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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread


t4ng0 said:
I always feel like i don't have enough bullets in my clip to take out all the guys in each room(the way most people do it- 1clip=1room of guys)

also, I keep getting stuck on guys that are in last stand. #$&*!

I just did it! After shooting the VIP 2 times and being about as pissed off as possible I finally got up the 3rd time and got the terrorist. I had 8 seconds left when I reached the terrorist, and the youtube video of the guy only using the knife worked wonders. I used my gun of course, but his strategy was a life saver. Now I should be ready for some online multi.


Half these dudes online aren't even good. M16 needs to be weakened or at least have the recoil more pronounced in a patch. GTFO with these 1 shot kills.


calder said:
Did I shoot you yesterday? I was playing the PS3 version and I think I saw your username, but I have no idea if it was you. If so, I apologize. ;(

Man, I played off an on so freaking much yesterday while trying to fulfill my WoW obligations. I went up I think 5 levels or so, but at about 5am I realized how incredibly bad I was playing and finally stopped. I had gotten to that point where I was mostly laying down, watching the TV and not really noticing/caring that I was just walking around dying without even seeing the enemy. :lol

Most likely it was, as my username on PSN is the same as it is on here. I played for a long, probably unhealthy amount of time yesterday.

You shot me? Bastard. :lol


Ciel said:
Half these dudes online aren't even good. M16 needs to be weakened or at least have the recoil more pronounced in a patch. GTFO with these 1 shot kills.

I've used the M16 since day 1. Love it. Have a Kill/Death ratio of 2.10 now.

Now, i've noticed a couple of interesting people while playing our beloved game online. They are:

1. The Boomerang

Using the M60, I stick to keeping my encounters medium-close range. In my many adventures that span buildings and back alleys, there are some people i've come to refer to as boomerangs. Picture this. You're faced with a hallway, and there's an enemy at the end who hasn't seen you. You begin firing your M60, and he quickly takes notice and moves for cover. You keep firing at the same spot, however, and sure enough, after a mere moment, the enemy steps back into your line of fire and gets wasted. Hence, the boomerang. He always comes back.

2. The Ragdoll

This is the guy who dives for the floor after he's been shot once like a diabetic diving for penicillin. Even if he has no idea where you are, one shot makes his knees give out and from there you can do whatever you want to him. A good source of headshots. Watch for Martyrdommers if you're going for a shank, though.

3. Mr. Magoo

This is the guy who you run into around a blind corner, attempts to shank you once, fails, and loses you from sight. When this happens, you can sit back and watch him spin around in circles knifing the air about 6-8 times, hoping to get you by chance. You know when they watch the Killcam they're like "Oh THAT'S where he was..."

4. The Rug / The Slug

I only recently saw the first rug, but oddly enough a bunch of other players followed suit. We were playing a TD on Downpour, and this guy apparently had bad knees or something, because every time one of us found him, he was either prone and uncovered, or crawling and uncovered. By uncovered I mean he wasn't in tall grass or nothing. He was just...there. One of my teammates told us to pour salt on him and see what happens, and we all cracked up. I can only hope the guy had Eavesdrop.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I'm really starting to dislike this game now. Playing on veteran and the enemies are so cheap. They took the road leading extra fast into craptown when deciding how to handle the harder difficulties in this game.


Frillen said:
2. The Ragdoll

This is the guy who dives for the floor after he's been shot once like a diabetic diving for penicillin. Even if he has no idea where you are, one shot makes his knees give out and from there you can do whatever you want to him. A good source of headshots. Watch for Martyrdommers if you're going for a shank, though.

Why would a person who has problems with blood sugar dive for an antibiotic?? Did you mean Insulin, maybe?

Oh and I'm a Mr. Magoo... damn ninja skills...


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Exarchos said:
Well, there's your problem.

I already finished it on regular. It's really the same thing there, just toned down a couple of notches. But the way some soldiers and especially that fucking helicopter can hit you in veteran is unholy considering you die almost instantely. And everybody goes for the player if you step out from your shelter. It's like your "brothers in arms" (the citation is used because they're lazy assholes and always need me to take point) ceases to exist the very moment you go peek-a-boo.


Can someone please confirm whether:

A) You unlock the Gold Desert Eagle on your first time at level 55 (VERY first time, non-prestige, where you have just the 5 silver stars)


B) You unlock the Gold Desert Eagle on your first prestige aka second time through (the gold medal with blue eagle insignia).

I am on my 2nd time through (B) and just now got the Gold Desert Eagle. On my first time at 55 I only unlocked the regular (silver) Desert Eagle. My friend says you get it at the first playthrough once you reach level 55. Who is right?


Sean said:
Can someone please confirm whether:

A) You unlock the Gold Desert Eagle on your first time at level 55 (VERY first time, non-prestige, where you have just the 5 silver stars)


B) You unlock the Gold Desert Eagle on your first prestige aka second time through (the gold medal with blue eagle insignia).

I am on my 2nd time through (B) and just now got the Gold Desert Eagle. On my first time at 55 I only unlocked the regular (silver) Desert Eagle. My friend says you get it at the first playthrough once you reach level 55. Who is right?
I got mine on the first playthrough. In fact, I am still a level 55 five star General and I haven't gone into prestige mode yet.


Sean said:
Can someone please confirm whether:

A) You unlock the Gold Desert Eagle on your first time at level 55 (VERY first time, non-prestige, where you have just the 5 silver stars)


B) You unlock the Gold Desert Eagle on your first prestige aka second time through (the gold medal with blue eagle insignia).

I am on my 2nd time through (B) and just now got the Gold Desert Eagle. On my first time at 55 I only unlocked the regular (silver) Desert Eagle. My friend says you get it at the first playthrough once you reach level 55. Who is right?
You get a Gold Desert Eagle when you reach level 55 in any prestige or when you get your 5 star general.
Ok I've asked this before but I just want to be 100% sure. If I buy the US version of COD4 will the online MP work fine on my PAL PS3? I'm buying it for the multi and I don't want to find myself locked out lof ocal games or any games for that matter. Thanks.


I don't really think it is people skill levels that are lacking at least on maps like shipment. I think about half of my kills and deaths for that matter are based on where people are spawning. Just played a match about two hours ago where I must have gotten 18 kills from people that kept respawning in front of me by the forked crates. I like the game a lot but there are too many times where I am killed/kill someone and they respawn right behind me with in two seconds. I doubt skill plays much of a roll in it. Besides the fact of crazy auto aim and horrible hit detection(can't stand when the kill cam shows me dying to a shot that is a foot off my body).

lvl 51 prestige 1: 1.5 k/d ranked like 4k for kills on ps3(10k kills 6k deaths I think)

That is a lot better than my Halo 3 stats. I had a hard time keeping a 1.0 k/d on that. I don't think I am good...more luck than good. Game is noob but fun.


Various comments, after spending a few weeks playing. This is 360.

First, this game is stupendously badass. I hate tactical shooters, hate modern shooters, hate and hated anything WW2 related, hate CS - I love this game. Great, solid feel, (mostly) great maps, and with a few exceptions (tardyrdom), a great class system. The leveling is fun too, and done in an intelligent manner.


M16 is overpowered - or to be more precise, too accurate over the full burst at long range, and too lethal with Stopping Power. The thing is a goddamned lazer death ray - the fact that you can snipe someone on the opposite side of several maps without much difficulty is just retarded. Snipers have a harder time making those shots. The fact that one trigger pull frequently kills your target at mid range, and usually two suffice at long range if your aim is on is just ridiculous. Its only real weakness is close range, but its absurd power at mid and long range is crazy in comparison to the effort you need to expend to get similar killshots with any other AR or sniper rifle.

The P90 is a tard cannon bullet hose. Get P90, hold fire, rack up kills, hurrrrrrrr. I have to work way harder with any other SMG to fight effectively, the P90s huge clip, relatively quick reload, solid effectiveness at medium range, and lethality at close range makes it stupidly superior to the other SMGs.

The knife, does, unfortunately, suffer badly from prediction lag. In Team Tactical, it's great, but any of the larger games and it starts to suffer, especially if anyone has a bad connection. I've seen and experienced some very frustrating knife misses, some of which even look moronic from killcams. This happens with bullets too, it's just more noticable by far when you sneak up on someone, lunge, somehow miss their back, and they turn and shoot you.

Other than those few standouts, to my considerable amazement, I don't really have any other significant complaints - I cycle through various weapons, sometimes based on map or gametype, sometimes based on personal preference. If you take a look at the weapon stats from the data files in the PC version, you can see that most weapons within a given class actually have similar damage characteristics, the differences tend to be fairly subtle, everything from muzzle flash and sound to slight rate of fire or recoil differences.


Tardyrdom is the worst idea in the history of fps gaming. Let's reward people for sucking! Let's weaken knifing and close range combat! Both dangerous, and both, in theory, rewarding you for flanking or outsmarting your target. Not so in COD's world of explosive corpses.

Whatever they do, I hope it gets nerfed. No trigger on knife, headshot, or explosion, and possibly requiring a frag grenade to actually activate would help. It is the worst damn perk in the game, and it makes HQ nearly unbearable. Few things are more frustrating than guarding an HQ or cap point in Domination, killing someone who runs in like an idiot, and dying to their grenade because you're parked in a corner or you hitch up on a piece of geometry trying to dodge it/step on it to toss it away. Or the always popular teammate-kills-martyr-you-run-around-corner-into-exploding-body gimmick. That one's a real crowd pleaser. Or the extra fun run-from-tard-grenade-into-certain-death. Or the super extra fun run-from-tard-grenade-into-second-tard-grenade.

I swear they put Martyrdom in solely to break up peoples kill streaks. I've learned to cope with it, but it has pushed me away from SMG/shotgun/flanking/close range combat, which sucks ass, because that's my preferred combat style. It's harder and more rewarding than fighting at a distance with the various ARs (though they're still fun of course), but the omnipresence of matyrdom makes it even more difficult and dangerous than it already is.

Last stand is a joke. In comparison to Martyrdom it's just embarassing. One slight fix would be to give the +10 (or whatevr player kill score is in the current gametype) immediately on killing a Last Stand player - otherwise, nearly all players will either keep shooting, or duck out of sight, then back in to finish you, because they're tuned to the +10 and know when you actually died, or dropped into Last Stand, even if they didn't see you actually fall to the ground into the shooting pose.

Eavesdrop is a worse joke, completely pointless, unless you want to occasionally, once in awhile, listen to the enemy team cuss and swear.

Maps and game modes:

Wetworks is awful. It's vaguely tolerable in TDM, barely in Sabotage, godawful in Dom and HQ.

Showdown is pretty dreadful. Horrid connectivity, and downright annoying in HQ or Dom.

Shipment ('box' :p) grew on me. It's a hilarious, stupid map, but it's fun to blow off some steam, and it doesn't show up in any rotation very often.

The rest are generally great throughout, though some of them do have some placement issues with bomb targets in S&D or Sabotage. I've played some horrid, grinding games of Sabotage due to the bomb placement and spawn location, similarly, some S&D map layouts seem to greatly favor offense or defense. I generally avoid the CS crap mode though, so that's not much of a bother, and Sabotage is fun otherwise :p

Speaking of HQ, there's something whack with the positioning of the HQ. While I'm guessing it's either completely random, or attempts to spawn with some intelligence (either close or far from the winning team, near or away from players, etc), I've seen some horrendously stupid spawns that often reward a team for dying completely, as they spawn atop its next position, or in some cases, continually spawn by the winning team, resulting in the super fun 250-0 shutout games.

OMG SHUT UP, and other random complaints

Can we please get an option to mute the other team/mute players not on your friend list? sometimes its tolerable, rarely its good, most of the time the chatter is completely godawful.

Stats are stupid. One blanket accuracy figure? How useless is that? Should be done per weapon, if anything. Similarly, k/d ratio is a pointless epeen measure. It's going to be dictated largely by what game modes you play.

Grenade spam is horrible in certain modes. 3x Frag is an awful perk when half the enemy team is using it to fling an unending stream of grenades at an HQ spawn :/ Bonus points for Sonic Boom and Tardyrdom tacked up for maximum retardation.

The uav/airstrike/heli behavior is sort of... dumb. There's no reason whatsoever to trigger a heli when you earn it. My first action upon acquiring a heli (unless I'm in a critical position) is to rush the nearest enemy cluster and get myself killed. Respawn, trigger heli -> UAV -> airstrike -> repeat. Not uncommon to get at least 2 and often 3x helis per round once you get into a rhythm, and far, far more devastating to the enemy team than simply triggering it immediately and going for a pointless kill streak (I'd do so if I could get map length carpet bombing or artillery bombardment at ~15 kills :p)

That's all off the top of my head. I really do love this game, and combined with the ease of matchmaking and playing with my friends, it has anchored itself as one of my favorites. I expect I'll be playing this for quite some time.


Halvie said:
I don't really think it is people skill levels that are lacking at least on maps like shipment.
Luckily, there is only one map like Shipment.

And if the kills were really so non-skill based, you'd see most people having a ~1.00 k/d ratio. ;)


Ciel said:
Half these dudes online aren't even good. M16 needs to be weakened or at least have the recoil more pronounced in a patch. GTFO with these 1 shot kills.

M16 is fine the way it is. Sometimes you can kill the guy with one burst, but not always. If M16 should be nerfed, then so should the most of the smgs.


Well realistically wouldn't an smg tear up someone using a m16 close quarter? I am not certain but I would assume I wouldn't be dead from one shot to the knee with a m16. P90 is pretty cheap too, but not m16 cheap.


After I finished the campaign I decided to hop online. I have an outstanding 120 kills and 200 deaths so far in team deathmatch! :lol I think it will take me a good chunk of time to feel out the online gameplay, my k/d ratio is much better in Gears/Halo compared to COD 4 up to this point. The multi is really good stuff though, the level system and gaining different attributes really sets the game apart for me. They also did a good job with the matchmaking, I'd love to see some Xbox live stats and find out if this game is getting more playtime than Halo 3 right now. I think the multi will last longer on COD 4, it feels more fresh to me than Halo 3 and it's fun as hell.

Maybe I'll see you boys online so I can get stomped<----a lowly level 10 after one night.


Halvie said:
Well realistically wouldn't an smg tear up someone using a m16 close quarter? I am not certain but I would assume I wouldn't be dead from one shot to the knee with a m16. P90 is pretty cheap too, but not m16 cheap.

In CoD4, any smg would beat out the m16 in close quarters. M16 doesn't kill you with 1 shot to the knee either.


Thats funny cause it has happened to me probably close to five hundred times now. M16 is the cheapest piece of shit. It is the weakest assault rife yet the most deadly...go figure.

edit: unless the kill cam isn't correctly showing how the shot landed. And even worse than being one shotted in the knee is being one shotted without actually being hit. Another great feature.


Mugen said:
In CoD4, any smg would beat out the m16 in close quarters. M16 doesn't kill you with 1 shot to the knee either.
Exactly, if someone with an M16 kills you in one shot it means they hit you in the head.


watch the kill cam then cause you can get one shotted in the leg. I have 6k deaths.... I have seen far too many cheap ass m16 deaths that aren't head shots.


M16 is too dam powerful, with SMGs you still need to get close enough to make it effective but M16 can kill you from a mile away, with one single burst if you have stopping power.


Halvie said:
watch the kill cam then cause you can get one shotted in the leg. I have 6k deaths.... I have seen far too many cheap ass m16 deaths that aren't head shots.

You do not die from one shot in the leg with M16. M16 is a good gun, but not cheap. There are a lot of guns you can get very easy kills with. Who keeps saying you can with 1 burst from a miles away. You can only kill with one burst if you have stopping power and if you get a very good shot in close to medium range. Long range, most of the time it takes at least 2 burst.


ok so either you can't read or I can't see because one of us is wrong. No kidding stopping power. 95% of the time its either rapid fire or stopping power for an m16.


he's Virgin Tight™
I don't think I've ever played on Shipment. I really have no clue what that map is. It hasn't appeared ever for me in TD, FFA, TH, Ground Wars or Cage Match, which are the modes I play. What gives? I really wanna see what this "wonderful" Shipment map is.

Mind you, I have been playing for over one month now, Prestige 1 at Ll32 and I am in the 100,000 top ranked players :)lol :lol :lol ), and I have never, EVER played on Shipment.


Halvie said:
ok so either you can't read or I can't see because one of us is wrong. No kidding stopping power. 95% of the time its either rapid fire or stopping power for an m16.

The point is, M16 is not overpowered.


Shipment is The God of Heaquarters matches.

3XFrag Perk, Jaggernaut & decent SMG - and you're ready to go for 90+ kills in one match.


Relix - Shipment comes up in 'Domination' mode.

I don't understand why people say the p90 is cheap. If you're face to face with someone, and they shoot you first, you die. o_O Simple as that. Just be aware of your surroundings and don't let Mr. P90 get so close without you realizing it.

Leo the 3rd

Lord of the Manberries
After playing a lot this weekend, I've learned one thing - mute is much needed. Some of these folks ramble too much and the fool with the ringtones playing was an a$$. And the host disconnect thing - enough already! I need to find a clan of older folks to play against.


he's Virgin Tight™
Leo the 3rd said:
After playing a lot this weekend, I've learned one thing - mute is much needed. Some of these folks ramble too much and the fool with the ringtones playing was an a$$. And the host disconnect thing - enough already! I need to find a clan of older folks to play against.

They are patching that, and it will work similar to Halo 3... Host disconnects and it selects another one. Its annoying, I know.

Thanks for answering Knee =)


Has anyone noticed that the M16 does not show a triple burst when viewed in a killcam? I thought I was looking at a yet-to-be unlocked gun whenever I got killed by one.


I've only seen shipment on Headquarters matches. But it is a lot fun. Although, if you live and die by your k/d ratio you may want to avoid it. ;)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Bearillusion said:
Ok I've asked this before but I just want to be 100% sure. If I buy the US version of COD4 will the online MP work fine on my PAL PS3? I'm buying it for the multi and I don't want to find myself locked out lof ocal games or any games for that matter. Thanks.

While not what you asked, my bro has the PAL version and plays on my NTSC PS3 and from what I've played, been matched against both US and UK players.
That P90 with three nades and other assorted perks is a deadly combo. :D

I just had my best series of matches ever. I hate to do it but spamming those grenades is so effective. It's like a free kill every life at minimum if the radar is on.

I also have a nice dual combo with overkill where I use one of those heavy machine guns and then quickly switch to a silenced P90. Pretty darn effective when switching from mid-range to close quarters combat and it's faster than reloading.

I'm gonna hate to lose all that stuff when I eventually hit Prestige Mode :(

I love the custom class slots. I actually wish I had 2 or 3 more and I'm already using all of them.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
AirBrian said:
Holy Mother of Devin Hester "No Fighting in the War Room" is hard as **** on Veteran. :(

Indeed. Hopefully you'll be lucky enough to get some checkpoints along the way (I know of at least two).

I had to watch some youtube videos before I was able to pull it off.


Cazbah said:
Has anyone noticed that the M16 does not show a triple burst when viewed in a killcam? I thought I was looking at a yet-to-be unlocked gun whenever I got killed by one.
I'm pretty sure you're confusing it with some similar weapon.

I think so because I've been having severe lag issues this past week or so, which has forced me to pay more attention to the killcam because I want to see if it was a fair kill or just me lagging out. Whenever I got insta-killed it was always an M16 and I see that on his side he actually put 2-4 bursts into me before I went down. My laggy connection just couldn't keep up.

(This also doubles as a response to the guy complaining about one-shot M16 kills. Lag is probably the answer, not headshots.)

No_Style said:
Martyrdom needs to be fixed to only trigger if you have a grenade left and if you were not killed by a headshot.
No, Martyrdom does not need to be fixed. It needs to be removed entirely.

Incredibly poor game-design right there. Punishing a player for doing good? Just amazingly retarded.

Speaking of fixes; they need to make even have ONE grenade a perk to force people to pick it off if they want something else. Everybody always spawning with grenades is way too gratuitous for people seeking those cheap kills. It's getting worse, too; I can't even begin to recount how many of my latest 100 killcams were a shot of the sky with someone tossing a grenade wildly and randomly. That's just bullshit.


I can't remember the last time I was killed by martyrdom — even on CQC-heavy maps like Vacant. That said I do play TDM almost exclusively.


Yeah, Martyrdom seems just ridiculous at first but now you almost *never* see it used. I just got to level 40something and it's just rare to see anyone using the perk, much less it working. I get killed by Martyrdom maybe once ever 10 matches, even when I'm running around stabbing people.

It's like how the chopper becomes much less impressive over time. Now it's not that unusual at all to see someone call a chopper and then see the chopper die in like 10 seconds before it kills anyone. Or else on certain levels people are just good at fighting effectively while keeping indoors while the enemy chopper is on station and only going outside when you know it's safe, the rather large patrol route the choppers take mean you can be outside shooting at guys quite happily as long as you pay attention.


Victrix said:
OMG SHUT UP, and other random complaints

Can we please get an option to mute the other team/mute players not on your friend list? sometimes its tolerable, rarely its good, most of the time the chatter is completely godawful.

When you die or have a extra second where you won't get ambushed...Just go to your dashboard in mid match (The big XBOX Live button on your pad), hit the far right tab, look for the guy and simply hit mute.

Works like a charm, I do it all the time.
calder said:
Yeah, Martyrdom seems just ridiculous at first but now you almost *never* see it used. I just got to level 40something and it's just rare to see anyone using the perk, much less it working. I get killed by Martyrdom maybe once ever 10 matches, even when I'm running around stabbing people.

It's like how the chopper becomes much less impressive over time. Now it's not that unusual at all to see someone call a chopper and then see the chopper die in like 10 seconds before it kills anyone. Or else on certain levels people are just good at fighting effectively while keeping indoors while the enemy chopper is on station and only going outside when you know it's safe, the rather large patrol route the choppers take mean you can be outside shooting at guys quite happily as long as you pay attention.

Agreed. The chopper really does seem to go down quick nowadays if you are playing with decent people.

Also surprisingly unlike a lot of games on Live, the racists/loud talkers/singers I never seem to run into. I don't know if I'm just getting lucky or something because it happens on nearly every other game on Live but I swear people barely talk in this game. It's actually a little frustrating because I wish there was a little more casual strategic talk once the game is underway like I remember in Ghost Recon, or even that occurs in Halo but outside of the occasional grunts or curse words when your team is getting their ass kicked it's pretty quiet when I play. I strictly play Team Deathmatch though so maybe that has something to do with it.
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