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Bungie weekly update is here

had to catch a 6am flight this morning, and it was full of giant chicks. Seriously. I don’t know what the deal was, but there were about twenty women, of various ages and demographics, whose only common feature was sheer giganticness. Seriously, the smallest one was about six foot two. And they weren’t basketball players either they ranged in age from about 15 to 70. But they were humongous. I was totally afraid. What if they were planning on jacking the plane and flying us to their giant Lady Kingdom?

Speaking of flying – I’m lucky enough to go to Japan at the end of the month for the Tokyo Game Show – so we may have a brief intermission between updates. The schedule is kinda brutal though – I fly there, arrive exactly in time for the start of the show and leave exactly as it ends. Book-ended with 11 hours each way in coach, middle seat, near toilet in back. But as usual I will try my best to grin and bear it as I am crushed between a perspiring real estate salesman flying to Japan for the Grengarry Reads, and a drug-addled linebacker from the '76 Broncos. So if anyone from United can get me a free upgrade, I’ll make it well worth their while…

As I write this, I’m in a video editing studio in LA putting the last finishing touches to a number of projects. One of them you already know about – the special limited edition DVD. The documentary stuff on there is really cool and perfectly captures the mood and drama of daily life at Bungie. It’s 100% realistic with the following exceptions: Hardly any swearing and all of the really obscene graffiti from the whiteboards has been cleverly removed.


weekly update


Wow, I'm glad I got a good deal on a pre-order for the limited edition, that DVD sounds like some good viewing.
neptunes said:
They've never posted an update here before :(

They probably want to avoid what happened at the PA forums. I did'nt read the thread but heard about it obviously. I wish they would'nt have deleted it. That was dumb.

Either way, GA is probably just as inhospitable.


Stryder said:
Wow, I'm glad I got a good deal on a pre-order for the limited edition, that DVD sounds like some good viewing.

I object to the removal of all profanity from the DVD, though. The game's rated M, surely they should be able to say what they like ^_^

Edit: There are worse people to be stuck next to on a Tokyo flight. I feel terribly for everyone who wound up next to Dave Z back in the day.

"Now here’s a warning. If you pre-ordered the special collector’s edition, with the metal box (I call it InfiniSteeluminum to make it sound like it’s from the future) then you should be aware that the DVD that accompanies the game contains tons of spoilers. Seriously, big-time spoilers that could ruin the plot. So don’t watch it ‘til you’ve played it! But then watch it hard-style, since it’s going to be packed full of really cool stuff. "
the most important info i have EVER read in a weekly update


The Faceless Master said:
the most important info i have EVER read in a weekly update
Yea, no kidding, though I learned that lesson a long time ago thanks to Working Designs. I had just snagged Lunar 2 and decided to watch "Making Of.." disc. Oops, it contained parts of the ending.


DopeyFish said:
i hope they release the soundtrack for halo 2 like they did for halo :D

It's already confirmed. :)

I'm glad Frankie spelled out the spoiler warning - I was wondering about that ever since they announced the extra DVD. Good man.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
the soundtrack better be out soon after november 9th. All the music they've played with Halo 2 has been 100x better than almost every track on the original halo soundtrack... except halo... rock anthem and ... brothers in arms :)


DopeyFish said:
the soundtrack better be out soon after november 9th. All the music they've played with Halo 2 has been 100x better than almost every track on the original halo soundtrack... except halo... rock anthem and ... brothers in arms :)

Brothers in Arms is just an incredible track - I wish it was built up a little longer, such as during the hanger battle, but it's still wicked good.

I can't wait for an orchestrated version of the music in this vid:


Gives me chills every time.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Lots of folks here at Bungie like the GA forums, and it's one of my main stops in the day - but it IS very political, and doesn't make any apologies for it, so it might be a wee bit scary for the gentle country-folks that follow the updates...which is why we normally stick to the safe confines of Halo specific fansites.

But you never know. Anyway, back to getting Halo2 up to 180 fps...
Stinkles said:
Lots of folks here at Bungie like the GA forums, and it's one of my main stops in the day - but it IS very political, and doesn't make any apologies for it, so it might be a wee bit scary for the gentle country-folks that follow the updates...which is why we normally stick to the safe confines of Halo specific fansites.

But you never know. Anyway, back to getting Halo2 up to 180 fps...

You suck, Halo 1 sucked, and so did Oni. Halo 2 will probably suck, and I don't like your hair.

But it's nice to see you on the board!!!

(j/k... for the first part of course... heh... yeah.)


At first I was going to get the Limited Edition, but then I decided I really liked the look of the normal version... even over the cool titanium looking LE box.

Now I kinda want the DVD tho :(


Stinkles said:
Lots of folks here at Bungie like the GA forums, and it's one of my main stops in the day - but it IS very political, and doesn't make any apologies for it, so it might be a wee bit scary for the gentle country-folks that follow the updates...which is why we normally stick to the safe confines of Halo specific fansites.

But you never know. Anyway, back to getting Halo2 up to 180 fps...

Thanks. Got the Special Halo 2 on order, will there be anything else apart from an extra DVD?


Prine said:
Thanks. Got the Special Halo 2 on order, will there be anything else apart from an extra DVD?

Frankie mentioned 'and a few other goodies' when he described the contents a few updates back. I'd expect a Halo 2 sticker or some other little nuggets.
The bit about the spoilers contained in the making-of bonus DVD disc has me wondering why they don't just tag it with code that checks to see if the game has been completed before allowing you to view it in its entirety... Ahh, probably too much to ask.

I'll just have to hope that the single player component is compelling enough for me to abstain from viewing it before I finish the game....arrrrgh. Short and sweet update.
SyNapSe said:
At first I was going to get the Limited Edition, but then I decided I really liked the look of the normal version... even over the cool titanium looking LE box.

Now I kinda want the DVD tho :(

Actually, though I don't know for certain, I've read someplace that the normal box is actually contained within the metal LE case. That way, you get both! :)
MightyHedgehog said:
Actually, though I don't know for certain, I've read someplace that the normal box is actually contained within the metal LE case. That way, you get both! :)

From what I've seen of the case at EB there is no way a normal case would fit inside the LE case... its just slightly thicker than a normal DVD case.
DopeyFish said:
so the metal case IS the case and not like a tin overlayer? that's awesome.

More or less... the inside part that the disc lies in seems to be a rubber insert of some type which is probably good for not scratching the disc purposes.

Check out an EB near you if you want to see it, they should have it either on the shelf somewhere or ask if they have a sample case in the back you could see.


Stinkles said:
Lots of folks here at Bungie like the GA forums, and it's one of my main stops in the day - but it IS very political, and doesn't make any apologies for it, so it might be a wee bit scary for the gentle country-folks that follow the updates...which is why we normally stick to the safe confines of Halo specific fansites.

But you never know. Anyway, back to getting Halo2 up to 180 fps...

Please, please, please, if it hasn't been done already, talk to someone who is responsible for all aspects of multiplayer. The ability to turn off/on specific items and weapons would be awesome. Just like, a giant menu of all the weapons/grenades/vehicles/power-ups ala Super Smash Bros. Melee, so we can customize specific arrangements and layouts. I would be very grateful.

And maybe the team respawn thing. It's not fun to respawn next to a teammate who's getting gangbanged by two or three guys from the other team. :p

Other than that, keep up the good work. It looks really awesome and I can't wait.
November 9 can't come soon enough.


Hero said:
Please, please, please, if it hasn't been done already, talk to someone who is responsible for all aspects of multiplayer. The ability to turn off/on specific items and weapons would be awesome. Just like, a giant menu of all the weapons/grenades/vehicles/power-ups ala Super Smash Bros. Melee, so we can customize specific arrangements and layouts. I would be very grateful.

And maybe the team respawn thing. It's not fun to respawn next to a teammate who's getting gangbanged by two or three guys from the other team. :p

Um, the first one is covered big time (did you not read the news that hit on Friday?) and Bungie said in a past update that they've really reworked the spawning system so that what you describe should never happen.


Hero said:
Please, please, please, if it hasn't been done already, talk to someone who is responsible for all aspects of multiplayer. The ability to turn off/on specific items and weapons would be awesome. Just like, a giant menu of all the weapons/grenades/vehicles/power-ups ala Super Smash Bros. Melee, so we can customize specific arrangements and layouts. I would be very grateful.

And maybe the team respawn thing. It's not fun to respawn next to a teammate who's getting gangbanged by two or three guys from the other team. :p

Other than that, keep up the good work. It looks really awesome and I can't wait.
November 9 can't come soon enough.

Not that I don't agree, but isn't this, oh, a little late in the development cycle to be requesting things? Not like they're putting the finishing touches on the game or anything.


Ramirez said:
"On a Pale Horse">>>>Any Halo track :D
I'm quite fond of Perilous Journey, and The Gun Pointed At The Head Of The Universe myself. There's also that "Lost Song" that wasn't included in the OST and was put on the site for download later on... The beat that started up when you went into the room with those two Hunters near the end of Assault on the Control Room.

[EDIT] - Here it is for those of you who don't know what in God's name I'm talkin' about. :)

I hope there are remixes of them all in the HALO 2 OST.


Sai said:
I'm quite fond of Perilous Journey, and The Gun Pointed At The Head Of The Universe myself. There's also that "Lost Song" that wasn't included in the OST and was put on the site for download later on... The beat that started up when you went into the room with those two Hunters near the end of Assault on the Control Room.

[EDIT] - Here it is for those of you who don't know what in God's name I'm talkin' about. :)

I hope there are remixes of them all in the HALO 2 OST.

Whoa - I hadn't realized that wasn't on the OST (which I listen to every Friday, to and from work. Bungie Update day and all. :) )

Thanks for the link, Sai.


GhaleonEB said:
Um, the first one is covered big time (did you not read the news that hit on Friday?) and Bungie said in a past update that they've really reworked the spawning system so that what you describe should never happen.

No, sorry, it seems every other day there's something new about Halo 2 and it's hard to keep up with all of them. I usually read the weekly updates though.

But it's good to hear.

And I'm just saying if it came down to improving the multiplayer or changing the box art or something. You never know. :p


Hero said:
No, sorry, it seems every other day there's something new about Halo 2 and it's hard to keep up with all of them. I usually read the weekly updates though.

But it's good to hear.

And I'm just saying if it came down to improving the multiplayer or changing the box art or something. You never know. :p

Okay, sorry I was a little harsh. There has been some split reaction about how Bungie is implimenting ranked games in Halo 2 - and I simply love what they are doing - and I got a little twisted up about it.

Can't blame you about not recalling a two sentence nugget in an update a few weeks ago, either.
so, people complain about rankings not being fair all the time, now bungie tries to do something to make them fair and people complain... awesome! go humanity!


The Faceless Master said:
so, people complain about rankings not being fair all the time, now bungie tries to do something to make them fair and people complain... awesome! go humanity!

Yeah, pretty much. My sentiment on the subject is this (which I just posted elsewhere):

I'm simply thrilled at the way ranked games are being handled in Halo 2. My primary love of Halo is the single player campaign, and that is what I'm looking forward to most in Halo 2. I have had a dozen or so experiences with multiplayer, though, and all of them were memorable. So my plan was to get Halo 2 and XBox Live, but play through the campaign entirely before headed online.

My worry was that by the time I finished with campaign (and it took me about two weeks with Halo, given how much time I have to play) that I would face a massive disadvantage online when I just wanted a quick game. (I'm interested in getting into Counter Strike, but there's no way in hell it would be fun diving in this late in the game.) With the player ranking system and optimatch setting up games with players of same rank, I don't have to worry about it. I was euphoric all of Friday when I read how it was being implimented. It's as if Bungie knew what I was sweating and responded. Thanks, guys.
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