worth the price of admission for genre fans (like myself).


Watched a coworker play the import some months ago, and it looked pretty cool to me, jumping puzzles and whatnot. I'm interested in getting the domestic eventually, but it's not a priority.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Is this the Otogi like game? If so I caught this on Cinematech on G4 last week at one point.... it look ok but nothing to write home about....


I didn't like the game, it was easy, repetitive and short. All the flashy combos were cool at first, but also got old real soon. I think Ninja Gaiden and Otogi 2 totally spoilt 3rd person action genre for me, couldn't get into Onimusha 3 either although it's lot better game than Bujingai.
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