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burnout 3 on gamecube? "of course!" says local gamestop "nintendo is teh doomed!!"


you know, i don't mind it if people are uninformed. really, i don't. all i ask is that they be forthcoming about this, instead of, you know, prententious thinking they know better.

moving on, i discovered today that going to my local gamestop is the equivalent of reading cube.ign - almost word for word. i didn't feel like arguing nor making a scene, so i just kept my mouth shut and walked away, but just arrrgh.

All talk of how Nintendo is doomed (with no mention whatsoever about the success of the Game Boy series), how Burnout 3 and Mortal Kombat : Deception are too little, too late, how then need to go online now with Super Smash Brothers Melee. I swear this kid has Matt C's "SSBM Online NOW" speech memorized.

I'm not saying that they're wrong, hell, Matt makes some good points in his articles. What gets me is just how the entire thing played out. I dunno. Let's see where this thread goes.


I think Matt should just STFU for this generation on things related to online play. It's not happening, and bringing it up only means you talking in circles, without it doing shit. And the pseudo intellectual "Nintendo needs to listen to me! I am the grown up masses yearning for mature content! Gimme what I want, or i'll scream!" parrots he spawns are just as annoying.

Musashi Wins!

I think you should march right back to your local gamestore and tell them it makes you vewy vewy sad when they make fun of your favorite console. They just don't know how it weighs on your heart, but if they heard it from your lips, the fences could be mended and you might even (aw shucks) make a new friend!


Musashi Wins! said:
I think you should march right back to your local gamestore and tell them it makes you vewy vewy sad when they make fun of your favorite console. They just don't know how it weighs on your heart, but if they heard it from your lips, the fences could be mended and you might even (aw shucks) make a new friend!

Were you ever a Sega fan?


Musashi Wins! said:
I think you should march right back to your local gamestore and tell them it makes you vewy vewy sad when they make fun of your favorite console. They just don't know how it weighs on your heart, but if they heard it from your lips, the fences could be mended and you might even (aw shucks) make a new friend!
I'm more upset they can't come up with anything to say beyond whatever the flavor of Cube.IGN is that week.
This is why all Gamespot employees should get shot in the face.

Okay, maybe that's too harsh.... how about just bricks thrown at them? Or N gage displays?

Musashi Wins!

BuddyChrist83 said:
I'm more upset they can't come up with anything to say beyond whatever the flavor of Cube.IGN is that week.

Which party does this reflect more poorly on?

One thing I've noticed in my brief foray into game retailing is that you (or rather I) meet precious few "fanboys" in the accepted sense of gameboards. Most people there seemed fixated on the next release on whichever platform had the hot title. Or were collecting older titles traded in by uncaring customers. Or were trying to save for the one console they didn't yet own on their pitifully small wages. You notice that the GC is selling poorly now (as compared to Xmas), but everyone still looks at the Pikmin 2 cutouts or talks about Tales of Symphonia if they played it. Or whatever is new on PS2, or Xbox. I've never seen a heated argument about that in a shop. I'd think management would discourage it for several reasons not the least of which is the ability to sell any system or game at any time depending on the flavor of the week. My local store literally cannot get Xbox or PS2 at any reasonable rate this month so you're far more likely to hear of the virtues of the overstocked gamecube probably not equal to it's merits either way.

And yea, I was a Sega fan, it sucked when they folded and there was plenty of misinformation along the way...but that's nothing new. I remember way back on the schoolyard there were unfounded debates and wild tales about every commodity heading our small way and they resemble the political debates around the watercooler at work today.


Musashi Wins! said:
Which party does this reflect more poorly on?

One thing I've noticed in my brief foray into game retailing is that you (or rather I) meet precious few "fanboys" in the accepted sense of gameboards. Most people there seemed fixated on the next release on whichever platform had the hot title. Or were collecting older titles traded in by uncaring customers. Or were trying to save for the one console they didn't yet own on their pitifully small wages. You notice that the GC is selling poorly now (as compared to Xmas), but everyone still looks at the Pikmin 2 cutouts or talks about Tales of Symphonia if they played it. Or whatever is new on PS2, or Xbox. I've never seen a heated argument about that in a shop. I'd think management would discourage it for several reasons not the least of which is the ability to sell any system or game at any time depending on the flavor of the week. My local store literally cannot get Xbox or PS2 at any reasonable rate this month so you're far more likely to hear of the virtues of the overstocked gamecube probably not equal to it's merits either way.

And yea, I was a Sega fan, it sucked when they folded and there was plenty of misinformation along the way...but that's nothing new. I remember way back on the schoolyard there were unfounded debates and wild tales about every commodity heading our small way and they resemble the political debates around the watercooler at work today.

I don't see what your point is here, but okay.
BuddyChrist83 said:
It's just, I get really annoyed when I hear a lot of misinformation being strewn in a pretentious manner.

And that's basically the problem I have with the a majority of Gamestop employees. It's one thing to spread misinformation... perhaps not all of them do it on purpose.... but God forbid you try correcting them and tell them the truth (and I try doing it in the nicest way possible, so they can save face), they almost always get defensive and try to "prove you wrong".

They seem to think working for a game store means that you know everything that's going in the game industry, and I think we all know that's far from the truth.


Not wanting to engage game store employees in even the most basic of conversation is why I buy most games from Best Buy, Circuit City, TRU, or some random online store. My tolerance for this kind of thing is pretty low, if I'm exposed to too much of it, I could very well push over a magazine rack or throw a strategy guide at someone.


If I am not in a Gamestop for GTA or Madden then I am totally ignored. That's their target ..grazing herd, so to that audience I imagine their 13 year old dribble sounds informed.

Musashi Wins!

etiolate said:
If I am not in a Gamestop for GTA or Madden then I am totally ignored. That's their target ..grazing herd, so to that audience I imagine their 13 year old dribble sounds informed.

Agreed! But do you walk on water or part oceans on your way home, or just rush to the highest room in the castle to play the game you bought?


Musashi Wins! said:
Agreed! But do you walk on water or part oceans on your way home, or just rush to the highest room in the castle to play the game you bought?

To be fair (and more often than not), that question should really be directed at my local game store clerks. Because, obviously, if they have access to the company's release schedule, they know more about video games than me.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I usually don't talk to the people I see in game stores. I'm not saying everyone is bad, but there are too many losers who either make up stuff because they assume or think it should happen, or they heard it from a "friend". I zone out if anyone starts talking to me about Square-Enix...oh there is a Final Fantasy VII remake coming out this year...wow. Crystal Chronicles is coming to the Xbox...awesome. Maybe it isn't that bad, but I guess some people get confused at start making up stuff without knowing it. Its just annoying when someone is telling you something that you KNOW is wrong, but they're so sure they know whats going on.

I don't really have any bad stories about game store employees. I've had more bad experiences with customers trying to talk to me...like I need some punk telling me the game I'm looking at sucks. If I want an opinion, I'll ask for it...and I'll never be asking anyone there for one.

Musashi Wins!

xsarien said:
To be fair (and more often than not), that question should really be directed at my local game store clerks. Because, obviously, if they have access to the company's release schedule, they know more about video games than me.

Indeed, haha. Just defending the "cows" as it were.
For all of those who are offended by the steady stream of slams against game store (especially Gamestop) employees, you have to realize that they are a problem, hence all the bitching. What, you think we make this shit up?


I think that ever since gaming has become more popularized ("Playstationized") that nerds (admit it, most of us people who were into games before it became "cool" were pretty much nerds) get off on having the power to influence the "cool" people what to buy. You can almost hear them creaming their jeans when some uninformed dolt is dumb enough to ask them for their opinion.

I work at Blockbuster and I'm very opinionated when someone asks for it, but I also tell them other people's opinions (like what most people thought) and adjust it to their tastes. But game specific stores seemed to be filled with employee's who are trying to be stand-up comics while the the customers try to ignore them.


Tag of Excellence
When I worked at EB there was this one employee who kept telling people to not purchase any of the current consoles (PS2, GameCube, Xbox) and to wait until the Indrema was released. His reasoning? It could play all the games on those consoles and every other game ever made including PC and portable games through emulation.

It was so fucking great hearing the guy try to hard sell the customers on some theoretical system that wasn't going to be released that none of us at the store ever tried to stop him or explain to him his folly. You can hate me, I am part of the vicious cycle.


MaddenNFL64 said:
I think Matt should just STFU for this generation on things related to online play. It's not happening, and bringing it up only means you talking in circles, without it doing shit. And the pseudo intellectual "Nintendo needs to listen to me! I am the grown up masses yearning for mature content! Gimme what I want, or i'll scream!" parrots he spawns are just as annoying.

wow, Great Post man, good analyzing skills and fun characterization of the matter...

when Nintendo can do their franchises justice online while bringing in a healthy profit somehow, IT WILL HAPPEN, whether next year or next 5 years, and spewing on about before Nintendo hits that stage/medium isn't going to help...


It's going to happen. But not until GameCube comes out with its new online adapter.
DrGAKMAN said:
I think that ever since gaming has become more popularized ("Playstationized") that nerds (admit it, most of us people who were into games before it became "cool" were pretty much nerds) get off on having the power to influence the "cool" people what to buy. You can almost hear them creaming their jeans when some uninformed dolt is dumb enough to ask them for their opinion.

Yeah, I've always been on the one who knew all the "inside" stuff when it came to games and making recommendations to my non-gaming friends. I still do.

But the thing is, I don't make shit up or warp logic to adjust to my own tastes like many game store employees do.
It's not happening, and bringing it up only means you talking in circles, without it doing shit. And the pseudo intellectual "Nintendo needs to listen to me! I am the grown up masses yearning for mature content! Gimme what I want, or i'll scream!" parrots he spawns are just as annoying.

Well said. But I don't hold Matt IGN to account for this, it happens for so many reasons. Armchair CEOs know best as always *sigh*

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I suspect what you actually see is a common psychology that fires up in people under certain seemingly unrelated but similiar sets of circumstances. On the Internet, people make up all kinds of stuff at the drop of a hat, trying to impress others, outdo them, or perhaps more tellingly, exert a sense of authority over others, superiority of knowledge, intelligence, etc.

In everyday life, there are lots of social binders around us which can - but do not always - discourage behaviors like this. Only the exceedingly self-confident and/or egocentric overcome them on a regular basis. But a little percieved authority goes a long way. The kind of junk I've seen talked about by some groups of game store employees exactly mirrors the kind of thinking, fabrication, and confabulation, I see on Internet forums. Just as that mirrors "High School Clique" syndrome, where a group of people who are all safe and insulated inside a tight clique will begin to agrandize themselves, manipulate facts about outside things and people, and outright make stuff up either to outperform, impress, or keep up with, other people in their clique.

Of course, in simplier terms I just find junk like this annoying as hell, but usually ignore it.
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