I am a known quantity now, yet again, I guess. My role's name is literally H. P. Lovecraft, and I am a Town-aligned Neutral (quite strange phrasing).
However, I made a promise to a certain someone and I will not speak further about my sources of intel. Have fun! 
Forgive me, steward. I know I promised you I wouldn't mention this to them, but now I must say it here as the eventuality I feared is upon me and I must:
To the Town; my Win condition is achieved once 3 Cultists are dead. This was stated in my Role PM, and this was how I knew there was a minimum of 3 Cultists present among us. You will find that Matt Attack has confirmed this number himself.
I have no Night or Day powers. No killing powers at all. It was a ruse I set up, intended to mask my helplessness. This powerlessness was why I told you all that you must provide, provide these 3 Cultist deaths for me, and why I referred to you as my fingers. my hands. The Mishima beef steak I referred to as me sleeping on it as my pillow and being unable to sleep at night because of the "stupid sand", was a thinly-veiled hint that I was a type of Vigilante that kept a weapon (a "stake") close by, and that I was restless at night, able to kill whoever visited me. This too was all a lie, a ruse intended to mask my powerlessness. There's more hints in my puzzles, and I will happily answer your questions regarding them, provide solutions and dispel the mystery for you.
My only power is a passive power that activates upon lynching, and prevents the Cultists from sacrificing anyone the Night after my lynching. The typed lore states that since I am the Old Ones' creator, my death would weaken them, and so lead to his handicap of the Cult.
My death seems inevitable now, but logically so. I had been planning to sacrifice myself at an opportune time for the Town's sake since the beginning. I've never cared about a personal win; everything I've done, I've done for the Town since the start, setting myself up as bait, a convenient patch of scummy fly-paper to latch convenient votes onto to allow others to pretend they're participating; classic Cultist/Mafia behaviour. I suggest you all take a closer look at who has been antagonizing me since the start--
Matt Attack
--are the most pertinent ones off the top of my head. Do they honestly dislike me, or has it just been a convenient ruse for them? Please, be kind, rewind. My memory is entirely fallible, in honest truth I'm not that good at this whole analysis shtick. I prefer to fly-by-wire.

I haven't read the archives myself to reaffirm anything, at the moment.
It wasn't supposed to be this soon.

As always, my intention was to hide in plain sight, positioning myself as a Neutral with the greatest power of all: information.
Everyone loves information, and I wrapped it all up in neat little ribbons and twine and caltrops for you all to disentangle, if you so chose. Some of it was misinformation, like my G-Men faction existence claim, but most of it was intended for you to discover my Win condition; and, Solute 2 was intended to help you discover that I was indeed H. P. Lovecraft, should you have known a bit about his biography, and the standing correspondence he had with a Mr. R. H. Barlow in Florida (initially hinted by the Florida GIF of a guy turning off his mic and turning away; ORANGE (fruit), MIC (gif), STATE (Florida), ASSOCIATE (of Lovecraft), EXTRAPOLATE WITH RESEARCH (the lore behind the game)).
The hints were all admittedly a bit abstract and obscure, but I am willing to field any and all questions now, regarding my puzzles and their solutions. Through this unique play-style, Town couldn't lynch me because I seem like an important informant, and Mafia wouldn't night-kill me because I provide a good daytime cover for them with my smokescreen of crazy. I literally make myself untouchable with words.
I provided the textual framework for my character build to you all, and I simply let you fill my mouth with words. The greatest fear is fear of the unknown, and all that. I let you create me. By placing small hints of information, I let your own imaginations run wild. I allowed you to convince yourselves that I was a potential serial killer, a potential vigilante, a potential protector role, by simply insinuating it through select choices of language and wordplay. I allowed myself to tease activity out of you all through my erratic posts, in the hopes I would flush potential cultists out, being an easy, convenient target, and all that.
I'd like to note; Darryl is a dangerous player who has been using me as a smokescreen since the beginning, and I don't know what he's been doing all this time. Has he simply been ignoring the game? Is he actually invested? Or has he been biding his time, reading all the little details and habits I've so conveniently pulled out of you all for him to avail of for free? He has been a non-entity for a very long time now. I highly suggest you start throwing some firewood underneath him before it's too late.
I also suggest you heat up Neuromancer, Droplet and OceanicAir in due course.
Anyways, I posted 'Fool,' as a dramatic reflex, before realizing the gravity of my Jenga like two seconds later. #xanatos
I've probably left out a bunch and forgotten to mention stuff, so I guess I'll start taking questions now.
Also, I warn you all; Matt Attack has framed himself as an Town investigator/spy, but his existence was stated to me in my role PM, that someone was actively hunting me. The description in my role PM seemingly framed him as my antagonist, my opposite, literally stating that he is someone who should not be on this island, one who should not be part of this story and as someone who was out to get me from the very start. Since I am a Neutral pro-Town party, I am guessing that he is a Neutral pro-Cult individual, but I am completely unsure. Glean from that what you will.
^This was my infodump that I had planned to drop in the case of my death. I tried to update it as events passed, so some of it has already been stated, some of it may be redundant in light of recent info; but, here is the whole thing. I hope it helps convince you to do the right thing today, and tonight.
Matt Attack must die. He is
confirmed anti-Town, and self-confirmed, no less.
You think my play-style has been anti-Town? You have been gravely mistaken. I have been pro-Town from the start. I
always play pro-Town, even if my methods are questionable. A bad cop, yo.
Lawful Evil as ever.
Ask me questions, please. And townsfolk, keep me alive for as long as you can tonight and through subsequent nights, until my sacrifice power can actually mean something.
I don't fear death, lynching.
What I truly fear is wasting my life, and my role.