Positive Seller feedback for Cloggerdude
That's awesome.
I hope someday production can start up again on those screens for non clamshell GBA systems. I have a SP with the brighter backlit screen that i'm considering sacrificing to put into one.
But the ghosting on the brighter SP is significant as well.
Positive Seller feedback for MrDaravon
Had an Ultima Collection guidebook that I really wanted. I didn't have the money when it was listed, but he was willing to hold it for me. Very awesome =)
Positive Seller feedback for Cloggerdude
He had a backlight-modded GBA, which is something that I've been wanting for years. He listed it on February 18... but I knew I wouldn't have the money until early March, and I knew it would be sold by then. I figured, though, why not, I may as well message him...
Alright, let's list the ways that Cloggerdude is awesome:
1) He held it for over a week until I had the money
2) He was super-awesome with communication about everything the whole way through
3) While it was en route, he was just as interested in its progress as me, keeping an eye on it as it somehow took 4 days to get from Tennessee to Massachusetts, despite having 2-day shipping on it
4) Again, was as interested in its progress and safe arrival as I was
5) When it arrived, it was even better than I could have imagined. He hadn't even mentioned the fact that it was in its original system box!
6) Have I mentioned how beautiful this system looks?
Seriously, this is beyond amazing!
I am so incredibly happy!
Thank you so much to Cloggerdude, for being so incredibly awesome about so many things!
If Cloggerdude is ever selling anything that anyone here is interested in, jump on it! He's a spectacular seller, one of the best people in this thread, and a true asset to GAF!
Thanks again! =)
Evolve - either PS4 Digital or Physical, new or used or PC digital.
would be nice to get it for $30?
Positive feedback for terrisus!
Also that backlit GBA is super nice! I never found the original GBA model that comfortable to use like some people do, but I really like that model aesthetically and it looks super nice backlit.
I have a few things for sale or trade. I accept paypal. I'm in Arizona and will ship in the US. I have bought and sold on here before and had great experiences.
- Wolfenstein Xbox One Sealed - $30 shipped
- Super Smash Bros Wii U - $40 shipped
I also have some 3D movies below. Would prefer to sell more than 1 at a time. They will be put in a white disc sleeve. Prices are OBO. But I do know what a low ball offer is so please be considerate. Thank you!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Complete) - $22
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 3D Disc Only - $9
A Christmas Carol 3D Disc Only - $9
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 3D Disc Only - $9
Godzilla (3D and Bluray Disc) - $12
Captain America The Winter Soldier 3D Disc Only - $11
Frankenweenie 3D Disc Only - $10
Monster's Inc 3D Disc Only - $11
Cars 2 3D Disc Only - $10
Gravity (3D Disc and Bluray Disc) - $11
G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3D Disc Only - $9
Guardians of the Galaxy 3D Disc Only - $9
The Amazing Spider-man 3D Disc Only - $9
Brave 3D Disc Only - $11
Clash of the Titans 3D Disc Only - 7
Dredd 3D Disc Only - $7
Finding Nemo 3D Disc Only - $11
Ghosts of the Abyss 3D Disc Only - $11
Immortals 3D Disc Only - $7
Pirates of the Carribean 3D Disc Only - $10
The Polar Express 3D Disc Only - $10
Prometheus 3D Disc Only - $8
Puss in Boots 3D Disc Only - $8
Rio 3D Disc Only - $10
Rio 2 3D Disc Only - $10
Rise of the Guardians 3D Disc Only - $8
Secret of the Wings 3D Disc Only - $9
Tangled 3D Disc Only - $11
H: XB1, opened package but never turned it on.
W: Villager, Marth, Pit, Little Mac amiibos. NA NIB.
H: XB1, opened package but never turned it on.
W: Villager, Marth, Pit, Little Mac amiibos. NA NIB.
4 Nintendo Amiibos >= New Microsoft console system?
Geeze, Nintendo is onto something here.
What's up with those emoticons?they are worth nothing. you should just give them to me...
last time i looked them up, maybe about a yearish after VLR came out, they were going for $30+...
Gaf + Seller
Evolve Steam Key: $20 paypal
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=154940599&highlight=evolve#post154940599 Hopefully he still has it!
Likewise, Positive Feedback for TunaLover. A smooth and positive transaction!Positive feedback for seller Valru, got Mario vs Donkey Kong Tipping for half the price =)
I would like to leave positive seller feedback for SmokeMaxX who kindly helped me get the shulk amiibo.
I cannot buy directly from GameStop and need an intermediary who buy any item for me, so he helped in the process, thanks a lot!
positive buyer feedback for orthodoxy1095! Very nice guy, understanding buyer and a pleasure to deal with. Also has great taste in comics!
positive seller feedback for fader! Sold me a ModMic in great shape for a fantastic price. Shipped nearly instantaneously. Thanks!
.Alright. I've got some stuff here to sell. My cousin and I are looking to build a PC. So in order to fund that we've got some stuff to sell.
Pictures upon request.
Call of Duty Xbox One limited edition console. With 1TB HDD. Includes all cables, headset (new), Kinect, "day one" black controller, Forza 5, CoD Ghosts, and Master Chief Collection, (all in perfect condition including the console).Now also including a google chromecast with purchase I'm not including price for Forza 5 and Ghosts, that's free with purchase. I'm looking for $500 plus $15 shipping for a total of $515. I will include a $15 off any purchase from the microsoft store code if you want it. PM me if you have any questions or negotiations. I'm a reasonable man.
Picture from the www.
Next up, anyone interested in R/C cars? I have a Traxxas Summit 1/10 model. The R/C is a bit scratched from the bottom from normal use, but otherwise fully functional. Includes The RC car, receiver, and a charger for the NIHM batteries (2 batteries). I'm looking for $330 shipped. I've had my fun with it, but it is time to move on. Maybe someone is into RC cars.
Here is an image from the webs on the vehicle in question.
Also have a silver Ps2. It is in okay condition. Still works though. I got it from ebay a month or 2 ago but I dont have any time for it. Silver Ps2 with Socom 1, 2, and combined adssult, 8mb memory card, the dualshock 2, power cable, and 5 color cable, $55 shipped.
Shipping is anywhere in USA48. Accepting PayPal (gift or you pay fees) or Amazon e-gift.