UV Digital code for Justice League War
PS Move controllers (would like to pay around $10 for used controllers)
DS Flashcard that will work on a 3ds (r4i? nothing more than $20)
For Sale:
black Nintendo 3DS - $80 shipped
Pay actual shipping (I'll quote when you tell me what you want), I'm only asking a few bucks so it should still be cheap
I will drop the prices of
most of these items by
$1 everyday till they're sold. I just want them out.
Latest price drop: 5/22

DS, PS2, 360 and Gamecube games - $1.50 each
If not in the list below, its sold.
DDR Supernova
Metal Gear Solid 3
SOCOM II: US Navy Seals
Guitar Hero II
Eye Toy Kinetic
Virtua Fighter Evolution
America's Test Kitchen
Picross 3D (jp)
Wii Fit
DJ Hero 2 (might have the equipment)
Gears of War

Game boy printer (used in a store, power cord is wired to it, no link cable) - offers
Capcom Pad Soldier fighting pad (6 button with dpad) - $4
Dreamcast controller - $4
N64 Official Transfer pak (pokemon stadium)- $7
3rd party light gun for PS2 - $4
Club Nintendo Posters (I have a few of them, let me know which ones you're looking for)
PS One official LCD Screen (no box, has cables to allow composite in)- $33
PS2 (fat model) - offer
(pics upon request)
G.Skill DDR2 1 GB sticks (x2) CL 5-5-5-15 - $10 for both together
(Demo Disc and samplers bundled below for $7 together, or $3 shipped each)
Dragon Warrior VIII demo disc
Virtua Fighter 2 Saturn Demo Disc
Daytona USA Saturn Demo Disc
Saturn Sampler disc Nights into Dreams

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin pre-order bonuses. Outer box crushed, but includes art book, stylus, 2-game case. Soundtrack disc is missing. - $7 shipped
Can trade for PSN$ codes, too.