I'm currently looking through some of the older stuff from nin and TWE, so I might be gone for a bit
So many dead faces....
Hey Droplet, does ROTY speak in haiku in your forum as well?
Oh, ok sure.
So the mirror cult idea:
LP: vanilla role
LoC: roleblocker
Time: kill-resistant
Darryl: vanilla
nin: roleblocker
???: kill-resistant
Rats thinks that the missing night kill might have come from Time or LoC targeting this last cultist who was kill-resistant. It's possible that he voted for Worthy because they tried to get a no-information kill that night, but the action failed, so Time tried to get rid of him through a lynch instead.
No, he speaks normally. He just doesn't tell me anything about his newfound obsession with speaking in haiku in public.
I mean it's a possibility that nin was on his own, but I just doubt it. His admission seals his eventual fate, which means there should be one other cult member at the very least who wanted to piggyback on this, if nin has already been recruited
Maybe sorian was an insane neutral or something
I mean, Neuro could also have just been a sleepwalker meant to confuse you.
I mean, Neuro could also have just been a sleepwalker meant to confuse you.
My only query is thus: why would Mr. Nin admit that he's insane if he truly were part of an evil team? Was it just poor foresight on his part, was he sent as a patsy by his brethren, or is he insane yet currently unaffiliated?
Why would he erase Sorian
I just don't get it
Maybe neuro was a watcher and watched Fireblend, or a tracker and followed Sorian, but I feel like he would be a little more careful
It could be possible that we lost two town PRs with that move in that case, which would really fucking suck
My only query is thus: why would Mr. Nin admit that he's insane if he truly were part of an evil team? Was it just poor foresight on his part, was he sent as a patsy by his brethren, or is he insane yet currently unaffiliated?
Per Darryl's role text,
Insane roles are Town at first.
nin is helping Town.
You feel a guy who literally erased himself and another player from the game, revealing nothing about either of their roles, would have been careful?
The reason Neuro erased himself and Sorian has always been a "wait after the game is over" question for me. I can't think of any real reason why he would do such a thing without saying anything about it. The fact that you know he took an action on night one is interesting, but by using that last power in the book and giving us no forewarning, I can't believe he was taking a logical action.
Like maybe nin has already been recruited, and because the cult thinks he'll being dying soon (which he will be), and have considered it for a couple days now, they've been acting suspicious of nin and going after him
This makes me look like the biggest hypocrite ever
Anyways, to make it official
VOTE: TheWorthyEdge
You got any reasons for being so suspicious of and aggressive towards nin these past couple of days?
What the fuck, dude? If you kill Rats I'm going to die too.
...uh, no, sorry. If we lynch Rats during the day stage, I'll die.
Yes. He seems too passive and too close to himself. I feel like this is BAD. There are 2 people right now that we know/think are Insane. That's not good. AT ALL. If anything, today has been far more productive for the Cultists than it has been us. They know of 2 people that are Insane. Some of us, I included, think there are already 2 Cultists out there right now. They also know that there is a Romeo and Juliet role out there. Usually what that means is that if one of them is killed at night then they are both killed, and one of them is insane. I feel if one gets recruited the other will not be recruited but turn insane as well. Does that sound good? No. That's 3 people insane right there with 2 already in the Cult. Thinking about it now, and I know this may bite me in the ass, I feel we need to vote Rats off. Therefore we can prevent a recruitment and a possible double kill at night. Rats and Hyper I trust the most in this game so its hard to say that but right now, for me, its Rats or Nin. Also, guys...Insane Drunk...think about that...for one he is sided with the Town but is insane, and apparently doesn't even who he blocks. If he gets recruited OH BOY! There we go. We have a Cult that can recruit and block and possibly do soemthing else if there's a second person already in. Sided with the Town though so he must be okay. /s He's insane. Tomorrow he'll most likely be a Cult and then we will vote for him and get a Cult out but wait! There's still at least one other Insane person. This is how its gonna go if we end up doing what the rest of you are saying.
-Someone dies
-Someone gets recruited
-Kill recruited
-Someone dies
-Someone gets recruited
-Kill recruited
2 Cult are still alive.
If we kill an insane now it'll go like this:
-Someone dies
-Someone gets recruited
-Kill recruited
-Someone dies
-Go for Cult
We have a better chance at killing the rest of the Cult AND we don't end up doing the same thing 2 days in a row.
Just my thoughts. Take it or leave it.
I like you, Hyper.
Swing for the fence, don't play safe.
Blarg would be so proud.
Book users have an option to roleblock.
There's other flavor in the text that can be used to identify book users. Not much, but it's there if we really have to use it.
I always had faith in Ultron and now he's gone. He served us well. Sorry I didn't post all night, I was out all day then I went to sleep.
So if Rats dies then Droplet dies too...? The thing with nin is that he may just be a spanner in the works and trying to sabotage the game and throw us off, he's played around before but now it is a lot more urgent than usual. The Cultists might not adhere to your potential ideas of killing off the "Lovers" or Hyperactivity but if it does happen then it's another big blow for discussion. I'm never gonna let up on Retro though, Ultron is dead, Time is dead now he's the only one who remains who had a very inoffensive neutral-ish play style. But as of right now I won't vote just yet.
I'm here for you guys, no matter what, even if you all want me gone.
There's also the possibility than nin is recruited right now, and he has a partner
Which give us this worst possible scenario
Night 6- Nin does a block, OC (other cultist kills)
Day 7- We kill nin
Night 7- Lovers or I are killed
Day 8- 4 players left, we won't have as much information, so we can't at the very least eliminate one player (btw, this is a bonus if nin hasn't been recruited yet, unless they don't kill the lovers and kill the person who nin cleared, in which case they just gave us an extra lynch, as we'll have 5 players)
Counting for a 5 player day 8, we NEED a no lynch
If we are in a 5 player day 8, lovers still alive, there are two possibilities, one of which is a surefire win
The first is that droplet has the book and the lovers are killed that night. Town loss
The 2nd is that the non lover has the book, and uses the double vote that day. We win.
Either the lovers vote together or its a 1 v 1 where the townie has a double vote.
In either case, if there is a 5 player day 8, everyone must claim book. EVERYONE. There must be a no lynch that day
Now going back to the 4 player day 8, nin has already been recruited, I die tonight, we're in a situation of guesses and reads. Go for the no lynch that day, and book user, don't use the double vote yet.
In fact, forget what I said in my earlier post, never use the double vote that night. Do two no lynches and so we get into a 1 v 1 situation where townie has a duble vote
I better make a fucking spreadsheet for these situations, I'm getting a little confused myself.
You are a Priest of Cthulhu.
You are aligned with the Cult of Cthulhu.
Years of worshipping Cthulhu turned you insane. But your sanity was a small price to pay for the gifts Cthulhu granted you. You used your powers to sink the cruise ship you spotted on the horizon. Somehow a small group of passengers survived and made it to your island. In the chaos your cult managed to infiltrate them. It will be easy to sacrifice them one by one.
[redacted]. Each night phase, one of the Cult of Cthulhu-aligned players may kill/turn insane (depending on Cthulhus mood) one of the other players by PMing me the command SACRIFICE: playername. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM. You may also communicate with your partners at the Quickboard found here.
Worshipping the Great Cthulhu granted you some knowledge in magic.
You can use your magic to make a another player fall in a state of deep sleep, preventing them from using actions during the night phase. To do so, private message me the command SLEEP: Playername. Some players may be immune to your magic. Should you use SLEEP: Playername on such a player, there may be further consequences.
You win when only Cult of Cthulhu-aligned players remain.
I looked at Timeasis and loC ability's again. They send out their kill action out as a team. If we killed Timeasis before Killing LoC, he could have used 2 abilities in one night. Saying he still could Have easily blocked someone aswell as kill someone else. We should keep that in mind.
Each night phase, one of the Cult of Cthulhu-aligned players may kill/turn insane (depending on Cthulhus mood) one of the other players by PMing me the command SACRIFICE: playername. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM.
? had me worried for a second
Btw, you have anything to add, anymore info?
I think that highlighted part only means that if a person who can put someone to sleep only can send out a command to put someone to sleep and so on. But the thing is that sacrifice command is a group thing whereas the sleep command aa single person command is. Saying that if there is only one person left in that group he could send out a group command and a single. Command. That's how I read it.
It wouldn't surprise me if Retro ends up being our last cultist. It's likely one of the other 5 players (excluding the lovers, nin1000, and I).IF you're in the decision making role and you think you have enough evidence, go for it. Heck, we haven't even decided who we go for tonight
I have no real solid evidence or anything it's just that they've always seemingly gone under the radar, two of them are now out of the game and had VERY important roles so that is 2 out of 3 for me. Btw how is it we know who the book user is, are they just to come forward with it or?
Good, we'll need it
We'll really need it
Conserve each scrap of information about the book, previous book holders, and reveal only so much is necessary, current book holders
Later on during this day phase, not right now, I think you maybe should reveal yourself with that info. In the scenario where lovers die tonight, you'll be the link to confirm the next book holder, and so on.
I'm still trying to run through the possibilities (what's nice is quite a few of them have the same end scenario), but one thing is for certain. In a down to the wire scneario, we NEED active players
VOTE: johnnyquicknives
We NEED active players for the end, and for the next two nights, the lovers, the book user, and I will likely be the possible targets. Retro, TWE, GreatCharleston, ScraftyDevil, and you are the ones I can most easily see getting through to the end without a night kill
I'm sorry to say, but I can't fully trust you to become active by then. Today is the last "free" lynch we get. From here on out, it's nin1000, and then no lynches or the cultist.