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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


Hey folks, I am told the problem we had with stats saving over the weekend was fixed with a server side update Sunday afternoon. If anyone's still getting any issues, please let me know ASAP. Nothing's worse than thinking something is fixed when people are still hosed.


Calen said:
Hey folks, I am told the problem we had with stats saving over the weekend was fixed with a server side update Sunday afternoon. If anyone's still getting any issues, please let me know ASAP. Nothing's worse than thinking something is fixed when people are still hosed.

How come when I try to join a game on the 360, it won't let me? After 10 tries, finally it tells me I'm not signed into Live and I have to sign back in. After I do, it works right away and keeps working. So I can still play, but I have to go through that ordeal for five minutes beforehand.

I'm assuming the problem is with CoD4 because that's the only time I experience it...


I'd like to recommend an extremely useful Custom Class for games primarily on Downpour, District, Crash, Backlot or any other map with a lot of close to medium range combat and plenty of alleys or corners to dodge in and out of.

Skorpion [with red dot]
- Sleight of Hand
- Steady Aim
- Bandolier or Three Special Grenades

With this class, they key is speed and movement. I'm always sprinting around the map, throwing stun or flash grenades, and then bursting around corners shooting enemy faces off. The special grenade or grenades are the key to using this class. If you can stun an enemy or a group of enemies, you can easily strafe around them and kill multiple people with one clip -- if not, it takes less than a second to reload with Sleight of Hand. I seriously recommend using this class for anyone who feels comfortable trying something new. Before I used the Skorpion, I thought it was a useless piece of shit, but I swear to god I've unleashed it's true potential.

For anyone that it just starting to play this game, here are a few of my other recommendations for custom classes.

M16 with red dot (red dot is extremely important)
- Stopping Power
- Steady Aim or Deep Impact (I prefer Steady Aim since you can already shoot through walls even without Deep Impact)
- Whatever (I use either Three Special Grenades or Bandolier, but you won't unlock that until a very high level)

RPD with Grip (the iron sights on the RPD are incredibly good -- just use the red dot until you unlock the grip)
- Stopping Power
- Steady Aim
- Grip replaces the other perk

Again, use that Skorpion class for anyone who's high level enough to have all those perks. Trust me.
RSTEIN said:
Yes but there has got to be a balance. They put sniper rifles in the game for a reason. You cannot make a military game with real-world weapons and not have the sniper rifles work as they should. Fine, CoD is a bit more arcadey than R6:V. I'm not expecting them to model the recoil/fire rate/reload time perfectly. But there has to be a middle ground. I love sniping in games. It's very rewarding. I also love hunting snipers when I'm not a sniper. The M16 is simply too accurate/too powerful and the sniper rifles too inaccurate/not powerful enough. It's that simple.

Im having this problem. Im using the .50 cal sniper rifle and getting chest shots, and not killing my target, then he pulls out his m16, pulls off two bursts and im dead. I want to get the sniper rewards, but sometimes its too aggravating trying to get kills.


DeathWasHere said:
Does the PS3 version have split screen local lan (4 vs. 4 on 2 PS3s) similar to warhawk?


Yeah, it has local LAN play b/w two PS3s. The only thing missing is being able to play on PSN with multiple players, but thats not available in either version of the game...


Comics, serious business!
gamerecks said:
Im having this problem. Im using the .50 cal sniper rifle and getting chest shots, and not killing my target, then he pulls out his m16, pulls off two bursts and im dead. I want to get the sniper rewards, but sometimes its too aggravating trying to get kills.

Yup. I've given up on the sniper challenges. It's too damn frustrating and I don't want to screw it up for my team (not to mention ruin my k/d stats). To make it worse, not only does it take like 2-3 shots but you also have to hold your breath!

Take the Bog map, for example. I can see a guy across the map with just my red dot sight. I can smoke him with two-four shots in 2-3 seconds and he's down. With my sniper rifle I have to zoom in, hold my breath, then get off 2-3 shots while he's moving. Plus, while I'm trying to aim I set myself up as someone else's easy kill. It's just not worth it.

Anyways, I've cried enough about this. I'm just hoping for a patch. It's still the best multiplayer game this gen tho :D


It only takes 1 shot with a sniper rifle (with stopping power) unless that guy has juggernaut. Are you guys walking around with the sniper or sticking to 1 spot?


Comics, serious business!
oo Kosma oo said:
It only takes 1 shot with a sniper rifle (with stopping power) unless that guy has juggernaut. Are you guys walking around with the sniper or sticking to 1 spot?

One spot. Which sniper rifle do you use?


Well, I got the game late last week and played one night until 3:30am. At first I hated the level up system, but I realized that it kept me from getting frustrated and playing for something until I was good enough to hold my own.

Current favorite:

-M16 w/ double tap and red dot

I don't like the ACOG on anything, it limits your view way too much and puts you in danger more than it helps. I also am not a big fan of martyrdom, but you better believe I'm using it.
Exarchos said:
I'd like to recommend an extremely useful Custom Class for games primarily on Downpour, District, Crash, Backlot or any other map with a lot of close to medium range combat and plenty of alleys or corners to dodge in and out of.

Skorpion [with red dot]
- Sleight of Hand
- Steady Aim
- Bandolier or Three Special Grenades


I tried it didnt like it(even though I came in second in a FFA). You really dont need slight of hand cause it doesnt take to long to reload. Steady Aim also seems to be more useful when using the shotgun. I would go with something like....

Stopping Power

I think its your strategy of moving quickly through the map thats gotten you the wins not the setup. Since I tried yours you should try mine. I think you will see a difference.


oo Kosma oo said:
It only takes 1 shot with a sniper rifle (with stopping power) unless that guy has juggernaut.
After more play with the sniper rifles I've come to be pretty happy with their balancing - one body shot with the first sniper rifle + stopping power is enough to kill somebody that doesn't have juggernaut, and a headshot will kill them if they do. Stationary targets are easy to pick off, but you've got to lead dudes that are moving, and targets zig-zag sprinting from cover to cover are basically impossible to hit.

My problem is still with the long range accuracy of the other weapons, and particularly with the assault rifles. Like I've said earlier in the thread, the assault rifles are 90% as good as the sniper rifles at long range — if you can kill somebody with the sniper rifle, they are going to be able to kill you too, even equipped with only an M16 — but do not have any of the drawbacks of the sniper rifles at mid to short range. The LMGs are almost as bad, and I've seen some insanity pulled off with the higher-level SMGs, too.

Extreeeeme example: I was sniping from the two rooms in the building at the top of Crossfire (the one you can access via stairs or the ladder through a side window). I hit a guy sitting on the rubble pile at the bottom of the map. He goes into Last Stand and, firing across the length of the entire map, kills me with his Deagle. That shit is not right.


xbhaskarx said:
How come when I try to join a game on the 360, it won't let me? After 10 tries, finally it tells me I'm not signed into Live and I have to sign back in. After I do, it works right away and keeps working. So I can still play, but I have to go through that ordeal for five minutes beforehand.

I'm assuming the problem is with CoD4 because that's the only time I experience it...
This sounds more like your network setup. I had a similar problem until I bared down and bothered to configure my router.

I used this guide, since then I've not had any problems with connecting to any non-buggy Live game:



zenbot said:
Extreeeeme example: I was sniping from the two rooms in the building at the top of Crossfire (the one you can access via stairs or the ladder through a side window). I hit a guy sitting on the rubble pile at the bottom of the map. He goes into Last Stand and, firing across the length of the entire map, kills me with his Deagle. That shit is not right.

That is pretty extreme.


oo Kosma oo said:
ACOG is the most worthless thing in the game, it really stands out because everything else is a viable option.
I see plenty of people using it, though. Usually the tards who sit around sniping all the time - I've seen people with that perk for two primary weapons where one is a sniper rifle and the other is an SMG/AR with the ACOG. I don't see the attraction either.


My favourite class combinations so far:

Shipment / Vacant Shotgun Whoring
* M1014 + grip
* Juggernaut
* Martyrdom

* M40A3 / R700 (haven't unlocked the 50 cal. yet)
* Stopping Power
* Deep Impact

I trot this out in any map I know I can get good sightlines on, heh. Crossfire is probably my favourite map for sniping; plenty of places with cover that you can entrench yourself in.

* G36C + silencer (not a fan of the gun, but I need to beat its challenges, heh)
* Extra frags
* UAV Jammer
* Deadly Footsteps

For general-purpose fun; you don't realise how heavily people rely on their UAV until you remove yourself from it :lol. Probably my finest moment was clearing a top-story room in which three snipers had dug themselves in (no claymores guarding the way in, for shame). The first two didn't know what was going on, and I dropped the third as he was turning around. I'm amazed at how often I found myself coming upon scrums of unsuspecting enemies. Good stuff.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I want to say right off, I LOVE CoD4's multiplayer. For me it is right up there with Counter Strike, my favorite MP of all time. My problem with the game though is the single player.

I can't STAND the fact in order to progress in the levels you can't just shoot all the enemies. Why did they think it'd be a good idea to have the enemies keep re-spawning until you move to certain locations? It's so stupid to be able to stand somewhere, kill an enemy, watch a new one pop out that stands in the SAME EXACT spot the last one did. Why couldn't they just set a certain number of enemies per spots? The enemy AI also sometimes like to run straight at you, but it doesn't happen to much so I'm willing to let it slide.

The presentation of the game is phenomenal, one of the best so far this gen. Although I'm not done with the single player yet, my favorite part by far has been
Paul Jackson saving the pilot, the plane crashing, and then his death.
I really wish the single player had the epic feeling every mutliplayer match I've been in has. Team matches actually feel like team matches (unlike Halo 3).


Just completed this game and WOW, one of the best Single player experiences I've had. The part with
the nuke and Jackson dieing was just epic and i also LOVED the flashback scene, really good stealthy bits followed by chaos
. The whole game was just fantastic, really well done. The ending was great and really well done,
it was also a non cliche ending because most of the main good guys died. The part after the credits was also a nice little surprise and i loved playing as the SAS.

Bring on COD5! but only if infinity ward are doing it as they are purely AMAZING!! Activision
do the right thing and get infinity ward to do it. They will do the job right and we can expect a brilliant single player and even better multiplayer experience and on that note, im off to play some multiplayer :D

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So how big is the difficulty gap between Veteran and Hardened? I just bought COD4 (fucking love it, btw) and I'm starting my first playthrough on Hardened. I'm on the mission
after the AC-130 gunship one

I just want to get a feel for what I'm going to expect when I play Veteran.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Vyse The Legend said:
Double tap might be more invaluable, then. The M16 is still pretty damn formidable without Stopping Power.

When I thought the M16 couldn't get more godly, I added Double Tap and was proven wrong.


Comics, serious business!
Vyse The Legend said:
Double tap might be more invaluable, then. The M16 is still pretty damn formidable without Stopping Power.

Yeah, I dunno. I don't think it really matters. I think I'll stick with double tap & deep impact. I get the same score, regardless. If I'm allowed to beat my own chest for a second, I'm really, really good at this game for some reason. I've always been good at shooters but I've never pwned like I do at this game... like 36-9, 26-10, etc. etc. I dunno, I can't figure it out. I'm sure I'll revert to the mean sooner or later :D
oo Kosma oo said:
It only takes 1 shot with a sniper rifle (with stopping power) unless that guy has juggernaut. Are you guys walking around with the sniper or sticking to 1 spot?

Lag and latency most of the time render the sniper rifles useless for me. I'll get like 3 headshots consecutively without them actually registering as hits.


My sniper setup is dragonov + stopping power, and unless it's a headshot it's never a one-hit kill for me, which is too bad since I'm a terrible sniper and getting one hit on somebody is a miracle in and of itself


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
RSTEIN said:
Yeah, I dunno. I don't think it really matters. I think I'll stick with double tap & deep impact. I get the same score, regardless. If I'm allowed to beat my own chest for a second, I'm really, really good at this game for some reason. I've always been good at shooters but I've never pwned like I do at this game... like 36-9, 26-10, etc. etc. I dunno, I can't figure it out. I'm sure I'll revert to the mean sooner or later :D

I just hit the beginning of the 2nd prestige. I love this damn game. But anywhere here are my 2 cents.

Weapon Preferences:

M16 or G36C if its a medium to long range map
otherwise MP5 or P90

Team Deathmatch:
Perk 1: C4 until you can get Bandolier(sp) [the extra ammunition]
Perk 2: Stopping Power (ALWAYS) Its a necessity.
Perk 3: Steady Aim Unless you're using a sniper.

Search and Destroy:
Perk 1: C4 until Claymore's until 3x Frag
Perk 2: Stopping Power (ALWAYS) Its a necessity.
Perk 3: Steady Aim Unless you're using a sniper.

Edit: Reason for Stopping Power, upon many testing situations with myself and the clan I'm in, it just doesn't matter how fast you can shoot with the m16 or whatever gun, the Stopping Power always wins. If you don't have stopping power and someone throws up Juggernaut, you better pray you walk up behind them and they don't see you because if they have any type of aiming ability you're hosed. With Stopping Power though it doesn't matter if they have Juggs on or not, their going down.

The reasoning behind Steady Aim is that, regardless at some point you're going to be running along and need to quickly gun someone. You won't have time to site up, so you want to be able to HIT the person and KILL the person attacking you. So Steady Aim makes that possible. It truly helps and does wonders.

If you're sniping I have no comment. In my opinion sniping in this game is 80% broken. When I use the .50 cal or any of the other snipers, I hold breathe, put the crosshairs ON YOUR FACE, pull the trigger, wiff. I have no idea why. I had a guy not move for 10+ seconds. I took the 50 cal and went for the HS dead on his nose literally and wiff. So I figured the bullet was dropping so I aimed higher, and higher, nothing. Aimed lower, nothing.

And its not like the sniping is a 1 time thing, its ALWAYS retarded. But then some times they'll be just running along and I'll shoot way behind them and get a head shot. Its just crap weather its in my favor or against. Everything else is amazing though.
I only use 1 custom class that I will never change despite anything.

M16 silenced
Stun Grenade
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Deep Impact

Plenty of ammo to just let loose on guys, I've really gotten pretty good and L-Tapping my M16 and being pretty good at taking guys out in close range without ADS so long as they don't have a semi-auto and get the first shot in (even then I win at times). Smacking people from any kind of range without them knowing where it coming from proves to always be deadly.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Once you blast them it still shows a big red bar around your screen showing them where you are getting nailed from.


ICallItFutile said:
Man the SP has really picked up since the
the stealth sniping part
. Maybe it's better then I've given it credit for.
I can't say that I'm enjoying the SP too much. In a general sense, I've come to dislike how formulaic CoD games are. The whole scripted sequence thing is one issue everyone knows about well enough, but it's the reliance on constant squad and enemy yelling and endless barrage of gunfire which gives every level and setting Infinity Ward's cookie cutter "hey guys, this is supposed to be cool and intense level" design choice. I know I'm in the minority for not liking the flow of the game, but I just don't.

In other words, it's still Call of Duty, through and through. That's fine, but at the same time, I don't get why everyone is glowing over this game so much more over the past CoD games. Other than the multiplayer, I don't see what is so radically different, or what makes this GOTY material. I'm expecting to get crucified for my impressions, but that is just my thoughts as of now.
Regarding the power of snipers/assault rifles:

The main distinction I would like to make is that the game is discernably different between Hardcore and Regular game modes. Hardcore would appear to make weapons far better approximate their real-life counterparts. Some might take issue with this, as the most meager volley from an assault rifle can mean death (again, like real life), but generally I prefer realism to arcade-ism when it comes to tactical military shooters.

Sniping is far more realistic on Hardcore mode (my preferred mode of play). One shot with a Barret, on anything but the outer extremities equals a kill, although I have noticed a few times where shooting through a wall seems to soften the blow. It makes being a sniper far more rewarding, especially considering that the game, outside of the "Last Stand" perk, affords no option for wounding/downing an opponent. On games like GRAW 2, an accurate, but non-fatal sniper shot might at least incapacitate the opposition, without killing him. This creates a balance whereby the sniper is rewarded in some regard for his accuracy by dropping his foe, but he still has to "earn" his kill with a follow up shot before his opponents teammates key in on his position. I think that COD4 would have benefitted greatly from a system like this, even if it were exclusive to sniper rifles.

I would agree that assualt rifles are a bit overpowered/accurate at range for the standard format games, but not offensively so.

Furthermore, I would encourage anyone who has an issue with the weapons to experiment between Hardcore and regular gameplay modes. Playing as much hardcore as I have, I definitely prefer the overall feel of the shooting (including team killing..making you a more selective shooter), minimal HUD, and the stopping power of the weapons. That said, I use the standard modes in spurts in order to sharpen my skills for Hardcore, as the fact that you have to train in on headshots and fire quickly in order to get off multiple rounds really translates into making you a better sniper. As does having to squeeze damn near a whole clip from an AR into a weaving opponent...it makes you a sharper shot in the more slow and steady Hardcore SnD and Deathmatch modes.


Comics, serious business!
Ned Flanders said:
Regarding the power of snipers/assault rifles:

The main distinction I would like to make is that the game is discernably different between Hardcore and Regular game modes. Hardcore would appear to make weapons far better approximate their real-life counterparts. Some might take issue with this, as the most meager volley from an assault rifle can mean death (again, like real life), but generally I prefer realism to arcade-ism when it comes to tactical military shooters.

Great, great point. I'm gonna give hardcore a try.
You make a good point about sniping, Ned. I feel pretty much the same way. When I play hardcore, I'm much more inclined to snipe. I barely do when I play a regular mode.


WinFonda said:
Is there a way to turn off all voice chat on the PS3 version?

Sorry if it's been asked already

Until the patch comes out, I'm not using the headsets... too many guys not speaking English!

I was in this one TDM in a room of 15 other French guys... safe to say, I just muted my TV


Why does everyone say the ACOG scope is worthless? It's really good at mid to long range and you can always rely on hip firing for close range. RDS is only good if you can't fire well from the hip at close range. At medium range, RDS is semi-useful but not as useful as the ACOG. And at long range, the RDS is completely worthless.


pr0cs said:
This sounds more like your network setup. I had a similar problem until I bared down and bothered to configure my router.

I used this guide, since then I've not had any problems with connecting to any non-buggy Live game:


Hmm, I don't have problems with other games, but I followed this and now CoD4 works just fine. Thanks for the help, now I can enjoy CoD4 again.


3 grenades
Stopping power

for all maps and all modes.

i only switch weapon to complete the challenges.

finally pushed my KDR over 2.03 today. still rising.


ElyrionX said:
Why does everyone say the ACOG scope is worthless? It's really good at mid to long range and you can always rely on hip firing for close range. RDS is only good if you can't fire well from the hip at close range. At medium range, RDS is semi-useful but not as useful as the ACOG. And at long range, the RDS is completely worthless.


No, not worthless at all. I've taken out a great many people from afar with my M16 RDS. Sure you're able to see further but your accuracy takes a hit with the ACOG, no such penalty with the RDS.
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