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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread



PC got the SP demo
X360 got the Beta
PS3 got 2X xp points

fair enough

even on 360 the xp points seemed to advance too fast, I got to level 17 in 2 days, so I don't care about this

btw I love how most of the maps are based on the campaign I wish more devs do this, H3 had some nice sections that could be used for MP


2x XP should make up for the levels i dropped when the servers were buggered.
anywho i've had a good go i'm level 24 now so just a few things, why can't IW have a control scheme like resistance's setup totaly interchangable.
a mute button for the morons who insist on talking shit all the way through the match, there was some guy having a phone convo last night while playing the damn game.
fix the reliability of the servers the amount of times i have had the match go tits up it's not funny anymore.

and where the hell is my SA-80??


I finished all the missions on veteran last night save for Mile High Club. I had trouble with it on hardened and on veteran its pretty ridiculous.
Gonna have to see if I can find some tips online.

No Fighting on the War room was stupidly hard on veteran, glitchy checkpoints, infinite respawns and flawless shooting by the enemy = exercise in frustration.


pr0cs said:
I finished all the missions on veteran last night save for Mile High Club. I had trouble with it on hardened and on veteran its pretty ridiculous.
Gonna have to see if I can find some tips online.

No Fighting on the War room was stupidly hard on veteran, glitchy checkpoints, infinite respawns and flawless shooting by the enemy = exercise in frustration.

Finally finished Mile High Club on Veteran today, jesus fucking christ I've never gotten so pissed off before. There are some youtube videos up showing some tips but the best thing I found was good use of my flashbangs and don't be stingy. Once you get upstairs and pass the 1st room of baddies there are more flashbangs on the counter.

I used flashbang on the first area, move to the left of the next area while crouched and chuck another flashbang, once airplane blows open, move up and throw another flashbang for the punks running down the stairs. Go to the stairs, take a right and another flashbang so it lands in that room. Once cleared the next area has more flashbangs. Then quickly grab those and start chucking.


ARGH!!!!!! goddamn veteran mode!!!!! i can't get past the TV station part, theres no good places to hide and when i do find somwhere about 5 grenades follow me in there and i start running into walls to escape :lol
Foster said:
ARGH!!!!!! goddamn veteran mode!!!!! i can't get past the TV station part, theres no good places to hide and when i do find somwhere about 5 grenades follow me in there and i start running into walls to escape :lol
Check the last page. I posted a strategy that worked for me and apparently for another person.
I can't believe the double honor thing is only on the PS3. I was planning on playing a lot of CoD4 this weekend for the double honor thing but...Since 360 doesn't have it I'll likely finish Bioshock on Hard without using Vita-Chambers and then maybe finally pick up Mass Effect.


Double honour for which BG this weekend again? I hope it's Alterac, alliance rolls that shit. Oh wait, I double XP, my mistake. :lol I love how COD4 managed to incorporate so many MMO-style elements into the MP and still made it all work.


Anyone else having a very choppy multiplayer for PC (Steam)?

I run SP just fine with cranked settings, but when I switch to MP even the menus run like shit.

Intel E6850 OC'ed to 3.2 ghz
640MB 8800 GTS
2GB DDR2 ram

Patching to latest nvidia drivers now, but I was only a build or two behind the previous drivers and the latest were released back in early Nov anyway so /shrug.

Not sure what CoD game version is, would think it's updated to latest as it's set to on Steam.

Edit: mfer, it was the nvidia patch :lol


Still not getting anything in matchmaking, but I managed to get in a couple of games with Drew and co. Hot damn, they are good.
RSTEIN said:
o man so fuckin drunk right niow is call of duty working
:lol :lol !!!:lol :lol

I've been playing ALOT lately (Multiplayer). I know I should be studying for my finals, but damn this game is so damn fun and addicting as crack.

If ya wanna add me. PSN: LabombadogIGN


ThirstyFly said:
They seriously need to add a mute function already. I'm pretty bad at the game and want to play more to get better and earn more perks, but 90% of the time I end up in a game with someone that insists on playing music over their mic non-stop for the entire match. I find it very annoying (as well as distracting) and it turns me off the game right away. Then it's such a pain in the ass to find another game thanks to the match making, so I just stop playing.

And if it's not music, it's someone talking trash and swearing constantly. I've put in about 4 hours so far, and I don't think I've heard anyone use the mic for a useful purpose yet.

Seriously, who the hell would think everyone would want to listen to their choice in music for an entire match in a game where sound is very important? What a bunch of ignorant jerks.

No, I don't want to listen to R&B or Vanilla Ice while I play. Thank you very much.

Vanilla Ice while playing CoD4? Well, that's serious shit :D

As for mute - just plug-in the headset in controller, turn off you mic and turn-down the volume on speaker. Leave the headset plugged-in and - voila. No more idiotz in yer earz, period.
Wow, received my copy yesterday and played 8 hours with some smaller brakes. :D

The Tschernobyl-level is one of the most exciting and beautiful level I've ever played.
amar212 said:
Vanilla Ice while playing CoD4? Well, that's serious shit :D

As for mute - just plug-in the headset in controller, turn off you mic and turn-down the volume on speaker. Leave the headset plugged-in and - voila. No more idiotz in yer earz, period.

Yeah, first thing I heard when the game went up was Ice Ice Baby :(

Sadly, I can't do that to mute the idiots. I'm on PSN and I don't have a headset.

I did manage to go two days without running into someone playing shitty music nonstop though, yay me!

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Can I get some advice on the part where you have to get to the helicopter from the farm by a certain time limit? I am having absolutely no progression on Veteran. I haven't even been able to get down the hill. :(


Comics, serious business!
Hi guys :D I'm sober! :lol

I tried switching it up a bit to mixed results. I always go with my tried and true M14 w double tap/deep impact. After trying out the M4 for a couple of games, I got the red dot for it. I dunno. It's producing mixed results so far - my k/d ratio worse. I feel like I have to run into the action whereas with my M14 I think about my routes a bit more. I think I'm gonna switch back to the M14.
ICallItFutile said:
Can I get some advice on the part where you have to get to the helicopter from the farm by a certain time limit? I am having absolutely no progression on Veteran. I haven't even been able to get down the hill. :(
Yeah, that one takes a bit of luck. Keep your sniper handy and don't forget that you have air strikes. I just kept running like a madman until I'd get a new checkpoint.
RSTEIN said:
Hi guys :D I'm sober! :lol

I tried switching it up a bit to mixed results. I always go with my tried and true M14 w double tap/deep impact. After trying out the M4 for a couple of games, I got the red dot for it. I dunno. It's producing mixed results so far - my k/d ratio worse. I feel like I have to run into the action whereas with my M14 I think about my routes a bit more. I think I'm gonna switch back to the M14.

Does double tap with the M14 work? Doesn't the M14 just shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger? A rate of fire increase wouldn't suddenly make it better unless it shot out two bullets each time you pulled the trigger or something right?


Double XP Weekend starts Friday at 10AM and finishes Monday at 10AM.

From Planet Call of Duty:

PlayStation 3 owners - listen up if you want to rank up faster in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Starts: Friday Dec 7th at 10 AM (PST)

Ends: Monday Dec 10th at 10 AM (PST)

Details: We're kicking off a double XP weekend exclusively on the PS3 starting on Friday and lasting till Monday morning. Play at anytime starting at 10 am (PST) through Monday at 10 am (PST) and you'll earn double the XP in every game type. Rank up higher, unlock more all weekend long!

This is a special limited time deal, so get in there and rank up while the double XP lasts, as come Monday morning it's back to normal XP. See you online!

Definitely take advantage of this and beat down on all of those who didn't!
Ok I've reached lvl 55 and it's prestige mode time. My kill to death ratio is more important to me than it probably should be. I'll definitely miss my bandoleer but I can deal with less ammo. What I'm really worried about is losing my dot site for my M16. My question is will I open the M16 dot site as quickly in prestige mode as I did originally or are the numbers increased? Is the XP required to move through the ranks in prestige mode a continuation of where I left off at 55 or is the XP required to move from level 1 - 2 the same as it was the first time through?

Sorry in advance if these question have already been asked.

What a shame that the Double XP weekend isn't extended to the Xbox 360 for obvious selfish reasons.


Felix Lighter said:
Ok I've reached lvl 55 and it's prestige mode time. My kill to death ratio is more important to me than it probably should be. I'll definitely miss my bandoleer but I can deal with less ammo. What I'm really worried about is losing my dot site for my M16. My question is will I open the M16 dot site as quickly in prestige mode as I did originally or are the numbers increased? Is the XP required to move through the ranks in prestige mode a continuation of where I left off at 55 or is the XP required to move from level 1 - 2 the same as it was the first time through?

Sorry in advance if these question have already been asked.

What a shame that the Double XP weekend isn't extended to the Xbox 360 for obvious selfish reasons.
Entering prestige mode is basically starting over, so the xp requirements are the same as your first time through


The XP requirements for leveling up from 1-2 and so on remain the same in Prestige Mode as it did the first time around. If anything, you'll probably level up much faster now that you (hopefully) have improved your skill. When I did Prestige Mode for the first time, I think I went up to level 5 or 6 in the first match.

*Edit* Beaten!
evolution said:
Entering prestige mode is basically starting over, so the xp requirements are the same as your first time through

rcua1884 said:
The XP requirements for leveling up from 1-2 and so on remain the same in Prestige Mode as it did the first time around. If anything, you'll probably level up much faster now that you (hopefully) have improved your skill. When I did Prestige Mode for the first time, I think I went up to level 5 or 6 in the first match.

*Edit* Beaten!

Thanks guys...

I know no one actually cares but I'm going to go ahead and brag anyways... My k/d ratio is 2.11 over 5000 kills in about 1day 6hrs of game time (not sure about the exact kill count and game time because I'm at work and can't look at the numbers). I'm sure it's not the highest but I'm proud of it.


As someone who plays on gamebattles.com and is competitive, the ebst setup is;

m16 or m14 :\ The 3 shot burst one
Red Dot
Stopping Power
Extreme Conditioning

I snipe and run n gun with this setup. My clan uses the same setup with minor tuning(claymores/rocketlauncher for heli's/etc).

Our clans k/d ranges from 2.6 to 3.8 I started @ a 1.5 and now @ a 2.6 with only 2days of playtime and its rising.


Comics, serious business!
PedroLumpy said:
Does double tap with the M14 work? Doesn't the M14 just shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger? A rate of fire increase wouldn't suddenly make it better unless it shot out two bullets each time you pulled the trigger or something right?

sorry, I meant M16!
oneHeero said:
As someone who plays on gamebattles.com and is competitive, the ebst setup is;

m16 or m14 :\ The 3 shot burst one
Red Dot
Stopping Power
Extreme Conditioning

I snipe and run n gun with this setup. My clan uses the same setup with minor tuning(claymores/rocketlauncher for heli's/etc).

Our clans k/d ranges from 2.6 to 3.8 I started @ a 1.5 and now @ a 2.6 with only 2days of playtime and its rising.

I use
Red Dot site
Stopping Power
Deep Impact

I can see the benefit of Fragx3 but I bitch so much about grenade spamming that it wouldn't feel morally right to use it :p and Bandoleer keeps those killing streaks going!

Deep Impact has come in handy too much for me to abandon it for Extreme Conditioning, which I did use for a while.


So, IW, is this shit going to continue on a weekly basis? I'm talking about the issue that's plaguing COD 4 on live today. No games are starting, 0-15 in trying to start games. This was the same issue last week around the same time. What gives?
Treo360 said:
So, IW, is this shit going to continue on a weekly basis? I'm talking about the issue that's plaguing COD 4 on live today. No games are starting, 0-15 in trying to start games. This was the same issue last week around the same time. What gives?

I didn't have those problems.


Comics, serious business!
Treo360 said:
So, IW, is this shit going to continue on a weekly basis? I'm talking about the issue that's plaguing COD 4 on live today. No games are starting, 0-15 in trying to start games. This was the same issue last week around the same time. What gives?

This issue is no longer a problem for me.


Felix Lighter said:
I use
Red Dot site
Stopping Power
Deep Impact

I can see the benefit of Fragx3 but I bitch so much about grenade spamming that it wouldn't feel morally right to use it :p and Bandoleer keeps those killing streaks going!

Deep Impact has come in handy too much for me to abandon it for Extreme Conditioning, which I did use for a while.
I tried Bandolier a few times, but I love my 3 frags, I do spam them but not blindly. I know where I am throwing them or banking them.

I hate Deep Impact, I can NEVER EVER kill anyone with it, yet I always die to it. I have banned it from my perks.

On the bandolier for streak purposes, well when I'm close to out of ammo, I start looking for a CQB gun and just pick it up and go from there. Long streaks are great but it sucks cuz you dont get anything past 7kills. So I'll go for 10-15 streaks and go out grab a new CQB gun and if I die, I die, I get to restart and get air strike/heli's.
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