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Call of Duty 4: Exploding Car Clone Wars Official Thread

w00t! The matchmaking server went back up and I went on to play some of my best personal games ever. :D

I just wish IW can get the new playlist out ASAP because I'm tired of leaving rooms that are set to play HTDM so I can get into a room to play HS&D.


My youngest brother got a PS3 for christmas and naturally picked up COD4. I apologize in advance to anyone who has to listen to my party as the 4 of us cruise around bickering and mocking each other. :lol

Blindrocket, I see you on most of the time I'm playing. What do you normally play and what level are you at? I've debated inviting you to a party to play for a bit but I'd hate to annoy you if you were playing with others or doing modes I don't normally play etc. Because one of the most annoying fucking things about this game is how it handles party invites, god the giant pause and near-certain death when it comes up on your screen in the middle of the match is one thing, but it just seems to work so poorly besides. Half the time one person has trouble accepting invitations no matter who sends them.
I pretty much play Hardcore exclusively. I do venture out to other modes when some of my friends (who for some reason loathe hardcore mode) want to play something else. Since I am nice, I oblige. :D

If I'm in a game, the only time I see an invite is when I press Start to see the map and other options (which I do frequently, a quick look at the full map during a UAV can say a lot!). Is that how it works for you too? But yes, some of the invite and party stuff is rather wonky.

But if you want to play Hardcore, go ahead and invite me any time. :) There are a couple from GAF that I play with, it's too damned bad our GRU didn't take off though. :(


Yeah I'll hit you up for some Hardcore sometime, I really should try that more (I think I played one round). It is a pity GRU never caught on, I think it was a combination of the lack of a few handy clan controls/features and the fact that you had to play for a while to get up high enough to unlock Hardcore. Some ppl got there fast, I know I took at least a couple of weeks to get that level, and by then the moment had kinda passed by. One downside to the otherwise extremely addictive XP/ranking system.


Just finished the game. Fucking awesome, and I have to say that the cinematic feel really impressed on me. I was actually sad to see
Griggs, Gaz, and Price all get killed in the end
and even kind of relieved when
Kamarov got my ass out of there
. Damn you IW for playing with my emotions!

Damn good game, maybe even my GOTY.


It bugs me that not one single person I know personally who has the game (and that's almost 10 now on PS3 and 360 from work and family) finished the SP game. Two of the people I play with regularly never played the single player AT ALL, not even the tutorial mission! The last mission was just bloody emotionally
and the whole campaign I felt was top-notch. Some people may not care for the trigger-heavy scripted nature that is still the heart of COD but I didn't mind, and it certainly allowed IW to give one of the best and most compelling storylines in FPS that I've ever played.


calder said:
It bugs me that not one single person I know personally who has the game (and that's almost 10 now on PS3 and 360 from work and family) finished the SP game. Two of the people I play with regularly never played the single player AT ALL, not even the tutorial mission! The last mission was just bloody emotionally
and the whole campaign I felt was top-notch. Some people may not care for the trigger-heavy scripted nature that is still the heart of COD but I didn't mind, and it certainly allowed IW to give one of the best and most compelling storylines in FPS that I've ever played.

I finished the single player yesterday and I agree. Usually I don't like heavy scripted games, but I think IW does a great job with it. This is also the first time in the COD series that I knew what the hell was going on with the story :lol

I still don't like the Clone Factories, but IW makes one hell of a videogame rollercoaster.
CajoleJuice said:
Playing on XBL is just too fun right now. So many newcomers. I just went 21-1. :lol
I noticed a lot of n00bs today on the Playstation Network as well. :)
CoD4 must have been under a lot of Christmas trees.


MrToughPants said:
Downloading Game Settings...
I, and a few other ppl I know, have been having that problem off and on the last few days. I wonder if it's just a load issue for Activision's login servers, those problems hadn't happened to me at all after the first server-side patches went up a few weeks after launch until now. At least my custom classes haven't had their names wiped lately, I swear to god if I have to rename them one more freaking time... :lol


CajoleJuice said:
Playing on XBL is just too fun right now. So many newcomers. I just went 21-1. :lol
I was laughing about that same thing with a friend of mine a few days ago. Starting around the 24th, it was new people a plenty in every room I was in.

A few of 'em I'd notice immediately even after coming in late because they'd get lost in the maps. I'd watch them walk down a dead end and look all over the place trying to find a way out. Then wait till they turn around and shoot them in the face. :lol!

In that same game it ended up being me (lvl 55), another high level, 54 and everyone else was sub 7. Hilarious.
raYne said:
I was laughing about that same thing with a friend of mine a few days ago. Starting around the 24th, it was new people a plenty in every room I was in.

A few of 'em I'd notice after coming in late because they'd get lost in the maps. I'd watch them walk down a dead end and look all over the place trying to find a way out. Then wait till they turn around and shoot them in the face. :lol!

In that same game it ended up being me (lvl 55), another high level 54 and everyone else was sub 7. Hilarious.
I first experienced the phenomenon a little over a week ago when I played with a forum buddy who had just bought a 360 and COD4. I started one match 24-0. Apparently, that was just a taste.


raYne said:
I was laughing about that same thing with a friend of mine a few days ago. Starting around the 24th, it was new people a plenty in every room I was in.

A few of 'em I'd notice after coming in late because they'd get lost in the maps. I'd watch them walk down a dead end and look all over the place trying to find a way out. Then wait till they turn around and shoot them in the face. :lol!

In that same game it ended up being me (lvl 55), another high level 54 and everyone else was sub 7. Hilarious.
I had a opposite experience the other day, though. My team with 50s and prestiges got slaughtered by a bunch of teen level dudes. Even todate, I still scratch my head what happened in that match. Maybe, match making was working cause I was wondering why the match making worked out that way until we totally lost the match.
calder said:
It bugs me that not one single person I know personally who has the game (and that's almost 10 now on PS3 and 360 from work and family) finished the SP game. Two of the people I play with regularly never played the single player AT ALL, not even the tutorial mission! The last mission was just bloody emotionally
and the whole campaign I felt was top-notch. Some people may not care for the trigger-heavy scripted nature that is still the heart of COD but I didn't mind, and it certainly allowed IW to give one of the best and most compelling storylines in FPS that I've ever played.

I can only play the single player in short doses myself. Too heavily scripted although there are some good bits.


CajoleJuice said:
I first experienced the phenomenon a little over a week ago when I played with a forum buddy who had just bought a 360 and COD4. I started one match 24-0. Apparently, that was just a taste.
Hell, I even started using weapons I never use, just to make it more even. Next time it happens I plan to run around with a pistol all match. :D

Sushen said:
I had a opposite experience the other day, though. My team with 50s and prestiges got slaughtered by a bunch of teen level dudes. Even todate, I still scratch my head what happened in that match. Maybe, match making was working cause I was wondering why the match making worked out that way until we totally lost the match.
Had the same happen to me. Though in that case it was being it unfamiliar territory (1st time playing HQ) coupled with the other team (even though they were low levels) already knowing the HQ spawns. So they'd already be there as soon as the last one was destroyed.

Now, that sucked.
Sometimes the n00bs aren't too bad, especially once they make it to the teens.

What gets me is seeing a level 40-something not know how to defuse a fucking bomb in Search and Destroy. Thankfully they have never been on my team, but as I am in the dead channel with the entire rest of my team, we are laughing.our.asses.off as that guy walks all over the bomb, stares down at it, shoots it, picks it up and drops it, and ultimately gets blown up by it. :lol


blindrocket said:
Sometimes the n00bs aren't too bad, especially once they make it to the teens.

What gets me is seeing a level 40-something not know how to defuse a fucking bomb in Search and Destroy. Thankfully they have never been on my team, but as I am in the dead channel with the entire rest of my team, we are laughing.our.asses.off as that guy walks all over the bomb, stares down at it, shoots it, picks it up and drops it, and ultimately gets blown up by it. :lol
I remember the early beta days. We'd be playing S&D, get a clear path to the sight. Reach the target, and then notice that none of us had the bomb.


Good times. :lol
I just started playing the PS3 version today (but I was in the 360 beta) and I am crushing level 40's and higher WTF? I was in one game where it was 3 on 4 and the other team had all 40 - 50 rank people. I got 36 kills and my team each got 20 or something. The other team barely scratched the kill quota.


darkressurection said:
I just started playing the PS3 version today (but I was in the 360 beta) and I am crushing level 40's and higher WTF? I was in one game where it was 3 on 4 and the other team had all 40 - 50 rank people. I got 36 kills and my team each got 20 or something. The other team barely scratched the kill quota.

This is because rank in cod4 =/= skill. Any turd can level up given enough time.
oo Kosma oo said:
This is because rank in cod4 =/= skill. Any turd can level up given enough time.
I've noticed that so far. I can only imagine the ego hit those people take when they get demolished by a level 6. "WTF! That lowbie must be hacking! I am a level 55!"
raYne said:
I remember the early beta days. We'd be playing S&D, get a clear path to the sight. Reach the target, and then notice that none of us had the bomb.


Good times. :lol

Interestingly, in the PC version of CoD (the original) EVERYONE had a bomb. So all you had to do was make it to the bomb site, you didn't need the "package." I like it this way though.


darkressurection said:
I've noticed that so far. I can only imagine the ego hit those people take when they get demolished by a level 6. "WTF! That lowbie must be hacking! I am a level 55!"
You're exceptionally good if you figured out the maps by level 6. In CoD4, knowing your map counts as much as your fast aiming skills. I'm still learning new things...


oo Kosma oo said:
By the way is my boss dense or is there really no prestige mode in the PC version?
No prestige mode in PC.

Assumption was that someone hacking stats (locally or speed-boosting in a server) could likely happen sooner or later. It stings less if they aren't just boosting instantly to Prestige10.

(Your boss may still be dense, of course. But s/he is correct about PC leveling!)


CoD4 must have been under a lot of Christmas trees.

I'm not sure how good a measure of sales the 360 leaderboard is, but:
Xmas eve night: 1,700k
Xmas: 1,800k
now: 1,970k

So that's almost 300k new people, and I'm sure many are going through the single player campaign first, or don't have Live or Gold.


I'm surprised that many of you had problems during the "All Ghilled Up" mission. I just completed it in one try on Veteran without using the "trick" after completing it on "Hardened" about a month ago in one go-around.
It was easy as pie. :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PS3 version.

What the fuck COD4?

I gained a LV2 rank after one match, game halts in the middle of joining the second match, I restart the game, log back on, and it didn't save any of my progress.


EDIT: Does it usually take this long to join a match, or is it just slow today?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
reilo said:
PS3 version.

What the fuck COD4?

I gained a LV2 rank after one match, game halts in the middle of joining the second match, I restart the game, log back on, and it didn't save any of my progress.


EDIT: Does it usually take this long to join a match, or is it just slow today?

it was fixed, i dunno whats wrong today


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
~Devil Trigger~ said:
it was fixed, i dunno whats wrong today

I literally just played the game for the first time today, too. I downloaded the 1.1patch, played the first SP level and then went to play online.

Found a match right away, played for a good 10-15mins, got to LV2, then I had to restart when it halted, lost my rank and XP, and now I am sitting here waiting for it to find a damn game.
Got game yesterday, been playing quite a bit. Couple of questions:

Do the addons or whatever they are called affect the gun more than just the stats shown? It feels like the first sniper rifle gets a shitload of kickback once you unlock it's scope.

Is there seriously no way for doing split screen online? Even with two gamertags? Split Screen Team Doubles is like the coolest damn thing you can do with Halo 3, not having any option whatsoever here is just...

Also am I doing something wrong or does the capture/defend thing give a gross amount of points over any other gametype?

Anyways, this game is disgustingly hard to get the hang of. There are sooo many goddamn maps, and none of them particularly simple. Also can't say I'm the biggest fan of the achievements or whatever they are called being locked off.


God, this is annoying. Takes forever to find a game then when it does, it either kicks you from the lobby or the host leaves the game after the countdown.

Does the US PS3 version run any better with the patch?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
~Devil Trigger~ said:
/k, warhawk it is

Yeah, I was thinking of just going to buy Warhawk if this damn thing doesn't find a new match.

Got 116pts +20 bonus on the last level. My teammates SUCKED. They cowered in a corner like idiots. I'm getting good at this, watch out! LV3 bitches.


I got it for Christmas (360). Having a bitch of a time getting used to the controls (my first console FPS). It's humbling being an ace with twitch on the PC all the way back to Wolf3D to sucking so bad the tutorial on CoD4 strongly recommends you play on Recruit :(

Aim assist off, cranked up sensitivity. Any other suggestions?


Got to level 10 after two days, I was getting my ass beaten till I pick the second sub rifle with the grip addon. Now I'm easily taking on folks with 40+ levels.

Does anyone ever use the jump button? Jump is the most useless thing in the game.


yoopoo said:
Got to level 10 after two days, I was getting my ass beaten till I pick the second sub rifle with the grip addon. Now I'm easily taking on folks with 40+ levels.

Does anyone ever use the jump button? Jump is the most useless thing in the game.

I do

but not for SP ;)


yoopoo said:
Got to level 10 after two days, I was getting my ass beaten till I pick the second sub rifle with the grip addon. Now I'm easily taking on folks with 40+ levels.

Does anyone ever use the jump button? Jump is the most useless thing in the game.

How else do you climb over ledges, cars etc?


nods at old men
yoopoo said:
Got to level 10 after two days, I was getting my ass beaten till I pick the second sub rifle with the grip addon. Now I'm easily taking on folks with 40+ levels.

Does anyone ever use the jump button? Jump is the most useless thing in the game.

I hopped a couple times to shoot someone just over the fence.

Got him.

The replay must have been hilarious.
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